Word stems are created with the php version of the Porter Stemming Algorithm
This table is created with this gist
= related word = related word stem = related file word
install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab} has the most (related) words. 11 words.
Title | Related Words | Skipped Words |
wp_xmlrpc_server_class | wp-xmlrpc xmlrpc server class xmlrpc-php | wp |
xmlrpc_rsd_apis | xmlrpc rsd apis api xmlrpc-php | |
trackback_post | trackback post wp-trackback-php | |
after_signup_form | after signup form wp-signup-php | |
preprocess_signup_form | preprocess signup form wp-signup-php | |
wpmu_active_signup | wpmu active signup activ wp-signup-php | |
before_signup_form | before signup form befor wp-signup-php | |
signup_blog_init | signup blog init wp-signup-php | |
signup_user_init | signup user init wp-signup-php | |
signup_finished | signup finished finish wp-signup-php | |
add_signup_meta | add signup meta wp-signup-php | |
signup_create_blog_meta | signup create blog meta creat wp-signup-php | |
signup_hidden_fields | signup hidden fields field wp-signup-php | |
signup_another_blog_init | signup another blog init anoth wp-signup-php | |
signup_extra_fields | signup extra fields field wp-signup-php | |
signup_blogform | signup blogform wp-signup-php | |
signup_header | signup header wp-signup-php | |
wp_loaded | wp-loaded loaded load wp-settings-php | wp |
init | init wp-settings-php | |
after_setup_theme | after setup theme wp-settings-php | |
setup_theme | setup theme wp-settings-php | |
sanitize_comment_cookies | sanitize comment cookies sanit cooki wp-settings-php | |
plugins_loaded | plugins loaded plugin load wp-settings-php | |
muplugins_loaded | muplugins loaded muplugin load wp-settings-php | |
publish_phone | publish phone wp-mail-php | |
phone_content | phone content wp-mail-php | |
wp_mail_original_content | wp-mail mail original content origin wp-mail-php | wp |
wp-mail.php | wp-mail mail php wp-mail-php | wp |
login_form | login form wp-login-php | |
wp_login_errors | wp-login login errors error wp-login-php | wp |
login_redirect | login redirect wp-login-php | |
register_form | register form regist wp-login-php | |
registration_redirect | registration redirect registr wp-login-php | |
wp_signup_location | wp-signup signup location locat wp-login-php | wp |
resetpass_form | resetpass form wp-login-php | |
validate_password_reset | validate password reset valid wp-login-php | |
lostpassword_form | lostpassword form wp-login-php | |
lost_password | lost password wp-login-php | |
lostpassword_redirect | lostpassword redirect wp-login-php | |
post_password_expires | post password expires expir wp-login-php | |
login_form_{$action} | login form action wp-login-php | |
login_init | login init wp-login-php | |
retrieve_password_message | retrieve password message retriev messag wp-login-php | |
retrieve_password_title | retrieve password title retriev titl wp-login-php | |
retrieve_password_key | retrieve password key retriev kei wp-login-php | |
allow_password_reset | allow password reset wp-login-php | |
retrieve_password | retrieve password retriev wp-login-php | |
retreive_password | retreive password retreiv wp-login-php | |
lostpassword_post | lostpassword post wp-login-php | |
login_footer | login footer wp-login-php | |
login_messages | login messages messag wp-login-php | |
login_errors | login errors error wp-login-php | |
login_message | login message messag wp-login-php | |
login_body_class | login body class bodi wp-login-php | |
login_headertitle | login headertitle headertitl wp-login-php | |
login_headerurl | login headerurl wp-login-php | |
login_head | login head wp-login-php | |
login_enqueue_scripts | login enqueue scripts enqueu script wp-login-php | |
shake_error_codes | shake error codes code wp-login-php | |
link_title | link title titl wp-links-opml-php | |
link_category | link category categori wp-links-opml-php | |
opml_head | opml head wp-links-opml-php | |
{$type}_template | type template templat template-php | |
template_include | template include templat includ template-loader-php | |
do_robots | do robots robot template-loader-php | |
exit_on_http_head | exit http head template-loader-php | on |
template_redirect | template redirect templat template-loader-php | |
get_ancestors | get ancestors ancestor taxonomy-php | |
term_link | term link taxonomy-php | |
category_link | category link categori taxonomy-php | |
tag_link | tag link taxonomy-php | |
clean_term_cache | clean term cache cach taxonomy-php | |
clean_object_term_cache | clean object term cache cach taxonomy-php | |
edited_{$taxonomy} | edited taxonomy edit taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edited_term | edited term edit taxonomy-php | |
edit_{$taxonomy} | edit taxonomy taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edit_term | edit term taxonomy-php | |
edited_term_taxonomy | edited term taxonomy edit taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edit_term_taxonomy | edit term taxonomy taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
wp_update_term_parent | wp-update update updat term parent taxonomy-php | wp |
deleted_term_relationships | deleted term relationships delet relationship taxonomy-php | |
delete_term_relationships | delete term relationships delet relationship taxonomy-php | |
set_object_terms | set object terms term taxonomy-php | |
added_term_relationship | added term relationship ad taxonomy-php | |
add_term_relationship | add term relationship taxonomy-php | |
created_{$taxonomy} | created taxonomy creat taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
created_term | created term creat taxonomy-php | |
term_id_filter | term id filter taxonomy-php | |
create_{$taxonomy} | create taxonomy creat taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
create_term | create term creat taxonomy-php | |
edited_terms | edited terms edit term taxonomy-php | |
edit_terms | edit terms term taxonomy-php | |
pre_insert_term | pre insert term taxonomy-php | |
wp_get_object_terms | get wp-get object terms term taxonomy-php | wp |
delete_{$taxonomy} | delete taxonomy delet taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
delete_term | delete term delet taxonomy-php | |
deleted_term_taxonomy | deleted term taxonomy delet taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
delete_term_taxonomy | delete term taxonomy delet taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edited_term_taxonomies | edited term taxonomies edit taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edit_term_taxonomies | edit term taxonomies taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
{$taxonomy}_{$field} | taxonomy field taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
term_{$field} | term field taxonomy-php | |
{$taxonomy}_{$field}_rss | taxonomy field rss taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
term_{$field}_rss | term field rss taxonomy-php | |
pre_category_nicename | pre category nicename categori nicenam taxonomy-php | |
pre_{$taxonomy}_{$field} | pre taxonomy field taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
pre_term_{$field} | pre term field taxonomy-php | |
edit_{$taxonomy}_{$field} | edit taxonomy field taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
edit_term_{$field} | edit term field taxonomy-php | |
terms_clauses | terms clauses term claus taxonomy-php | |
get_terms_fields | get terms fields term field taxonomy-php | |
list_terms_exclusions | list terms exclusions term exclus taxonomy-php | |
get_terms_orderby | get terms orderby term orderbi taxonomy-php | |
get_terms | get terms term taxonomy-php | |
get_terms_args | get terms args term arg taxonomy-php | |
get_{$taxonomy} | get taxonomy taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
get_term | get term taxonomy-php | |
registered_taxonomy | registered taxonomy regist taxonomi taxonomy-php | |
post_format_rewrite_base | post format rewrite base rewrit taxonomy-php | |
shortcode_atts_{$shortcode} | shortcode atts shortcod att shortcodes-php | |
attach_session_information | attach session information inform session-php | |
session_token_manager | session token manager manag session-php | |
print_late_styles | print late styles style script-loader-php | |
print_admin_styles | print admin styles style script-loader-php | |
wp_enqueue_scripts | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
wp_print_footer_scripts | wp-print print footer scripts script script-loader-php | wp |
print_footer_scripts | print footer scripts script script-loader-php | |
print_head_scripts | print head scripts script script-loader-php | |
wp_auth_check_interval | wp-auth auth check interval interv script-loader-php | wp |
heartbeat_settings | heartbeat settings set script-loader-php | |
load_feed_engine | load feed engine engin rss-php | |
permalink_structure_changed | permalink structure changed structur chang rewrite-php | |
flush_rewrite_rules_hard | flush rewrite rules hard rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
iis7_url_rewrite_rules | iis7 url rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
rewrite_rules | rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
