Cmdline libraries, intro to TemplateHaskell

Gergely Risko (,

HaskellerZ meetup - April 25th, 2013

Agenda 1

Demonstration of some command-line option parsing libraries:

Agenda 2

I'll also show some TemplateHaskell, a macro language to reduce boilerplate.

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

module Tup where

import Language.Haskell.TH

get n k = do
  name <- newName "wanted"
  let arg = tupP (replicate k wildP ++
                  [varP name] ++ replicate (n - k - 1) wildP)
  let body = varE name
  lamE [arg] body
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import Tup

main = print ($(get 6 3) (0,1,2,3,4,5))


CmdTheLine uses applicative functors to provide a declarative, compositional mechanism for defining command-line programs by lifting regular Haskell functions over argument parsers. What's the problem?

import Control.Applicative
import System.Console.CmdTheLine

name :: Term String
name = value $ opt "Indiana Jones" $ optInfo [ "name", "n" ]

times :: Term Int
times = value $ opt 4 $ optInfo [ "times", "t" ]

hello name times = sequence_ $ replicate times $ putStrLn name

term = hello <$> name <*> times

termInfo = defTI { termName = "Hello", version = "1.0" }

main = run ( term, termInfo )

Monad -> Applicative -> Functor

Every Monad is an Applicative and every Applicative is a Functor, here is why:

fmap   :: Functor f     => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(>>=)  :: Monad m       => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(<*>)  :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
return :: Monad m       => a -> m a
pure   :: Applicative f => a -> f a

fmapFromAp :: Applicative f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmapFromAp pf av = (pure pf) <*> av

fmapFromM :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
fmapFromM pf mv = mv >>= (\x -> return $ pf x)

apFromM :: Monad m => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
apFromM mf mv = mv >>= pvToRet
    pvToRet pv = mf >>= pvpfToRet pv
    pvpfToRet pv pf = return (pf pv)

-- of course, fmapFromM was redundant
fmapFromM2 pf mv = (return pf) `apFromM` mv

So, Monads are more specific than Applicatives, and in turn Aplicatives are more specific than Functors.

Inside cmdtheline: why Term is an Applicative?

The important data structure inside cmdtheline is the Term.

Why is that an Applicative? Why not only Fuctor? Why not Monad if already an Applicative?

data Term a = Term [ArgInfo] (Yield a)
type Yield a = EvalInfo -> CmdLine -> Err a

instance Functor Term where
  fmap = yield . result . result . fmap
    yield f (Term ais y) = Term ais (f y)
    result = (.)

instance Applicative Term where
  pure v = Term [] (\ _ _ -> return v)

  (Term args f) <*> (Term args' v) = Term (args ++ args') wrapped
    wrapped ei cl = f ei cl <*> v ei cl

It has to be an Applicative, so we can merge different parts of a program that uses different arguments to a bigger program that uses all of the arguments. Functor is not enough, that only ever cares about one context.

But it can't be a Monad, because Monads are too specific to be able to evaluate a context before the computation. So we won't be able to (++) together all the args as we do in the Applicative instance.

Cmdtheline summary




Similar to C getopt, included in base.

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment

data MyOptions =
  MyOptions { name :: String
            , times :: Int }

def = MyOptions { name = "Indiana Jones", times = 4 }

options =
  [ Option ['n'] ["name"]
    (ReqArg (\name r -> r { name = name }) "NAME") "Who to greet"
  , Option ['t'] ["times"]
    (ReqArg (\times r -> r { times = read times}) "INT") "How many times" ]

run opts = sequence_ $ replicate (times opts) $ putStrLn (name opts)

main = do
  argv <- getArgs
  case getOpt Permute options argv of
    (o,n,[]  ) -> run (foldr ($) def o)
    (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError $ concat errs ++ usageInfo "example" options)

GetOpt summary



HFlags uses GetOpt for parsing.


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}

import HFlags

defineFlag "name" "Indiana Jones" "Who to greet"
defineFlag "repeat" (3 + 4 :: Int) "Number of repeats"

main = do s <- $(initHFlags "Simple program v0.1")
          sequence_ $ replicate flags_repeat $ putStrLn flags_name



Demo time!

Template Haskell Demo Environment

Template Haskell is easy experiment with inside GHCi, ideal for learning and tinkering.

Thank you

Questions, remarks?

Template Haskell in the haskellwiki:

Paper on TemplateHaskell:

Design notes for V2:

Reference docs on Hackage:

HFlags on Hackage: