Word stems are created with the php version of the Porter Stemming Algorithm
This table is created with this gist
= related word = related word stem = related file word
_update_term_count_on_transition_post_status has the most (related) words. 10 words.
Title | Related Words | Skipped Words |
logIO | logio xmlrpc-php | |
trackback_response | trackback response respons wp-trackback-php | |
confirm_blog_signup | confirm blog signup wp-signup-php | |
validate_blog_signup | validate blog signup valid wp-signup-php | |
signup_blog | signup blog wp-signup-php | |
confirm_user_signup | confirm user signup wp-signup-php | |
validate_user_signup | validate user signup valid wp-signup-php | |
signup_user | signup user wp-signup-php | |
confirm_another_blog_signup | confirm another blog signup anoth wp-signup-php | |
validate_another_blog_signup | validate another blog signup valid anoth wp-signup-php | |
signup_another_blog | signup another blog anoth wp-signup-php | |
validate_user_form | validate user form valid wp-signup-php | |
show_user_form | show user form wp-signup-php | |
validate_blog_form | validate blog form valid wp-signup-php | |
show_blog_form | show blog form wp-signup-php | |
wpmu_signup_stylesheet | wpmu signup stylesheet wp-signup-php | |
do_signup_header | do signup header wp-signup-php | |
retrieve_password | retrieve password retriev wp-login-php | |
wp_login_viewport_meta | wp-login login viewport meta wp-login-php | wp |
wp_shake_js | wp-shake shake js wp-login-php | wp |
login_footer | login footer wp-login-php | |
login_header | login header wp-login-php | |
load_template | load template templat template-php | |
locate_template | locate template locat templat template-php | |
get_comments_popup_template | get comments popup template comment templat template-php | |
get_attachment_template | get attachment template attach templat template-php | |
get_single_template | get single template singl templat template-php | |
get_search_template | get search template templat template-php | |
get_paged_template | get paged template page templat template-php | |
get_page_template | get page template templat template-php | |
get_front_page_template | get front page template templat template-php | |
get_home_template | get home template templat template-php | |
get_date_template | get date template templat template-php | |
get_taxonomy_template | get taxonomy template taxonomi templat template-php | |
get_tag_template | get tag template templat template-php | |
get_category_template | get category template categori templat template-php | |
get_author_template | get author template templat template-php | |
get_post_type_archive_template | get post type archive template archiv templat template-php | |
get_archive_template | get archive template archiv templat template-php | |
get_404_template | get 404 template templat template-php | |
get_index_template | get index template templat template-php | |
get_query_template | get query template queri templat template-php | |
wp_check_term_hierarchy_for_loops | wp-check check term hierarchy loops hierarchi loop taxonomy-php | wp for |
wp_get_term_taxonomy_parent_id | get wp-get term taxonomy parent id taxonomi taxonomy-php | wp |
get_ancestors | get ancestors ancestor taxonomy-php | |
is_object_in_taxonomy | is object taxonomy taxonomi taxonomy-php | in |
is_object_in_term | is object term taxonomy-php | in |
get_post_taxonomies | get post taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
get_the_taxonomies | get taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | the |
the_taxonomies | taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | the |
get_term_link | get term link taxonomy-php | |
_update_generic_term_count | update generic term count updat gener taxonomy-php | |
_update_post_term_count | update post term count updat taxonomy-php | |
_pad_term_counts | pad term counts count taxonomy-php | |
_get_term_children | get term children taxonomy-php | |
_get_term_hierarchy | get term hierarchy hierarchi taxonomy-php | |
update_term_cache | update term cache updat cach taxonomy-php | |
update_object_term_cache | update object term cache updat cach taxonomy-php | |
get_object_term_cache | get object term cache cach taxonomy-php | |
clean_term_cache | clean term cache cach taxonomy-php | |
clean_object_term_cache | clean object term cache cach taxonomy-php | |
wp_update_term_count_now | wp-update update updat term count now taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_update_term_count | wp-update update updat term count taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_defer_term_counting | wp-defer defer term counting count taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_update_term | wp-update update updat term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_unique_term_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu term slug taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_remove_object_terms | wp-remove remove remov object terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_add_object_terms | wp-add add object terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_set_object_terms | wp-set set object terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_insert_term | wp-insert insert term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_get_object_terms | get wp-get object terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_delete_category | wp-delete delete delet category categori taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_delete_term | wp-delete delete delet term taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_delete_object_term_relationships | wp-delete delete delet object term relationships relationship taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_count_terms | wp-count count terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
sanitize_term_field | sanitize term field sanit taxonomy-php | |
sanitize_term | sanitize term sanit taxonomy-php | |
term_is_ancestor_of | term ancestor taxonomy-php | is of |
term_exists | term exists exist taxonomy-php | |
get_terms | get terms term taxonomy-php | |
get_term_to_edit | get term edit taxonomy-php | to |
get_term_field | get term field taxonomy-php | |
get_term_children | get term children taxonomy-php | |
get_term_by | get term taxonomy-php | by |
get_term | get term taxonomy-php | |
get_tax_sql | get tax sql taxonomy-php | |
get_objects_in_term | get objects term object taxonomy-php | in |
unregister_taxonomy_for_object_type | unregister taxonomy object type unregist taxonomi taxonomy-php | for |
register_taxonomy_for_object_type | register taxonomy object type regist taxonomi taxonomy-php | for |
get_taxonomy_labels | get taxonomy labels taxonomi label taxonomy-php | |
register_taxonomy | register taxonomy regist taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
is_taxonomy_hierarchical | is taxonomy hierarchical taxonomi hierarch taxonomy-php | |
taxonomy_exists | taxonomy exists taxonomi exist taxonomy-php | |
get_taxonomy | get taxonomy taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
get_object_taxonomies | get object taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
get_taxonomies | get taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
create_initial_taxonomies | create initial taxonomies creat initi taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
strip_shortcode_tag | strip shortcode tag shortcod shortcodes-php | |
strip_shortcodes | strip shortcodes shortcod shortcodes-php | |
shortcode_atts | shortcode atts shortcod att shortcodes-php | |
shortcode_parse_atts | shortcode parse atts shortcod pars att shortcodes-php | |
do_shortcode_tag | do shortcode tag shortcod shortcodes-php | |
get_shortcode_regex | get shortcode regex shortcod shortcodes-php | |
do_shortcode | do shortcode shortcod shortcodes-php | |
has_shortcode | has shortcode ha shortcod shortcodes-php | |
shortcode_exists | shortcode exists shortcod exist shortcodes-php | |
remove_all_shortcodes | remove all shortcodes remov shortcod shortcodes-php | |
remove_shortcode | remove shortcode remov shortcod shortcodes-php | |
add_shortcode | add shortcode shortcod shortcodes-php | |
script_concat_settings | script concat settings set script-loader-php | |
print_late_styles | print late styles style script-loader-php | |
print_admin_styles | print admin styles style script-loader-php | |
wp_enqueue_scripts | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
wp_print_footer_scripts | wp-print print footer scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
_wp_footer_scripts | wp-footer footer scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
wp_print_head_scripts | wp-print print head scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
print_footer_scripts | print footer scripts script script-loader-php | |
print_head_scripts | print head scripts script script-loader-php | |
wp_style_loader_src | wp-style style loader src script-loader-php | wp |
wp_just_in_time_script_localization | wp-just just time script localization local script-loader-php | wp in |
wp_prototype_before_jquery | wp-prototype prototype prototyp before jquery befor jqueri script-loader-php | wp |
wp_default_styles | wp-default default styles style script-loader-php | wp |
wp_default_scripts | wp-default default scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
get_rss | get rss rss-php | |
wp_rss | wp-rss rss rss-php | wp |
parse_w3cdtf | parse w3cdtf pars rss-php | |
is_server_error | is server error rss-php | |
is_client_error | is client error rss-php | |
is_error | is error rss-php | |
is_redirect | is redirect rss-php | |
is_success | is success rss-php | |
is_info | is info rss-php | |
init | init rss-php | |
_response_to_rss | response rss respons rss-php | to |
_fetch_remote_file | fetch remote file remot rss-php | |
fetch_rss | fetch rss rss-php | |
url_to_postid | url postid rewrite-php | to |
_wp_filter_taxonomy_base | wp-filter filter taxonomy base taxonomi rewrite-php | wp |
add_rewrite_endpoint | add rewrite endpoint rewrit rewrite-php | |
flush_rewrite_rules | flush rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
add_feed | add feed rewrite-php | |
add_permastruct | add permastruct rewrite-php | |
add_rewrite_tag | add rewrite tag rewrit rewrite-php | |
add_rewrite_rule | add rewrite rule rewrit rewrite-php | |
_wp_upgrade_revisions_of_post | wp-upgrade upgrade upgrad revisions post revis revision-php | wp of |
_wp_get_post_revision_version | get wp-get post revision version revis revision-php | wp |
_wp_preview_terms_filter | wp-preview preview terms filter term revision-php | wp |
_show_post_preview | show post preview revision-php | |
_set_preview | set preview revision-php | |
wp_revisions_to_keep | wp-revisions revisions revis keep revision-php | wp to |
wp_revisions_enabled | wp-revisions revisions revis enabled enabl revision-php | wp |
wp_get_post_revisions | get wp-get post revisions revis revision-php | wp |
wp_delete_post_revision | wp-delete delete delet post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_restore_post_revision | wp-restore restore restor post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_get_post_revision | get wp-get post revision revis revision-php | wp |
_wp_put_post_revision | wp-put put post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_is_post_autosave | is wp-is post autosave autosav revision-php | wp |
wp_is_post_revision | is wp-is post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_get_post_autosave | get wp-get post autosave autosav revision-php | wp |
wp_save_post_revision | wp-save save post revision revis revision-php | wp |
_wp_post_revision_fields | wp-post post revision fields revis field revision-php | wp |
setup_postdata | setup postdata query-php | |
wp_old_slug_redirect | wp-old old slug redirect query-php | wp |
the_comment | comment query-php | the |
have_comments | have comments comment query-php | |
the_post | post query-php | the |
rewind_posts | rewind posts post query-php | |
in_the_loop | loop query-php | in the |
have_posts | have posts post query-php | |
is_main_query | is main query queri query-php | |
is_404 | is 404 query-php | |
is_year | is year query-php | |
is_trackback | is trackback query-php | |
is_time | is time query-php | |
is_singular | is singular query-php | |
is_single | is single singl query-php | |
is_search | is search query-php | |
is_robots | is robots robot query-php | |
is_preview | is preview query-php | |
is_paged | is paged page query-php | |
is_page | is page query-php | |
is_month | is month query-php | |
is_home | is home query-php | |
is_front_page | is front page query-php | |
is_comment_feed | is comment feed query-php | |
is_feed | is feed query-php | |
is_day | is day dai query-php | |
is_date | is date query-php | |
is_comments_popup | is comments popup comment query-php | |
is_tax | is tax query-php | |
is_tag | is tag query-php | |
is_category | is category categori query-php | |
is_author | is author query-php | |
is_attachment | is attachment attach query-php | |
is_post_type_archive | is post type archive archiv query-php | |
is_archive | is archive archiv query-php | |
wp_reset_postdata | wp-reset reset postdata query-php | wp |
wp_reset_query | wp-reset reset query queri query-php | wp |
query_posts | query posts queri post query-php | |
set_query_var | set query var queri query-php | |
get_queried_object_id | get queried object id queri query-php | |
get_queried_object | get queried object queri query-php | |
get_query_var | get query var queri query-php | |
_prime_post_caches | prime post caches cach post-php | |
_update_term_count_on_transition_post_status | update term count transition post status updat transit statu post-php | on |
wp_delete_auto_drafts | wp-delete delete delet auto drafts draft post-php | wp |
delete_post_thumbnail | delete post thumbnail delet post-php | |
set_post_thumbnail | set post thumbnail post-php | |
wp_check_post_hierarchy_for_loops | wp-check check post hierarchy loops hierarchi loop post-php | wp for |
wp_get_post_parent_id | get wp-get post parent id post-php | wp |
_publish_post_hook | publish post hook post-php | |
_future_post_hook | future post hook futur post-php | |
_transition_post_status | transition post status transit statu post-php | |
clean_attachment_cache | clean attachment cache attach cach post-php | |
update_postmeta_cache | update postmeta cache updat cach post-php | |
update_post_caches | update post caches updat cach post-php | |
clean_post_cache | clean post cache cach post-php | |
update_post_cache | update post cache updat cach post-php | |
_get_last_post_time | get last post time post-php | |
get_lastpostmodified | get lastpostmodified lastpostmodifi post-php | |
get_lastpostdate | get lastpostdate lastpostd post-php | |
get_posts_by_author_sql | get posts author sql post post-php | by |
get_private_posts_cap_sql | get private posts cap sql privat post post-php | |
wp_check_for_changed_slugs | wp-check check changed slugs chang slug post-php | wp for |
wp_mime_type_icon | wp-mime mime type icon post-php | wp |
wp_attachment_is_image | wp-attachment attachment attach image imag post-php | wp is |
wp_get_attachment_thumb_url | get wp-get attachment thumb url attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_thumb_file | get wp-get attachment thumb file attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_url | get wp-get attachment url attach post-php | wp |
wp_update_attachment_metadata | wp-update update updat attachment metadata attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_metadata | get wp-get attachment metadata attach post-php | wp |
wp_delete_attachment | wp-delete delete delet attachment attach post-php | wp |
wp_insert_attachment | wp-insert insert attachment attach post-php | wp |
is_local_attachment | is local attachment attach post-php | |
get_pages | get pages page post-php | |
get_page_uri | get page uri post-php | |
_page_traverse_name | page traverse name travers post-php | |
get_page_hierarchy | get page hierarchy hierarchi post-php | |
get_page_children | get page children post-php | |
get_page_by_title | get page title titl post-php | by |
get_page_by_path | get page path post-php | by |
get_page | get page post-php | |
get_all_page_ids | get all page ids id post-php | |
trackback_url_list | trackback url list post-php | |
get_to_ping | get ping post-php | to |
get_pung | get pung post-php | |
get_enclosed | get enclosed enclos post-php | |
add_ping | add ping post-php | |
wp_transition_post_status | wp-transition transition transit post status statu post-php | wp |
wp_set_post_categories | wp-set set post categories categori post-php | wp |
wp_set_post_terms | wp-set set post terms term post-php | wp |
wp_set_post_tags | wp-set set post tags tag post-php | wp |
wp_add_post_tags | wp-add add post tags tag post-php | wp |
_truncate_post_slug | truncate post slug truncat post-php | |
wp_unique_post_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu post slug post-php | wp |
check_and_publish_future_post | check and publish future post futur post-php | |
wp_publish_post | wp-publish publish post post-php | wp |
wp_update_post | wp-update update updat post post-php | wp |
wp_insert_post | wp-insert insert post post-php | wp |
wp_get_recent_posts | get wp-get recent posts post post-php | wp |
wp_get_post_terms | get wp-get post terms term post-php | wp |
wp_get_post_tags | get wp-get post tags tag post-php | wp |
wp_get_post_categories | get wp-get post categories categori post-php | wp |
wp_untrash_post_comments | wp-untrash untrash post comments comment post-php | wp |
wp_trash_post_comments | wp-trash trash post comments comment post-php | wp |
wp_untrash_post | wp-untrash untrash post post-php | wp |
wp_trash_post | wp-trash trash post post-php | wp |
_reset_front_page_settings_for_post | reset front page settings post set post-php | for |
wp_delete_post | wp-delete delete delet post post-php | wp |
wp_post_mime_type_where | wp-post post mime type where post-php | wp |
wp_match_mime_types | wp-match match mime types type post-php | wp |
get_post_mime_types | get post mime types type post-php | |
wp_count_attachments | wp-count count attachments attach post-php | wp |
wp_count_posts | wp-count count posts post post-php | wp |
_count_posts_cache_key | count posts cache key post cach kei post-php | |
unstick_post | unstick post post-php | |
stick_post | stick post post-php | |
sanitize_post_field | sanitize post field sanit post-php | |
sanitize_post | sanitize post sanit post-php | |
is_sticky | is sticky sticki post-php | |
get_post_custom_values | get post custom values valu post-php | |
get_post_custom_keys | get post custom keys kei post-php | |
get_post_custom | get post custom post-php | |
delete_post_meta_by_key | delete post meta key delet kei post-php | by |
update_post_meta | update post meta updat post-php | |
get_post_meta | get post meta post-php | |
delete_post_meta | delete post meta delet post-php | |
add_post_meta | add post meta post-php | |
get_posts | get posts post post-php | |
set_post_type | set post type post-php | |
post_type_supports | post type supports support post-php | |
get_all_post_type_supports | get all post type supports support post-php | |
remove_post_type_support | remove post type support remov post-php | |
add_post_type_support | add post type support post-php | |
_add_post_type_submenus | add post type submenus submenu post-php | |
_get_custom_object_labels | get custom object labels label post-php | |
get_post_type_labels | get post type labels label post-php | |
_post_type_meta_capabilities | post type meta capabilities capabl post-php | |
get_post_type_capabilities | get post type capabilities capabl post-php | |
register_post_type | register post type regist post-php | |
get_post_types | get post types type post-php | |
get_post_type_object | get post type object post-php | |
get_post_type | get post type post-php | |
post_type_exists | post type exists exist post-php | |
is_post_type_hierarchical | is post type hierarchical hierarch post-php | |
get_post_stati | get post stati post-php | |