mod_rewrite_rules | mod rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
rewrite_rules_array | rewrite rules array rewrit rule arrai rewrite-php | |
generate_rewrite_rules | generate rewrite rules gener rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
tag_rewrite_rules | tag rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
{$permastructname}_rewrite_rules | permastructname rewrite rules permastructnam rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
page_rewrite_rules | page rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
author_rewrite_rules | author rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
search_rewrite_rules | search rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
comments_rewrite_rules | comments rewrite rules comment rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
root_rewrite_rules | root rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
date_rewrite_rules | date rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
post_rewrite_rules | post rewrite rules rewrit rule rewrite-php | |
url_to_postid | url postid rewrite-php | to |
wp_revisions_to_keep | wp-revisions revisions revis keep revision-php | wp to |
wp_delete_post_revision | wp-delete delete delet post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_restore_post_revision | wp-restore restore restor post revision revis revision-php | wp |
_wp_put_post_revision | wp-put put post revision revis revision-php | wp |
wp_save_post_revision_check_for_changes | wp-save save post revision check changes revis chang revision-php | wp for |
_wp_post_revision_fields | wp-post post revision fields revis field revision-php | wp |
comment_loop_start | comment loop start query-php | |
loop_end | loop end query-php | |
loop_start | loop start query-php | |
found_posts | found posts post query-php | |
found_posts_query | found posts query post queri query-php | |
the_posts | posts post query-php | the |
the_preview | preview query-php | the |
posts_results | posts results post result query-php | |
posts_request_ids | posts request ids post id query-php | |
split_the_query | split query queri query-php | the |
posts_request | posts request post query-php | |
posts_clauses_request | posts clauses request post claus query-php | |
post_limits_request | post limits request limit query-php | |
posts_fields_request | posts fields request post field query-php | |
posts_distinct_request | posts distinct request post query-php | |
posts_orderby_request | posts orderby request post orderbi query-php | |
posts_join_request | posts join request post query-php | |
posts_groupby_request | posts groupby request post groupbi query-php | |
posts_where_request | posts where request post query-php | |
posts_selection | posts selection post select query-php | |
posts_clauses | posts clauses post claus query-php | |
posts_fields | posts fields post field query-php | |
post_limits | post limits limit query-php | |
posts_distinct | posts distinct post query-php | |
posts_orderby | posts orderby post orderbi query-php | |
posts_join_paged | posts join paged post page query-php | |
posts_groupby | posts groupby post groupbi query-php | |
posts_where_paged | posts where paged post page query-php | |
comment_feed_limits | comment feed limits limit query-php | |
comment_feed_orderby | comment feed orderby orderbi query-php | |
comment_feed_groupby | comment feed groupby groupbi query-php | |
comment_feed_where | comment feed where query-php | |
comment_feed_join | comment feed join query-php | |
posts_join | posts join post query-php | |
posts_where | posts where post query-php | |
posts_search_orderby | posts search orderby post orderbi query-php | |
posts_search | posts search post query-php | |
pre_get_posts | pre posts post query-php | get |
wp_search_stopwords | wp-search search stopwords stopword query-php | wp |
parse_tax_query | parse tax query pars queri query-php | |
parse_query | parse query pars queri query-php | |
the_post | post query-php | the |
xmlrpc_publish_post | xmlrpc publish post post-php | |
private_to_published | private published privat publish post-php | to |
clean_attachment_cache | clean attachment cache attach cach post-php | |
clean_page_cache | clean page cache cach post-php | |
clean_post_cache | clean post cache cach post-php | |
get_lastpostmodified | get lastpostmodified lastpostmodifi post-php | |
get_lastpostdate | get lastpostdate lastpostd post-php | |
pub_priv_sql_capability | pub priv sql capability capabl post-php | |
wp_mime_type_icon | wp-mime mime type icon post-php | wp |
icon_dirs | icon dirs dir post-php | |
icon_dir_uri | icon dir uri post-php | |
icon_dir | icon dir post-php | |
wp_get_attachment_thumb_url | get wp-get attachment thumb url attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_thumb_file | get wp-get attachment thumb file attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_url | get wp-get attachment url attach post-php | wp |
wp_update_attachment_metadata | wp-update update updat attachment metadata attach post-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_metadata | get wp-get attachment metadata attach post-php | wp |
delete_attachment | delete attachment delet attach post-php | |
get_pages | get pages page post-php | |
get_to_ping | get ping post-php | to |
get_pung | get pung post-php | |
get_enclosed | get enclosed enclos post-php | |
add_ping | add ping post-php | |
{$new_status}_{$post->post_type} | new status post type statu post-php | |
{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} | old status new statu post-php | to |
transition_post_status | transition post status transit statu post-php | |
wp_unique_post_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu post slug post-php | wp |
wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_flat_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu post slug bad flat post-php | wp is |
wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_hierarchical_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu post slug bad hierarchical hierarch post-php | wp is |
wp_unique_post_slug_is_bad_attachment_slug | wp-unique unique uniqu post slug bad attachment attach post-php | wp is |
wp_insert_post | wp-insert insert post post-php | wp |
save_post | save post post-php | |
save_post_{$post->post_type} | save post type post-php | |
post_updated | post updated updat post-php | |
edit_post | edit post post-php | |
add_attachment | add attachment attach post-php | |
edit_attachment | edit attachment attach post-php | |
pre_post_update | pre post update updat post-php | |
wp_insert_post_data | wp-insert insert post data post-php | wp |
wp_insert_attachment_data | wp-insert insert attachment data attach post-php | wp |
wp_insert_post_parent | wp-insert insert post parent post-php | wp |
wp_insert_post_empty_content | wp-insert insert post empty content empti post-php | wp |
untrashed_post_comments | untrashed post comments untrash comment post-php | |
untrash_post_comments | untrash post comments comment post-php | |
trashed_post_comments | trashed post comments trash comment post-php | |
trash_post_comments | trash post comments comment post-php | |
untrashed_post | untrashed post untrash post-php | |
untrash_post | untrash post post-php | |
trashed_post | trashed post trash post-php | |
wp_trash_post | wp-trash trash post post-php | wp |
after_delete_post | after delete post delet post-php | |
deleted_post | deleted post delet post-php | |
delete_post | delete post delet post-php | |
before_delete_post | before delete post befor delet post-php | |
post_mime_types | post mime types type post-php | |
wp_count_attachments | wp-count count attachments attach post-php | wp |
wp_count_posts | wp-count count posts post post-php | wp |
{$field} | field post-php | |
{$field}_pre | field pre post-php | |
{$field_no_prefix}_save_pre | field no prefix save pre post-php | |
pre_{$field} | pre field post-php | |
{$field_no_prefix}_edit_pre | field no prefix edit pre post-php | |
edit_{$field} | edit field post-php | |
post_type_labels_{$post_type} | post type labels label post-php | |
registered_post_type | registered post type regist post-php | |
_wp_relative_upload_path | wp-relative relative rel upload path post-php | wp |
update_attached_file | update attached file updat attach post-php | |
get_attached_file | get attached file attach post-php | |
post_thumbnail_html | post thumbnail html post-thumbnail-template-php | |
end_fetch_post_thumbnail_html | end fetch post thumbnail html post-thumbnail-template-php | |
begin_fetch_post_thumbnail_html | begin fetch post thumbnail html post-thumbnail-template-php | |
post_thumbnail_size | post thumbnail size post-thumbnail-template-php | |
list_pages | list pages page post-template-php | |
page_css_class | page css class post-template-php | |
the_password_form | password form post-template-php | the |
prepend_attachment | prepend attachment attach post-template-php | |
wp_get_attachment_link | get wp-get attachment link attach post-template-php | wp |
wp_page_menu | wp-page page menu post-template-php | wp |
