* Copyright 2016, Yahoo! Inc.
* Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
import Ember from 'ember';
import getOwner from 'ember-getowner-polyfill';
import flatten from '../utils/flatten';
import assign from '../utils/assign';
import ValidationResult from './result';
import ValidationResultCollection from './result-collection';
import BaseValidator from '../validators/base';
import cycleBreaker from '../utils/cycle-breaker';
import shouldCallSuper from '../utils/should-call-super';
const {
A: emberArray
} = Ember;
const merge = Ember.assign || Ember.merge;
const {
} = RSVP;
const {
} = computed;
* ## Running Manual Validations
* Although validations are lazily computed, there are times where we might want to force all or
* specific validations to happen. For this reason we have exposed two methods:
* - {{#crossLink "Factory/validateSync:method"}}{{/crossLink}}: Should only be used if all validations are synchronous. It will throw an error if any of the validations are asynchronous
* - {{#crossLink "Factory/validate:method"}}{{/crossLink}}: Will always return a promise and should be used if asynchronous validations are present
* ## Inspecting Validations
* All validations can be accessed via the `validations` object created on your model/object.
* Each attribute also has its own validation which has the same properties.
* An attribute validation can be accessed via `validations.attrs.<ATTRIBUTE>` which will return a {{#crossLink "ResultCollection"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* ### Global Validations
* Global validations exist on the `validations` object that resides on the object that is being validated.
* To see all possible properties, please checkout the docs for {{#crossLink "ResultCollection"}}{{/crossLink}}.
* ```js
* model.get('validations.isValid');
* model.get('validations.errors');
* model.get('validations.messages');
* // etc...
* ```
* ### Attribute Validations
* The `validations` object also contains an `attrs` object which holds a {{#crossLink "ResultCollection"}}{{/crossLink}}
* for each attribute specified in your validation rules.
* ```js
* model.get('validations.attrs.username.isValid');
* model.get('validations.attrs.password.errors');
* model.get('validations.attrs.email.messages');
* // etc...
* ```
* @module Validations
* @main Validations
* @class Factory
* Top level method that will ultimately return a mixin with all CP validations
* @method buildValidations
* @param {Object} validations Validation rules
* @return {Ember.Mixin}
function buildValidations(validations = {}, globalOptions = {}) {
normalizeOptions(validations, globalOptions);
let Validations, validationMixinCount;
return Ember.Mixin.create({
init() {
// Count number of mixins to bypass super check if there is more than 1
this.__validationsMixinCount__ = this.__validationsMixinCount__ || 0;
validationMixinCount = ++this.__validationsMixinCount__;
__validationsClass__: computed(function () {
if (!Validations) {
let inheritedClass;
if(shouldCallSuper(this, '__validationsClass__') || validationMixinCount > 1) {
inheritedClass = this._super();
Validations = createValidationsClass(inheritedClass, validations, getOwner(this));
return Validations;
validations: computed(function () {
return this.get('__validationsClass__').create({
model: this
validate() {
return get(this, 'validations').validate(...arguments);
validateSync() {
return get(this, 'validations').validateSync(...arguments);
destroy() {
get(this, 'validations').destroy();
* Validation rules can be created with default and global options
* {
* description: 'Username',
* validators: [...]
* }
* This method generate the default options pojo, applies it to each validation rule, and flattens the object
* @method normalizeOptions
* @private
* @param {Object} validations
* @return
function normalizeOptions(validations = {}, globalOptions = {}) {
const validatableAttrs = Object.keys(validations);
validatableAttrs.forEach(attribute => {
const rules = validations[attribute];
if (rules && typeof rules === 'object' && isArray(rules.validators)) {
const options = Object.keys(rules).reduce((o, k) => {
if (k !== 'validators') {
o[k] = rules[k];
return o;
}, {});
const validators = rules.validators;
validators.forEach(v => {
v.defaultOptions = options;
validations[attribute] = validators;
validations[attribute] = makeArray(validations[attribute]);
validations[attribute].forEach(v => {
v.globalOptions = globalOptions;
* Creates the validations class that will become `model.validations`.