get_post_status_object | get post status object statu post-php | |
register_post_status | register post status regist statu post-php | |
get_page_statuses | get page statuses status post-php | |
get_post_statuses | get post statuses status post-php | |
get_post_status | get post status statu post-php | |
get_post_mime_type | get post mime type post-php | |
get_post_field | get post field post-php | |
get_post_ancestors | get post ancestors ancestor post-php | |
get_post | get post post-php | |
get_extended | get extended extend post-php | |
_wp_relative_upload_path | wp-relative relative rel upload path post-php | wp |
update_attached_file | update attached file updat attach post-php | |
get_attached_file | get attached file attach post-php | |
create_initial_post_types | create initial post types creat initi type post-php | |
get_the_post_thumbnail | get post thumbnail post-thumbnail-template-php | the |
update_post_thumbnail_cache | update post thumbnail cache updat cach post-thumbnail-template-php | |
the_post_thumbnail | post thumbnail post-thumbnail-template-php | the |
get_post_thumbnail_id | get post thumbnail id post-thumbnail-template-php | |
has_post_thumbnail | has post thumbnail ha post-thumbnail-template-php | |
wp_list_post_revisions | wp-list list post revisions revis post-template-php | wp |
wp_post_revision_title_expanded | wp-post post revision title expanded revis titl expand post-template-php | wp |
wp_post_revision_title | wp-post post revision title revis titl post-template-php | wp |
get_page_template_slug | get page template slug templat post-template-php | |
is_page_template | is page template templat post-template-php | |
get_the_password_form | get password form post-template-php | the |
prepend_attachment | prepend attachment attach post-template-php | |
wp_get_attachment_link | get wp-get attachment link attach post-template-php | wp |
the_attachment_link | attachment link attach post-template-php | the |
walk_page_dropdown_tree | walk page dropdown tree post-template-php | |
walk_page_tree | walk page tree post-template-php | |
wp_page_menu | wp-page page menu post-template-php | wp |
wp_list_pages | wp-list list pages page post-template-php | wp |
wp_dropdown_pages | wp-dropdown dropdown pages page post-template-php | wp |
post_custom | post custom post-template-php | |
_wp_link_page | wp-link link page post-template-php | wp |
wp_link_pages | wp-link link pages page post-template-php | wp |
post_password_required | post password required requir post-template-php | |
get_body_class | get body class bodi post-template-php | |
body_class | body class bodi post-template-php | |
get_post_class | get post class post-template-php | |
post_class | post class post-template-php | |
has_excerpt | has excerpt ha post-template-php | |
get_the_excerpt | get excerpt post-template-php | the |
the_excerpt | excerpt post-template-php | the |
_convert_urlencoded_to_entities | convert urlencoded entities urlencod entiti post-template-php | to |
get_the_content | get content post-template-php | the |
the_content | content post-template-php | the |
get_the_guid | get guid post-template-php | the |
the_guid | guid post-template-php | the |
get_the_title | get title titl post-template-php | the |
the_title_attribute | title attribute titl attribut post-template-php | the |
the_title | title titl post-template-php | the |
get_the_ID | get id post-template-php | the |
the_ID | id post-template-php | the |
_post_format_wp_get_object_terms | post format object terms term post-formats-php | wp get |
_post_format_get_terms | post format terms term post-formats-php | get |
_post_format_get_term | post format term post-formats-php | get |
_post_format_link | post format link post-formats-php | |
_post_format_request | post format request post-formats-php | |
get_post_format_link | get post format link post-formats-php | |
get_post_format_string | get post format string post-formats-php | |
get_post_format_slugs | get post format slugs slug post-formats-php | |
get_post_format_strings | get post format strings string post-formats-php | |
set_post_format | set post format post-formats-php | |
has_post_format | has post format ha post-formats-php | |
get_post_format | get post format post-formats-php | |
_wp_filter_build_unique_id | wp-filter filter build unique id uniqu plugin-php | wp |
_wp_call_all_hook | wp-call call all hook plugin-php | wp |
register_uninstall_hook | register uninstall hook regist uninstal plugin-php | |
register_deactivation_hook | register deactivation hook regist deactiv plugin-php | |
register_activation_hook | register activation hook regist activ plugin-php | |
plugin_dir_url | plugin dir url plugin-php | |
plugin_dir_path | plugin dir path plugin-php | |
wp_register_plugin_realpath | wp-register register regist plugin realpath plugin-php | wp |
plugin_basename | plugin basename basenam plugin-php | |
remove_all_actions | remove all actions remov action plugin-php | |
remove_action | remove action remov plugin-php | |
has_action | has action ha plugin-php | |
do_action_ref_array | do action ref array arrai plugin-php | |
did_action | did action plugin-php | |
do_action | do action plugin-php | |
add_action | add action plugin-php | |
doing_action | doing action do plugin-php | |
doing_filter | doing filter do plugin-php | |
current_action | current action plugin-php | |
current_filter | current filter plugin-php | |
remove_all_filters | remove all filters remov filter plugin-php | |
remove_filter | remove filter remov plugin-php | |
apply_filters_ref_array | apply filters ref array appli filter arrai plugin-php | |
apply_filters | apply filters appli filter plugin-php | |
has_filter | has filter ha plugin-php | |
add_filter | add filter plugin-php | |
wp_text_diff | wp-text text diff pluggable-php | wp |
get_avatar | get avatar pluggable-php | |
wp_set_password | wp-set set password pluggable-php | wp |
wp_rand | wp-rand rand pluggable-php | wp |
wp_generate_password | wp-generate generate gener password pluggable-php | wp |
wp_check_password | wp-check check password pluggable-php | wp |
wp_hash_password | wp-hash hash password pluggable-php | wp |
wp_hash | wp-hash hash pluggable-php | wp |
wp_salt | wp-salt salt pluggable-php | wp |
wp_create_nonce | wp-create create creat nonce nonc pluggable-php | wp |
wp_verify_nonce | wp-verify verify verifi nonce nonc pluggable-php | wp |
wp_nonce_tick | wp-nonce nonce nonc tick pluggable-php | wp |
wp_new_user_notification | wp-new new user notification notif pluggable-php | wp |
wp_password_change_notification | wp-password password change notification chang notif pluggable-php | wp |
wp_notify_moderator | wp-notify notify notifi moderator moder pluggable-php | wp |
wp_notify_postauthor | wp-notify notify notifi postauthor pluggable-php | wp |
wp_validate_redirect | wp-validate validate valid redirect pluggable-php | wp |
wp_safe_redirect | wp-safe safe redirect pluggable-php | wp |
wp_sanitize_redirect | wp-sanitize sanitize sanit redirect pluggable-php | wp |
wp_redirect | wp-redirect redirect pluggable-php | wp |
check_ajax_referer | check ajax referer refer pluggable-php | |
check_admin_referer | check admin referer refer pluggable-php | |
auth_redirect | auth redirect pluggable-php | |
is_user_logged_in | is user logged log pluggable-php | in |
wp_clear_auth_cookie | wp-clear clear auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | wp |
wp_set_auth_cookie | wp-set set auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | wp |
wp_parse_auth_cookie | wp-parse parse pars auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | wp |
wp_generate_auth_cookie | wp-generate generate gener auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | wp |
wp_validate_auth_cookie | wp-validate validate valid auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | wp |
wp_logout | wp-logout logout pluggable-php | wp |
wp_authenticate | wp-authenticate authenticate authent pluggable-php | wp |
wp_mail | wp-mail mail pluggable-php | wp |
cache_users | cache users cach user pluggable-php | |
get_user_by | get user pluggable-php | by |
get_userdata | get userdata pluggable-php | |
get_currentuserinfo | get currentuserinfo pluggable-php | |
wp_get_current_user | get wp-get current user pluggable-php | wp |
wp_set_current_user | wp-set set current user pluggable-php | wp |
wp_login | wp-login login pluggable-deprecated-php | wp |
wp_get_cookie_login | get wp-get cookie login cooki pluggable-deprecated-php | wp |
wp_clearcookie | wp-clearcookie clearcookie clearcooki pluggable-deprecated-php | wp |
wp_setcookie | wp-setcookie setcookie setcooki pluggable-deprecated-php | wp |
get_user_by_email | get user email pluggable-deprecated-php | by |
get_userdatabylogin | get userdatabylogin pluggable-deprecated-php | |
set_current_user | set current user pluggable-deprecated-php | |
set_site_transient | set site transient option-php | |
get_site_transient | get site transient option-php | |
delete_site_transient | delete site transient delet option-php | |
update_site_option | update site option updat option-php | |
delete_site_option | delete site option delet option-php | |
add_site_option | add site option option-php | |
get_site_option | get site option option-php | |
delete_all_user_settings | delete all user settings delet set option-php | |
wp_set_all_user_settings | wp-set set all user settings option-php | wp |
get_all_user_settings | get all user settings set option-php | |
delete_user_setting | delete user setting delet set option-php | |
set_user_setting | set user setting option-php | |
get_user_setting | get user setting set option-php | |
wp_user_settings | wp-user user settings set option-php | wp |
set_transient | set transient option-php | |
get_transient | get transient option-php | |
delete_transient | delete transient delet option-php | |
delete_option | delete option delet option-php | |
add_option | add option option-php | |
update_option | update option updat option-php | |
wp_load_core_site_options | wp-load load core site options option option-php | wp |
wp_load_alloptions | wp-load load alloptions allopt option-php | wp |
form_option | form option option-php | |
wp_protect_special_option | wp-protect protect special option option-php | wp |
get_option | get option option-php | |
_wp_auto_add_pages_to_menu | wp-auto auto add pages menu page nav-menu-php | wp to |
_wp_delete_tax_menu_item | wp-delete delete delet tax menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
_wp_delete_post_menu_item | wp-delete delete delet post menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_get_associated_nav_menu_items | get wp-get associated nav menu items associ item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_setup_nav_menu_item | wp-setup setup nav menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_get_nav_menu_items | get wp-get nav menu items item nav-menu-php | wp |
_is_valid_nav_menu_item | is valid nav menu item nav-menu-php | |
_sort_nav_menu_items | sort nav menu items item nav-menu-php | |
wp_get_nav_menus | get wp-get nav menus menu nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_update_nav_menu_item | wp-update update updat nav menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_update_nav_menu_object | wp-update update updat nav menu object nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_delete_nav_menu | wp-delete delete delet nav menu nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_create_nav_menu | wp-create create creat nav menu nav-menu-php | wp |
is_nav_menu_item | is nav menu item nav-menu-php | |
has_nav_menu | has nav menu ha nav-menu-php | |
get_nav_menu_locations | get nav menu locations locat nav-menu-php | |
get_registered_nav_menus | get registered nav menus regist menu nav-menu-php | |
register_nav_menu | register nav menu regist nav-menu-php | |
unregister_nav_menu | unregister nav menu unregist nav-menu-php | |
register_nav_menus | register nav menus regist menu nav-menu-php | |
is_nav_menu | is nav menu nav-menu-php | |
wp_get_nav_menu_object | get wp-get nav menu object nav-menu-php | wp |
_nav_menu_item_id_use_once | nav menu item id use once us onc nav-menu-template-php | |
walk_nav_menu_tree | walk nav menu tree nav-menu-template-php | |
_wp_menu_item_classes_by_context | wp-menu menu item classes context class nav-menu-template-php | wp by |
wp_nav_menu | wp-nav nav menu nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wpmu_current_site | wpmu current site ms-load-php | |
get_current_site_name | get current site name ms-load-php | |
ms_not_installed | ms not installed instal ms-load-php | |
get_site_by_path | get site path ms-load-php | by |
wp_get_network | get wp-get network ms-load-php | wp |
get_network_by_path | get network path ms-load-php | by |
ms_site_check | ms site check ms-load-php | |
wp_get_active_network_plugins | get wp-get active network plugins activ plugin ms-load-php | wp |
is_subdomain_install | is subdomain install instal ms-load-php | |
wp_get_sites | get wp-get sites site ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_is_large_network | is wp-is large network larg ms-functions-php | wp |
upload_size_limit_filter | upload size limit filter ms-functions-php | |
is_upload_space_available | is upload space available avail ms-functions-php | |
get_upload_space_available | get upload space available avail ms-functions-php | |
get_space_allowed | get space allowed allow ms-functions-php | |
get_space_used | get space used us ms-functions-php | |
wp_update_network_user_counts | wp-update update updat network user counts count ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_update_network_site_counts | wp-update update updat network site counts count ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_maybe_update_network_user_counts | wp-maybe maybe mayb update network user counts updat count ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_maybe_update_network_site_counts | wp-maybe maybe mayb update network site counts updat count ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_update_network_counts | wp-update update updat network counts count ms-functions-php | wp |
wp_schedule_update_network_counts | wp-schedule schedule schedul update network counts updat count ms-functions-php | wp |
filter_SSL | filter ssl ms-functions-php | |
force_ssl_content | force ssl content forc ms-functions-php | |
welcome_user_msg_filter | welcome user msg filter welcom ms-functions-php | |
users_can_register_signup_filter | users can register signup filter user regist ms-functions-php | |
is_user_option_local | is user option local ms-functions-php | |
update_blog_public | update blog public updat ms-functions-php | |
is_user_spammy | is user spammy spammi ms-functions-php | |
fix_phpmailer_messageid | fix phpmailer messageid ms-functions-php | |
add_new_user_to_blog | add new user blog ms-functions-php | to |
add_existing_user_to_blog | add existing user blog exist ms-functions-php | to |
maybe_add_existing_user_to_blog | maybe add existing user blog mayb exist ms-functions-php | to |
maybe_redirect_404 | maybe redirect 404 mayb ms-functions-php | |
signup_nonce_check | signup nonce check nonc ms-functions-php | |
signup_nonce_fields | signup nonce fields nonc field ms-functions-php | |
upload_is_file_too_big | upload file too big ms-functions-php | is |
redirect_this_site | redirect site ms-functions-php | this |
global_terms | global terms term ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_log_new_registrations | wpmu log new registrations registr ms-functions-php | |
update_posts_count | update posts count updat post ms-functions-php | |
check_upload_mimes | check upload mimes mime ms-functions-php | |
recurse_dirsize | recurse dirsize recurs dirsiz ms-functions-php | |
get_dirsize | get dirsize dirsiz ms-functions-php | |
get_most_recent_post_of_user | get most recent post user ms-functions-php | of |
get_current_site | get current site ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_welcome_user_notification | wpmu welcome user notification welcom notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_welcome_notification | wpmu welcome notification welcom notif ms-functions-php | |
install_blog_defaults | install blog defaults instal default ms-functions-php | |
install_blog | install blog instal ms-functions-php | |
insert_blog | insert blog ms-functions-php | |
domain_exists | domain exists exist ms-functions-php | |
newuser_notify_siteadmin | newuser notify siteadmin newus notifi ms-functions-php | |
newblog_notify_siteadmin | newblog notify siteadmin notifi ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_create_blog | wpmu create blog creat ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_create_user | wpmu create user creat ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_activate_signup | wpmu activate signup activ ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_user_notification | wpmu signup user notification notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_blog_notification | wpmu signup blog notification notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_user | wpmu signup user ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_blog | wpmu signup blog ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_validate_blog_signup | wpmu validate blog signup valid ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_validate_user_signup | wpmu validate user signup valid ms-functions-php | |
is_email_address_unsafe | is email address unsafe unsaf ms-functions-php | |
get_blog_id_from_url | get blog id url ms-functions-php | from |
get_blog_permalink | get blog permalink ms-functions-php | |
create_empty_blog | create empty blog creat empti ms-functions-php | |
remove_user_from_blog | remove user blog remov ms-functions-php | from |
add_user_to_blog | add user blog ms-functions-php | to |
get_blog_post | get blog post ms-functions-php | |
get_blog_count | get blog count ms-functions-php | |
get_user_count | get user count ms-functions-php | |
get_active_blog_for_user | get active blog user activ ms-functions-php | for |
get_admin_users_for_domain | get admin users domain user ms-functions-php | for |
get_sitestats | get sitestats sitestat ms-functions-php | |
get_blogaddress_by_domain | get blogaddress domain ms-deprecated-php | by |
get_user_id_from_string | get user id string ms-deprecated-php | from |
wpmu_admin_redirect_add_updated_param | wpmu admin redirect add updated param updat ms-deprecated-php | |
wpmu_admin_do_redirect | wpmu admin do redirect ms-deprecated-php | |
get_most_active_blogs | get most active blogs activ blog ms-deprecated-php | |
get_blog_list | get blog list ms-deprecated-php | |
validate_email | validate email valid ms-deprecated-php | |
is_main_blog | is main blog ms-deprecated-php | |
clear_global_post_cache | clear global post cache cach ms-deprecated-php | |
get_user_details | get user details detail ms-deprecated-php | |
graceful_fail | graceful fail grace ms-deprecated-php | |
is_site_admin | is site admin ms-deprecated-php | |
generate_random_password | generate random password gener ms-deprecated-php | |
get_dashboard_blog | get dashboard blog ms-deprecated-php | |
ms_subdomain_constants | ms subdomain constants constant ms-default-constants-php | |
ms_file_constants | ms file constants constant ms-default-constants-php | |
ms_cookie_constants | ms cookie constants cooki constant ms-default-constants-php | |
ms_upload_constants | ms upload constants constant ms-default-constants-php | |
_update_posts_count_on_transition_post_status | update posts count transition post status updat transit statu ms-blogs-php | on |
_update_posts_count_on_delete | update posts count delete updat post delet ms-blogs-php | on |
_update_blog_date_on_post_delete | update blog date post delete updat delet ms-blogs-php | on |
_update_blog_date_on_post_publish | update blog date post publish updat ms-blogs-php | on |
get_last_updated | get last updated updat ms-blogs-php | |
get_blog_status | get blog status statu ms-blogs-php | |
update_blog_status | update blog status updat statu ms-blogs-php | |