wp_page_menu_args | wp-page page menu args arg post-template-php | wp |
wp_list_pages | wp-list list pages page post-template-php | wp |
wp_list_pages_excludes | wp-list list pages excludes page exclud post-template-php | wp |
wp_dropdown_pages | wp-dropdown dropdown pages page post-template-php | wp |
the_meta_key | meta key kei post-template-php | the |
wp_link_pages | wp-link link pages page post-template-php | wp |
wp_link_pages_link | wp-link link pages page post-template-php | wp |
wp_link_pages_args | wp-link link pages args page arg post-template-php | wp |
body_class | body class bodi post-template-php | |
post_class | post class post-template-php | |
get_the_excerpt | get excerpt post-template-php | the |
the_excerpt | excerpt post-template-php | the |
the_content_more_link | content more link post-template-php | the |
the_content | content post-template-php | the |
get_the_guid | get guid post-template-php | the |
the_title | title titl post-template-php | the |
private_title_format | private title format privat titl post-template-php | |
protected_title_format | protected title format protect titl post-template-php | |
get_avatar | get avatar pluggable-php | |
get_avatar_comment_types | get avatar comment types type pluggable-php | |
random_password | random password pluggable-php | |
check_password | check password pluggable-php | |
salt | salt pluggable-php | |
nonce_user_logged_out | nonce user logged out nonc log pluggable-php | |
nonce_life | nonce life nonc pluggable-php | |
comment_moderation_headers | comment moderation headers moder header pluggable-php | |
comment_moderation_subject | comment moderation subject moder pluggable-php | |
comment_moderation_text | comment moderation text moder pluggable-php | |
comment_moderation_recipients | comment moderation recipients moder recipi pluggable-php | |
comment_notification_headers | comment notification headers notif header pluggable-php | |
comment_notification_subject | comment notification subject notif pluggable-php | |
comment_notification_text | comment notification text notif pluggable-php | |
comment_notification_notify_author | comment notification notify author notif notifi pluggable-php | |
comment_notification_recipients | comment notification recipients notif recipi pluggable-php | |
allowed_redirect_hosts | allowed redirect hosts allow host pluggable-php | |
wp_redirect_status | wp-redirect redirect status statu pluggable-php | wp |
wp_redirect | wp-redirect redirect pluggable-php | wp |
check_ajax_referer | check ajax referer refer pluggable-php | |
check_admin_referer | check admin referer refer pluggable-php | |
auth_redirect | auth redirect pluggable-php | |
auth_redirect_scheme | auth redirect scheme pluggable-php | |
secure_auth_redirect | secure auth redirect secur pluggable-php | |
clear_auth_cookie | clear auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | |
set_logged_in_cookie | set logged cookie log cooki pluggable-php | in |
set_auth_cookie | set auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | |
secure_logged_in_cookie | secure logged cookie secur log cooki pluggable-php | in |
secure_auth_cookie | secure auth cookie secur cooki pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_expiration | auth cookie expiration cooki expir pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie | auth cookie cooki pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_valid | auth cookie valid cooki pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_bad_hash | auth cookie bad hash cooki pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_bad_username | auth cookie bad username cooki usernam pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_expired | auth cookie expired cooki expir pluggable-php | |
auth_cookie_malformed | auth cookie malformed cooki malform pluggable-php | |
wp_logout | wp-logout logout pluggable-php | wp |
wp_login_failed | wp-login login failed fail pluggable-php | wp |
authenticate | authenticate authent pluggable-php | |
phpmailer_init | phpmailer init pluggable-php | |
wp_mail_charset | wp-mail mail charset pluggable-php | wp |
wp_mail_content_type | wp-mail mail content type pluggable-php | wp |
wp_mail_from_name | wp-mail mail name pluggable-php | wp from |
wp_mail_from | wp-mail mail pluggable-php | wp from |
wp_mail | wp-mail mail pluggable-php | wp |
determine_current_user | determine current user determin pluggable-php | |
set_current_user | set current user pluggable-php | |
setted_site_transient | setted site transient set option-php | |
set_site_transient_{$transient} | set site transient option-php | |
pre_set_site_transient_{$transient} | pre set site transient option-php | |
site_transient_{$transient} | site transient option-php | |
pre_site_transient_{$transient} | pre site transient option-php | |
deleted_site_transient | deleted site transient delet option-php | |
delete_site_transient_{$transient} | delete site transient delet option-php | |
update_site_option | update site option updat option-php | |
update_site_option_{$option} | update site option updat option-php | |
pre_update_site_option_{$option} | pre update site option updat option-php | |
delete_site_option | delete site option delet option-php | |
delete_site_option_{$option} | delete site option delet option-php | |
pre_delete_site_option_{$option} | pre delete site option delet option-php | |
add_site_option | add site option option-php | |
add_site_option_{$option} | add site option option-php | |
pre_add_site_option_{$option} | pre add site option option-php | |
site_option_{$option} | site option option-php | |
default_site_option_{$option} | default site option option-php | |
pre_site_option_{$option} | pre site option option-php | |
setted_transient | setted transient set option-php | |
set_transient_{$transient} | set transient option-php | |
pre_set_transient_{$transient} | pre set transient option-php | |
transient_{$transient} | transient option-php | |
pre_transient_{$transient} | pre transient option-php | |
deleted_transient | deleted transient delet option-php | |
delete_transient_{$transient} | delete transient delet option-php | |
deleted_option | deleted option delet option-php | |
delete_option_{$option} | delete option delet option-php | |
delete_option | delete option delet option-php | |
added_option | added option ad option-php | |
add_option_{$option} | add option option-php | |
add_option | add option option-php | |
updated_option | updated option updat option-php | |
update_option_{$option} | update option updat option-php | |
update_option | update option updat option-php | |
pre_update_option | pre update option updat option-php | |
pre_update_option_{$option} | pre update option updat option-php | |
option_{$option} | option option-php | |
default_option_{$option} | default option option-php | |
pre_option_{$option} | pre option option-php | |
wp_setup_nav_menu_item | wp-setup setup nav menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
nav_menu_description | nav menu description descript nav-menu-php | |
nav_menu_attr_title | nav menu attr title titl nav-menu-php | |
wp_get_nav_menu_items | get wp-get nav menu items item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_get_nav_menus | get wp-get nav menus menu nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_update_nav_menu_item | wp-update update updat nav menu item nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_update_nav_menu | wp-update update updat nav menu nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_create_nav_menu | wp-create create creat nav menu nav-menu-php | wp |
wp_delete_nav_menu | wp-delete delete delet nav menu nav-menu-php | wp |
walker_nav_menu_start_el | walker nav menu start el nav-menu-template-php | |
nav_menu_link_attributes | nav menu link attributes attribut nav-menu-template-php | |
nav_menu_item_id | nav menu item id nav-menu-template-php | |
nav_menu_css_class | nav menu css class nav-menu-template-php | |
wp_nav_menu | wp-nav nav menu nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_{$menu->slug}_items | wp-nav nav menu slug items item nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_items | wp-nav nav menu items item nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_objects | wp-nav nav menu objects object nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_container_allowedtags | wp-nav nav menu container allowedtags contain allowedtag nav-menu-template-php | wp |
pre_wp_nav_menu | pre nav menu nav-menu-template-php | wp |
wp_nav_menu_args | wp-nav nav menu args arg nav-menu-template-php | wp |
ms_site_not_found | ms site not found ms-settings-php | |
pre_get_site_by_path | pre site path ms-load-php | get by |
site_by_path_segments_count | site path segments count segment ms-load-php | by |
pre_get_network_by_path | pre network path ms-load-php | get by |
network_by_path_segments_count | network path segments count segment ms-load-php | by |
ms_site_check | ms site check ms-load-php | |
wp_is_large_network | is wp-is large network larg ms-functions-php | wp |
get_space_allowed | get space allowed allow ms-functions-php | |
pre_get_space_used | pre space used us ms-functions-php | get |
