#fix ZSH - perform field splitting - http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ]; then setopt SH_WORD_SPLIT fi # helper functions if [ -z "$FUBECTL_MSYS_HACK" ]; then alias _kctl_tty="kubectl" alias _inline_fzf="fzf --multi --ansi -i -1 --height=50% --reverse -0 --header-lines=1 --inline-info --border" alias _inline_fzf_nh="fzf --multi --ansi -i -1 --height=50% --reverse -0 --inline-info --border" else # hack for Msys2 shell, where fzf doesn't support mintty alias _kctl_tty="winpty kubectl" alias _inline_fzf="fzf --multi --ansi -i -1 --reverse -0 --header-lines=1 --inline-info" alias _inline_fzf_nh="fzf --multi --ansi -i -1 --reverse -0 --inline-info" fi function _isClusterSpaceObject() { # caller is responsible for assuring non-empty "$1" obj="$1" kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false \ | awk '(apiidx){print substr($0, 0, apiidx),substr($0, kindidx) } (!apiidx){ apiidx=index($0, " APIVERSION");kindidx=index($0, " KIND")}' \ | grep -iq "\<${obj}\>" } # [k] like g for git but 233% as effective! alias k="kubectl" complete -o default -F __start_kubectl k # [kw] watch resources of any KIND in current namespace, usage: kw KIND[,KIND2,...] alias kw="${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get" # [ka] get all pods from current namespace alias ka="kubectl get pods" # [kall] get all pods from cluster alias kall="kubectl get pods --all-namespaces" # [kwa] watch all pods in current namespace alias kwa="${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get pods" # [kwall] watch all pods in cluster alias kwall="${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get pods --all-namespaces" # TODO use "open" instead of "xdg-open" on a mac - also redirect xdg-open std{out,err} to /dev/null # [kp] open kubernetes dashboard with proxy alias kp="xdg-open 'http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/' & kubectl proxy" # [kwatchn] watch a resource of KIND in current namespace, usage: kwatchn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kwatchn() { local kind="${1:-pod}" kubectl get "${kind}" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r ${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get "${kind}" } # [kwatch] watch a resource of KIND in cluster, usage: kwatch [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kwatch() { local kind="${1:-pod}" if _isClusterSpaceObject "$kind" ; then kubectl get "${kind}" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r ${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get "${kind}" else kubectl get "${kind}" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r ${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get "${kind}" -n fi } # [kcmd] create a pod from IMAGE (ubuntu by default) and execute CMD (bash by default), usage: kcmd [CMD] [IMAGE] function kcmd() { local cmd="$1" local image="${2:-ubuntu}" local ns="$(kubectl get ns | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" if [ -n "$cmd" ]; then kubectl run shell-$RANDOM --pod-running-timeout 600s --namespace $ns --rm -i --tty --image ${image} -- /bin/sh -c "${cmd}" else kubectl run shell-$RANDOM --pod-running-timeout 600s --namespace $ns --rm -i --tty --image ${image} -- /bin/bash fi } # [kube_ctx_name] get the current context function kube_ctx_name() { kubectl config current-context } # [kube_ctx_namespace] get current namespace function kube_ctx_namespace() { local default_ns="$(kubectl config view --minify|grep namespace: |sed 's/namespace: //g'|tr -d ' ')" default_ns="${default_ns:-default}" echo "$default_ns" } # [kgetn] get resource of KIND from current namespace, usage: kgetn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kgetn() { local kind="${1:-pod}" kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl get -o yaml "$kind" } # [kget] get resource of KIND from cluster, usage: kget [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kget() { local kind="${1:-pod}" if _isClusterSpaceObject "$kind" ; then kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl get -o yaml "$kind" else kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r kubectl get -o yaml "$kind" -n fi } # [kexp] as former `--export` field removes unwanted metadata - usage: COMMAND | kexp function kexp() { if [ -t 0 ]; then echo "kexp has no piped input!" echo "usage: COMMAND | kexp" else # remove not neat fields kubectl neat