update_archived | update archived updat archiv ms-blogs-php | |
is_archived | is archived archiv ms-blogs-php | |
ms_is_switched | ms switched switch ms-blogs-php | is |
restore_current_blog | restore current blog restor ms-blogs-php | |
switch_to_blog | switch blog ms-blogs-php | to |
update_blog_option | update blog option updat ms-blogs-php | |
delete_blog_option | delete blog option delet ms-blogs-php | |
add_blog_option | add blog option ms-blogs-php | |
get_blog_option | get blog option ms-blogs-php | |
clean_blog_cache | clean blog cache cach ms-blogs-php | |
update_blog_details | update blog details updat detail ms-blogs-php | |
refresh_blog_details | refresh blog details detail ms-blogs-php | |
get_blog_details | get blog details detail ms-blogs-php | |
get_id_from_blogname | get id blogname blognam ms-blogs-php | from |
get_blogaddress_by_name | get blogaddress name ms-blogs-php | by |
get_blogaddress_by_id | get blogaddress id ms-blogs-php | by |
wpmu_update_blogs_date | wpmu update blogs date updat blog ms-blogs-php | |
register_meta | register meta regist meta-php | |
sanitize_meta | sanitize meta sanit meta-php | |
is_protected_meta | is protected meta protect meta-php | |
_get_meta_table | get meta table tabl meta-php | |
get_meta_sql | get meta sql meta-php | |
update_meta_cache | update meta cache updat cach meta-php | |
delete_metadata_by_mid | delete metadata mid delet meta-php | by |
update_metadata_by_mid | update metadata mid updat meta-php | by |
get_metadata_by_mid | get metadata mid meta-php | by |
metadata_exists | metadata exists exist meta-php | |
get_metadata | get metadata meta-php | |
delete_metadata | delete metadata delet meta-php | |
update_metadata | update metadata updat meta-php | |
add_metadata | add metadata meta-php | |
wpview_media_sandbox_styles | wpview media sandbox styles style media-php | |
attachment_url_to_postid | attachment url postid attach media-php | to |
wp_maybe_generate_attachment_metadata | wp-maybe maybe mayb generate attachment metadata gener attach media-php | wp |
get_post_gallery_images | get post gallery images galleri imag media-php | |
get_post_galleries_images | get post galleries images galleri imag media-php | |
get_post_gallery | get post gallery galleri media-php | |
get_post_galleries | get post galleries galleri media-php | |
get_media_embedded_in_content | get media embedded content embed media-php | in |
get_attached_media | get attached media attach media-php | |
wp_enqueue_media | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu media media-php | wp |
wp_prepare_attachment_for_js | wp-prepare prepare prepar attachment js attach media-php | wp for |
wp_plupload_default_settings | wp-plupload plupload default settings set media-php | wp |
_wp_image_editor_choose | wp-image image imag editor choose choos media-php | wp |
wp_image_editor_supports | wp-image image imag editor supports support media-php | wp |
wp_get_image_editor | get wp-get image editor imag media-php | wp |
wp_max_upload_size | wp-max max upload size media-php | wp |
wp_convert_hr_to_bytes | wp-convert convert hr bytes byte media-php | wp to |
wp_embed_handler_video | wp-embed embed emb handler video media-php | wp |
wp_embed_handler_audio | wp-embed embed emb handler audio media-php | wp |
wp_embed_handler_youtube | wp-embed embed emb handler youtube youtub media-php | wp |
wp_embed_handler_googlevideo | wp-embed embed emb handler googlevideo media-php | wp |
wp_maybe_load_embeds | wp-maybe maybe mayb load embeds emb media-php | wp |
wp_oembed_remove_provider | wp-oembed oembed oemb remove provider remov provid media-php | wp |
wp_oembed_add_provider | wp-oembed oembed oemb add provider provid media-php | wp |
wp_oembed_get | wp-oembed oembed oemb media-php | wp get |
wp_expand_dimensions | wp-expand expand dimensions dimens media-php | wp |
wp_embed_defaults | wp-embed embed emb defaults default media-php | wp |
wp_embed_unregister_handler | wp-embed embed emb unregister handler unregist media-php | wp |
wp_embed_register_handler | wp-embed embed emb register handler regist media-php | wp |
wp_imagecreatetruecolor | wp-imagecreatetruecolor imagecreatetruecolor media-php | wp |
get_taxonomies_for_attachments | get taxonomies attachments taxonomi attach media-php | for |
get_attachment_taxonomies | get attachment taxonomies attach taxonomi media-php | |
adjacent_image_link | adjacent image link adjac imag media-php | |
next_image_link | next image link imag media-php | |
previous_image_link | previous image link previou imag media-php | |
wp_video_shortcode | wp-video video shortcode shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_get_video_extensions | get wp-get video extensions extens media-php | wp |
wp_audio_shortcode | wp-audio audio shortcode shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_id3_keys | get wp-get attachment id3 keys attach kei media-php | wp |
wp_get_audio_extensions | get wp-get audio extensions extens media-php | wp |
wp_mediaelement_fallback | wp-mediaelement mediaelement mediael fallback media-php | wp |
wp_playlist_shortcode | wp-playlist playlist shortcode shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_playlist_scripts | wp-playlist playlist scripts script media-php | wp |
wp_underscore_playlist_templates | wp-underscore underscore underscor playlist templates templat media-php | wp |
gallery_shortcode | gallery shortcode galleri shortcod media-php | |
img_caption_shortcode | img caption shortcode shortcod media-php | |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_remove | wp-post post thumbnail class filter remove remov media-php | wp |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter_add | wp-post post thumbnail class filter add media-php | wp |
_wp_post_thumbnail_class_filter | wp-post post thumbnail class filter media-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_image | get wp-get attachment image attach imag media-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_image_src | get wp-get attachment image src attach imag media-php | wp |
get_intermediate_image_sizes | get intermediate image sizes intermedi imag size media-php | |
image_get_intermediate_size | image intermediate size imag intermedi media-php | get |
image_make_intermediate_size | image make intermediate size imag intermedi media-php | |
image_resize_dimensions | image resize dimensions imag resiz dimens media-php | |
wp_constrain_dimensions | wp-constrain constrain dimensions dimens media-php | wp |
get_image_tag | get image tag imag media-php | |
set_post_thumbnail_size | set post thumbnail size media-php | |
remove_image_size | remove image size remov imag media-php | |
has_image_size | has image size ha imag media-php | |
add_image_size | add image size imag media-php | |
image_downsize | image downsize imag downsiz media-php | |
image_hwstring | image hwstring imag media-php | |
image_constrain_size_for_editor | image constrain size editor imag media-php | for |
wp_print_media_templates | wp-print print media templates templat media-template-php | wp |
wp_underscore_video_template | wp-underscore underscore underscor video template templat media-template-php | wp |
wp_underscore_audio_template | wp-underscore underscore underscor audio template templat media-template-php | wp |
is_rtl | is rtl locale-php | |
wp_load_translations_early | wp-load load translations early translat earli load-php | wp |
get_current_blog_id | get current blog id load-php | |
is_multisite | is multisite multisit load-php | |
is_user_admin | is user admin load-php | |
is_network_admin | is network admin load-php | |
is_blog_admin | is blog admin load-php | |
is_admin | is admin load-php | |
wp_clone | wp-clone clone load-php | wp |
shutdown_action_hook | shutdown action hook load-php | |
wp_magic_quotes | wp-magic magic quotes quot load-php | wp |
wp_set_internal_encoding | wp-set set internal encoding intern encod load-php | wp |
wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins | get wp-get active and valid plugins activ plugin load-php | wp |
wp_get_mu_plugins | get wp-get mu plugins plugin load-php | wp |
wp_not_installed | wp-not not installed instal load-php | wp |
wp_start_object_cache | wp-start start object cache cach load-php | wp |
wp_using_ext_object_cache | wp-using using us ext object cache cach load-php | wp |
wp_set_wpdb_vars | wp-set set wpdb vars var load-php | wp |
require_wp_db | require db requir load-php | wp |
wp_set_lang_dir | wp-set set lang dir load-php | wp |
wp_debug_mode | wp-debug debug mode load-php | wp |
timer_stop | timer stop load-php | |
timer_start | timer start load-php | |
wp_maintenance | wp-maintenance maintenance mainten load-php | wp |
wp_favicon_request | wp-favicon favicon request load-php | wp |
wp_check_php_mysql_versions | wp-check check php mysql versions version load-php | wp |
wp_fix_server_vars | wp-fix fix server vars var load-php | wp |
wp_unregister_GLOBALS | wp-unregister unregister unregist globals global load-php | wp |
the_shortlink | shortlink link-template-php | the |
wp_shortlink_header | wp-shortlink shortlink header link-template-php | wp |
wp_shortlink_wp_head | wp-shortlink shortlink head link-template-php | wp wp |
wp_get_shortlink | get wp-get shortlink link-template-php | wp |
rel_canonical | rel canonical canon link-template-php | |
get_edit_profile_url | get edit profile url profil link-template-php | |
get_dashboard_url | get dashboard url link-template-php | |
set_url_scheme | set url scheme link-template-php | |
self_admin_url | self admin url link-template-php | |
user_admin_url | user admin url link-template-php | |
network_admin_url | network admin url link-template-php | |
network_home_url | network home url link-template-php | |
network_site_url | network site url link-template-php | |
plugins_url | plugins url plugin link-template-php | |
content_url | content url link-template-php | |
includes_url | includes url includ link-template-php | |
get_admin_url | get admin url link-template-php | |
admin_url | admin url link-template-php | |
get_site_url | get site url link-template-php | |
site_url | site url link-template-php | |
get_home_url | get home url link-template-php | |
home_url | home url link-template-php | |
get_shortcut_link | get shortcut link link-template-php | |
paginate_comments_links | paginate comments links pagin comment link link-template-php | |
previous_comments_link | previous comments link previou comment link-template-php | |
get_previous_comments_link | get previous comments link previou comment link-template-php | |
next_comments_link | next comments link comment link-template-php | |
get_next_comments_link | get next comments link comment link-template-php | |
get_comments_pagenum_link | get comments pagenum link comment link-template-php | |
posts_nav_link | posts nav link post link-template-php | |
get_posts_nav_link | get posts nav link post link-template-php | |
previous_posts_link | previous posts link previou post link-template-php | |
get_previous_posts_link | get previous posts link previou post link-template-php | |
previous_posts | previous posts previou post link-template-php | |
get_previous_posts_page_link | get previous posts page link previou post link-template-php | |
next_posts_link | next posts link post link-template-php | |
get_next_posts_link | get next posts link post link-template-php | |
next_posts | next posts post link-template-php | |
get_next_posts_page_link | get next posts page link post link-template-php | |
get_pagenum_link | get pagenum link link-template-php | |
adjacent_post_link | adjacent post link adjac link-template-php | |
get_adjacent_post_link | get adjacent post link adjac link-template-php | |
next_post_link | next post link link-template-php | |
get_next_post_link | get next post link link-template-php | |
previous_post_link | previous post link previou link-template-php | |
get_previous_post_link | get previous post link previou link-template-php | |
get_boundary_post | get boundary post boundari link-template-php | |
prev_post_rel_link | prev post rel link link-template-php | |
next_post_rel_link | next post rel link link-template-php | |
adjacent_posts_rel_link_wp_head | adjacent posts rel link head adjac post link-template-php | wp |
adjacent_posts_rel_link | adjacent posts rel link adjac post link-template-php | |
get_adjacent_post_rel_link | get adjacent post rel link adjac link-template-php | |
get_adjacent_post | get adjacent post adjac link-template-php | |
get_next_post | get next post link-template-php | |
get_previous_post | get previous post previou link-template-php | |
get_edit_user_link | get edit user link link-template-php | |
edit_bookmark_link | edit bookmark link link-template-php | |
get_edit_bookmark_link | get edit bookmark link link-template-php | |
edit_comment_link | edit comment link link-template-php | |
get_edit_comment_link | get edit comment link link-template-php | |
get_delete_post_link | get delete post link delet link-template-php | |
edit_post_link | edit post link link-template-php | |
get_edit_post_link | get edit post link link-template-php | |
get_post_type_archive_feed_link | get post type archive feed link archiv link-template-php | |
get_post_type_archive_link | get post type archive link archiv link-template-php | |
get_search_comments_feed_link | get search comments feed link comment link-template-php | |
get_search_feed_link | get search feed link link-template-php | |
get_search_link | get search link link-template-php | |
edit_term_link | edit term link link-template-php | |
get_edit_term_link | get edit term link link-template-php | |
edit_tag_link | edit tag link link-template-php | |
get_edit_tag_link | get edit tag link link-template-php | |
get_tag_feed_link | get tag feed link link-template-php | |
get_term_feed_link | get term feed link link-template-php | |
get_category_feed_link | get category feed link categori link-template-php | |
get_author_feed_link | get author feed link link-template-php | |
post_comments_feed_link | post comments feed link comment link-template-php | |
get_post_comments_feed_link | get post comments feed link comment link-template-php | |
get_feed_link | get feed link link-template-php | |
the_feed_link | feed link link-template-php | the |
get_day_link | get day link dai link-template-php | |
get_month_link | get month link link-template-php | |
get_year_link | get year link link-template-php | |
get_attachment_link | get attachment link attach link-template-php | |
_get_page_link | get page link link-template-php | |
get_page_link | get page link link-template-php | |
post_permalink | post permalink link-template-php | |
get_post_permalink | get post permalink link-template-php | |
get_permalink | get permalink link-template-php | |
get_the_permalink | get permalink link-template-php | the |
permalink_anchor | permalink anchor link-template-php | |
user_trailingslashit | user trailingslashit link-template-php | |
the_permalink | permalink link-template-php | the |
wp_dropdown_languages | wp-dropdown dropdown languages languag l10n-php | wp |
wp_get_pomo_file_data | get wp-get pomo file data l10n-php | wp |
wp_get_installed_translations | get wp-get installed translations instal translat l10n-php | wp |
get_available_languages | get available languages avail languag l10n-php | |
translate_user_role | translate user role translat l10n-php | |
is_textdomain_loaded | is textdomain loaded load l10n-php | |
get_translations_for_domain | get translations domain translat l10n-php | for |
load_child_theme_textdomain | load child theme textdomain l10n-php | |
load_theme_textdomain | load theme textdomain l10n-php | |
load_muplugin_textdomain | load muplugin textdomain l10n-php | |
load_plugin_textdomain | load plugin textdomain l10n-php | |
load_default_textdomain | load default textdomain l10n-php | |
unload_textdomain | unload textdomain l10n-php | |
load_textdomain | load textdomain l10n-php | |
translate_nooped_plural | translate nooped plural translat noop l10n-php | |
_nx_noop | nx noop l10n-php | |
_n_noop | n noop l10n-php | |
_nx | nx l10n-php | |
_n | n l10n-php | |
esc_html_x | esc html x l10n-php | |
esc_attr_x | esc attr x l10n-php | |
_ex | ex l10n-php | |
_x | x l10n-php | |
esc_html_e | esc html e l10n-php | |
esc_attr_e | esc attr e l10n-php | |
_e | e l10n-php | |
esc_html__ | esc html l10n-php | |
esc_attr__ | esc attr l10n-php | |
translate_with_gettext_context | translate gettext context translat l10n-php | with |
before_last_bar | before last bar befor l10n-php | |
translate | translate translat l10n-php | |
get_locale | get locale local l10n-php | |
_wp_add_global_attributes | wp-add add global attributes attribut kses-php | wp |
safecss_filter_attr | safecss filter attr kses-php | |
kses_init | kses init kse kses-php | |
kses_remove_filters | kses remove filters kse remov filter kses-php | |
kses_init_filters | kses init filters kse filter kses-php | |
wp_filter_nohtml_kses | wp-filter filter nohtml kses kse kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_post | wp-kses kses kse post kses-php | wp |
wp_filter_post_kses | wp-filter filter post kses kse kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_data | wp-kses kses kse data kses-php | wp |
wp_filter_kses | wp-filter filter kses kse kses-php | wp |
_wp_kses_decode_entities_chr_hexdec | wp-kses kses kse decode entities chr hexdec decod entiti kses-php | wp |
_wp_kses_decode_entities_chr | wp-kses kses kse decode entities chr decod entiti kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_decode_entities | wp-kses kses kse decode entities decod entiti kses-php | wp |
valid_unicode | valid unicode unicod kses-php | |
wp_kses_normalize_entities3 | wp-kses kses kse normalize entities3 normal kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_normalize_entities2 | wp-kses kses kse normalize entities2 normal kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_named_entities | wp-kses kses kse named entities name entiti kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_normalize_entities | wp-kses kses kse normalize entities normal entiti kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_bad_protocol_once2 | wp-kses kses kse bad protocol once2 kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_bad_protocol_once | wp-kses kses kse bad protocol once onc kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_html_error | wp-kses kses kse html error kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_js_entities | wp-kses kses kse js entities entiti kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_array_lc | wp-kses kses kse array lc arrai kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_stripslashes | wp-kses kses kse stripslashes stripslash kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_no_null | wp-kses kses kse no null kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_bad_protocol | wp-kses kses kse bad protocol kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_check_attr_val | wp-kses kses kse check attr val kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_hair | wp-kses kses kse hair kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_attr | wp-kses kses kse attr kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_split2 | wp-kses kses kse split2 kses-php | wp |
_wp_kses_split_callback | wp-kses kses kse split callback kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_split | wp-kses kses kse split kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_version | wp-kses kses kse version kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_hook | wp-kses kses kse hook kses-php | wp |
wp_kses_allowed_html | wp-kses kses kse allowed html allow kses-php | wp |
wp_kses | wp-kses kses kse kses-php | wp |
ms_allowed_http_request_hosts | ms allowed http request hosts allow host http-php | |
allowed_http_request_hosts | allowed http request hosts allow host http-php | |
wp_http_validate_url | wp-http http validate url valid http-php | wp |
send_origin_headers | send origin headers header http-php | |
is_allowed_http_origin | is allowed http origin allow http-php | |
get_allowed_http_origins | get allowed http origins allow origin http-php | |