enable_live_network_counts | enable live network counts enabl count ms-functions-php | |
added_existing_user | added existing user ad exist ms-functions-php | |
blog_redirect_404 | blog redirect 404 ms-functions-php | |
update_welcome_user_subject | update welcome user subject updat welcom ms-functions-php | |
update_welcome_user_email | update welcome user email updat welcom ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_welcome_user_notification | wpmu welcome user notification welcom notif ms-functions-php | |
update_welcome_subject | update welcome subject updat welcom ms-functions-php | |
update_welcome_email | update welcome email updat welcom ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_welcome_notification | wpmu welcome notification welcom notif ms-functions-php | |
domain_exists | domain exists exist ms-functions-php | |
newuser_notify_siteadmin | newuser notify siteadmin newus notifi ms-functions-php | |
newblog_notify_siteadmin | newblog notify siteadmin notifi ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_new_blog | wpmu new blog ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_new_user | wpmu new user ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_activate_blog | wpmu activate blog activ ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_activate_user | wpmu activate user activ ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_user_notification_subject | wpmu signup user notification subject notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_user_notification_email | wpmu signup user notification email notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_user_notification | wpmu signup user notification notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_blog_notification_subject | wpmu signup blog notification subject notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_blog_notification_email | wpmu signup blog notification email notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_signup_blog_notification | wpmu signup blog notification notif ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_validate_blog_signup | wpmu validate blog signup valid ms-functions-php | |
newblogname | newblogname newblognam ms-functions-php | |
subdirectory_reserved_names | subdirectory reserved names subdirectori reserv name ms-functions-php | |
wpmu_validate_user_signup | wpmu validate user signup valid ms-functions-php | |
is_email_address_unsafe | is email address unsafe unsaf ms-functions-php | |
remove_user_from_blog | remove user blog remov ms-functions-php | from |
add_user_to_blog | add user blog ms-functions-php | to |
update_blog_public | update blog public updat ms-blogs-php | |
switch_blog | switch blog ms-blogs-php | |
blog_option_{$option} | blog option ms-blogs-php | |
make_undelete_blog | make undelete blog undelet ms-blogs-php | |
make_delete_blog | make delete blog delet ms-blogs-php | |
unarchive_blog | unarchive blog unarch ms-blogs-php | |
archive_blog | archive blog archiv ms-blogs-php | |
unmature_blog | unmature blog unmatur ms-blogs-php | |
mature_blog | mature blog matur ms-blogs-php | |
make_ham_blog | make ham blog ms-blogs-php | |
make_spam_blog | make spam blog ms-blogs-php | |
refresh_blog_details | refresh blog details detail ms-blogs-php | |
blog_details | blog details detail ms-blogs-php | |
wpmu_blog_updated | wpmu blog updated updat ms-blogs-php | |
get_meta_sql | get meta sql meta-php | |
sanitize_{$meta_type}_meta_{$meta_key} | sanitize meta type key sanit kei meta-php | |
is_protected_meta | is protected meta protect meta-php | |
deleted_{$meta_type}meta | deleted meta type delet meta-php | |
delete_{$meta_type}meta | delete meta type delet meta-php | |
get_{$meta_type}_metadata | get meta type metadata meta-php | |
deleted_postmeta | deleted postmeta delet meta-php | |
deleted_{$meta_type}_meta | deleted meta type delet meta-php | |
delete_postmeta | delete postmeta delet meta-php | |
delete_{$meta_type}_meta | delete meta type delet meta-php | |
delete_{$meta_type}_metadata | delete meta type metadata delet meta-php | |
updated_postmeta | updated postmeta updat meta-php | |
updated_{$meta_type}_meta | updated meta type updat meta-php | |
update_postmeta | update postmeta updat meta-php | |
update_{$meta_type}_meta | update meta type updat meta-php | |
update_{$meta_type}_metadata | update meta type metadata updat meta-php | |
added_{$meta_type}_meta | added meta type ad meta-php | |
add_{$meta_type}_meta | add meta type meta-php | |
add_{$meta_type}_metadata | add meta type metadata meta-php | |
get_post_gallery | get post gallery galleri media-php | |
get_post_galleries | get post galleries galleri media-php | |
get_attached_media | get attached media attach media-php | |
get_attached_media_args | get attached media args attach arg media-php | |
wp_enqueue_media | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu media media-php | wp |
media_view_strings | media view strings string media-php | |
media_view_settings | media view settings set media-php | |
wp_prepare_attachment_for_js | wp-prepare prepare prepar attachment js attach media-php | wp for |
plupload_default_params | plupload default params param media-php | |
plupload_default_settings | plupload default settings set media-php | |
wp_image_editors | wp-image image imag editors editor media-php | wp |
upload_size_limit | upload size limit media-php | |
wp_embed_handler_video | wp-embed embed emb handler video media-php | wp |
wp_embed_handler_audio | wp-embed embed emb handler audio media-php | wp |
wp_embed_handler_youtube | wp-embed embed emb handler youtube youtub media-php | wp |
embed_googlevideo | embed googlevideo emb media-php | |
wp_video_embed_handler | wp-video video embed handler emb media-php | wp |
wp_audio_embed_handler | wp-audio audio embed handler emb media-php | wp |
load_default_embeds | load default embeds emb media-php | |
embed_defaults | embed defaults emb default media-php | |
{$adjacent}_image_link | adjacent image link adjac imag media-php | |
wp_video_shortcode | wp-video video shortcode shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_video_shortcode_class | wp-video video shortcode class shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_video_shortcode_library | wp-video video shortcode library shortcod librari media-php | wp |
wp_video_shortcode_override | wp-video video shortcode override shortcod overrid media-php | wp |
wp_video_extensions | wp-video video extensions extens media-php | wp |
wp_audio_shortcode | wp-audio audio shortcode shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_audio_shortcode_class | wp-audio audio shortcode class shortcod media-php | wp |
wp_audio_shortcode_library | wp-audio audio shortcode library shortcod librari media-php | wp |
wp_audio_shortcode_override | wp-audio audio shortcode override shortcod overrid media-php | wp |
wp_get_attachment_id3_keys | get wp-get attachment id3 keys attach kei media-php | wp |
wp_audio_extensions | wp-audio audio extensions extens media-php | wp |
wp_mediaelement_fallback | wp-mediaelement mediaelement mediael fallback media-php | wp |
wp_playlist_scripts | wp-playlist playlist scripts script media-php | wp |
post_playlist | post playlist media-php | |
gallery_style | gallery style galleri media-php | |
use_default_gallery_style | use default gallery style us galleri media-php | |
post_gallery | post gallery galleri media-php | |
img_caption_shortcode_width | img caption shortcode width shortcod media-php | |
img_caption_shortcode | img caption shortcode shortcod media-php | |
wp_get_attachment_image_attributes | get wp-get attachment image attributes attach imag attribut media-php | wp |
intermediate_image_sizes | intermediate image sizes intermedi imag size media-php | |
image_resize_dimensions | image resize dimensions imag resiz dimens media-php | |
get_image_tag | get image tag imag media-php | |
get_image_tag_class | get image tag class imag media-php | |
image_downsize | image downsize imag downsiz media-php | |
editor_max_image_size | editor max image size imag media-php | |
print_media_templates | print media templates templat media-template-php | |
shutdown | shutdown load-php | |
the_shortlink | shortlink link-template-php | the |
get_shortlink | get shortlink link-template-php | |
pre_get_shortlink | pre shortlink link-template-php | get |
edit_profile_url | edit profile url profil link-template-php | |
user_dashboard_url | user dashboard url link-template-php | |
set_url_scheme | set url scheme link-template-php | |
user_admin_url | user admin url link-template-php | |
network_admin_url | network admin url link-template-php | |
network_home_url | network home url link-template-php | |
network_site_url | network site url link-template-php | |
plugins_url | plugins url plugin link-template-php | |
content_url | content url link-template-php | |
includes_url | includes url includ link-template-php | |
admin_url | admin url link-template-php | |
site_url | site url link-template-php | |
home_url | home url link-template-php | |
shortcut_link | shortcut link link-template-php | |