fi } # [kget-exp] get a resource by its YAML as former `--export` flag function kget-exp() { kget "$@" | kexp } # [kedn] edit resource of KIND from current namespace, usage: kedn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kedn() { local kind="${1:-pod}" kubectl edit "${kind}" "$(kubectl get "${kind}" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" } # [ked] edit resource of KIND from cluster, usage: ked [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function ked() { local kind="${1:-pod}" local edit_args if _isClusterSpaceObject $kind ; then edit_args=( $(kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') ) else edit_args=( $(kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print "-n", $1, $2}') ) fi kubectl edit "$kind" ${edit_args[*]} } # [kdesn] describe resource of KIND in current namespace, usage: kdesn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kdesn() { local kind="${1:-pod}" kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl describe "$kind" } # [kdes] describe resource of KIND in cluster, usage: kdes [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kdes() { local kind="${1:-pod}" if _isClusterSpaceObject "$kind" ; then kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl describe "$kind" else kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r kubectl describe "$kind" -n fi } # [kdeln] delete resource of KIND in current namespace, usage: kdeln [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kdeln() { local kind="${1:-pod}" kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r -p kubectl delete "$kind" } # [kdel] delete resource of KIND in cluster, usage: kdel [KIND] - if KIND is empty then pod is used function kdel() { local kind="${1:-pod}" if _isClusterSpaceObject "$kind" ; then kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r -p kubectl delete "$kind" else kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r -p kubectl delete "$kind" -n fi } function _klog_usage() { cat <<'EOF' Usage: klog[n] [LINECOUNT] [options] First argument is interpreted as LINECOUNT if it matches integer syntax. Additional `options` are passed on (see `kubectl logs --help` for details). EOF } # [klogn] fetch log from container in current namespace function klogn() { [ "$1" = "--help" ] && _klog_usage && return local line_count=10 if [[ $1 =~ ^[-]{0,1}[0-9]+$ ]]; then line_count="$1" shift fi local pod=$(kubectl get po | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') [ -z "${pod}" ] && printf "klogn: no pods found. no logs can be shown.\n" && return local containers_out=$(kubectl get po "${pod}" -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name} {.spec.initContainers[*].name}' | sed 's/ $//') local container_choosen=$(echo "$containers_out" | tr ' ' "\n" | _inline_fzf_nh) _kctl_tty logs "${pod}" -c "${container_choosen}" --tail="${line_count}" "$@" } # [klog] fetch log from container in the cluster function klog() { [ "$1" = "--help" ] && _klog_usage && return local line_count=10 if [[ $1 =~ ^[-]{0,1}[0-9]+$ ]]; then line_count="$1" shift fi local arg_pair=$(kubectl get po --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}') [ -z "$arg_pair" ] && printf "klog: no pods found. no logs can be shown.\n" && return local containers_out=$(echo "$arg_pair" | xargs kubectl get po -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name} {.spec.initContainers[*].name}' -n | sed 's/ $//') local container_choosen=$(echo "$containers_out" | tr ' ' "\n" | _inline_fzf_nh) _kctl_tty logs -n ${arg_pair} -c "${container_choosen}" --tail="${line_count}" "$@" } # [kkonfig] select a file in current directory and set it as $KUBECONFIG function kkonfig() { local kubeconfig kubeconfig=$(_inline_fzf_nh) || return export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/$kubeconfig exec $SHELL } # [kexn] execute command in container from current namespace, usage: kexn CMD [ARGS] function kexn() { [ -z "$1" ] && printf "kexn: missing argument(s).\nUsage: kexn CMD [ARGS]\n" && return 255 local arg_pair=$(kubectl get po | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') [ -z "$arg_pair" ] && printf "kexn: no pods found. no execution.