* - Setup parent validation inheritance
* - Normalize nested keys (i.e. 'details.dob') into objects (i.e { details: { dob: validator() }})
* - Merge normalized validations with parent
* - Create global CPs (i.e. 'isValid', 'messages', etc...)
* @method createValidationsClass
* @private
* @param {Object} inheritedValidationsClass
* @param {Object} validations
* @param {Object} owner
* @return {Ember.Object}
function createValidationsClass(inheritedValidationsClass, validations, owner) {
let validationRules = {};
let validatableAttributes = Object.keys(validations);
// Setup validation inheritance
if (inheritedValidationsClass && inheritedValidationsClass.__isCPValidationsClass__) {
const inheritedValidations = inheritedValidationsClass.create();
validationRules = merge(validationRules, inheritedValidations.get('_validationRules'));
validatableAttributes = emberArray(inheritedValidations.get('validatableAttributes').concat(validatableAttributes)).uniq();
// Normalize nested keys into actual objects and merge them with parent object
Object.keys(validations).reduce((obj, key) => {
assign(obj, key, validations[key]);
return obj;
}, validationRules);
// Create the mixin that holds all the top level validation props (isValid, messages, etc)
const TopLevelProps = createTopLevelPropsMixin(validatableAttributes);
// Create the `attrs` class which will add the current model reference once instantiated
const AttrsClass = createAttrsClass(validatableAttributes, validationRules, owner);
// Create `validations` class
const ValidationsClass = Ember.Object.extend(TopLevelProps, {
model: null,
attrs: null,
isValidations: true,
validatableAttributes: computed(function () {
return validatableAttributes;
// Caches
_validators: null,
_debouncedValidations: null,
// Private
_validationRules: computed(function () {
return validationRules;
init() {
attrs: AttrsClass.create({
_model: this.get('model')
_validators: {},
_debouncedValidations: {}
destroy() {
const validatableAttrs = get(this, 'validatableAttributes');
const debouncedValidations = get(this, '_debouncedValidations');
// Initiate attrs destroy to cleanup any remaining model references
// Cancel all debounced timers
validatableAttrs.forEach(attr => {
const attrCache = get(debouncedValidations, attr);
if (!isNone(attrCache)) {
// Itterate over each attribute and cancel all of its debounced validations
Object.keys(attrCache).forEach(v => run.cancel(attrCache[v]));
__isCPValidationsClass__: true
return ValidationsClass;
* Creates the `attrs` class which holds all the CP logic
* ```javascript
* model.get('validations.attrs.username');
* model.get('validations.attrs.nested.object.attribute');
* ```
* @method createAttrsClass
* @private
* @param {Object} validatableAttributes
* @param {Object} validationRules
* @param {Object} owner
* @return {Ember.Object}
function createAttrsClass(validatableAttributes, validationRules, owner) {
return Ember.Object.extend({
init() {
const model = this.get('_model');
// Create the CPs
validatableAttributes.forEach(attribute => {
const cp = createCPValidationFor(attribute, get(validationRules, attribute), owner);
assign(this, attribute, cp, true);
validatableAttributes.forEach(attribute => {
// Add a reference to the model in the deepest object
const path = attribute.split('.');
const lastObject = get(this, path.slice(0, path.length - 1).join('.'));
if (isNone(get(lastObject, '_model'))) {
set(lastObject, '_model', model);
destroy() {
validatableAttributes.forEach(attribute => {
// Remove model reference from nested objects
const path = attribute.split('.');
const lastObject = get(this, path.slice(0, path.length - 1).join('.'));
if (!isNone(get(lastObject, '_model'))) {
set(lastObject, '_model', null);
* CP generator for the given attribute
* @method createCPValidationFor
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Array / Object} validations
* @return {Ember.computed} A computed property which is a ValidationResultCollection
function createCPValidationFor(attribute, validations, owner) {
const dependentKeys = getCPDependentKeysFor(attribute, validations, owner);
return computed(...dependentKeys, cycleBreaker(function () {
const model = get(this, '_model');
const validators = !isNone(model) ? getValidatorsFor(attribute, model) : [];
const validationResults = validators.map(validator => {
const options = validator.processOptions();
const debounce = getWithDefault(options, 'debounce', 0);
const disabled = getWithDefault(options, 'disabled', false);
let value;
if (disabled) {
value = true;
} else if (debounce > 0) {
const cache = getDebouncedValidationsCacheFor(attribute, model);
// Return a promise and pass the resolve method to the debounce handler
value = new Promise(resolve => {
cache[guidFor(validator)] = run.debounce(validator, debouncedValidate, validator, model, attribute, resolve, debounce, false);
} else {
value = validator.validate(validator.getValue(), options, model, attribute);
return validationReturnValueHandler(attribute, value, model, validator);
return ValidationResultCollection.create({
content: flatten(validationResults)
* Create a mixin that will have all the top level CPs under the validations object.