previous_comments_link_attributes | previous comments link attributes previou comment attribut link-template-php | |
next_comments_link_attributes | next comments link attributes comment attribut link-template-php | |
get_comments_pagenum_link | get comments pagenum link comment link-template-php | |
previous_posts_link_attributes | previous posts link attributes previou post attribut link-template-php | |
next_posts_link_attributes | next posts link attributes post attribut link-template-php | |
get_pagenum_link | get pagenum link link-template-php | |
{$adjacent}_post_link | adjacent post link adjac link-template-php | |
{$adjacent}_post_rel_link | adjacent post rel link adjac link-template-php | |
get_{$adjacent}_post_sort | get adjacent post sort adjac link-template-php | |
get_{$adjacent}_post_where | get adjacent post where adjac link-template-php | |
get_{$adjacent}_post_join | get adjacent post join adjac link-template-php | |
get_edit_user_link | get edit user link link-template-php | |
edit_bookmark_link | edit bookmark link link-template-php | |
get_edit_bookmark_link | get edit bookmark link link-template-php | |
edit_comment_link | edit comment link link-template-php | |
get_edit_comment_link | get edit comment link link-template-php | |
get_delete_post_link | get delete post link delet link-template-php | |
edit_post_link | edit post link link-template-php | |
get_edit_post_link | get edit post link link-template-php | |
post_type_archive_feed_link | post type archive feed link archiv link-template-php | |
post_type_archive_link | post type archive link archiv link-template-php | |
search_feed_link | search feed link link-template-php | |
search_link | search link link-template-php | |
edit_term_link | edit term link link-template-php | |
get_edit_term_link | get edit term link link-template-php | |
edit_tag_link | edit tag link link-template-php | |
get_edit_tag_link | get edit tag link link-template-php | |
taxonomy_feed_link | taxonomy feed link taxonomi link-template-php | |
tag_feed_link | tag feed link link-template-php | |
category_feed_link | category feed link categori link-template-php | |
author_feed_link | author feed link link-template-php | |
post_comments_feed_link_html | post comments feed link html comment link-template-php | |
post_comments_feed_link | post comments feed link comment link-template-php | |
feed_link | feed link link-template-php | |
the_feed_link | feed link link-template-php | the |
day_link | day link dai link-template-php | |
month_link | month link link-template-php | |
year_link | year link link-template-php | |
attachment_link | attachment link attach link-template-php | |
_get_page_link | get page link link-template-php | |
page_link | page link link-template-php | |
post_type_link | post type link link-template-php | |
post_link | post link link-template-php | |
post_link_category | post link category categori link-template-php | |
pre_post_link | pre post link link-template-php | |
user_trailingslashit | user trailingslashit link-template-php | |
the_permalink | permalink link-template-php | the |
theme_locale | theme locale local l10n-php | |
plugin_locale | plugin locale local l10n-php | |
unload_textdomain | unload textdomain l10n-php | |
override_unload_textdomain | override unload textdomain overrid l10n-php | |
load_textdomain_mofile | load textdomain mofile mofil l10n-php | |
load_textdomain | load textdomain l10n-php | |
override_load_textdomain | override load textdomain overrid l10n-php | |
ngettext_with_context | ngettext context l10n-php | with |
ngettext | ngettext l10n-php | |
gettext_with_context | gettext context l10n-php | with |
gettext | gettext l10n-php | |
locale | locale local l10n-php | |
safe_style_css | safe style css kses-php | |
pre_kses | pre kses kse kses-php | |
wp_kses_allowed_html | wp-kses kses kse allowed html allow kses-php | wp |
http_request_host_is_external | http request host external extern http-php | is |
allowed_http_origin | allowed http origin allow http-php | |
allowed_http_origins | allowed http origins allow origin http-php | |
http_origin | http origin http-php | |
get_the_generator_{$type} | get generator type gener general-template-php | the |
the_generator | generator gener general-template-php | the |
wp_generator_type | wp-generator generator gener type general-template-php | wp |
wp_admin_css | wp-admin admin css general-template-php | wp |
wp_admin_css_uri | wp-admin admin css uri general-template-php | wp |
paginate_links | paginate links pagin link general-template-php | |
language_attributes | language attributes languag attribut general-template-php | |
the_search_query | search query queri general-template-php | the |
get_search_query | get search query queri general-template-php | |
wp_default_editor | wp-default default editor general-template-php | wp |
user_can_richedit | user can richedit general-template-php | |
wp_footer | wp-footer footer general-template-php | wp |
wp_head | wp-head head general-template-php | wp |
the_weekday_date | weekday date weekdai general-template-php | the |
the_weekday | weekday weekdai general-template-php | the |
get_post_modified_time | get post modified time modifi general-template-php | |
get_the_modified_time | get modified time modifi general-template-php | the |
the_modified_time | modified time modifi general-template-php | the |
get_post_time | get post time general-template-php | |
get_the_time | get time general-template-php | the |
the_time | time general-template-php | the |
get_the_modified_date | get modified date modifi general-template-php | the |
the_modified_date | modified date modifi general-template-php | the |
get_the_date | get date general-template-php | the |
the_date | date general-template-php | the |
get_calendar | get calendar general-template-php | |
getarchives_join | getarchives join getarch general-template-php | |
getarchives_where | getarchives where getarch general-template-php | |
get_archives_link | get archives link archiv general-template-php | |
single_term_title | single term title singl titl general-template-php | |
single_tag_title | single tag title singl titl general-template-php | |
single_cat_title | single cat title singl titl general-template-php | |
post_type_archive_title | post type archive title archiv titl general-template-php | |
single_post_title | single post title singl titl general-template-php | |
wp_title | wp-title title titl general-template-php | wp |
wp_title_parts | wp-title title titl parts part general-template-php | wp |
bloginfo | bloginfo general-template-php | |
bloginfo_url | bloginfo url general-template-php | |
wp_meta | wp-meta meta general-template-php | wp |
register | register regist general-template-php | |
lostpassword_url | lostpassword url general-template-php | |
login_form_bottom | login form bottom general-template-php | |
login_form_middle | login form middle middl general-template-php | |
login_form_top | login form top general-template-php | |
login_form_defaults | login form defaults default general-template-php | |
register_url | register url regist general-template-php | |
login_url | login url general-template-php | |
logout_url | logout url general-template-php | |
loginout | loginout general-template-php | |
get_search_form | get search form general-template-php | |
search_form_format | search form format general-template-php | |
pre_get_search_form | pre search form general-template-php | get |
get_template_part_{$slug} | get template part slug templat general-template-php | |
get_sidebar | get sidebar general-template-php | |
get_footer | get footer general-template-php | |
get_header | get header general-template-php | |
wp_print_styles | wp-print print styles style functions-wp-styles-php | wp |
wp_print_scripts | wp-print print scripts script functions-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp_auth_check_same_domain | wp-auth auth check same domain functions-php | wp |
wp_auth_check_load | wp-auth auth check load functions-php | wp |
wp_checkdate | wp-checkdate checkdate checkdat functions-php | wp |
kses_allowed_protocols | kses allowed protocols kse allow protocol functions-php | |
extra_{$context}_headers | extra context headers header functions-php | |
global_terms_enabled | global terms enabled term enabl functions-php | |
iis7_supports_permalinks | iis7 supports permalinks support permalink functions-php | |
doing_it_wrong_trigger_error | doing wrong trigger error do functions-php | it |
doing_it_wrong_run | doing wrong run do functions-php | it |
deprecated_argument_trigger_error | deprecated argument trigger error deprec functions-php | |
deprecated_argument_run | deprecated argument run deprec functions-php | |
deprecated_file_trigger_error | deprecated file trigger error deprec functions-php | |
deprecated_file_included | deprecated file included deprec includ functions-php | |
deprecated_function_trigger_error | deprecated function trigger error deprec functions-php | |
deprecated_function_run | deprecated function run deprec functions-php | |
load_default_widgets | load default widgets widget functions-php | |
wp_die_handler | wp-die die handler functions-php | wp |