\n" && return local containers_out=$(echo "$arg_pair" | xargs kubectl get po -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' -n) local container_choosen=$(echo "$containers_out" | tr ' ' "\n" | _inline_fzf_nh) _kctl_tty exec -it ${arg_pair} -c "${container_choosen}" -- "$@" } # [kex] execute command in container from cluster, usage: kex CMD [ARGS] function kex() { [ -z "$1" ] && printf "kex: missing argument(s).\nUsage: kex CMD [ARGS]\n" && return 255 local arg_pair=$(kubectl get po --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}') [ -z "$arg_pair" ] && printf "kex: no pods found. no execution.\n" && return local containers_out=$(echo "$arg_pair" | xargs kubectl get po -o=jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}' -n) local container_choosen=$(echo "$containers_out" | tr ' ' "\n" | _inline_fzf_nh) _kctl_tty exec -it -n ${arg_pair} -c "${container_choosen}" -- "$@" } # [kforn] port-forward a container port from current namesapce, usage: kforn LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT function kforn() { local port="$1" [ -z "$port" ] && printf "kforn: missing argument.\nUsage: kforn LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT\n" && return 255 local arg_pair="$(kubectl get po | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" [ -z "$arg_pair" ] && printf "kforn: no pods found. no forwarding.\n" && return _kctl_tty port-forward ${arg_pair} ${port} } # [kfor] port-forward a container port from cluster, usage: kfor LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT function kfor() { local port="$1" [ -z "$port" ] && printf "kfor: missing argument.\nUsage: kfor LOCAL_PORT:CONTAINER_PORT\n" && return 255 local arg_pair="$(kubectl get po --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}')" [ -z "$arg_pair" ] && printf "kfor: no pods found. no forwarding.\n" && return _kctl_tty port-forward -n ${arg_pair} ${port} } # [ksearch] search for string in resources function ksearch() { local search_query="$1" [ -z "$search_query" ] && printf "ksearch: missing argument.\nUsage: ksearch SEARCH_QUERY\n" && return 255 for ns in $(kubectl get --export -o=json ns | jq -r '.items[] | .metadata.name'); do kubectl --namespace="${ns}" get --export -o=json \ deployment,ingress,daemonset,secrets,configmap,service,serviceaccount,statefulsets,pod,endpoints,customresourcedefinition,events,networkpolicies,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes,replicasets,replicationcontrollers,statefulsets,storageclasses | \ jq '.items[]' -c | \ grep "$search_query" | \ jq -r '. | [.kind, .metadata.name] | @tsv' | \ awk -v prefix="$ns" '{print "kubectl get -n " prefix " " $0}' done } # [kcl] context list [ -z "${FUBECTL_NO_KCL}" ] && alias kcl='kubectl config get-contexts' # [kcs] context set function kcs() { local context="$(kubectl config get-contexts | _inline_fzf | cut -b4- | awk '{print $1}')" kubectl config set current-context "${context}" } # [kcns] context set default namespace function kcns() { local ns="$1" if [ -z "$ns" ]; then ns="$(kubectl get ns | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" fi [ -z "$ns" ] && printf "kcns: no namespace selected/found.\nUsage: kcns [NAMESPACE]\n" && return kubectl config set-context "$(kubectl config current-context)" --namespace="${ns}" } # [kwns] watch pods in a namespace function kwns() { local ns=$(kubectl get ns | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') [ -z "$ns" ] && printf "kcns: no namespace selected/found.\nUsage: kwns\n" && return ${FUBECTL_WATCH_CMD:-watch} kubectl get pod -n "$ns" } # [ktreen] prints a tree of k8s objects from current namespace, usage: ktreen [KIND] function ktreen() { local kind="$1" if [ -z "$kind" ]; then local kind="$(kubectl api-resources -o name | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" fi kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl tree "$kind" } # [ktree] prints a tree of k8s objects from cluster, usage: ktree [KIND] function ktree() { local kind="$1" if [ -z "$kind" ]; then local kind="$(kubectl api-resources -o name | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" fi if _isClusterSpaceObject "$kind" ; then kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl tree "$kind" else kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r kubectl tree "$kind" -n fi } # [kssh] select the external node IP to connect to the node via SSH. If external IP is not set, internal IP is used. function kssh() { local user=${1:-root} local node_name="$(kubectl get node -o wide | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" local