* Copyright 2016, Yahoo! Inc.
* Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
import Ember from 'ember';
const {
} = Ember;
* The default validation error messages are imported in your app's `validators` folder.
* If you want to change or extend them, all you need to do is create a `messages.js` file under `app/validators`.
* ```javascript
* // app/validators/messages.js
* import Messages from 'ember-cp-validations/validators/messages';
* export default Messages.extend({
* uniqueUsername: '{description} {username} already exists'
* });
* ```
* Within this object, you can overwrite the [default messages](https://github.com/offirgolan/ember-cp-validations/blob/master/addon/validators/messages.js) or create new messages just like in the example above.
* If a message of a given type is not found, it will default to the `invalid` message.
* Usage examples can be found {{#crossLink "Base/createErrorMessage:method"}}here{{/crossLink}}
* @class Messages
* @module Validators
export default Ember.Object.extend({
* Regex for matching error message placeholders
* @private
* @property _regex
* @type {RegExp}
_regex: /\{(\w+)\}/g,
* Default attribute description if one isnt passed into a validator's options
* @property defaultDescription
* @type {String}
defaultDescription: 'This field',
* Get a description for a specific attribute. This is a hook
* for i18n solutions to retrieve attribute descriptions from a translation
* @method getDescriptionFor
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Object} options
* @return {String}
getDescriptionFor(attribute, options = {}) {
return options.description || get(this, 'defaultDescription');
* Get a message with a given type
* @method getMessageFor
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} context
* @return {String}
getMessageFor(type, context = {}) {
return this.formatMessage(get(this, type), context);
* Regex replace all placeholders with their given context
* @method formatMessage
* @param {String} message
* @param {Object} context
* @return {String}
formatMessage(message, context = {}) {
let m = message;
if (isNone(m) || typeof m !== 'string') {
m = get(this, 'invalid');
return m.replace(get(this, '_regex'), (s, attr) => context[attr]);
* Default validation error message strings
inclusion: '{description} is not included in the list',
exclusion: '{description} is reserved',
invalid: '{description} is invalid',
confirmation: '{description} doesn\'t match {on}',
accepted: '{description} must be accepted',
empty: '{description} can\'t be empty',
blank: '{description} can\'t be blank',
present: '{description} must be blank',
collection: '{description} must be a collection',
singular: '{description} can\'t be a collection',
tooLong: '{description} is too long (maximum is {max} characters)',
tooShort: '{description} is too short (minimum is {min} characters)',
before: '{description} must be before {before}',
onOrBefore: '{description} must be on or before {onOrBefore}',
after: '{description} must be after {after}',
onOrAfter: '{description} must be on or after {onOrAfter}',
wrongDateFormat: '{description} must be in the format of {format}',
wrongLength: '{description} is the wrong length (should be {is} characters)',
notANumber: '{description} must be a number',
notAnInteger: '{description} must be an integer',
greaterThan: '{description} must be greater than {gt}',
greaterThanOrEqualTo: '{description} must be greater than or equal to {gte}',
equalTo: '{description} must be equal to {is}',
lessThan: '{description} must be less than {lt}',
lessThanOrEqualTo: '{description} must be less than or equal to {lte}',
otherThan: '{description} must be other than {value}',
odd: '{description} must be odd',
even: '{description} must be even',
positive: '{description} must be positive',
date: '{description} must be a valid date',
email: '{description} must be a valid email address',
phone: '{description} must be a valid phone number',
url: '{description} must be a valid url'