wp_die_xmlrpc_handler | wp-die die xmlrpc handler functions-php | wp |
wp_die_ajax_handler | wp-die die ajax handler functions-php | wp |
upload_mimes | upload mimes mime functions-php | |
mime_types | mime types type functions-php | |
wp_check_filetype_and_ext | wp-check check filetype and ext filetyp functions-php | wp |
getimagesize_mimes_to_exts | getimagesize mimes exts getimages mime ext functions-php | to |
ext2type | ext2type ext2typ functions-php | |
wp_upload_bits | wp-upload upload bits bit functions-php | wp |
upload_dir | upload dir functions-php | |
robots_txt | robots txt robot functions-php | |
do_robotstxt | do robotstxt functions-php | |
{$hook} | hook functions-php | |
nocache_headers | nocache headers nocach header functions-php | |
status_header | status header statu functions-php | |
number_format_i18n | number format i18n functions-php | |
date_i18n | date i18n functions-php | |
wp_spaces_regexp | wp-spaces spaces space regexp formatting-php | wp |
sanitize_trackback_urls | sanitize trackback urls sanit url formatting-php | |
sanitize_mime_type | sanitize mime type sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_text_field | sanitize text field sanit formatting-php | |
wp_sprintf_l | wp-sprintf sprintf l formatting-php | wp |
wp_sprintf | wp-sprintf sprintf formatting-php | wp |
wp_parse_str | wp-parse parse pars str formatting-php | wp |
sanitize_option_{$option} | sanitize option sanit formatting-php | |
tag_escape | tag escape escap formatting-php | |
esc_textarea | esc textarea formatting-php | |
attribute_escape | attribute escape attribut escap formatting-php | |
esc_html | esc html formatting-php | |
js_escape | js escape escap formatting-php | |
clean_url | clean url formatting-php | |
htmledit_pre | htmledit pre formatting-php | |
richedit_pre | richedit pre formatting-php | |
pre_ent2ncr | pre ent2ncr formatting-php | |
wp_trim_words | wp-trim trim words word formatting-php | wp |
wp_trim_excerpt | wp-trim trim excerpt formatting-php | wp |
excerpt_more | excerpt more formatting-php | |
excerpt_length | excerpt length formatting-php | |
human_time_diff | human time diff formatting-php | |
sanitize_email | sanitize email sanit formatting-php | |
is_email | is email formatting-php | |
smilies_src | smilies src smili formatting-php | |
format_to_edit | format edit formatting-php | to |
sanitize_html_class | sanitize html class sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_title | sanitize title sanit titl formatting-php | |
sanitize_key | sanitize key sanit kei formatting-php | |
sanitize_user | sanitize user sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_file_name | sanitize file name sanit formatting-php | |
sanitize_file_name_chars | sanitize file name chars sanit char formatting-php | |
no_texturize_shortcodes | no texturize shortcodes textur shortcod formatting-php | |
no_texturize_tags | no texturize tags textur tag formatting-php | |
run_wptexturize | run wptexturize wptextur formatting-php | |
wp_feed_options | wp-feed feed options option feed-php | wp |
feed_content_type | feed content type feed-php | |
self_link | self link feed-php | |
atom_enclosure | atom enclosure enclosur feed-php | |
rss_enclosure | rss enclosure enclosur feed-php | |
the_category_rss | category rss categori feed-php | the |
comment_text_rss | comment text rss feed-php | |
comment_author_rss | comment author rss feed-php | |
comment_link | comment link feed-php | |
comments_link_feed | comments link feed comment feed-php | |
the_permalink_rss | permalink rss feed-php | the |
the_excerpt_rss | excerpt rss feed-php | the |
the_content_feed | content feed feed-php | the |
the_title_rss | title rss titl feed-php | the |
wp_title_rss | wp-title title titl rss feed-php | wp |
get_wp_title_rss | get title rss titl feed-php | wp |
default_feed | default feed feed-php | |
bloginfo_rss | bloginfo rss feed-php | |
get_bloginfo_rss | get bloginfo rss feed-php | |
rss2_item | rss2 item feed-rss2-php | |
rss2_head | rss2 head feed-rss2-php | |
rss2_ns | rss2 ns feed-rss2-php | |
rss_tag_pre | rss tag pre feed-rss2-php | |
commentrss2_item | commentrss2 item feed-rss2-comments-php | |
commentsrss2_head | commentsrss2 head feed-rss2-comments-php | |
rss2_comments_ns | rss2 comments ns comment feed-rss2-comments-php | |
rss_item | rss item feed-rss-php | |
rss_head | rss head feed-rss-php | |
rdf_item | rdf item feed-rdf-php | |
rdf_header | rdf header feed-rdf-php | |
rdf_ns | rdf ns feed-rdf-php | |
atom_entry | atom entry entri feed-atom-php | |
atom_author | atom author feed-atom-php | |
atom_head | atom head feed-atom-php | |
atom_ns | atom ns feed-atom-php | |
comment_atom_entry | comment atom entry entri feed-atom-comments-php | |
comments_atom_head | comments atom head comment feed-atom-comments-php | |
atom_comments_ns | atom comments ns comment feed-atom-comments-php | |
the_content_rss | content rss deprecated-php | the |
widget_tag_cloud_args | widget tag cloud args arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_comments_args | widget comments args comment arg default-widgets-php | |
show_recent_comments_widget_style | show recent comments widget style comment default-widgets-php | |
widget_posts_args | widget posts args post arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_categories_args | widget categories args categori arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_categories_dropdown_args | widget categories dropdown args categori arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_text | widget text default-widgets-php | |
widget_meta_poweredby | widget meta poweredby poweredbi default-widgets-php | |
widget_archives_args | widget archives args archiv arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_archives_dropdown_args | widget archives dropdown args archiv arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_links_args | widget links args link arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_pages_args | widget pages args page arg default-widgets-php | |
widget_title | widget title titl default-widgets-php | |
widgets_init | widgets init widget default-widgets-php | |
get_date_sql | get date sql date-php | |
date_query_valid_columns | date query valid columns queri column date-php | |
cron_schedules | cron schedules schedul cron-php | |
cron_request | cron request cron-php | |
schedule_event | schedule event schedul cron-php | |
the_comments | comments comment comment-php | the |
comments_clauses | comments clauses comment claus comment-php | |
pre_get_comments | pre comments comment comment-php | get |
close_comments_for_post_types | close comments post types comment type comment-php | for |
pingback_useragent | pingback useragent userag comment-php | |
pre_ping | pre ping comment-php | |
wp_update_comment_count | wp-update update updat comment count comment-php | wp |
edit_comment | edit comment comment-php | |
comment_save_pre | comment save pre comment-php | |
wp_set_comment_status | wp-set set comment status statu comment-php | wp |
comment_post | comment post comment-php | |
preprocess_comment | preprocess comment comment-php | |
pre_comment_user_ip | pre comment user ip comment-php | |
pre_comment_content | pre comment content comment-php | |
pre_comment_user_agent | pre comment user agent comment-php | |
pre_user_id | pre user id comment-php | |
wp_insert_comment | wp-insert insert comment comment-php | wp |
wp_get_current_commenter | get wp-get current commenter comment comment-php | wp |
comment_{$new_status}_{$comment->comment_type} | comment new status type statu comment-php | |
comment_{$old_status}_to_{$new_status} | comment old status new statu comment-php | to |
transition_comment_status | transition comment status transit statu comment-php | |
unspammed_comment | unspammed comment unspam comment-php | |
unspam_comment | unspam comment comment-php | |
spammed_comment | spammed comment spam comment-php | |
spam_comment | spam comment comment-php | |
untrashed_comment | untrashed comment untrash comment-php | |
untrash_comment | untrash comment comment-php | |
trashed_comment | trashed comment trash comment-php | |
trash_comment | trash comment comment-php | |
deleted_comment | deleted comment delet comment-php | |
delete_comment | delete comment delet comment-php | |
wp_count_comments | wp-count count comments comment comment-php | wp |
wp_blacklist_check | wp-blacklist blacklist check comment-php | wp |
comment_flood_trigger | comment flood trigger comment-php | |
comment_flood_filter | comment flood filter comment-php | |
pre_comment_approved | pre comment approved approv comment-php | |
check_comment_flood | check comment flood comment-php | |
comment_duplicate_trigger | comment duplicate trigger duplic comment-php | |
pre_comment_author_url | pre comment author url comment-php | |
pre_comment_author_email | pre comment author email comment-php | |
pre_comment_author_name | pre comment author name comment-php | |
comment_cookie_lifetime | comment cookie lifetime cooki lifetim comment-php | |
get_comment | get comment comment-php | |
comment_max_links_url | comment max links url link comment-php | |
comment_form_comments_closed | comment form comments closed close comment-template-php | |