get_http_origin | get http origin http-php | |
wp_http_supports | wp-http http supports support http-php | wp |
wp_remote_retrieve_body | wp-remote remote remot retrieve body retriev bodi http-php | wp |
wp_remote_retrieve_response_message | wp-remote remote remot retrieve response message retriev respons messag http-php | wp |
wp_remote_retrieve_response_code | wp-remote remote remot retrieve response code retriev respons http-php | wp |
wp_remote_retrieve_header | wp-remote remote remot retrieve header retriev http-php | wp |
wp_remote_retrieve_headers | wp-remote remote remot retrieve headers retriev header http-php | wp |
wp_remote_head | wp-remote remote remot head http-php | wp |
wp_remote_post | wp-remote remote remot post http-php | wp |
wp_remote_get | wp-remote remote remot http-php | wp get |
wp_remote_request | wp-remote remote remot request http-php | wp |
wp_safe_remote_head | wp-safe safe remote head remot http-php | wp |
wp_safe_remote_post | wp-safe safe remote post remot http-php | wp |
wp_safe_remote_get | wp-safe safe remote remot http-php | wp get |
wp_safe_remote_request | wp-safe safe remote request remot http-php | wp |
_wp_http_get_object | wp-http http object http-php | wp get |
wp_heartbeat_settings | wp-heartbeat heartbeat settings set general-template-php | wp |
__checked_selected_helper | checked selected helper check select general-template-php | |
disabled | disabled disabl general-template-php | |
selected | selected select general-template-php | |
checked | checked check general-template-php | |
get_the_generator | get generator gener general-template-php | the |
the_generator | generator gener general-template-php | the |
wp_generator | wp-generator generator gener general-template-php | wp |
add_thickbox | add thickbox general-template-php | |
wp_admin_css | wp-admin admin css general-template-php | wp |
wp_admin_css_uri | wp-admin admin css uri general-template-php | wp |
register_admin_color_schemes | register admin color schemes regist scheme general-template-php | |
wp_admin_css_color | wp-admin admin css color general-template-php | wp |
paginate_links | paginate links pagin link general-template-php | |
language_attributes | language attributes languag attribut general-template-php | |
the_search_query | search query queri general-template-php | the |
get_search_query | get search query queri general-template-php | |
wp_editor | wp-editor editor general-template-php | wp |
wp_default_editor | wp-default default editor general-template-php | wp |
user_can_richedit | user can richedit general-template-php | |
wp_no_robots | wp-no no robots robot general-template-php | wp |
noindex | noindex general-template-php | |
wlwmanifest_link | wlwmanifest link general-template-php | |
rsd_link | rsd link general-template-php | |
feed_links_extra | feed links extra link general-template-php | |
feed_links | feed links link general-template-php | |
wp_footer | wp-footer footer general-template-php | wp |
wp_head | wp-head head general-template-php | wp |
the_weekday_date | weekday date weekdai general-template-php | the |
the_weekday | weekday weekdai general-template-php | the |
get_post_modified_time | get post modified time modifi general-template-php | |
get_the_modified_time | get modified time modifi general-template-php | the |
the_modified_time | modified time modifi general-template-php | the |
get_post_time | get post time general-template-php | |
get_the_time | get time general-template-php | the |
the_time | time general-template-php | the |
get_the_modified_date | get modified date modifi general-template-php | the |
the_modified_date | modified date modifi general-template-php | the |
get_the_date | get date general-template-php | the |
the_date | date general-template-php | the |
the_date_xml | date xml general-template-php | the |
allowed_tags | allowed tags allow tag general-template-php | |
delete_get_calendar_cache | delete calendar cache delet cach general-template-php | get |
get_calendar | get calendar general-template-php | |
calendar_week_mod | calendar week mod general-template-php | |
wp_get_archives | get wp-get archives archiv general-template-php | wp |
get_archives_link | get archives link archiv general-template-php | |
single_month_title | single month title singl titl general-template-php | |
single_term_title | single term title singl titl general-template-php | |
single_tag_title | single tag title singl titl general-template-php | |
single_cat_title | single cat title singl titl general-template-php | |
post_type_archive_title | post type archive title archiv titl general-template-php | |
single_post_title | single post title singl titl general-template-php | |
wp_title | wp-title title titl general-template-php | wp |
get_bloginfo | get bloginfo general-template-php | |
bloginfo | bloginfo general-template-php | |
wp_meta | wp-meta meta general-template-php | wp |
wp_register | wp-register register regist general-template-php | wp |
wp_lostpassword_url | wp-lostpassword lostpassword url general-template-php | wp |
wp_login_form | wp-login login form general-template-php | wp |
wp_registration_url | wp-registration registration registr url general-template-php | wp |
wp_login_url | wp-login login url general-template-php | wp |
wp_logout_url | wp-logout logout url general-template-php | wp |
wp_loginout | wp-loginout loginout general-template-php | wp |
get_search_form | get search form general-template-php | |
get_template_part | get template part templat general-template-php | |
get_sidebar | get sidebar general-template-php | |
get_footer | get footer general-template-php | |
get_header | get header general-template-php | |
wp_style_add_data | wp-style style add data functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_style_is | wp-style style functions-wp-styles-php | wp is |
wp_dequeue_style | wp-dequeue dequeue dequeu style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_enqueue_style | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_deregister_style | wp-deregister deregister deregist style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_register_style | wp-register register regist style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_add_inline_style | wp-add add inline style inlin functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_print_styles | wp-print print styles style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_script_is | wp-script script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp is |
wp_dequeue_script | wp-dequeue dequeue dequeu script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_enqueue_script | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_deregister_script | wp-deregister deregister deregist script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_localize_script | wp-localize localize local script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_register_script | wp-register register regist script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_print_scripts | wp-print print scripts script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_validate_boolean | wp-validate validate valid boolean functions-php | wp |
reset_mbstring_encoding | reset mbstring encoding encod functions-php | |
mbstring_binary_safe_encoding | mbstring binary safe encoding binari encod functions-php | |
_canonical_charset | canonical charset canon functions-php | |
get_tag_regex | get tag regex functions-php | |
wp_auth_check | wp-auth auth check functions-php | wp |
wp_auth_check_html | wp-auth auth check html functions-php | wp |
wp_auth_check_load | wp-auth auth check load functions-php | wp |
wp_checkdate | wp-checkdate checkdate checkdat functions-php | wp |
wp_is_stream | is wp-is stream functions-php | wp |
_device_can_upload | device can upload devic functions-php | |
_get_non_cached_ids | get non cached ids cach id functions-php | |
wp_debug_backtrace_summary | wp-debug debug backtrace summary backtrac summari functions-php | wp |
wp_allowed_protocols | wp-allowed allowed allow protocols protocol functions-php | wp |
send_frame_options_header | send frame options header option functions-php | |
wp_find_hierarchy_loop_tortoise_hare | wp-find find hierarchy loop tortoise hare hierarchi tortois functions-php | wp |
wp_find_hierarchy_loop | wp-find find hierarchy loop hierarchi functions-php | wp |
send_nosniff_header | send nosniff header functions-php | |
__return_empty_string | return empty string empti functions-php | |
__return_null | return null functions-php | |
__return_empty_array | return empty array empti arrai functions-php | |
__return_zero | return zero functions-php | |
__return_false | return false fals functions-php | |
__return_true | return true functions-php | |
get_file_data | get file data functions-php | |
wp_scheduled_delete | wp-scheduled scheduled schedul delete delet functions-php | wp |
_cleanup_header_comment | cleanup header comment functions-php | |
wp_timezone_choice | wp-timezone timezone timezon choice choic functions-php | wp |
_wp_timezone_choice_usort_callback | wp-timezone timezone timezon choice usort callback choic functions-php | wp |
wp_timezone_override_offset | wp-timezone timezone timezon override offset overrid functions-php | wp |
global_terms_enabled | global terms enabled term enabl functions-php | |
is_main_network | is main network functions-php | |
is_main_site | is main site functions-php | |
wp_suspend_cache_invalidation | wp-suspend suspend cache invalidation cach invalid functions-php | wp |
wp_suspend_cache_addition | wp-suspend suspend cache addition cach addit functions-php | wp |
wp_guess_url | wp-guess guess url functions-php | wp |
force_ssl_admin | force ssl admin forc functions-php | |
force_ssl_login | force ssl login forc functions-php | |
is_ssl | is ssl functions-php | |
validate_file | validate file valid functions-php | |
iis7_supports_permalinks | iis7 supports permalinks support permalink functions-php | |
apache_mod_loaded | apache mod loaded apach load functions-php | |
is_lighttpd_before_150 | is lighttpd before 150 befor functions-php | |
_doing_it_wrong | doing wrong do functions-php | it |
_deprecated_argument | deprecated argument deprec functions-php | |
_deprecated_file | deprecated file deprec functions-php | |
_deprecated_function | deprecated function deprec functions-php | |
absint | absint functions-php | |
dead_db | dead db functions-php | |
wp_ob_end_flush_all | wp-ob ob end flush all functions-php | wp |
wp_widgets_add_menu | wp-widgets widgets widget add menu functions-php | wp |
wp_maybe_load_widgets | wp-maybe maybe mayb load widgets widget functions-php | wp |
wp_list_pluck | wp-list list pluck functions-php | wp |
wp_list_filter | wp-list list filter functions-php | wp |
wp_filter_object_list | wp-filter filter object list functions-php | wp |
wp_array_slice_assoc | wp-array array arrai slice assoc functions-php | wp |
wp_parse_id_list | wp-parse parse pars id list functions-php | wp |
wp_parse_args | wp-parse parse pars args arg functions-php | wp |
smilies_init | smilies init smili functions-php | |
_mce_set_direction | mce set direction direct functions-php | |
_config_wp_siteurl | config siteurl functions-php | wp |
_config_wp_home | config home functions-php | wp |
wp_send_json_error | wp-send send json error functions-php | wp |
wp_send_json_success | wp-send send json success functions-php | wp |
wp_send_json | wp-send send json functions-php | wp |
_scalar_wp_die_handler | scalar die handler functions-php | wp |
_ajax_wp_die_handler | ajax die handler functions-php | wp |
_xmlrpc_wp_die_handler | xmlrpc die handler functions-php | wp |
_default_wp_die_handler | default die handler functions-php | wp |
wp_die | wp-die die functions-php | wp |
wp_nonce_ays | wp-nonce nonce nonc ays ai functions-php | wp |
get_allowed_mime_types | get allowed mime types allow type functions-php | |
wp_get_mime_types | get wp-get mime types type functions-php | wp |
wp_check_filetype_and_ext | wp-check check filetype and ext filetyp functions-php | wp |
wp_check_filetype | wp-check check filetype filetyp functions-php | wp |
wp_ext2type | wp-ext2type ext2type ext2typ functions-php | wp |
wp_upload_bits | wp-upload upload bits bit functions-php | wp |
wp_unique_filename | wp-unique unique uniqu filename filenam functions-php | wp |
wp_upload_dir | wp-upload upload dir functions-php | wp |
win_is_writable | win writable writabl functions-php | is |
wp_is_writable | is wp-is writable writabl functions-php | wp |
get_temp_dir | get temp dir functions-php | |
wp_normalize_path | wp-normalize normalize normal path functions-php | wp |
path_join | path join functions-php | |
path_is_absolute | path absolute absolut functions-php | is |
wp_mkdir_p | wp-mkdir mkdir p functions-php | wp |
wp_get_original_referer | get wp-get original referer origin refer functions-php | wp |
wp_get_referer | get wp-get referer refer functions-php | wp |
wp_original_referer_field | wp-original original origin referer field refer functions-php | wp |
wp_referer_field | wp-referer referer refer field functions-php | wp |
wp_nonce_field | wp-nonce nonce nonc field functions-php | wp |
wp_nonce_url | wp-nonce nonce nonc url functions-php | wp |
is_blog_installed | is blog installed instal functions-php | |
do_robots | do robots robot functions-php | |
do_feed_atom | do feed atom functions-php | |
do_feed_rss2 | do feed rss2 functions-php | |
do_feed_rss | do feed rss functions-php | |
do_feed_rdf | do feed rdf functions-php | |
do_feed | do feed functions-php | |
bool_from_yn | bool yn functions-php | from |
get_num_queries | get num queries queri functions-php | |
cache_javascript_headers | cache javascript headers cach header functions-php | |
nocache_headers | nocache headers nocach header functions-php | |
wp_get_nocache_headers | get wp-get nocache headers nocach header functions-php | wp |
status_header | status header statu functions-php | |
get_status_header_desc | get status header desc statu functions-php | |
wp | wp functions-php | |
wp_remote_fopen | wp-remote remote remot fopen functions-php | wp |
add_magic_quotes | add magic quotes quot functions-php | |
remove_query_arg | remove query arg remov queri functions-php | |
add_query_arg | add query arg queri functions-php | |
_http_build_query | http build query queri functions-php | |
build_query | build query queri functions-php | |
is_new_day | is new day dai functions-php | |
wp_get_http_headers | get wp-get http headers header functions-php | wp |
wp_get_http | get wp-get http functions-php | wp |
do_enclose | do enclose enclos functions-php | |
wp_extract_urls | wp-extract extract urls url functions-php | wp |
xmlrpc_removepostdata | xmlrpc removepostdata functions-php | |
xmlrpc_getpostcategory | xmlrpc getpostcategory getpostcategori functions-php | |
xmlrpc_getposttitle | xmlrpc getposttitle getposttitl functions-php | |
maybe_serialize | maybe serialize mayb serial functions-php | |
is_serialized_string | is serialized string serial functions-php | |
is_serialized | is serialized serial functions-php | |
maybe_unserialize | maybe unserialize mayb unseri functions-php | |
get_weekstartend | get weekstartend functions-php | |
size_format | size format functions-php | |
number_format_i18n | number format i18n functions-php | |
date_i18n | date i18n functions-php | |
current_time | current time functions-php | |
mysql2date | mysql2date mysql2dat functions-php | |
wp_spaces_regexp | wp-spaces spaces space regexp formatting-php | wp |
get_url_in_content | get url content formatting-php | in |
wp_unslash | wp-unslash unslash formatting-php | wp |
wp_slash | wp-slash slash formatting-php | wp |
sanitize_trackback_urls | sanitize trackback urls sanit url formatting-php | |
sanitize_mime_type | sanitize mime type sanit formatting-php | |
capital_P_dangit | capital p dangit capit formatting-php | |
wp_basename | wp-basename basename basenam formatting-php | wp |
sanitize_text_field | sanitize text field sanit formatting-php | |
wp_strip_all_tags | wp-strip strip all tags tag formatting-php | wp |
normalize_whitespace | normalize whitespace normal whitespac formatting-php | |
_links_add_target | links add target link formatting-php | |
links_add_target | links add target link formatting-php | |
_links_add_base | links add base link formatting-php | |
links_add_base_url | links add base url link formatting-php | |
wp_html_excerpt | wp-html html excerpt formatting-php | wp |
wp_sprintf_l | wp-sprintf sprintf l formatting-php | wp |
wp_sprintf | wp-sprintf sprintf formatting-php | wp |
wp_pre_kses_less_than_callback | wp-pre pre kses less than callback kse formatting-php | wp |
wp_pre_kses_less_than | wp-pre pre kses less than kse formatting-php | wp |
wp_parse_str | wp-parse parse pars str formatting-php | wp |
sanitize_option | sanitize option sanit formatting-php | |
wp_make_link_relative | wp-make make link relative rel formatting-php | wp |
tag_escape | tag escape escap formatting-php | |
esc_textarea | esc textarea formatting-php | |
esc_attr | esc attr formatting-php | |
esc_html | esc html formatting-php | |
esc_js | esc js formatting-php | |
htmlentities2 | htmlentities2 formatting-php | |
esc_url_raw | esc url raw formatting-php | |
esc_url | esc url formatting-php | |
esc_sql | esc sql formatting-php | |
_deep_replace | deep replace replac formatting-php | |
wp_htmledit_pre | wp-htmledit htmledit pre formatting-php | wp |
wp_richedit_pre | wp-richedit richedit pre formatting-php | wp |
ent2ncr | ent2ncr formatting-php | |
wp_trim_words | wp-trim trim words word formatting-php | wp |
wp_trim_excerpt | wp-trim trim excerpt formatting-php | wp |
human_time_diff | human time diff formatting-php | |
sanitize_email | sanitize email sanit formatting-php | |
popuplinks | popuplinks popuplink formatting-php | |
iso8601_to_datetime | iso8601 datetime datetim formatting-php | to |
iso8601_timezone_to_offset | iso8601 timezone offset timezon formatting-php | to |
get_date_from_gmt | get date gmt formatting-php | from |
get_gmt_from_date | get gmt date formatting-php | from |
_wp_iso_convert | wp-iso iso convert formatting-php | wp |
wp_iso_descrambler | wp-iso iso descrambler descrambl formatting-php | wp |
is_email | is email formatting-php | |
convert_smilies | convert smilies smili formatting-php | |
translate_smiley | translate smiley translat smilei formatting-php | |
wp_rel_nofollow_callback | wp-rel rel nofollow callback formatting-php | wp |
wp_rel_nofollow | wp-rel rel nofollow formatting-php | wp |
_split_str_by_whitespace | split str whitespace whitespac formatting-php | by |
make_clickable | make clickable clickabl formatting-php | |
_make_email_clickable_cb | make email clickable cb clickabl formatting-php | |
_make_web_ftp_clickable_cb | make web ftp clickable cb clickabl formatting-php | |
_make_url_clickable_cb | make url clickable cb clickabl formatting-php | |
antispambot | antispambot formatting-php | |
rawurlencode_deep | rawurlencode deep rawurlencod formatting-php | |
urlencode_deep | urlencode deep urlencod formatting-php | |
stripslashes_deep | stripslashes deep stripslash formatting-php | |
addslashes_gpc | addslashes gpc addslash formatting-php | |
untrailingslashit | untrailingslashit formatting-php | |
trailingslashit | trailingslashit formatting-php | |
backslashit | backslashit formatting-php | |
zeroise | zeroise zerois formatting-php | |
format_to_edit | format edit formatting-php | to |
balanceTags | balancetags balancetag formatting-php | |
convert_chars | convert chars char formatting-php | |
sanitize_html_class | sanitize html class sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_sql_orderby | sanitize sql orderby sanit orderbi formatting-php | |
sanitize_title_with_dashes | sanitize title dashes sanit titl dash formatting-php | with |
sanitize_title_for_query | sanitize title query sanit titl queri formatting-php | for |
sanitize_title | sanitize title sanit titl formatting-php | |
sanitize_key | sanitize key sanit kei formatting-php | |
sanitize_user | sanitize user sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_file_name | sanitize file name sanit formatting-php | |
