MeshTex  3.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNstdSTL namespace
oCAllocatedMatrixMatrix subclass that allocates its data array on construction and deallocates it on destruction
oCGeneralFunctionDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the General Function menu entry
|\CGeneralFunctionVisitorVisitor for applying the chosen equation to a mesh
oCGenericDialogFramework for a basic dialog window with OK/Apply/Cancel actions
oCGenericMainMenuFramework for a Radiant plugin's main menu
|\CCommandCallbackMethodAn instance of this class can be used as a GenericMainMenu::CommandCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCGenericPluginUIFramework for a manager of a command menu and dialog windows
|oCDialogEventCallbackMethodAn instance of this class can be used as a GenericPluginUI::DialogEventCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
|\CDialogSignalCallbackMethodAn instance of this class can be used as a GenericPluginUI::DialogSignalCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCGetInfoDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the Get Info menu entry
|\CGetInfoVisitorVisitor for interrogating a mesh
oCMainMenuSubclass of GenericMainMenu that constructs the commands for this plugin
|\CPresetFuncVisitorVisitor for invoking a function on a MeshEntity when that function does not require any arguments other than the texture axes
oCMeshEntityWrapper for a biquadratic Bezier patch mesh entity from Radiant
|oCGeneralFunctionFactorsType for defining how to manipulate control point or surface values according to some linear combination of various values
|oCRefSliceDescriptorType for choosing a reference slice of a known kind (row or column) and indicating how to use it for reference
|oCRefSliceDescriptorIntType for internal representation of a reference slice of a given kind (row or column), specifying the slice and indicating how to use it for reference
|oCSliceDesignationType for choosing a particular slice of a known kind (row or column)
|oCSlicePatchContextType for orienting a slice within a particular patch
|oCSliceTexInfoType for describing the application of a texture along a given slice, on a specified texture axis
|\CTexInfoCallbackMethodAn instance of this class can be used as a MeshEntity::TexInfoCallback, in situations where the callback is a method to be invoked on a target object
oCMeshTexPluginDependenciesDefinition (in the declared superclasses) of the Radiant systems that this plugin depends on
oCMeshVisitorVisitor that will invoke Execute with a MeshEntity argument if the visited node is a valid mesh
oCPluginModuleA singleton object that handles registering as a plugin with Radiant
oCPluginUISubclass of GenericPluginUI that instantiates and registers the UI elements (main menu and dialogs)
oCRefCountedA mixin for maintaining a reference count associated with an object, and destroying that object when the count falls to zero
\CSetScaleDialogSubclass of GenericDialog that implements the window summoned by selecting the Set S/T Scale menu entry
 \CSetScaleVisitorVisitor for applying the chosen scaling to a mesh
  \CSliceArgsEncapsulation of all the arguments that can affect either the S or T texture axis