We are considering the rotation that goes from a coordinate system A to a coordinate system B, noted BfromA. This notation allows to combine transforms without ambiguity, e.g BfromC = BfromA * AfromC, and applies naturally to a point on the right: pointInB = BfromA * pointInA
Here they are defined in the Z-Y-X order, Tait-Bryan, Intrinsics. Note that this is the same as x-y-z, Tait-Bryan, Extrinsics.
BfromA = R(Z) * R(Y) * R(X)
This corresponds to the rotation of an object A in a coordinate system B. Applying the extrinsics sequence this means that a point gets transformed by first applying the rotation around XB, then around YB, then around ZB.X = | |
Y = | |
Z = | |
The rotation is uniquely defined (up to the sign) by a unit axis [X,Y,Z] and an angle Θ around it.
X = | |
Y = | |
Z = | |
Θ = | |
A unit quaternion is a unique (up to the sign) representation. Quaternions allow easy interpolation and composition. See the wikipedia page.
X = | |
Y = | |
Z = | |
W = | |
Rotation matrices are 3x3. The row vectors are the coordinates of each axis of B expressed in A. The columns vectors are the coordinates of each axis of A expressed in B.