remove_accents | remove accents remov accent formatting-php | |
utf8_uri_encode | utf8 uri encode encod formatting-php | |
wp_check_invalid_utf8 | wp-check check invalid utf8 formatting-php | wp |
wp_specialchars_decode | wp-specialchars specialchars specialchar decode decod formatting-php | wp |
_wp_specialchars | wp-specialchars specialchars specialchar formatting-php | wp |
seems_utf8 | seems utf8 seem formatting-php | |
shortcode_unautop | shortcode unautop shortcod formatting-php | |
_autop_newline_preservation_helper | autop newline preservation helper newlin preserv formatting-php | |
wpautop | wpautop formatting-php | |
_wptexturize_pushpop_element | wptexturize pushpop element wptextur formatting-php | |
wptexturize | wptexturize wptextur formatting-php | |
fetch_feed | fetch feed feed-php | |
feed_content_type | feed content type feed-php | |
self_link | self link feed-php | |
prep_atom_text_construct | prep atom text construct feed-php | |
atom_enclosure | atom enclosure enclosur feed-php | |
rss_enclosure | rss enclosure enclosur feed-php | |
html_type_rss | html type rss feed-php | |
the_category_rss | category rss categori feed-php | the |
get_the_category_rss | get category rss categori feed-php | the |
comment_text_rss | comment text rss feed-php | |
comment_author_rss | comment author rss feed-php | |
get_comment_author_rss | get comment author rss feed-php | |
comment_link | comment link feed-php | |
get_comment_guid | get comment guid feed-php | |
comment_guid | comment guid feed-php | |
comments_link_feed | comments link feed comment feed-php | |
the_permalink_rss | permalink rss feed-php | the |
the_excerpt_rss | excerpt rss feed-php | the |
the_content_feed | content feed feed-php | the |
get_the_content_feed | get content feed feed-php | the |
the_title_rss | title rss titl feed-php | the |
get_the_title_rss | get title rss titl feed-php | the |
wp_title_rss | wp-title title titl rss feed-php | wp |
get_wp_title_rss | get title rss titl feed-php | wp |
get_default_feed | get default feed feed-php | |
bloginfo_rss | bloginfo rss feed-php | |
get_bloginfo_rss | get bloginfo rss feed-php | |
url_is_accessable_via_ssl | url accessable via ssl access deprecated-php | is |
like_escape | like escape escap deprecated-php | |
format_to_post | format post deprecated-php | to |
default_topic_count_text | default topic count text deprecated-php | |
rich_edit_exists | rich edit exists exist deprecated-php | |
_search_terms_tidy | search terms tidy term tidi deprecated-php | |
wp_convert_bytes_to_hr | wp-convert convert bytes hr byte deprecated-php | wp to |
gd_edit_image_support | gd edit image support imag deprecated-php | |
_save_post_hook | save post hook deprecated-php | |
user_pass_ok | user pass ok deprecated-php | |
wp_get_single_post | get wp-get single post singl deprecated-php | wp |
image_resize | image resize imag resiz deprecated-php | |
wp_load_image | wp-load load image imag deprecated-php | wp |
_get_post_ancestors | get post ancestors ancestor deprecated-php | |
sticky_class | sticky class sticki deprecated-php | |
wp_explain_nonce | wp-explain explain nonce nonc deprecated-php | wp |
clean_page_cache | clean page cache cach deprecated-php | |
update_page_cache | update page cache updat cach deprecated-php | |
get_theme_data | get theme data deprecated-php | |
remove_custom_background | remove custom background remov deprecated-php | |
add_custom_background | add custom background deprecated-php | |
remove_custom_image_header | remove custom image header remov imag deprecated-php | |
add_custom_image_header | add custom image header imag deprecated-php | |
clean_pre | clean pre deprecated-php | |
get_current_theme | get current theme deprecated-php | |
get_theme | get theme deprecated-php | |
get_themes | get themes theme deprecated-php | |
debug_fclose | debug fclose deprecated-php | |
debug_fwrite | debug fwrite deprecated-php | |
debug_fopen | debug fopen deprecated-php | |
is_blog_user | is blog user deprecated-php | |
wp_admin_bar_dashboard_view_site_menu | wp-admin admin bar dashboard view site menu deprecated-php | wp |
parent_post_rel_link | parent post rel link deprecated-php | |
get_parent_post_rel_link | get parent post rel link deprecated-php | |
index_rel_link | index rel link deprecated-php | |
get_index_rel_link | get index rel link deprecated-php | |
start_post_rel_link | start post rel link deprecated-php | |
get_boundary_post_rel_link | get boundary post rel link boundari deprecated-php | |
sanitize_user_object | sanitize user object sanit deprecated-php | |
get_user_metavalues | get user metavalues metavalu deprecated-php | |
the_editor | editor deprecated-php | the |
wp_timezone_supported | wp-timezone timezone timezon supported support deprecated-php | wp |
update_category_cache | update category cache updat categori cach deprecated-php | |
is_plugin_page | is plugin page deprecated-php | |
is_term | is term deprecated-php | |
is_taxonomy | is taxonomy taxonomi deprecated-php | |
funky_javascript_fix | funky javascript fix funki deprecated-php | |
funky_javascript_callback | funky javascript callback funki deprecated-php | |
get_usernumposts | get usernumposts usernumpost deprecated-php | |
get_profile | get profile profil deprecated-php | |
automatic_feed_links | automatic feed links automat link deprecated-php | |
get_users_of_blog | get users blog user deprecated-php | of |
update_usermeta | update usermeta updat deprecated-php | |
get_usermeta | get usermeta deprecated-php | |
delete_usermeta | delete usermeta delet deprecated-php | |
unregister_widget_control | unregister widget control unregist deprecated-php | |
register_widget_control | register widget control regist deprecated-php | |
unregister_sidebar_widget | unregister sidebar widget unregist deprecated-php | |
register_sidebar_widget | register sidebar widget regist deprecated-php | |
attribute_escape | attribute escape attribut escap deprecated-php | |
wp_specialchars | wp-specialchars specialchars specialchar deprecated-php | wp |
js_escape | js escape escap deprecated-php | |
clean_url | clean url deprecated-php | |
sanitize_url | sanitize url sanit deprecated-php | |
get_link | get link deprecated-php | |
get_attachment_innerHTML | get attachment innerhtml attach deprecated-php | |
get_attachment_icon | get attachment icon attach deprecated-php | |
get_attachment_icon_src | get attachment icon src attach deprecated-php | |
get_the_attachment_link | get attachment link attach deprecated-php | the |
get_alloptions | get alloptions allopt deprecated-php | |
__ngettext_noop | ngettext noop deprecated-php | |
__ngettext | ngettext deprecated-php | |
_nc | nc deprecated-php | |
translate_with_context | translate context translat deprecated-php | with |
_c | c deprecated-php | |
make_url_footnote | make url footnote footnot deprecated-php | |
the_content_rss | content rss deprecated-php | the |
the_author_ID | author id deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_ID | get author id deprecated-php | the |
the_author_url | author url deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_url | get author url deprecated-php | the |
get_author_name | get author name deprecated-php | |
the_author_aim | author aim deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_aim | get author aim deprecated-php | the |
the_author_msn | author msn deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_msn | get author msn deprecated-php | the |
the_author_yim | author yim deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_yim | get author yim deprecated-php | the |
the_author_icq | author icq deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_icq | get author icq deprecated-php | the |
the_author_email | author email deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_email | get author email deprecated-php | the |
the_author_nickname | author nickname nicknam deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_nickname | get author nickname nicknam deprecated-php | the |
the_author_lastname | author lastname lastnam deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_lastname | get author lastname lastnam deprecated-php | the |
the_author_firstname | author firstname firstnam deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_firstname | get author firstname firstnam deprecated-php | the |
the_author_login | author login deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_login | get author login deprecated-php | the |
the_author_description | author description descript deprecated-php | the |
get_the_author_description | get author description descript deprecated-php | the |
get_all_category_ids | get all category ids categori id deprecated-php | |
get_category_children | get category children categori deprecated-php | |
get_catname | get catname catnam deprecated-php | |
get_commentdata | get commentdata deprecated-php | |
gzip_compression | gzip compression compress deprecated-php | |
create_user | create user creat deprecated-php | |
comments_rss | comments rss comment deprecated-php | |
get_author_rss_link | get author rss link deprecated-php | |
get_category_rss_link | get category rss link categori deprecated-php | |
comments_rss_link | comments rss link comment deprecated-php | |
get_linkcatname | get linkcatname linkcatnam deprecated-php | |
get_linkrating | get linkrating linkrat deprecated-php | |
links_popup_script | links popup script link deprecated-php | |
get_links_list | get links list link deprecated-php | |
get_links | get links link deprecated-php | |
wp_get_links | get wp-get links link deprecated-php | wp |
permalink_single_rss | permalink single rss singl deprecated-php | |
permalink_link | permalink link deprecated-php | |
get_settings | get settings set deprecated-php | |
link_pages | link pages page deprecated-php | |
get_author_link | get author link deprecated-php | |
get_archives | get archives archiv deprecated-php | |
wp_set_post_cats | wp-set set post cats cat deprecated-php | wp |
wp_get_post_cats | get wp-get post cats cat deprecated-php | wp |
list_authors | list authors author deprecated-php | |
dropdown_cats | dropdown cats cat deprecated-php | |
wp_list_cats | wp-list list cats cat deprecated-php | wp |
list_cats | list cats cat deprecated-php | |
get_autotoggle | get autotoggle autotoggl deprecated-php | |
get_links_withrating | get links withrating link withrat deprecated-php | |
get_linksbyname_withrating | get linksbyname withrating linksbynam withrat deprecated-php | |
get_linkobjects | get linkobjects linkobject deprecated-php | |
get_linkobjectsbyname | get linkobjectsbyname linkobjectsbynam deprecated-php | |
wp_get_linksbyname | get wp-get linksbyname linksbynam deprecated-php | wp |
get_linksbyname | get linksbyname linksbynam deprecated-php | |
user_can_edit_user | user can edit deprecated-php | |
user_can_delete_post_comments | user can delete post comments delet comment deprecated-php | |
user_can_edit_post_comments | user can edit post comments comment deprecated-php | |
user_can_edit_post_date | user can edit post date deprecated-php | |
user_can_set_post_date | user can set post date deprecated-php | |
user_can_delete_post | user can delete post delet deprecated-php | |
user_can_edit_post | user can edit post deprecated-php | |
user_can_create_draft | user can create draft creat deprecated-php | |
user_can_create_post | user can create post creat deprecated-php | |
next_post | next post deprecated-php | |
previous_post | previous post previou deprecated-php | |
the_category_head | category head categori deprecated-php | the |
the_category_ID | category id categori deprecated-php | the |
start_wp | start deprecated-php | wp |
get_postdata | get postdata deprecated-php | |
wp_widgets_init | wp-widgets widgets widget init default-widgets-php | wp |
wp_widget_rss_process | wp-widget widget rss process default-widgets-php | wp |
wp_widget_rss_form | wp-widget widget rss form default-widgets-php | wp |
wp_widget_rss_output | wp-widget widget rss output default-widgets-php | wp |
wp_templating_constants | wp-templating templating templat constants constant default-constants-php | wp |
wp_functionality_constants | wp-functionality functionality function constants constant default-constants-php | wp |
wp_ssl_constants | wp-ssl ssl constants constant default-constants-php | wp |
wp_cookie_constants | wp-cookie cookie cooki constants constant default-constants-php | wp |
wp_plugin_directory_constants | wp-plugin plugin directory constants directori constant default-constants-php | wp |
wp_initial_constants | wp-initial initial initi constants constant default-constants-php | wp |
_upgrade_cron_array | upgrade cron array upgrad arrai cron-php | |
_set_cron_array | set cron array arrai cron-php | |
_get_cron_array | get cron array arrai cron-php | |
wp_get_schedule | get wp-get schedule schedul cron-php | wp |
wp_get_schedules | get wp-get schedules schedul cron-php | wp |
wp_cron | wp-cron cron cron-php | wp |
spawn_cron | spawn cron cron-php | |
wp_next_scheduled | wp-next next scheduled schedul cron-php | wp |
wp_clear_scheduled_hook | wp-clear clear scheduled hook schedul cron-php | wp |
wp_unschedule_event | wp-unschedule unschedule unschedul event cron-php | wp |
wp_reschedule_event | wp-reschedule reschedule reschedul event cron-php | wp |
wp_schedule_event | wp-schedule schedule schedul event cron-php | wp |
wp_schedule_single_event | wp-schedule schedule schedul single event singl cron-php | wp |
hash_equals | hash equals equal compat-php | |
_json_decode_object_helper | json decode object helper decod compat-php | |
json_decode | json decode decod compat-php | |
json_encode | json encode encod compat-php | |
_hash_hmac | hash hmac compat-php | |
hash_hmac | hash hmac compat-php | |
_mb_substr | mb substr compat-php | |
mb_substr | mb substr compat-php | |
_close_comments_for_old_post | close comments old post comment comment-php | for |
_close_comments_for_old_posts | close comments old posts comment post comment-php | for |
update_comment_cache | update comment cache updat cach comment-php | |
clean_comment_cache | clean comment cache cach comment-php | |
xmlrpc_pingback_error | xmlrpc pingback error comment-php | |
pingback_ping_source_uri | pingback ping source uri sourc comment-php | |
weblog_ping | weblog ping comment-php | |
trackback | trackback comment-php | |
privacy_ping_filter | privacy ping filter privaci comment-php | |
pingback | pingback comment-php | |
generic_ping | generic ping gener comment-php | |
do_trackbacks | do trackbacks trackback comment-php | |
do_all_pings | do all pings ping comment-php | |
discover_pingback_server_uri | discover pingback server uri discov comment-php | |
wp_update_comment_count_now | wp-update update updat comment count now comment-php | wp |
wp_update_comment_count | wp-update update updat comment count comment-php | wp |
wp_defer_comment_counting | wp-defer defer comment counting count comment-php | wp |
wp_update_comment | wp-update update updat comment comment-php | wp |
wp_set_comment_status | wp-set set comment status statu comment-php | wp |
wp_new_comment | wp-new new comment comment-php | wp |
wp_throttle_comment_flood | wp-throttle throttle throttl comment flood comment-php | wp |
wp_filter_comment | wp-filter filter comment comment-php | wp |
wp_insert_comment | wp-insert insert comment comment-php | wp |
wp_get_current_commenter | get wp-get current commenter comment comment-php | wp |
wp_transition_comment_status | wp-transition transition transit comment status statu comment-php | wp |
wp_get_comment_status | get wp-get comment status statu comment-php | wp |
wp_unspam_comment | wp-unspam unspam comment comment-php | wp |
wp_spam_comment | wp-spam spam comment comment-php | wp |
wp_untrash_comment | wp-untrash untrash comment comment-php | wp |
wp_trash_comment | wp-trash trash comment comment-php | wp |
wp_delete_comment | wp-delete delete delet comment comment-php | wp |
wp_count_comments | wp-count count comments comment comment-php | wp |
wp_blacklist_check | wp-blacklist blacklist check comment-php | wp |
get_page_of_comment | get page comment comment-php | of |
get_comment_pages_count | get comment pages count page comment-php | |
separate_comments | separate comments separ comment comment-php | |
check_comment_flood_db | check comment flood db comment-php | |
wp_allow_comment | wp-allow allow comment comment-php | wp |
sanitize_comment_cookies | sanitize comment cookies sanit cooki comment-php | |
wp_set_comment_cookies | wp-set set comment cookies cooki comment-php | wp |
update_comment_meta | update comment meta updat comment-php | |
get_comment_meta | get comment meta comment-php | |
delete_comment_meta | delete comment meta delet comment-php | |
add_comment_meta | add comment meta comment-php | |
get_comment_count | get comment count comment-php | |
get_lastcommentmodified | get lastcommentmodified lastcommentmodifi comment-php | |
get_comment_statuses | get comment statuses status comment-php | |
get_comments | get comments comment comment-php | |
get_comment | get comment comment-php | |
get_approved_comments | get approved comments approv comment comment-php | |
check_comment | check comment comment-php | |
comment_form | comment form comment-template-php | |
wp_list_comments | wp-list list comments comment comment-template-php | wp |
comment_form_title | comment form title titl comment-template-php | |
comment_id_fields | comment id fields field comment-template-php | |
get_comment_id_fields | get comment id fields field comment-template-php | |
cancel_comment_reply_link | cancel comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
get_cancel_comment_reply_link | get cancel comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
post_reply_link | post reply link repli comment-template-php | |
get_post_reply_link | get post reply link repli comment-template-php | |
comment_reply_link | comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
get_comment_reply_link | get comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
comments_popup_link | comments popup link comment comment-template-php | |
comments_popup_script | comments popup script comment comment-template-php | |
comments_template | comments template comment templat comment-template-php | |
wp_comment_form_unfiltered_html_nonce | wp-comment comment form unfiltered html nonce unfilt nonc comment-template-php | wp |
pings_open | pings open ping comment-template-php | |
comments_open | comments open comment comment-template-php | |
trackback_rdf | trackback rdf comment-template-php | |
trackback_url | trackback url comment-template-php | |
get_trackback_url | get trackback url comment-template-php | |
comment_type | comment type comment-template-php | |
get_comment_type | get comment type comment-template-php | |
comment_time | comment time comment-template-php | |
get_comment_time | get comment time comment-template-php | |
comment_text | comment text comment-template-php | |
get_comment_text | get comment text comment-template-php | |
get_comments_number_text | get comments number text comment comment-template-php | |
comments_number | comments number comment comment-template-php | |
get_comments_number | get comments number comment comment-template-php | |
comments_link | comments link comment comment-template-php | |
get_comments_link | get comments link comment comment-template-php | |
get_comment_link | get comment link comment-template-php | |
comment_ID | comment id comment-template-php | |
get_comment_ID | get comment id comment-template-php | |
comment_excerpt | comment excerpt comment-template-php | |
get_comment_excerpt | get comment excerpt comment-template-php | |
comment_date | comment date comment-template-php | |
get_comment_date | get comment date comment-template-php | |
get_comment_class | get comment class comment-template-php | |
comment_class | comment class comment-template-php | |
comment_author_url_link | comment author url link comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_url_link | get comment author url link comment-template-php | |
comment_author_url | comment author url comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_url | get comment author url comment-template-php | |