* These are computed collections on different properties of each attribute validations CP
* @method createTopLevelPropsMixin
* @private
* @param {Object} validations
function createTopLevelPropsMixin(validatableAttrs) {
return Ember.Mixin.create({
isValid: and(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.isValid`)).readOnly(),
isValidating: or(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.isValidating`)).readOnly(),
isDirty: or(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.isDirty`)).readOnly(),
isAsync: or(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.isAsync`)).readOnly(),
isNotValidating: not('isValidating').readOnly(),
isInvalid: not('isValid').readOnly(),
isTruelyValid: and('isValid', 'isNotValidating').readOnly(),
messages: computed(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.messages`), function () {
return emberArray(flatten(validatableAttrs.map(attr => get(this, `attrs.${attr}.messages`)))).compact();
message: computed('messages.[]', cycleBreaker(function () {
return get(this, 'messages.0');
errors: computed(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}.@each.errors`), function () {
return emberArray(flatten(validatableAttrs.map(attr => get(this, `attrs.${attr}.errors`)))).compact();
error: computed('errors.[]', cycleBreaker(function () {
return get(this, 'errors.0');
_promise: computed(...validatableAttrs.map(attr => `attrs.${attr}._promise`), function () {
const promises = [];
validatableAttrs.forEach(attr => {
const validation = get(this, `attrs.${attr}`);
if (get(validation, 'isAsync')) {
promises.push(get(validation, '_promise'));
return RSVP.Promise.all(flatten(promises));
* CP dependency generator for a give attribute depending on its relationships
* @method getCPDependentKeysFor
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Array / Object} validations
* @return {Array} Unique list of dependencies
function getCPDependentKeysFor(attribute, validations, owner) {
let dependentKeys = validations.map(validation => {
const type = validation._type;
const options = validation.options;
const Validator = type === 'function' ? BaseValidator : lookupValidator(owner, type);
const baseDependents = BaseValidator.getDependentsFor(attribute, options) || [];
const dependents = Validator.getDependentsFor(attribute, options) || [];
const specifiedDependents = [].concat(
getWithDefault(options, 'dependentKeys', []),
getWithDefault(validation, 'defaultOptions.dependentKeys', []),
getWithDefault(validation, 'globalOptions.dependentKeys', [])
return baseDependents.concat(
specifiedDependents.map(d => `_model.${d}`)
dependentKeys = flatten(dependentKeys);
return emberArray(dependentKeys).uniq();
* Debounce handler for running a validation for the specified options
* @method debouncedValidate
* @private
* @param {Validator} validator
* @param {Unknown} value
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Object} model
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Function} resolve
function debouncedValidate(validator, model, attribute, resolve) {
const options = validator.processOptions();
const value = validator.getValue();
resolve(validator.validate(value, options, model, attribute));
* A handler used to create ValidationResult object from values returned from a validator
* @method validationReturnValueHandler
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Unknown} value
* @param {Object} model
* @return {ValidationResult}
function validationReturnValueHandler(attribute, value, model, validator) {
let result;
if (canInvoke(value, 'then')) {
result = ValidationResult.create({
_promise: Promise.resolve(value),
_validator: validator
} else {
result = ValidationResult.create({
_validator: validator
return result;
* Get validators for the give attribute. If they are not in the cache, then create them.
