MeshTex  3.0
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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCAllocatedMatrix< Element >Matrix subclass that allocates its data array on construction and deallocates it on destruction
oCGenericMainMenu::CommandCallbackMethod< ObjectClass, member >An instance of this class can be used as a GenericMainMenu::CommandCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCGenericPluginUI::DialogEventCallbackMethod< ObjectClass, member >An instance of this class can be used as a GenericPluginUI::DialogEventCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCGenericPluginUI::DialogSignalCallbackMethod< ObjectClass, member >An instance of this class can be used as a GenericPluginUI::DialogSignalCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCMeshEntity::GeneralFunctionFactorsType for defining how to manipulate control point or surface values according to some linear combination of various values
oCGenericPluginUIFramework for a manager of a command menu and dialog windows
|\CPluginUISubclass of GenericPluginUI that instantiates and registers the UI elements (main menu and dialogs)
oCMeshEntityWrapper for a biquadratic Bezier patch mesh entity from Radiant
oCMeshTexPluginDependenciesDefinition (in the declared superclasses) of the Radiant systems that this plugin depends on
oCPluginModuleA singleton object that handles registering as a plugin with Radiant
oCRefCountedA mixin for maintaining a reference count associated with an object, and destroying that object when the count falls to zero
|oCGenericDialogFramework for a basic dialog window with OK/Apply/Cancel actions
||oCGeneralFunctionDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the General Function menu entry
||oCGetInfoDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the Get Info menu entry
||\CSetScaleDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the Set S/T Scale menu entry
|oCGenericMainMenuFramework for a Radiant plugin's main menu
||\CMainMenuSubclass of GenericMainMenu that constructs the commands for this plugin
|\CMeshVisitorVisitor that will invoke Execute with a MeshEntity argument if the visited node is a valid mesh
| oCGeneralFunctionDialog::GeneralFunctionVisitorVisitor for applying the chosen equation to a mesh
| oCGetInfoDialog::GetInfoVisitorVisitor for interrogating a mesh
| oCMainMenu::PresetFuncVisitorVisitor for invoking a function on a MeshEntity when that function does not require any arguments other than the texture axes
| \CSetScaleDialog::SetScaleVisitorVisitor for applying the chosen scaling to a mesh
oCMeshEntity::RefSliceDescriptorType for choosing a reference slice of a known kind (row or column) and indicating how to use it for reference
oCMeshEntity::RefSliceDescriptorIntType for internal representation of a reference slice of a given kind (row or column), specifying the slice and indicating how to use it for reference
oCSetScaleDialog::SetScaleVisitor::SliceArgsEncapsulation of all the arguments that can affect either the S or T texture axis
oCMeshEntity::SliceDesignationType for choosing a particular slice of a known kind (row or column)
oCMeshEntity::SlicePatchContextType for orienting a slice within a particular patch
oCMeshEntity::SliceTexInfoType for describing the application of a texture along a given slice, on a specified texture axis
\CMeshEntity::TexInfoCallbackMethod< ObjectClass, member >An instance of this class can be used as a MeshEntity::TexInfoCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object