comment_author_IP | comment author ip comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_IP | get comment author ip comment-template-php | |
comment_author_link | comment author link comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_link | get comment author link comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_email_link | get comment author email link comment-template-php | |
comment_author_email_link | comment author email link comment-template-php | |
comment_author_email | comment author email comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_email | get comment author email comment-template-php | |
comment_author | comment author comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author | get comment author comment-template-php | |
is_wp_error | is error class-wp-error-php | wp |
maybe_hash_hex_color | maybe hash hex color mayb class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
sanitize_hex_color_no_hash | sanitize hex color no hash sanit class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
sanitize_hex_color | sanitize hex color sanit class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
wp_simplepie_autoload | wp-simplepie simplepie simplepi autoload class-simplepie-php | wp |
stripos | stripos stripo class-pop3-php | |
_wp_oembed_get_object | wp-oembed oembed oemb object class-oembed-php | wp get |
_make_cat_compat | make cat compat category-php | |
clean_category_cache | clean category cache categori cach category-php | |
get_tag | get tag category-php | |
get_tags | get tags tag category-php | |
sanitize_category_field | sanitize category field sanit categori category-php | |
sanitize_category | sanitize category sanit categori category-php | |
cat_is_ancestor_of | cat ancestor category-php | is of |
get_cat_name | get cat name category-php | |
get_cat_ID | get cat id category-php | |
get_category_by_slug | get category slug categori category-php | by |
get_category_by_path | get category path categori category-php | by |
get_category | get category categori category-php | |
get_categories | get categories categori category-php | |
has_term | has term ha category-template-php | |
has_tag | has tag ha category-template-php | |
has_category | has category ha categori category-template-php | |
the_terms | terms term category-template-php | the |
get_the_term_list | get term list category-template-php | the |
get_the_terms | get terms term category-template-php | the |
term_description | term description descript category-template-php | |
tag_description | tag description descript category-template-php | |
the_tags | tags tag category-template-php | the |
get_the_tag_list | get tag list category-template-php | the |
get_the_tags | get tags tag category-template-php | the |
get_tag_link | get tag link category-template-php | |
walk_category_dropdown_tree | walk category dropdown tree categori category-template-php | |
walk_category_tree | walk category tree categori category-template-php | |
_wp_object_count_sort_cb | wp-object object count sort cb category-template-php | wp |
_wp_object_name_sort_cb | wp-object object name sort cb category-template-php | wp |
wp_generate_tag_cloud | wp-generate generate gener tag cloud category-template-php | wp |
default_topic_count_scale | default topic count scale category-template-php | |
wp_tag_cloud | wp-tag tag cloud category-template-php | wp |
wp_list_categories | wp-list list categories categori category-template-php | wp |
wp_dropdown_categories | wp-dropdown dropdown categories categori category-template-php | wp |
category_description | category description categori descript category-template-php | |
the_category | category categori category-template-php | the |
in_category | category categori category-template-php | in |
get_the_category_list | get category list categori category-template-php | the |
get_the_category_by_ID | get category id categori category-template-php | the by |
_usort_terms_by_ID | usort terms id term category-template-php | by |
_usort_terms_by_name | usort terms name term category-template-php | by |
get_the_category | get category categori category-template-php | the |
get_category_parents | get category parents categori parent category-template-php | |
get_category_link | get category link categori category-template-php | |
is_super_admin | is super admin capabilities-php | |
get_super_admins | get super admins admin capabilities-php | |
remove_role | remove role remov capabilities-php | |
add_role | add role capabilities-php | |
get_role | get role capabilities-php | |
user_can | user can capabilities-php | |
author_can | author can capabilities-php | |
current_user_can_for_blog | current user can blog capabilities-php | for |
current_user_can | current user can capabilities-php | |
map_meta_cap | map meta cap capabilities-php | |
wp_redirect_admin_locations | wp-redirect redirect admin locations locat canonical-php | wp |
redirect_guess_404_permalink | redirect guess 404 permalink canonical-php | |
_remove_qs_args_if_not_in_url | remove qs args if not url remov arg canonical-php | in |
redirect_canonical | redirect canonical canon canonical-php | |
lowercase_octets | lowercase octets lowercas octet canonical-php | |
wp_cache_reset | wp-cache cache cach reset cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups | wp-cache cache cach add non persistent groups persist group cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_add_global_groups | wp-cache cache cach add global groups group cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_switch_to_blog | wp-cache cache cach switch blog cache-php | wp to |
wp_cache_set | wp-cache cache cach set cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_replace | wp-cache cache cach replace replac cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_init | wp-cache cache cach init cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_incr | wp-cache cache cach incr cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_get | wp-cache cache cach cache-php | wp get |
wp_cache_flush | wp-cache cache cach flush cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_delete | wp-cache cache cach delete delet cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_decr | wp-cache cache cach decr cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_close | wp-cache cache cach close cache-php | wp |
wp_cache_add | wp-cache cache cach add cache-php | wp |
clean_bookmark_cache | clean bookmark cache cach bookmark-php | |
sanitize_bookmark_field | sanitize bookmark field sanit bookmark-php | |
sanitize_bookmark | sanitize bookmark sanit bookmark-php | |
get_bookmarks | get bookmarks bookmark bookmark-php | |
get_bookmark_field | get bookmark field bookmark-php | |
get_bookmark | get bookmark bookmark-php | |
wp_list_bookmarks | wp-list list bookmarks bookmark bookmark-template-php | wp |
_walk_bookmarks | walk bookmarks bookmark bookmark-template-php | |
__clear_multi_author_cache | clear multi author cache cach author-template-php | |
is_multi_author | is multi author author-template-php | |
wp_list_authors | wp-list list authors author author-template-php | wp |
get_author_posts_url | get author posts url post author-template-php | |
the_author_posts_link | author posts link post author-template-php | the |
the_author_posts | author posts post author-template-php | the |
get_the_author_posts | get author posts post author-template-php | the |
the_author_link | author link author-template-php | the |
get_the_author_link | get author link author-template-php | the |
the_author_meta | author meta author-template-php | the |
get_the_author_meta | get author meta author-template-php | the |
the_modified_author | modified author modifi author-template-php | the |
get_the_modified_author | get modified author modifi author-template-php | the |
the_author | author author-template-php | the |
get_the_author | get author author-template-php | the |
_get_admin_bar_pref | get admin bar pref admin-bar-php | |
is_admin_bar_showing | is admin bar showing show admin-bar-php | |
show_admin_bar | show admin bar admin-bar-php | |
_admin_bar_bump_cb | admin bar bump cb admin-bar-php | |
wp_admin_bar_header | wp-admin admin bar header admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_add_secondary_groups | wp-admin admin bar add secondary groups secondari group admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_search_menu | wp-admin admin bar search menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_updates_menu | wp-admin admin bar updates menu updat admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_appearance_menu | wp-admin admin bar appearance menu appear admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_comments_menu | wp-admin admin bar comments menu comment admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_new_content_menu | wp-admin admin bar new content menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_edit_menu | wp-admin admin bar edit menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_shortlink_menu | wp-admin admin bar shortlink menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_my_sites_menu | wp-admin admin bar my sites menu site admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_site_menu | wp-admin admin bar site menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_my_account_menu | wp-admin admin bar my account menu admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_my_account_item | wp-admin admin bar my account item admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_sidebar_toggle | wp-admin admin bar sidebar toggle toggl admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_admin_bar_wp_menu | wp-admin admin bar menu admin-bar-php | wp wp |
wp_admin_bar_render | wp-admin admin bar render admin-bar-php | wp |
_wp_admin_bar_init | wp-admin admin bar init admin-bar-php | wp |
retrieve_widgets | retrieve widgets retriev widget widgets-php | |
_wp_sidebars_changed | wp-sidebars sidebars sidebar changed chang widgets-php | wp |
_get_widget_id_base | get widget id base widgets-php | |
the_widget | widget widgets-php | the |
wp_convert_widget_settings | wp-convert convert widget settings set widgets-php | wp |
wp_get_widget_defaults | get wp-get widget defaults default widgets-php | wp |
wp_set_sidebars_widgets | wp-set set sidebars widgets sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
wp_get_sidebars_widgets | get wp-get sidebars widgets sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
is_active_sidebar | is active sidebar activ widgets-php | |
is_dynamic_sidebar | is dynamic sidebar dynam widgets-php | |
is_active_widget | is active widget activ widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar | dynamic sidebar dynam widgets-php | |
wp_unregister_widget_control | wp-unregister unregister unregist widget control widgets-php | wp |
_register_widget_form_callback | register widget form callback regist widgets-php | |
_register_widget_update_callback | register widget update callback regist updat widgets-php | |
wp_register_widget_control | wp-register register regist widget control widgets-php | wp |
wp_unregister_sidebar_widget | wp-unregister unregister unregist sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
wp_sidebar_description | wp-sidebar sidebar description descript widgets-php | wp |
wp_widget_description | wp-widget widget description descript widgets-php | wp |
wp_register_sidebar_widget | wp-register register regist sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
unregister_sidebar | unregister sidebar unregist widgets-php | |
register_sidebar | register sidebar regist widgets-php | |
register_sidebars | register sidebars regist sidebar widgets-php | |
unregister_widget | unregister widget unregist widgets-php | |
register_widget | register widget regist widgets-php | |
wp_is_mobile | is wp-is mobile mobil vars-php | wp |
wp_destroy_all_sessions | wp-destroy destroy destroi all sessions session user-php | wp |
wp_destroy_other_sessions | wp-destroy destroy destroi other sessions session user-php | wp |
wp_destroy_current_session | wp-destroy destroy destroi current session user-php | wp |
wp_get_all_sessions | get wp-get all sessions session user-php | wp |
wp_get_session_token | get wp-get session token user-php | wp |
register_new_user | register new user regist user-php | |
reset_password | reset password user-php | |
check_password_reset_key | check password reset key kei user-php | |
_wp_get_user_contactmethods | get wp-get user contactmethods contactmethod user-php | wp |
wp_get_user_contact_methods | get wp-get user contact methods method user-php | wp |
_get_additional_user_keys | get additional user keys addit kei user-php | |
wp_create_user | wp-create create creat user user-php | wp |
wp_update_user | wp-update update updat user user-php | wp |
wp_insert_user | wp-insert insert user user-php | wp |
validate_username | validate username valid usernam user-php | |
email_exists | email exists exist user-php | |
username_exists | username exists usernam exist user-php | |
clean_user_cache | clean user cache cach user-php | |
update_user_caches | update user caches updat cach user-php | |
sanitize_user_field | sanitize user field sanit user-php | |
wp_dropdown_users | wp-dropdown dropdown users user user-php | wp |
setup_userdata | setup userdata user-php | |
count_users | count users user user-php | |
update_user_meta | update user meta updat user-php | |
get_user_meta | get user meta user-php | |
delete_user_meta | delete user meta delet user-php | |
add_user_meta | add user meta user-php | |
is_user_member_of_blog | is user member blog user-php | of |
get_blogs_of_user | get blogs user blog user-php | of |
get_users | get users user user-php | |
delete_user_option | delete user option delet user-php | |
update_user_option | update user option updat user-php | |
get_user_option | get user option user-php | |
get_current_user_id | get current user id user-php | |
count_many_users_posts | count many users posts mani user post user-php | |
count_user_posts | count user posts post user-php | |
wp_validate_logged_in_cookie | wp-validate validate valid logged cookie log cooki user-php | wp in |
wp_authenticate_spam_check | wp-authenticate authenticate authent spam check user-php | wp |
wp_authenticate_cookie | wp-authenticate authenticate authent cookie cooki user-php | wp |
wp_authenticate_username_password | wp-authenticate authenticate authent username password usernam user-php | wp |
wp_signon | wp-signon signon user-php | wp |
wp_schedule_update_checks | wp-schedule schedule schedul update checks updat check update-php | wp |
_maybe_update_themes | maybe update themes mayb updat theme update-php | |
_maybe_update_plugins | maybe update plugins mayb updat plugin update-php | |
_maybe_update_core | maybe update core mayb updat update-php | |
wp_get_update_data | get wp-get update data updat update-php | wp |
wp_get_translation_updates | get wp-get translation updates translat updat update-php | wp |
wp_maybe_auto_update | wp-maybe maybe mayb auto update updat update-php | wp |
wp_update_themes | wp-update update updat themes theme update-php | wp |
wp_update_plugins | wp-update update updat plugins plugin update-php | wp |
wp_version_check | wp-version version check update-php | wp |
is_customize_preview | is customize preview custom theme-php | |
wp_customize_support_script | wp-customize customize custom support script theme-php | wp |
wp_customize_url | wp-customize customize custom url theme-php | wp |
_wp_customize_loader_settings | wp-customize customize custom loader settings set theme-php | wp |
_wp_customize_include | wp-customize customize custom include includ theme-php | wp |
check_theme_switched | check theme switched switch theme-php | |
_delete_attachment_theme_mod | delete attachment theme mod delet attach theme-php | |
require_if_theme_supports | require if theme supports requir support theme-php | |
current_theme_supports | current theme supports support theme-php | |
_remove_theme_support | remove theme support remov theme-php | |
remove_theme_support | remove theme support remov theme-php | |
get_theme_support | get theme support theme-php | |
_custom_header_background_just_in_time | custom header background just time theme-php | in |
add_theme_support | add theme support theme-php | |
get_editor_stylesheets | get editor stylesheets stylesheet theme-php | |
remove_editor_styles | remove editor styles remov style theme-php | |
add_editor_style | add editor style theme-php | |
_custom_background_cb | custom background cb theme-php | |
background_color | background color theme-php | |
get_background_color | get background color theme-php | |
background_image | background image imag theme-php | |
get_background_image | get background image imag theme-php | |
unregister_default_headers | unregister default headers unregist header theme-php | |
register_default_headers | register default headers regist header theme-php | |
get_custom_header | get custom header theme-php | |
get_uploaded_header_images | get uploaded header images upload imag theme-php | |
header_image | header image imag theme-php | |
is_random_header_image | is random header image imag theme-php | |
get_random_header_image | get random header image imag theme-php | |
_get_random_header_data | get random header data theme-php | |
get_header_image | get header image imag theme-php | |
display_header_text | display header text displai theme-php | |
header_textcolor | header textcolor theme-php | |
get_header_textcolor | get header textcolor theme-php | |
remove_theme_mods | remove theme mods remov mod theme-php | |
remove_theme_mod | remove theme mod remov theme-php | |
set_theme_mod | set theme mod theme-php | |
get_theme_mod | get theme mod theme-php | |
get_theme_mods | get theme mods mod theme-php | |
validate_current_theme | validate current theme valid theme-php | |
switch_theme | switch theme theme-php | |
preview_theme_ob_filter_callback | preview theme ob filter callback theme-php | |
preview_theme_ob_filter | preview theme ob filter theme-php | |
_preview_theme_stylesheet_filter | preview theme stylesheet filter theme-php | |
_preview_theme_template_filter | preview theme template filter templat theme-php | |
preview_theme | preview theme theme-php | |
locale_stylesheet | locale stylesheet local theme-php | |
get_raw_theme_root | get raw theme root theme-php | |
get_theme_root_uri | get theme root uri theme-php | |
get_theme_root | get theme root theme-php | |
search_theme_directories | search theme directories directori theme-php | |
register_theme_directory | register theme directory regist directori theme-php | |
get_theme_roots | get theme roots root theme-php | |
get_template_directory_uri | get template directory uri templat directori theme-php | |
get_template_directory | get template directory templat directori theme-php | |
get_template | get template templat theme-php | |
get_locale_stylesheet_uri | get locale stylesheet uri local theme-php | |
get_stylesheet_uri | get stylesheet uri theme-php | |
get_stylesheet_directory_uri | get stylesheet directory uri directori theme-php | |
get_stylesheet_directory | get stylesheet directory directori theme-php | |
get_stylesheet | get stylesheet theme-php | |
is_child_theme | is child theme theme-php | |
wp_clean_themes_cache | wp-clean clean themes cache theme cach theme-php | wp |
wp_get_theme | get wp-get theme theme-php | wp |
wp_get_themes | get wp-get themes theme theme-php | wp |
_get_cron_lock | get cron lock wp-cron-php | |
twentytwelve_admin_header_image | twentytwelve admin header image twentytwelv imag custom-header-php | |
twentytwelve_admin_header_style | twentytwelve admin header style twentytwelv custom-header-php | |
twentytwelve_header_style | twentytwelve header style twentytwelv custom-header-php | |
twentytwelve_custom_header_fonts | twentytwelve custom header fonts twentytwelv font custom-header-php | |
twentytwelve_custom_header_setup | twentytwelve custom header setup twentytwelv custom-header-php | |
