This specification defines a vocabulary and resource shapes for the OSLC Requirements Management domain.


This specification defines a vocabulary and resource shapes for the OSLC Requirements Management resources. The intent is to define resources needed to support common integration scenarios and not to provide a comprehensive definition of a Requirement. The resource formats may not match exactly the native models supported by requirement management service providers, but are intended to be compatible with them. The approach to supporting these scenarios is to delegate operations, as driven by service provider contributed user interfaces, as much as possible and not require a service provider to expose its complete data model and application logic.


Terminology is based on OSLC Core Overview [[!OSLCCore3]], W3C Linked Data Platform [[!LDP]], W3C's Architecture of the World Wide Web [[WEBARCH]], Hyper-text Transfer Protocol [[!HTTP11]]. Terminology for this specification is defined in part 1 of the multi-part specification.


In addition to the namespace URIs and namespace prefixes oslc, rdf, dcterms and foaf defined in the OSLC Core specification, OSLC RM defines the namespace URI of with a namespace prefix of oslc_rm

Requirements Management Vocabulary Terms

This specification defines the root superclasses, properties and values. Servers may define additional subclasses and provide additional properties as needed.

Requirements Management Resource Constraints

Resource: Requirement

The constraints on the Requirement resource properties are defined in the tables below. Requirement resource properties are not limited to the ones defined in this specification. Service providers may provide additional properties. It is strongly recommended that any additional properties be defined in XML namespaces distinct from those defined by OSLC in these specifications. Requirement creation through a Creation Factory resource in the Service Description is REQUIRED by this specification.

Any resource asserted to be of rdf:type MUST conform to the constraints and meaning of properties defined below. Notice that partial representations of a requirement resource are admitted by this specification (for example, in query results, or where has been used), and such partial representations will in general not conform to these constraints.

Resource: RequirementCollection

The constraints on the RequirementCollection vocaubluary resource properties are defined in the tables below. RequirementCollection resource properties are not limited to the ones defined in this specification, service providers may provide additional properties. It is strongly recommended that any additional properties be defined in XML namespaces distinct from those defined by OSLC in these specifications. RequirementCollection creation through a Creation Factory resource in the Service Description is OPTIONAL in this specification.

Any resource asserted to be of rdf:type MUST conform to the constraints and meaning of properties defined below. Notice that partial representations of a requirement collection resource are admitted by this specification (for example, in query results, or where has been used), and such partial representations will in general not conform to these constraints.

Relationship Properties

For compatibility with OSLC Core 2.0 [[!OSLCCore2]], RM servers MAY accept relationship properties. This is however no longer recommended practice, since the necessary reification of relationship can have entailment and inferencing issues. OSLC Core 3.0 Link Guidance [[!OSLCCore3LinkGuidance]] details an alternative approach, where a separate resource is created to represent the relationship and its properties.

The following relationship properties are defined by this specification:

Prefixed Name Occurs Read-only Value-type Representation Range Description
dcterms:title zero-or-one unspecified XMLLiteral n/a n/a Title (reference: Dublin Core) of the link represented as rich text in XHTML content. SHOULD include only content that is valid inside an XHTML <span> element.
dcterms:creator zero-or-many unspecified Resource or Local Resource Either Reference or Inline any Creator(s) of resource (reference: Dublin Core). It is likely that the target resource will be a foaf:Person but that is not necessarily the case.
dcterms:contributor zero-or-many unspecified Resource or Local Resource Either Reference or Inline any Creator(s) of resource (reference: Dublin Core). It is likely that the target resource will be a foaf:Person but that is not necessarily the case.
dcterms:created zero-or-one True DateTime n/a n/a Timestamp of link creation (reference: Dublin Core).
dcterms:modified zero-or-one True DateTime n/a n/a Timestamp last latest link modification (reference: Dublin Core).

Relationship labels

When an RM relationship property is to be presented in a user interface, it may be helpful to provide an informative and useful textual label for that relationship instance. (This in addition to the relationship property URI and the object resource URI, which are also candidates for presentation to a user.) To this end, OSLC Servers MAY suppport a dcterms:title link property in RM resource representations where a relationship property is permitted, using the anchor approach outlined in the OSLC Core Links Guidance.

Servers and Clients should be aware that the dcterms:title of a link is unrelated to the dcterms:title of the object resource. Indeed, links may carry other properties with names in common to the object of the link, but there is no specified relationship between these property values.

Change History

Revision Date Editor Changes Made
01 2018-08-24 Jad El-khoury Committee Specification 01 Published