node_ext_ip="$(kubectl get node -o wide --no-headers $node_name | awk '{print $7}')" if [[ "$node_ext_ip" == "" ]]; then local node_ext_ip="$(kubectl get node -o wide --no-headers $node_name | awk '{print $6}')" fi echo "ssh $user@$node_ext_ip" ssh $user@$node_ext_ip } # [konsole] create root shell on a node function konsole() { local node_hostname="$(kubectl get node --label-columns=kubernetes.io/hostname | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $6}')" local ns="$(kubectl get ns | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" local name=shell-$RANDOM local overrides=' { "spec": { "hostPID": true, "hostNetwork": true, "tolerations": [ { "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoSchedule" }, { "operator": "Exists", "effect": "NoExecute" } ], "containers": [ { "name": "'$name'", "image": "alpine", "command": [ "/bin/sh" ], "args": [ "-c", "nsenter -t 1 -m -u -i -n -p -- bash" ], "resources": null, "stdin": true, "stdinOnce": true, "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log", "terminationMessagePolicy": "File", "tty": true, "securityContext": { "privileged": true } } ], "nodeSelector": { "kubernetes.io/hostname": "'$node_hostname'" } } } ' kubectl run $name --namespace "$ns" --rm -it --image alpine --overrides="${overrides}" } # [ksecn] decode a value from a secret in current namespace, usage: ksecn function ksecn() { local secret=$(kubectl get secret | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') local key=$(kubectl get secret "${secret}" -o go-template='{{- range $k,$v := .data -}}{{- printf "%s\n" $k -}}{{- end -}}' | _inline_fzf_nh) kubectl get secret "${secret}" -o go-template='{{ index .data "'$key'" | base64decode }}' } # [ksec] decode a value from a secret in cluster, usage: ksec function ksec() { local ns=$(kubectl get ns | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') local secret=$(kubectl get secret -n "$ns" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}') local key=$(kubectl get secret -n "$ns" "$secret" -o go-template='{{- range $k,$v := .data -}}{{- printf "%s\n" $k -}}{{- end -}}' | _inline_fzf_nh) kubectl get secret -n "$ns" "${secret}" -o go-template='{{ index .data "'$key'" | base64decode }}' } # [kinstall] Install the required kubectl plugins function kinstall() { kubectl krew install tree kubectl krew install neat } # [kupdate] Updates kubectl plugins function kupdate() { kubectl krew upgrade } # [krrs] restart resource of KIND, usage: krrs [KIND] - if KIND is empty then deployment is used function krrs() { local kind="${1:-deploy}" kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r kubectl rollout restart "$kind" -n } # [krrsn] restart resource of KIND in current namespace, usage: krrsn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then deployment is used function krrsn() { local kind="${1:-deploy}" kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl rollout restart "$kind" } # [krst] status of resource of KIND, usage: krst [KIND] - if KIND is empty then deployment is used function krst() { local kind="${1:-deploy}" kubectl get "$kind" --all-namespaces | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1, $2}' | xargs -r kubectl rollout status "$kind" -n } # [krstn] status resource of KIND in current namespace, usage: krstn [KIND] - if KIND is empty then deployment is used function krstn() { local kind="${1:-deploy}" kubectl get "$kind" | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r kubectl rollout status "$kind" } #### Kubermatic KKP specific # [kkp-cluster] Kubermatic KKP - extracts kubeconfig of user cluster and connects it in a new bash function kkp-cluster() { TMP_KUBECONFIG=$(mktemp) local cluster="$(kubectl get cluster | _inline_fzf | awk '{print $1}')" kubectl get secret admin-kubeconfig -n cluster-$cluster -o go-template='{{ index .data "kubeconfig" | base64decode }}' > $TMP_KUBECONFIG kubectl --kubeconfig $TMP_KUBECONFIG config rename-context default cluster-$cluster KUBECONFIG=$TMP_KUBECONFIG $SHELL } # [khelp] show this help message function khelp() { echo "Usage of fubectl" echo echo "Reduces repetitive interactions with kubectl" echo "Find more information at https://github.com/kubermatic/fubectl" echo echo "Usage:" if [ -n "$ZSH_VERSION" ] then grep -E '^# \[.+\]' "${(%):-%x}" else grep -E '^# \[.+\]' "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" fi }