* Copyright 2016, Yahoo! Inc.
* Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.
import Factory from './validations/factory';
import Validator from './validations/validator';
* ## Installation
* ```shell
* ember install ember-cp-validations
* ```
* ## Changelog
* Changelog can be found [here](https://github.com/offirgolan/ember-cp-validations/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md)
* ## Live Demo
* A live demo can be found [here](http://offirgolan.github.io/ember-cp-validations/)
* ## Looking for help?
* If it is a bug [please open an issue on GitHub](http://github.com/offirgolan/ember-cp-validations/issues).
* @module Home
* <h2 id="models">Models</h2>
* The first thing we need to do it build our validation rules. This will then generate a Mixin that you will be able to incorporate into your model or object.
* ```javascript
* // models/user.js
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import DS from 'ember-data';
* import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* username: validator('presence', true),
* password: [
* validator('presence', true),
* validator('length', {
* min: 4,
* max: 8
* })
* ],
* email: [
* validator('presence', true),
* validator('format', { type: 'email' })
* ],
* emailConfirmation: [
* validator('presence', true),
* validator('confirmation', {
* on: 'email',
* message: '{description} do not match',
* description: 'Email addresses'
* })
* ]
* });
* ```
* Once our rules are created and our Mixin is generated, all we have to do is add it to our model.
* ```javascript
* // models/user.js
* export default DS.Model.extend(Validations, {
* 'username': attr('string'),
* 'password': attr('string'),
* 'email': attr('string')
* });
* ```
* <h2 id="objects">Objects</h2>
* You can also use the generated `Validations` mixin on any `Ember.Object` or child
* of `Ember.Object`, like `Ember.Component`. For example:
* ```javascript
* // components/x-foo.js
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* bar: validator('presence', true)
* });
* export default Ember.Component.extend(Validations, {
* bar: null
* });
* ```
* To lookup validators, container access is required which can cause an issue with `Ember.Object` creation if the object is statically imported. The current fix for this is as follows.
* ```javascript
* // models/user.js
* export default Ember.Object.extend(Validations, {
* username: null
* });
* ```
* **Ember < 2.3.0-beta.1**
* ```javascript
* // routes/index.js
* import User from '../models/user';
* export default Ember.Route.extend({
* model() {
* var container = this.get('container');
* return User.create({ username: 'John', container })
* }
* });
* ```
* **Ember >= 2.3.0-beta.2**
* ```javascript
* // routes/index.js
* import User from '../models/user';
* export default Ember.Route.extend({
* model() {
* return User.create(
* Ember.getOwner(this).ownerInjection(),
* { username: 'John' }
* );
* }
* });
* ```
* @module Home
* @submodule Basic Usage
* <h3 id="defaultOptions">Default Options</h3>
* Default options can be specified over a set of validations for a given attribute. Local properties will always take precedence.
* Instead of doing the following:
* ```javascript
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* username: [
* validator('presence', {
* presence: true,
* description: 'Username'
* }),
* validator('length', {
* min: 1,
* description: 'Username'
* }),
* validator('no-whitespace-around', {
* description: 'A username'
* })
* ]
* });
* ```
* We can declare default options:
* ```javascript
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* username: {
* description: 'Username'
* validators: [
* validator('presence', true),
* validator('length', {
* min: 1
* }),
* validator('no-whitespace-around', {
* description: 'A username'
* })
* ]
* },
* });
* ```
* In the above example, all the validators for username will have a description of `Username` except that of the `no-whitespace-around` validator which will be `A username`.
* <h3 id="globalOptions">Global Options</h3>
* If you have specific options you want to propagate throught all your validation rules, you can do so by passing in a global options object.
* This is ideal for when you have a dependent key that each validator requires such as the current locale from your i18n implementation, or
* you want easily toggle your validations on/off.
* ```javascript
* const Validations = buildValidations(validationRules, globalOptions);
* ```
* ```javascript
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* firstName: {
* description: 'First Name'
* validators: [
* validator('presence', {
* presence: true,
* dependentKeys: ['foo', 'bar']
* })
* ]
* },
* lastName: validator('presence', true)
* }, {
* description: 'This field'
* dependentKeys: ['i18n.locale', 'disableValidations'],
* disabled(model, attribute) {
* return model.get('disableValidations');
* }
* });
* ```
* Just like in the default options, locale validator options will always take precedence over default options and default options will always take precedence
* over global options. This allows you to declare global rules while having the ability to override them in lower levels.
* This rule does not apply to `dependentKeys`, instead they all are merged. In the example above, __firstName__'s dependentKeys will be
* `['i18n.locale', 'disableValidations', 'foo', 'bar']`
* <h3 id="optionsAsFunctions">Options as Functions</h3>
* All options can be functions which are processed lazily before validate is called. These functions are passed the `model` and `attribute` that is associated with
* the validator while also given that as their context, giving you access to all its properties.
* Please note that the `message` option of a validator has its [own signature](http://offirgolan.github.io/ember-cp-validations/docs/modules/Validators.html#message).
* ```javascript
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* dob: validator('date', {
* description: 'Date of Birth',
* format(model, attribute) {
* return model.get('meta.date.format');
* },
* before(model, attribute) {
* return moment();
* },
* after(model, attribute) {
* return moment().subtract(120, 'years');
* }
* })
* });
* ```
* <h3 id="nestedKeys">Nested Keys</h3>
* When declaring object validations (not including Ember Data models), it is possible to validate child objects from the parent object.
* ```javascript
* import Ember from 'ember';
* import { validator, buildValidations } from 'ember-cp-validations';
* const Validations = buildValidations({
* 'acceptTerms': validator('inclusion', { in: [ true ] }),
* 'user.firstName': validator('presence', true),
* 'user.lasName': validator('presence', true),
* 'user.account.number': validator('number')
* });
* export default Ember.Component.extend(Validations, {
* acceptTerms: false,
* user: {
* firstName: 'John',
* lastName: 'Doe' ,
* account: {
* number: 123456,
* }
* },
* isFormValid: Ember.computed.alias('validations.isValid'),
* });
* ```
* @module Home
* @submodule Advanced Usage
* ## [__Ember-Intl__](https://github.com/jasonmit/ember-intl-cp-validations)
* ```bash
* ember install ember-intl-cp-validations
* ```
* ## [__Ember-I18n__](https://github.com/jasonmit/ember-i18n-cp-validations)
* ```bash
* ember install ember-i18n-cp-validations
* ```
* @module Home
* @submodule I18n Solutions
export const buildValidations = Factory;
export const validator = Validator;
export default {