twentytwelve_customize_preview_js | twentytwelve customize preview js twentytwelv custom functions-php | |
twentytwelve_customize_register | twentytwelve customize register twentytwelv custom regist functions-php | |
twentytwelve_content_width | twentytwelve content width twentytwelv functions-php | |
twentytwelve_body_class | twentytwelve body class twentytwelv bodi functions-php | |
twentytwelve_entry_meta | twentytwelve entry meta twentytwelv entri functions-php | |
twentytwelve_comment | twentytwelve comment twentytwelv functions-php | |
twentytwelve_content_nav | twentytwelve content nav twentytwelv functions-php | |
twentytwelve_widgets_init | twentytwelve widgets init twentytwelv widget functions-php | |
twentytwelve_page_menu_args | twentytwelve page menu args twentytwelv arg functions-php | |
twentytwelve_wp_title | twentytwelve title twentytwelv titl functions-php | wp |
twentytwelve_mce_css | twentytwelve mce css twentytwelv functions-php | |
twentytwelve_scripts_styles | twentytwelve scripts styles twentytwelv script style functions-php | |
twentytwelve_get_font_url | twentytwelve font url twentytwelv functions-php | get |
twentytwelve_setup | twentytwelve setup twentytwelv functions-php | |
twentythirteen_admin_header_image | twentythirteen admin header image imag custom-header-php | |
twentythirteen_admin_header_style | twentythirteen admin header style custom-header-php | |
twentythirteen_header_style | twentythirteen header style custom-header-php | |
twentythirteen_custom_header_fonts | twentythirteen custom header fonts font custom-header-php | |
twentythirteen_custom_header_setup | twentythirteen custom header setup custom-header-php | |
twentythirteen_preview | twentythirteen preview back-compat-php | |
twentythirteen_customize | twentythirteen customize custom back-compat-php | |
twentythirteen_upgrade_notice | twentythirteen upgrade notice upgrad notic back-compat-php | |
twentythirteen_switch_theme | twentythirteen switch theme back-compat-php | |
twentythirteen_customize_preview_js | twentythirteen customize preview js custom functions-php | |
twentythirteen_customize_register | twentythirteen customize register custom regist functions-php | |
twentythirteen_content_width | twentythirteen content width functions-php | |
twentythirteen_body_class | twentythirteen body class bodi functions-php | |
twentythirteen_get_link_url | twentythirteen link url functions-php | get |
twentythirteen_the_attached_image | twentythirteen attached image attach imag functions-php | the |
twentythirteen_entry_date | twentythirteen entry date entri functions-php | |
twentythirteen_entry_meta | twentythirteen entry meta entri functions-php | |
twentythirteen_post_nav | twentythirteen post nav functions-php | |
twentythirteen_paging_nav | twentythirteen paging nav page functions-php | |
twentythirteen_widgets_init | twentythirteen widgets init widget functions-php | |
twentythirteen_wp_title | twentythirteen title titl functions-php | wp |
twentythirteen_scripts_styles | twentythirteen scripts styles script style functions-php | |
twentythirteen_fonts_url | twentythirteen fonts url font functions-php | |
twentythirteen_setup | twentythirteen setup functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_post_thumbnail | twentyfourteen post thumbnail template-tags-php | |
twentyfourteen_category_transient_flusher | twentyfourteen category transient flusher categori template-tags-php | |
twentyfourteen_categorized_blog | twentyfourteen categorized blog categor template-tags-php | |
twentyfourteen_posted_on | twentyfourteen posted post template-tags-php | on |
twentyfourteen_post_nav | twentyfourteen post nav template-tags-php | |
twentyfourteen_paging_nav | twentyfourteen paging nav page template-tags-php | |
twentyfourteen_contextual_help | twentyfourteen contextual help contextu customizer-php | |
twentyfourteen_customize_preview_js | twentyfourteen customize preview js custom customizer-php | |
twentyfourteen_sanitize_layout | twentyfourteen sanitize layout sanit customizer-php | |
twentyfourteen_customize_register | twentyfourteen customize register custom regist customizer-php | |
twentyfourteen_admin_header_image | twentyfourteen admin header image imag custom-header-php | |
twentyfourteen_admin_header_style | twentyfourteen admin header style custom-header-php | |
twentyfourteen_header_style | twentyfourteen header style custom-header-php | |
twentyfourteen_custom_header_setup | twentyfourteen custom header setup custom-header-php | |
twentyfourteen_preview | twentyfourteen preview back-compat-php | |
twentyfourteen_customize | twentyfourteen customize custom back-compat-php | |
twentyfourteen_upgrade_notice | twentyfourteen upgrade notice upgrad notic back-compat-php | |
twentyfourteen_switch_theme | twentyfourteen switch theme back-compat-php | |
twentyfourteen_wp_title | twentyfourteen title titl functions-php | wp |
twentyfourteen_post_classes | twentyfourteen post classes class functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_body_classes | twentyfourteen body classes bodi class functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_list_authors | twentyfourteen list authors author functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_the_attached_image | twentyfourteen attached image attach imag functions-php | the |
twentyfourteen_admin_fonts | twentyfourteen admin fonts font functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_scripts | twentyfourteen scripts script functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_font_url | twentyfourteen font url functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_widgets_init | twentyfourteen widgets init widget functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_has_featured_posts | twentyfourteen has featured posts ha featur post functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_get_featured_posts | twentyfourteen featured posts featur post functions-php | get |
twentyfourteen_content_width | twentyfourteen content width functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_setup | twentyfourteen setup functions-php | |
dolly_css | dolly css dolli hello-php | |
hello_dolly | hello dolly dolli hello-php | |
hello_dolly_get_lyric | hello dolly lyric dolli hello-php | get |
akismet_kill_proxy_check | akismet kill proxy check proxi wrapper-php | |
redirect_old_akismet_urls | redirect old akismet urls url wrapper-php | |
akismet_caught | akismet caught wrapper-php | |
akismet_manage_page | akismet manage page manag wrapper-php | |
akismet_spam_totals | akismet spam totals total wrapper-php | |
akismet_spam_comments | akismet spam comments comment wrapper-php | |
akismet_fix_scheduled_recheck | akismet fix scheduled recheck schedul wrapper-php | |
akismet_add_comment_nonce | akismet add comment nonce nonc wrapper-php | |
akismet_cron_recheck | akismet cron recheck wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_ip_address | akismet ip address wrapper-php | get |
akismet_auto_check_comment | akismet auto check comment wrapper-php | |
akismet_auto_check_update_meta | akismet auto check update meta updat wrapper-php | |
akismet_cmp_time | akismet cmp time wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_comment_history | akismet comment history histori wrapper-php | get |
akismet_update_comment_history | akismet update comment history updat histori wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_user_comments_approved | akismet user comments approved comment approv wrapper-php | get |
akismet_result_hold | akismet result hold wrapper-php | |
akismet_result_spam | akismet result spam wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_user_roles | akismet user roles role wrapper-php | get |
akismet_verify_key | akismet verify key verifi kei wrapper-php | |
akismet_update_alert | akismet update alert updat wrapper-php | |
akismet_check_key_status | akismet check key status kei statu wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_key | akismet key kei wrapper-php | get |
akismet_init | akismet init wrapper-php | |
akismet_load_menu | akismet load menu wrapper-php | |
akismet_admin_menu | akismet admin menu wrapper-php | |
akismet_server_connectivity_ok | akismet server connectivity ok connect wrapper-php | |
akismet_get_server_connectivity | akismet server connectivity connect wrapper-php | get |
akismet_check_server_connectivity | akismet check server connectivity connect wrapper-php | |
akismet_add_comment_author_url | akismet add comment author url wrapper-php | |
akismet_remove_comment_author_url | akismet remove comment author url remov wrapper-php | |
akismet_recheck_queue | akismet recheck queue wrapper-php | |
akismet_spam_count | akismet spam count wrapper-php | |
akismet_transition_comment_status | akismet transition comment status transit statu wrapper-php | |
akismet_submit_spam_comment | akismet submit spam comment wrapper-php | |
akismet_submit_nonspam_comment | akismet submit nonspam comment wrapper-php | |
akismet_check_for_spam_button | akismet check spam button wrapper-php | for |
akismet_text_add_link_class | akismet text add link class wrapper-php | |
akismet_text_add_link_callback | akismet text add link callback wrapper-php | |
akismet_comment_column_row | akismet comment column row wrapper-php | |
akismet_comments_columns | akismet comments columns comment column wrapper-php | |
akismet_comment_status_meta_box | akismet comment status meta box statu wrapper-php | |
akismet_comment_row_action | akismet comment row action wrapper-php | |
akismet_admin_warnings | akismet admin warnings warn wrapper-php | |
akismet_stats | akismet stats stat wrapper-php | |
akismet_stats_display | akismet stats display stat displai wrapper-php | |
akismet_conf | akismet conf wrapper-php | |
akismet_plugin_action_links | akismet plugin action links link wrapper-php | |
akismet_nonce_field | akismet nonce field nonc wrapper-php | |
akismet_load_js_and_css | akismet load js and css wrapper-php | |
akismet_version_warning | akismet version warning warn wrapper-php | |
akismet_admin_init | akismet admin init wrapper-php | |
akismet_rightnow | akismet rightnow wrapper-php | |
akismet_check_db_comment | akismet check db comment wrapper-php | |
akismet_delete_old_metadata | akismet delete old metadata delet wrapper-php | |
akismet_delete_old | akismet delete old delet wrapper-php | |
akismet_microtime | akismet microtime microtim wrapper-php | |
akismet_http_post | akismet http post wrapper-php | |
akismet_test_mode | akismet test mode wrapper-php | |
akismet_register_widgets | akismet register widgets regist widget class-akismet-widget-php | |
wp_widgets_access_body_class | wp-widgets widgets widget access body class bodi widgets-php | wp |
delete_users_add_js | delete users add js delet user users-php | |
admin_created_user_subject | admin created user subject creat user-new-php | |
admin_created_user_email | admin created user email creat user-new-php | |
use_ssl_preference | use ssl preference us prefer user-edit-php | |
do_undismiss_core_update | do undismiss core update updat update-core-php | |
do_dismiss_core_update | do dismiss core update updat update-core-php | |
do_core_upgrade | do core upgrade upgrad update-core-php | |
list_translation_updates | list translation updates translat updat update-core-php | |
list_theme_updates | list theme updates updat update-core-php | |
list_plugin_updates | list plugin updates updat update-core-php | |
core_upgrade_preamble | core upgrade preamble upgrad preambl update-core-php | |
dismissed_updates | dismissed updates dismiss updat update-core-php | |
list_core_update | list core update updat update-core-php | |
press_this_media_buttons | press media buttons button press-this-php | this |
get_images_from_uri | get images uri imag press-this-php | from |
press_it | press press-this-php | it |
redirect_post | redirect post post-php | |
plugin_sandbox_scrape | plugin sandbox scrape plugins-php | |
options_reading_blog_charset | options reading blog charset option read options-reading-php | |
options_reading_add_js | options reading add js option read options-reading-php | |
options_permalink_add_js | options permalink add js option options-permalink-php | |
options_general_add_js | options general add js option gener options-general-php | |
network_step2 | network step2 network-php | |
network_step1 | network step1 network-php | |
get_clean_basedomain | get clean basedomain network-php | |
allow_subdirectory_install | allow subdirectory install subdirectori instal network-php | |
allow_subdomain_install | allow subdomain install instal network-php | |
network_domain_check | network domain check network-php | |
confirm_delete_users | confirm delete users delet user users-php | |
wp_nav_menu_max_depth | wp-nav nav menu max depth nav-menus-php | wp |
_add_themes_utility_last | add themes utility last theme util menu-php | |
_wp_menu_output | wp-menu menu output menu-header-php | wp |
get_file | get file wp-tinymce-php | |
endElement | endelement endel link-parse-opml-php | |
startElement | startelement startel link-parse-opml-php | |
display_setup_form | display setup form displai install-php | |
display_header | display header displai install-php | |
check_column | check column install-helper-php | |
maybe_drop_column | maybe drop column mayb install-helper-php | |
wp_widget_control | wp-widget widget control widgets-php | wp |
next_widget_id_number | next widget id number widgets-php | |
wp_list_widget_controls_dynamic_sidebar | wp-list list widget controls dynamic sidebar control dynam widgets-php | wp |
wp_list_widget_controls | wp-list list widget controls control widgets-php | wp |
_sort_name_callback | sort name callback widgets-php | |
wp_list_widgets | wp-list list widgets widget widgets-php | wp |
default_password_nag | default password nag user-php | |
default_password_nag_edit_user | default password nag edit user user-php | |
default_password_nag_handler | default password nag handler user-php | |
wp_revoke_user | wp-revoke revoke revok user user-php | wp |
wp_delete_user | wp-delete delete delet user user-php | wp |
get_users_drafts | get users drafts user draft user-php | |
get_user_to_edit | get user edit user-php | to |
get_editable_roles | get editable roles edit role user-php | |
edit_user | edit user user-php | |
add_user | add user user-php | |
install_global_terms | install global terms instal term upgrade-php | |
pre_schema_upgrade | pre schema upgrade upgrad upgrade-php | |
maybe_disable_link_manager | maybe disable link manager mayb disabl manag upgrade-php | |
maybe_disable_automattic_widgets | maybe disable automattic widgets mayb disabl automatt widget upgrade-php | |
wp_check_mysql_version | wp-check check mysql version upgrade-php | wp |
translate_level_to_role | translate level role translat upgrade-php | to |
make_site_theme | make site theme upgrade-php | |
make_site_theme_from_default | make site theme default upgrade-php | from |
make_site_theme_from_oldschool | make site theme oldschool upgrade-php | from |
make_db_current_silent | make db current silent upgrade-php | |
make_db_current | make db current upgrade-php | |
dbDelta | dbdelta upgrade-php | |
deslash | deslash upgrade-php | |
__get_option | get option upgrade-php | |
get_alloptions_110 | get alloptions 110 allopt upgrade-php | |
maybe_add_column | maybe add column mayb install-helper-php | |
add_clean_index | add clean index upgrade-php | |
drop_index | drop index upgrade-php | |
maybe_create_table | maybe create table mayb creat tabl install-helper-php | |
upgrade_network | upgrade network upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_400 | upgrade 400 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_380 | upgrade 380 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_372 | upgrade 372 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_370 | upgrade 370 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_350 | upgrade 350 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_340 | upgrade 340 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_330 | upgrade 330 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_300 | upgrade 300 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_290 | upgrade 290 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_280 | upgrade 280 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_270 | upgrade 270 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_260 | upgrade 260 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_252 | upgrade 252 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_250 | upgrade 250 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_old_slugs | upgrade old slugs upgrad slug upgrade-php | |
upgrade_230_old_tables | upgrade 230 old tables upgrad tabl upgrade-php | |
upgrade_230_options_table | upgrade 230 options table upgrad option tabl upgrade-php | |
upgrade_230 | upgrade 230 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_210 | upgrade 210 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_160 | upgrade 160 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_130 | upgrade 130 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_110 | upgrade 110 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_101 | upgrade 101 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_100 | upgrade 100 upgrad upgrade-php | |
upgrade_all | upgrade all upgrad upgrade-php | |
wp_upgrade | wp-upgrade upgrade upgrad upgrade-php | wp |
wp_new_blog_notification | wp-new new blog notification notif upgrade-php | wp |
wp_install_defaults | wp-install install instal defaults default upgrade-php | wp |
wp_install | wp-install install instal upgrade-php | wp |
maintenance_nag | maintenance nag mainten update-php | |
wp_theme_update_row | wp-theme theme update row updat update-php | wp |
wp_theme_update_rows | wp-theme theme update rows updat row update-php | wp |
get_theme_updates | get theme updates updat update-php | |
wp_plugin_update_row | wp-plugin plugin update row updat update-php | wp |
wp_plugin_update_rows | wp-plugin plugin update rows updat row update-php | wp |
get_plugin_updates | get plugin updates updat update-php | |
update_right_now_message | update right now message updat messag update-php | |
update_nag | update nag updat update-php | |
core_update_footer | core update footer updat update-php | |
find_core_update | find core update updat update-php | |
undismiss_core_update | undismiss core update updat update-php | |
dismiss_core_update | dismiss core update updat update-php | |
get_core_checksums | get core checksums checksum update-php | |
find_core_auto_update | find core auto update updat update-php | |
get_core_updates | get core updates updat update-php | |
get_preferred_from_update_core | get preferred update core prefer updat update-php | from |
_redirect_to_about_wordpress | redirect about wordpress update-core-php | to |
update_core | update core updat update-core-php | |
wp_can_install_language_pack | wp-can can install language pack instal languag translation-install-php | wp |
wp_download_language_pack | wp-download download language pack languag translation-install-php | wp |
wp_install_language_form | wp-install install instal language form languag translation-install-php | wp |
wp_get_available_translations | get wp-get available translations avail translat translation-install-php | wp |
translations_api | translations api translat translation-install-php | |
wp_prepare_themes_for_js | wp-prepare prepare prepar themes js theme theme-php | wp for |
themes_api | themes api theme theme-php | |
get_theme_feature_list | get theme feature list featur theme-php | |
get_theme_update_available | get theme update available updat avail theme-php | |
theme_update_available | theme update available updat avail theme-php | |
_get_template_edit_filename | get template edit filename templat filenam theme-php | |
get_page_templates | get page templates templat theme-php | |
delete_theme | delete theme delet theme-php | |
install_theme_information | install theme information instal inform theme-install-php | |
display_themes | display themes displai theme theme-install-php | |
display_theme | display theme displai theme-install-php | |