comment_form_after | comment form after comment-template-php | |
comment_form | comment form comment-template-php | |
comment_form_field_comment | comment form field comment-template-php | |
comment_form_after_fields | comment form after fields field comment-template-php | |
comment_form_field_{$name} | comment form field name comment-template-php | |
comment_form_before_fields | comment form before fields befor field comment-template-php | |
comment_form_logged_in_after | comment form logged after log comment-template-php | in |
comment_form_logged_in | comment form logged log comment-template-php | in |
comment_form_top | comment form top comment-template-php | |
comment_form_must_log_in_after | comment form must log after comment-template-php | in |
comment_form_before | comment form before befor comment-template-php | |
comment_form_defaults | comment form defaults default comment-template-php | |
comment_form_default_fields | comment form default fields field comment-template-php | |
wp_list_comments_args | wp-list list comments args comment arg comment-template-php | wp |
comment_id_fields | comment id fields field comment-template-php | |
cancel_comment_reply_link | cancel comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
post_comments_link | post comments link comment comment-template-php | |
comment_reply_link | comment reply link repli comment-template-php | |
comments_popup_link_attributes | comments popup link attributes comment attribut comment-template-php | |
comments_template | comments template comment templat comment-template-php | |
comments_array | comments array comment arrai comment-template-php | |
pings_open | pings open ping comment-template-php | |
comments_open | comments open comment comment-template-php | |
trackback_url | trackback url comment-template-php | |
get_comment_type | get comment type comment-template-php | |
get_comment_time | get comment time comment-template-php | |
comment_text | comment text comment-template-php | |
get_comment_text | get comment text comment-template-php | |
comments_number | comments number comment comment-template-php | |
get_comments_number | get comments number comment comment-template-php | |
get_comments_link | get comments link comment comment-template-php | |
get_comment_link | get comment link comment-template-php | |
get_comment_ID | get comment id comment-template-php | |
comment_excerpt | comment excerpt comment-template-php | |
get_comment_excerpt | get comment excerpt comment-template-php | |
get_comment_date | get comment date comment-template-php | |
comment_class | comment class comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_url_link | get comment author url link comment-template-php | |
comment_url | comment url comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_url | get comment author url comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_IP | get comment author ip comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_link | get comment author link comment-template-php | |
comment_email | comment email comment-template-php | |
author_email | author email comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author_email | get comment author email comment-template-php | |
comment_author | comment author comment-template-php | |
get_comment_author | get comment author comment-template-php | |
style_loader_src | style loader src class-wp-styles-php | |
print_styles_array | print styles array style arrai class-wp-styles-php | |
style_loader_tag | style loader tag class-wp-styles-php | |
wp_default_styles | wp-default default styles style class-wp-styles-php | wp |
print_scripts_array | print scripts array script arrai class-wp-scripts-php | |
script_loader_src | script loader src class-wp-scripts-php | |
wp_default_scripts | wp-default default scripts script class-wp-scripts-php | wp |
wp | wp class-wp-php | |
query_string | query string queri class-wp-php | |
send_headers | send headers header class-wp-php | |
wp_headers | wp-headers headers header class-wp-php | wp |
parse_request | parse request pars class-wp-php | |
request | request class-wp-php | |
query_vars | query vars queri var class-wp-php | |
do_parse_request | do parse request pars class-wp-php | |
xmlrpc_pingback_error | xmlrpc pingback error class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
pingback_post | pingback post class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
pre_remote_source | pre remote source remot sourc class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
pingback_ping_source_uri | pingback ping source uri sourc class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_text_filters | xmlrpc text filters filter class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_mw_newMediaObject | xmlrpc call success mw newmediaobject class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
pre_upload_error | pre upload error class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_mw_editPost | xmlrpc call success mw editpost class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_mw_newPost | xmlrpc call success mw newpost class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_deletePost | xmlrpc call success blogger deletepost class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_editPost | xmlrpc call success blogger editpost class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_blogger_newPost | xmlrpc call success blogger newpost class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_default_revision_fields | xmlrpc default revision fields revis field class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_default_posttype_fields | xmlrpc default posttype fields posttyp field class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_newComment | xmlrpc call success newcomment newcom class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_allow_anonymous_comments | xmlrpc allow anonymous comments anonym comment class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_editComment | xmlrpc call success editcomment editcom class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deleteComment | xmlrpc call success deletecomment deletecom class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deleteCategory | xmlrpc call success deletecategory deletecategori class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_newCategory | xmlrpc call success newcategory newcategori class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_call_success_wp_deletePage | xmlrpc call success deletepage deletepag class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_default_user_fields | xmlrpc default user fields field class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_default_taxonomy_fields | xmlrpc default taxonomy fields taxonomi field class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_default_post_fields | xmlrpc default post fields field class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_wp_insert_post_data | xmlrpc insert post data class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | wp |
xmlrpc_prepare_user | xmlrpc prepare user prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_comment | xmlrpc prepare comment prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_page | xmlrpc prepare page prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_media_item | xmlrpc prepare media item prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_post_type | xmlrpc prepare post type prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_post | xmlrpc prepare post prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_term | xmlrpc prepare term prepar class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_prepare_taxonomy | xmlrpc prepare taxonomy prepar taxonomi class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_call | xmlrpc call class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_blog_options | xmlrpc blog options option class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_login_error | xmlrpc login error class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_enabled | xmlrpc enabled enabl class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
xmlrpc_methods | xmlrpc methods method class-wp-xmlrpc-server-php | |
allowed_themes | allowed themes allow theme class-wp-theme-php | |
theme_page_templates | theme page templates templat class-wp-theme-php | |
image_editor_default_mime_type | image editor default mime type imag class-wp-image-editor-php | |
jpeg_quality | jpeg quality qualiti class-wp-image-editor-php | |
wp_editor_set_quality | wp-editor editor set quality qualiti class-wp-image-editor-php | wp |
image_make_intermediate_size | image make intermediate size imag intermedi class-wp-image-editor-gd-php | |
embed_maybe_make_link | embed maybe make link emb mayb class-wp-embed-php | |
embed_cache_oembed_types | embed cache oembed types emb cach oemb type class-wp-embed-php | |
embed_oembed_discover | embed oembed discover emb oemb discov class-wp-embed-php | |
embed_oembed_html | embed oembed html emb oemb class-wp-embed-php | |
oembed_ttl | oembed ttl oemb class-wp-embed-php | |