* @method getValidatorsFor
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Object} model
* @return {Array}
function getValidatorsFor(attribute, model) {
const validators = get(model, `validations._validators.${attribute}`);
if (!isNone(validators)) {
return validators;
return createValidatorsFor(attribute, model);
* Get debounced validation cache for the given attribute. If it doesnt exist, create a new one.
* @method getValidatorCacheFor
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Object} model
* @return {Map}
function getDebouncedValidationsCacheFor(attribute, model) {
const debouncedValidations = get(model, 'validations._debouncedValidations');
if (isNone(get(debouncedValidations, attribute))) {
assign(debouncedValidations, attribute, {});
return get(debouncedValidations, attribute);
* Create validators for the give attribute and store them in a cache
* @method createValidatorsFor
* @private
* @param {String} attribute
* @param {Object} model
* @return {Array}
function createValidatorsFor(attribute, model) {
const validations = get(model, 'validations');
const validationRules = makeArray(get(validations, `_validationRules.${attribute}`));
const validatorCache = get(validations, '_validators');
const owner = getOwner(model);
const validators = [];
let validator;
// We must have an owner to be able to lookup our validators
if (isNone(owner)) {
throw new TypeError(`[ember-cp-validations] ${model.toString()} is missing a container or owner.`);
validationRules.forEach(v => {
v.attribute = attribute;
v.model = model;
// If validate function exists, that means validator was created with a function so use the base class
if (v._type === 'function') {
validator = BaseValidator.create(owner.ownerInjection(), v);
} else {
validator = lookupValidator(owner, v._type).create(v);
// Add validators to model instance cache
assign(validatorCache, attribute, validators);
return validators;
* Lookup a validators of a specific type on the owner
* @method lookupValidator
* @throws {Error} Validator not found
* @private
* @param {Ember.Owner} owner
* @param {String} type
* @return {Class} Validator class or undefined if not found
function lookupValidator(owner, type) {
const validatorClass = owner._lookupFactory(`validator:${type}`);
if (isNone(validatorClass)) {
throw new Error(`[ember-cp-validations] Validator not found of type: ${type}.`);
return validatorClass;
* ### Options
* - `on` (**Array**): Only validate the given attributes. If empty, will validate over all validatable attribute
* - `excludes` (**Array**): Exclude validation on the given attributes
* ```javascript
* model.validate({ on: ['username', 'email'] }).then(({ m, validations }) => {
* validations.get('isValid'); // true or false
* validations.get('isValidating'); // false
* let usernameValidations = m.get('validations.attrs.username');
* usernameValidations.get('isValid') // true or false
* });
* ```
* @method validate
* @param {Object} options
* @param {Boolean} async If `false`, will get all validations and will error if an async validations is found.
* If `true`, will get all validations and wrap them in a promise hash
* @return {Promise or Object} Promise if async is true, object if async is false
function validate(options = {}, async = true) {
const model = get(this, 'model');
const whiteList = makeArray(options.on);
const blackList = makeArray(options.excludes);
const validationResults = get(this, 'validatableAttributes').reduce((v, name) => {
if (!isEmpty(blackList) && blackList.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
return v;
if (isEmpty(whiteList) || whiteList.indexOf(name) !== -1) {
const validationResult = get(this, `attrs.${name}`);
// If an async validation is found, throw an error
if (!async && get(validationResult, 'isAsync')) {
throw new Error(`[ember-cp-validations] Synchronous validation failed due to ${name} being an async validation.`);
return v;
}, []);
const validationResultsCollection = ValidationResultCollection.create({
content: validationResults
const resultObject = {
validations: validationResultsCollection
if (async) {
if (get(validationResultsCollection, 'isAsync')) {
resultObject.promise = get(validationResultsCollection, 'value');
return RSVP.hash(resultObject);
return resultObject;
* ### Options
* - `on` (**Array**): Only validate the given attributes. If empty, will validate over all validatable attribute
* - `excludes` (**Array**): Exclude validation on the given attributes
* ```javascript
* const { m, validations } = model.validateSync();
* validations.get('isValid') // true or false
* ```
* @method validateSync
* @param {Object} options
* @return {Object}
function validateSync(options) {
return this.validate(options, false);