Purely Functional State

Functional Programming in Java

Created by Mark Perry, @mprry, G+, Blog, LinkedIn, GitHub, maperry78@yahoo.com.au


  • Learn to manipulate state using RNGs
  • Explore issues
  • Pattern of any stateful API

Standard RNG

  • java.util.Random has imperative API
  • Uses side effects
    Random rng = new java.util.Random();
    rng.nextInt(); // 500348701
    rng.nextInt(); // -350347772
    rng.nextInt(5); // 4, range = [0, 4]
    rng.nextInt(5); // 1
  • Not referentially transparent
  • Harder to test, compose, modularise and parallelise


int rollDie() {
    Random rng = new java.util.Random();
    return rng.nextInt(6); // [0, 5], but want [1, 6]
  • Off by one error
  • Obvious - complicated defects are subtle
  • Need to reproduce reliably

Fixing the RNG?

  • Pass in the RNG?
    int rollDie(Random rng) {
        return rng.nextInt(6); // [0, 5]
  • Generator needs same seed and call sequence to reproduce
  • Keep track of call sequence?
  • Answer: Reject side-effects!

Functional RNG

  • Make the updates explicit!
  • Do not mutate RNG
  • Return new state as result
  • Separate state computation from call sequence

class Rng {
    P2<Rng, Integer> nextInt();
    P2<Rng, Integer> nextInt(int max); // [0, max - 1]
    P2<Rng, Long> nextLong();
    P2<Rng, Double> nextDouble();

RNG Implementation

// Linear Congruential Generator
class LcgRng {
    private long seed;
    private LcgRng(long seed) { ... }
    static Rng rng(long seed) { ... }

    P2<Rng, Long> nextLong() {
        long newSeed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFL;
        long n = (Long) (newSeed >>> 16);
        return P.p(n, rng(newSeed));
Rng r = LcgRng.rng(10);
P2<Rng, Integer> p = r.nextLong();
r.nextLong()._2(); // 3847489
r.nextLong()._2(); // 3847489
Rng r2 = r.nextLong()._1();
r2.nextLong()._2(); // 1334288366

RNG Diagram

Pure Stateful APIs

  • Make API return next state
  • Use same technique

class Foo {
    FooState state;
    Bar bar();
    int baz();

class Foo2 {
    P2<FooState, Bar> bar(FooState fs);
    P2<FooState, Int> baz(FooState fs);

Using the API

P2<Rng, P2<Long, Long>> randomPair(Rng rng) {
    P2<Rng, Long> t1 = rng.nextLong();
    P2<Rng, Long> t2 = t1._1().nextLong();
    return p(t2._1(), p(t1._2(), t2._2()));
  • Direct use will be tedious
  • Refactor repetition
  • Pattern of generating next state

State Abstracton

State Class

class State<S, A> {
    F<S, P2<S, A>> run;
    static <S, A> State<S, A> unit(F<S, P2<S, A>> f) {...}

    P2<S, A> run(S s);
    A eval(S s);
    S exec(S s);

Example Usage

    Rng r = LcgRng.rng(10);
    State<Rng, Long> s1 = State.unit(rng -> rng.nextLong());
    P2<Rng, Long> p = s1.run(r);
    Long l = s1.eval(r); // 3847489
    Rng r2 = s1.exec(r);

    // use sequence to get a list of random longs
    // static <S, A, B> State<S, List<A>> sequence(List<State<S, A>> list);
    List<Long> nums = sequence(List.replicate(10, s1)).eval(r);


static <S, A> State<S, A> constant(A a);
static <S, A, B> State<S, B> map(State<S, A> s, F<A, B> f);
static <S, A, B, C> State<S, C> map2(State<S, A> s1, State<S, B> s2, F2<A, B, C> f);
static <S, A, B> State<S, B> flatMap(State<S, A> s, F<A, State<S, B>> f);
static <S, A, B> State<S, List<A>> sequence(List<State<S, A>> list);
static <S, A, B> State<S, List<B>> traverse(List<A> list, F<A, State<S, B>> f);

Imperative Programming

  • Sequence of statements modifying program state
  • Statements are state transitions
  • State is every reachable object
  • Contrast: Limited immutable state with RT


static <S> State<S, Unit> set(S s);
static <S> State<S, S> get();
static <S, A> State<S, Unit> modify(State<S, A> s, F<S, S> f);
static <S> State<S, S> init();

Challenge - Vending Machine

  • A vending machine has items to dispense and a number of coins inside from previous usage.
  • It is initially locked.
  • When a coin is inserted the machine unlocks and the user opens the door to get their item.
  • After being successfully opened the machine is locked again.


  • FP programs with state
  • RNG example to motivate
  • Use function that takes state and returns new state and a result
  • State functions make this simple

The FP Road

  • Introduction
  • Data Structures
  • Errors without exceptions
  • Strictness and Laziness
  • Purely Functional State
  • Purely Functional Parrallelism
  • Property Based Testing
  • Parser Combinators
  • Monoids
  • Monads
  • Applicative Functors
  • External Effects and I/O
  • Local Effects and Mutable State
  • Stream Processing and Incremental I/O
  • Afterword

    • Functional Programming in Scala, Chiusano and Bjarnason
    • Chapter 6, Purely Functional State

    Created by Mark Perry, @mprry, G+, Blog, LinkedIn, GitHub, maperry78@yahoo.com.au