install_themes_upload | install themes upload instal theme theme-install-php | |
install_themes_dashboard | install themes dashboard instal theme theme-install-php | |
install_theme_search_form | install theme search form instal theme-install-php | |
install_themes_feature_list | install themes feature list instal theme featur theme-install-php | |
wp_star_rating | wp-star star rating rate template-php | wp |
_local_storage_notice | local storage notice storag notic template-php | |
convert_to_screen | convert screen template-php | to |
_wp_admin_html_begin | wp-admin admin html begin template-php | wp |
get_submit_button | get submit button template-php | |
submit_button | submit button template-php | |
compression_test | compression test compress template-php | |
_media_states | media states state template-php | |
_post_states | post states state template-php | |
iframe_footer | iframe footer ifram template-php | |
iframe_header | iframe header ifram template-php | |
_admin_search_query | admin search query queri template-php | |
_draft_or_post_title | draft post title titl template-php | or |
the_post_password | post password template-php | the |
find_posts_div | find posts div post template-php | |
settings_errors | settings errors set error template-php | |
get_settings_errors | get settings errors set error template-php | |
add_settings_error | add settings error set template-php | |
do_settings_fields | do settings fields set field template-php | |
do_settings_sections | do settings sections set section template-php | |
add_settings_field | add settings field set template-php | |
add_settings_section | add settings section set template-php | |
do_accordion_sections | do accordion sections section template-php | |
remove_meta_box | remove meta box remov template-php | |
do_meta_boxes | do meta boxes box template-php | |
add_meta_box | add meta box template-php | |
wp_import_upload_form | wp-import import upload form template-php | wp |
wp_dropdown_roles | wp-dropdown dropdown roles role template-php | wp |
parent_dropdown | parent dropdown template-php | |
page_template_dropdown | page template dropdown templat template-php | |
touch_time | touch time template-php | |
meta_form | meta form template-php | |
_list_meta_row | list meta row template-php | |
list_meta | list meta template-php | |
wp_comment_trashnotice | wp-comment comment trashnotice trashnotic template-php | wp |
wp_comment_reply | wp-comment comment reply repli template-php | wp |
get_inline_data | get inline data inlin template-php | |
wp_link_category_checklist | wp-link link category checklist categori template-php | wp |
wp_popular_terms_checklist | wp-popular popular terms checklist term template-php | wp |
wp_terms_checklist | wp-terms terms term checklist template-php | wp |
wp_category_checklist | wp-category category categori checklist template-php | wp |
wp_create_term | wp-create create creat term taxonomy-php | wp |
get_terms_to_edit | get terms edit term taxonomy-php | to |
get_tags_to_edit | get tags edit tag taxonomy-php | to |
wp_create_tag | wp-create create creat tag taxonomy-php | wp |
tag_exists | tag exists exist taxonomy-php | |
wp_update_category | wp-update update updat category categori taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_insert_category | wp-insert insert category categori taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_create_categories | wp-create create creat categories categori taxonomy-php | wp |
wp_create_category | wp-create create creat category categori taxonomy-php | wp |
get_category_to_edit | get category edit categori taxonomy-php | to |
category_exists | category exists categori exist taxonomy-php | |
set_current_screen | set current screen screen-php | |
get_current_screen | get current screen screen-php | |
add_screen_option | add screen option screen-php | |
get_hidden_meta_boxes | get hidden meta boxes box screen-php | |
meta_box_prefs | meta box prefs pref screen-php | |
get_hidden_columns | get hidden columns column screen-php | |
get_column_headers | get column headers header screen-php | |
populate_network | populate network popul schema-php | |
install_network | install network instal schema-php | |
populate_roles_300 | populate roles 300 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_280 | populate roles 280 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_270 | populate roles 270 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_260 | populate roles 260 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_250 | populate roles 250 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_230 | populate roles 230 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_210 | populate roles 210 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles_160 | populate roles 160 popul role schema-php | |
populate_roles | populate roles popul role schema-php | |
populate_options | populate options popul option schema-php | |
wp_get_db_schema | get wp-get db schema schema-php | wp |
wp_prepare_revisions_for_js | wp-prepare prepare prepar revisions js revis revision-php | wp for |
wp_get_revision_ui_diff | get wp-get revision ui diff revis revision-php | wp |
wp_autosave | wp-autosave autosave autosav post-php | wp |
post_preview | post preview post-php | |
wp_create_post_autosave | wp-create create creat post autosave autosav post-php | wp |
_admin_notice_post_locked | admin notice post locked notic lock post-php | |
wp_set_post_lock | wp-set set post lock post-php | wp |
wp_check_post_lock | wp-check check post lock post-php | wp |
_wp_post_thumbnail_html | wp-post post thumbnail html post-php | wp |
get_sample_permalink_html | get sample permalink html sampl post-php | |
get_sample_permalink | get sample permalink sampl post-php | |
postbox_classes | postbox classes class post-php | |
wp_edit_attachments_query | wp-edit edit attachments query attach queri post-php | wp |
get_available_post_mime_types | get available post mime types avail type post-php | |
wp_edit_posts_query | wp-edit edit posts query post queri post-php | wp |
get_available_post_statuses | get available post statuses avail status post-php | |
_fix_attachment_links | fix attachment links attach link post-php | |
update_meta | update meta updat post-php | |
has_meta | has meta ha post-php | |
get_post_meta_by_id | get post meta id post-php | by |
get_meta_keys | get meta keys kei post-php | |
delete_meta | delete meta delet post-php | |
add_meta | add meta post-php | |
write_post | write post post-php | |
wp_write_post | wp-write write post post-php | wp |
post_exists | post exists exist post-php | |
get_default_post_to_edit | get default post edit post-php | to |
bulk_edit_posts | bulk edit posts post post-php | |
edit_post | edit post post-php | |
_wp_translate_postdata | wp-translate translate translat postdata post-php | wp |
wp_clean_plugins_cache | wp-clean clean plugins cache plugin cach plugin-php | wp |
settings_fields | settings fields set field plugin-php | |
remove_option_whitelist | remove option whitelist remov plugin-php | |
add_option_whitelist | add option whitelist plugin-php | |
option_update_filter | option update filter updat plugin-php | |
unregister_setting | unregister setting unregist set plugin-php | |
register_setting | register setting regist set plugin-php | |
user_can_access_admin_page | user can access admin page plugin-php | |
get_plugin_page_hookname | get plugin page hookname hooknam plugin-php | |
get_plugin_page_hook | get plugin page hook plugin-php | |
get_admin_page_title | get admin page title titl plugin-php | |
get_admin_page_parent | get admin page parent plugin-php | |
menu_page_url | menu page url plugin-php | |
remove_submenu_page | remove submenu page remov plugin-php | |
remove_menu_page | remove menu page remov plugin-php | |
add_comments_page | add comments page comment plugin-php | |
add_pages_page | add pages page plugin-php | |
add_links_page | add links page link plugin-php | |
add_media_page | add media page plugin-php | |
add_posts_page | add posts page post plugin-php | |
add_dashboard_page | add dashboard page plugin-php | |
add_users_page | add users page user plugin-php | |
add_plugins_page | add plugins page plugin plugin-php | |
add_theme_page | add theme page plugin-php | |
add_options_page | add options page option plugin-php | |
add_management_page | add management page manag plugin-php | |
add_submenu_page | add submenu page plugin-php | |
add_utility_page | add utility page util plugin-php | |
add_object_page | add object page plugin-php | |
add_menu_page | add menu page plugin-php | |
uninstall_plugin | uninstall plugin uninstal plugin-php | |
is_uninstallable_plugin | is uninstallable plugin uninstal plugin-php | |
validate_plugin | validate plugin valid plugin-php | |
validate_active_plugins | validate active plugins valid activ plugin plugin-php | |
delete_plugins | delete plugins delet plugin plugin-php | |
activate_plugins | activate plugins activ plugin plugin-php | |
deactivate_plugins | deactivate plugins deactiv plugin plugin-php | |
activate_plugin | activate plugin activ plugin-php | |
is_network_only_plugin | is network only plugin onli plugin-php | |
is_plugin_active_for_network | is plugin active network activ plugin-php | for |
is_plugin_inactive | is plugin inactive inact plugin-php | |
is_plugin_active | is plugin active activ plugin-php | |
_get_dropins | get dropins dropin plugin-php | |
get_dropins | get dropins dropin plugin-php | |
_sort_uname_callback | sort uname callback unam plugin-php | |
get_mu_plugins | get mu plugins plugin plugin-php | |
get_plugins | get plugins plugin plugin-php | |
get_plugin_files | get plugin files file plugin-php | |
_get_plugin_data_markup_translate | get plugin data markup translate translat plugin-php | |
get_plugin_data | get plugin data plugin-php | |
install_plugin_information | install plugin information instal inform plugin-install-php | |
install_plugin_install_status | install plugin status instal statu plugin-install-php | |
display_plugins_table | display plugins table displai plugin tabl plugin-install-php | |
install_plugins_favorites_form | install plugins favorites form instal plugin favorit plugin-install-php | |
install_plugins_upload | install plugins upload instal plugin plugin-install-php | |
install_search_form | install search form instal plugin-install-php | |
install_dashboard | install dashboard instal plugin-install-php | |
install_popular_tags | install popular tags instal tag plugin-install-php | |
plugins_api | plugins api plugin plugin-install-php | |
wp_nav_menu_update_menu_items | wp-nav nav menu update items updat item nav-menu-php | wp |
_wp_delete_orphaned_draft_menu_items | wp-delete delete delet orphaned draft menu items orphan item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_manage_columns | wp-nav nav menu manage columns manag column nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_get_nav_menu_to_edit | get wp-get nav menu edit nav-menu-php | wp to |
_wp_nav_menu_meta_box_object | wp-nav nav menu meta box object nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_save_nav_menu_items | wp-save save nav menu items item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box | wp-nav nav menu item taxonomy meta box taxonomi nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_item_post_type_meta_box | wp-nav nav menu item post type meta box nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_item_link_meta_box | wp-nav nav menu item link meta box nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_disabled_check | wp-nav nav menu disabled check disabl nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_taxonomy_meta_boxes | wp-nav nav menu taxonomy meta boxes taxonomi box nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_post_type_meta_boxes | wp-nav nav menu post type meta boxes box nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_initial_nav_menu_meta_boxes | wp-initial initial initi nav menu meta boxes box nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_setup | wp-nav nav menu setup nav-menu-php | wp |
_wp_ajax_menu_quick_search | wp-ajax ajax menu quick search nav-menu-php | wp |
_thickbox_path_admin_subfolder | thickbox path admin subfolder subfold ms-php | |
can_edit_network | can edit network ms-php | |
revoke_super_admin | revoke super admin revok ms-php | |
grant_super_admin | grant super admin ms-php | |
choose_primary_blog | choose primary blog choos primari ms-php | |
avoid_blog_page_permalink_collision | avoid blog page permalink collision collis ms-php | |
site_admin_notice | site admin notice notic ms-php | |
mu_dropdown_languages | mu dropdown languages languag ms-php | |
check_import_new_users | check import new users user ms-php | |
_access_denied_splash | access denied splash deni ms-php | |
sync_category_tag_slugs | sync category tag slugs categori slug ms-php | |
format_code_lang | format code lang ms-php | |
refresh_user_details | refresh user details detail ms-php | |
update_user_status | update user status updat statu ms-php | |
upload_space_setting | upload space setting set ms-php | |
fix_import_form_size | fix import form size ms-php | |
display_space_usage | display space usage displai usag ms-php | |
upload_is_user_over_quota | upload user over quota ms-php | is |
new_user_email_admin_notice | new user email admin notice notic ms-php | |
send_confirmation_on_profile_email | send confirmation profile email confirm profil ms-php | on |
update_option_new_admin_email | update option new admin email updat ms-php | |
wpmu_delete_user | wpmu delete user delet ms-php | |
wpmu_delete_blog | wpmu delete blog delet ms-php | |
check_upload_size | check upload size ms-php | |
ms_deprecated_blogs_file | ms deprecated blogs file deprec blog ms-deprecated-php | |
wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes | wpmu blog allowedthemes allowedthem ms-deprecated-php | get |
get_site_allowed_themes | get site allowed themes allow theme ms-deprecated-php | |
is_wpmu_sitewide_plugin | is wpmu sitewide plugin sitewid ms-deprecated-php | |
deactivate_sitewide_plugin | deactivate sitewide plugin deactiv sitewid ms-deprecated-php | |
activate_sitewide_plugin | activate sitewide plugin activ sitewid ms-deprecated-php | |
mu_options | mu options option ms-deprecated-php | |
wpmu_checkAvailableSpace | wpmu checkavailablespace checkavailablespac ms-deprecated-php | |
wpmu_menu | wpmu menu ms-deprecated-php | |
post_form_autocomplete_off | post form autocomplete off autocomplet misc-php | |
heartbeat_autosave | heartbeat autosave autosav misc-php | |
wp_heartbeat_set_suspension | wp-heartbeat heartbeat set suspension suspens misc-php | wp |
wp_refresh_post_nonces | wp-refresh refresh post nonces nonc misc-php | wp |
wp_refresh_post_lock | wp-refresh refresh post lock misc-php | wp |
wp_check_locked_posts | wp-check check locked posts lock post misc-php | wp |
_ipad_meta | ipad meta misc-php | |
wp_color_scheme_settings | wp-color color scheme settings set misc-php | wp |
admin_color_scheme_picker | admin color scheme picker misc-php | |
saveDomDocument | savedomdocument savedomdocu misc-php | |
iis7_add_rewrite_rule | iis7 add rewrite rule rewrit misc-php | |
iis7_delete_rewrite_rule | iis7 delete rewrite rule delet rewrit misc-php | |
iis7_rewrite_rule_exists | iis7 rewrite rule exists rewrit exist misc-php | |
set_screen_options | set screen options option misc-php | |
wp_doc_link_parse | wp-doc doc link parse pars misc-php | wp |
show_message | show message messag misc-php | |
wp_reset_vars | wp-reset reset vars var misc-php | wp |
url_shorten | url shorten misc-php | |
update_home_siteurl | update home siteurl updat misc-php | |
update_recently_edited | update recently edited updat recent edit misc-php | |
iis7_save_url_rewrite_rules | iis7 save url rewrite rules rewrit rule misc-php | |
save_mod_rewrite_rules | save mod rewrite rules rewrit rule misc-php | |
insert_with_markers | insert markers marker misc-php | with |
extract_from_markers | extract markers marker misc-php | from |
got_url_rewrite | got url rewrite rewrit misc-php | |
got_mod_rewrite | got mod rewrite rewrit misc-php | |
attachment_id3_data_meta_box | attachment id3 data meta box attach meta-boxes-php | |
post_thumbnail_meta_box | post thumbnail meta box meta-boxes-php | |
link_advanced_meta_box | link advanced meta box advanc meta-boxes-php | |
link_xfn_meta_box | link xfn meta box meta-boxes-php | |
xfn_check | xfn check meta-boxes-php | |
link_target_meta_box | link target meta box meta-boxes-php | |
link_categories_meta_box | link categories meta box categori meta-boxes-php | |
link_submit_meta_box | link submit meta box meta-boxes-php | |
page_attributes_meta_box | page attributes meta box attribut meta-boxes-php | |
post_revisions_meta_box | post revisions meta box revis meta-boxes-php | |
post_author_meta_box | post author meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_slug_meta_box | post slug meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_comment_meta_box | post comment meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_comment_meta_box_thead | post comment meta box thead meta-boxes-php | |
post_comment_status_meta_box | post comment status meta box statu meta-boxes-php | |
post_custom_meta_box | post custom meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_trackback_meta_box | post trackback meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_excerpt_meta_box | post excerpt meta box meta-boxes-php | |
post_categories_meta_box | post categories meta box categori meta-boxes-php | |
post_tags_meta_box | post tags meta box tag meta-boxes-php | |
post_format_meta_box | post format meta box meta-boxes-php | |
attachment_submit_meta_box | attachment submit meta box attach meta-boxes-php | |
post_submit_meta_box | post submit meta box meta-boxes-php | |
sort_menu | sort menu menu-php | |
add_menu_classes | add menu classes class menu-php | |
add_cssclass | add cssclass menu-php | |
wp_read_audio_metadata | wp-read read audio metadata media-php | wp |
wp_read_video_metadata | wp-read read video metadata media-php | wp |
wp_add_id3_tag_data | wp-add add id3 tag data media-php | wp |
attachment_submitbox_metadata | attachment submitbox metadata attach media-php | |
edit_form_image_editor | edit form image editor imag media-php | |
multisite_over_quota_message | multisite over quota message multisit messag media-php | |
media_upload_max_image_resize | media upload max image resize imag resiz media-php | |
media_upload_text_after | media upload text after media-php | |
media_upload_html_bypass | media upload html bypass media-php | |
media_upload_flash_bypass | media upload flash bypass media-php | |
wp_media_insert_url_form | wp-media media insert url form media-php | wp |
media_upload_library_form | media upload library form librari media-php | |
media_upload_gallery_form | media upload gallery form galleri media-php | |
media_upload_type_url_form | media upload type url form media-php | |
media_upload_type_form | media upload type form media-php | |
media_upload_form | media upload form media-php | |
media_upload_header | media upload header media-php | |
get_compat_media_markup | get compat media markup media-php | |
get_media_item | get media item media-php | |
get_media_items | get media items item media-php | |
get_attachment_fields_to_edit | get attachment fields edit attach field media-php | to |
image_media_send_to_editor | image media send editor imag media-php | to |
image_attachment_fields_to_save | image attachment fields save imag attach field media-php | to |
media_post_single_attachment_fields_to_edit | media post single attachment fields edit singl attach field media-php | to |
media_single_attachment_fields_to_edit | media single attachment fields edit singl attach field media-php | to |
image_attachment_fields_to_edit | image attachment fields edit imag attach field media-php | to |
wp_caption_input_textarea | wp-caption caption input textarea media-php | wp |
image_link_input_fields | image link input fields imag field media-php | |
image_size_input_fields | image size input fields imag field media-php | |
image_align_input_fields | image |