embed_handler_html | embed handler html emb class-wp-embed-php | |
wp_link_query | wp-link link query queri class-wp-editor-php | wp |
wp_link_query_args | wp-link link query args queri arg class-wp-editor-php | wp |
wp_fullscreen_buttons | wp-fullscreen fullscreen buttons button class-wp-editor-php | wp |
after_wp_tiny_mce | after tiny mce tini class-wp-editor-php | wp |
wp_tiny_mce_init | wp-tiny tiny tini mce init class-wp-editor-php | wp |
before_wp_tiny_mce | before tiny mce befor tini class-wp-editor-php | wp |
wp_mce_translation | wp-mce mce translation translat class-wp-editor-php | wp |
wp_enqueue_editor | wp-enqueue enqueue enqueu editor class-wp-editor-php | wp |
tiny_mce_before_init | tiny mce before init tini befor class-wp-editor-php | |
teeny_mce_before_init | teeny mce before init teeni befor class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_buttons_4 | mce buttons 4 button class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_buttons_3 | mce buttons 3 button class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_buttons_2 | mce buttons 2 button class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_buttons | mce buttons button class-wp-editor-php | |
teeny_mce_buttons | teeny mce buttons teeni button class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_css | mce css class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_external_languages | mce external languages extern languag class-wp-editor-php | |
tiny_mce_plugins | tiny mce plugins tini plugin class-wp-editor-php | |
mce_external_plugins | mce external plugins extern plugin class-wp-editor-php | |
teeny_mce_plugins | teeny mce plugins teeni plugin class-wp-editor-php | |
quicktags_settings | quicktags settings quicktag set class-wp-editor-php | |
the_editor_content | editor content class-wp-editor-php | the |
the_editor | editor class-wp-editor-php | the |
media_buttons | media buttons button class-wp-editor-php | |
wp_editor_settings | wp-editor editor settings set class-wp-editor-php | wp |
widget_customizer_setting_args | widget customizer setting args custom set arg class-wp-customize-widgets-php | |
is_wide_widget_in_customizer | is wide widget customizer custom class-wp-customize-widgets-php | in |
customizer_widgets_section_args | customizer widgets section args custom widget arg class-wp-customize-widgets-php | |
customize_sanitize_js_{$this->id} | customize sanitize js id custom sanit class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_value_{$this->id_data['base']} | customize value id data base custom valu class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_update_{$this->type} | customize update type custom updat class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_sanitize_{$this->id} | customize sanitize id custom sanit class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_save_{$this->id_data['base']} | customize save id data base custom class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_preview_{$this->id} | customize preview id custom class-wp-customize-setting-php | this |
customize_render_section_{$this->id} | customize render section id custom class-wp-customize-section-php | this |
customize_render_section | customize render section custom class-wp-customize-section-php | |
customize_render_panel_{$this->id} | customize render panel id custom class-wp-customize-panel-php | this |
customize_render_panel | customize render panel custom class-wp-customize-panel-php | |
customize_save_after | customize save after custom class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
customize_save | customize save custom class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
customize_preview_init | customize preview init custom class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
customize_register | customize register custom regist class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
stop_previewing_theme | stop previewing theme preview class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
start_previewing_theme | start previewing theme preview class-wp-customize-manager-php | |
customize_render_control_{$this->id} | customize render control id custom class-wp-customize-control-php | this |
customize_render_control | customize render control custom class-wp-customize-control-php | |
customize_control_active | customize control active custom activ class-wp-customize-control-php | |
add_admin_bar_menus | add admin bar menus menu class-wp-admin-bar-php | |
admin_bar_init | admin bar init class-wp-admin-bar-php | |
oembed_dataparse | oembed dataparse oemb datapars class-oembed-php | |
oembed_fetch_url | oembed fetch url oemb class-oembed-php | |
oembed_linktypes | oembed linktypes oemb linktyp class-oembed-php | |
oembed_remote_get_args | oembed remote args oemb remot arg class-oembed-php | get |
oembed_result | oembed result oemb class-oembed-php | |
oembed_providers | oembed providers oemb provid class-oembed-php | |
wp_http_accept_encoding | wp-http http accept encoding encod class-http-php | wp |
wp_http_cookie_value | wp-http http cookie value cooki valu class-http-php | wp |
pre_http_send_through_proxy | pre http send through proxy proxi class-http-php | |
use_curl_transport | use curl transport us class-http-php | |
http_api_curl | http api curl class-http-php | |
use_streams_transport | use streams transport us stream class-http-php | |
https_ssl_verify | https ssl verify http verifi class-http-php | |
https_local_ssl_verify | https local ssl verify http verifi class-http-php | |
block_local_requests | block local requests request class-http-php | |
http_response | http response respons class-http-php | |
http_api_debug | http api debug class-http-php | |
http_api_transports | http api transports transport class-http-php | |
pre_http_request | pre http request class-http-php | |
http_request_args | http request args arg class-http-php | |
http_request_reject_unsafe_urls | http request reject unsafe urls unsaf url class-http-php | |
http_headers_useragent | http headers useragent header userag class-http-php | |
http_request_version | http request version class-http-php | |
http_request_redirection_count | http request redirection count redirect class-http-php | |
http_request_timeout | http request timeout class-http-php | |
wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime | wp-feed feed cache transient lifetime cach lifetim class-feed-php | wp |
get_tags | get tags tag category-php | |
get_categories_taxonomy | get categories taxonomy categori taxonomi category-php | |
category_description | category description categori descript category-template-php | |
the_terms | terms term category-template-php | the |
term_links-{$taxonomy} | term links taxonomy link taxonomi category-template-php | |
get_the_terms | get terms term category-template-php | the |
the_tags | tags tag category-template-php | the |
get_the_tags | get tags tag category-template-php | the |
wp_generate_tag_cloud | wp-generate generate gener tag cloud category-template-php | wp |
tag_cloud_sort | tag cloud sort category-template-php | |
wp_tag_cloud | wp-tag tag cloud category-template-php | wp |
wp_list_categories | wp-list list categories categori category-template-php | wp |
wp_dropdown_cats | wp-dropdown dropdown cats cat category-template-php | wp |
list_cats | list cats cat category-template-php | |
the_category | category categori category-template-php | the |
get_the_categories | get categories categori category-template-php | the |
set_user_role | set user role capabilities-php | |
role_has_cap | role has cap ha capabilities-php | |
map_meta_cap | map meta cap capabilities-php | |
auth_post_meta_{$meta_key} | auth post meta key kei capabilities-php | |
redirect_canonical | redirect canonical canon canonical-php | |
get_bookmarks | get bookmarks bookmark bookmark-php | |
wp_list_bookmarks | wp-list list bookmarks bookmark bookmark-template-php | wp |
link_category | link category categori bookmark-template-php | |
is_multi_author | is multi author author-template-php | |
author_link | author link author-template-php | |
the_author_posts_link | author posts link post author-template-php | the |
the_author_{$field} | author field author-template-php | the |
get_the_author_{$field} | get author field author-template-php | the |
the_modified_author | modified author modifi author-template-php | the |
the_author | author author-template-php | the |
show_admin_bar | show admin bar admin-bar-php | |
wp_after_admin_bar_render | wp-after after admin bar render admin-bar-php | wp |
wp_before_admin_bar_render | wp-before before befor admin bar render admin-bar-php | wp |
admin_bar_menu | admin bar menu admin-bar-php | |
wp_admin_bar_class | wp-admin admin bar class admin-bar-php | wp |
query | query queri wp-db-php | |
incompatible_sql_modes | incompatible sql modes incompat mode wp-db-php | |
in_widget_form | widget form widgets-php | in |
widget_form_callback | widget form callback widgets-php | |
widget_update_callback | widget update callback updat widgets-php | |
widget_display_callback | widget display callback displai widgets-php | |
the_widget | widget widgets-php | the |
sidebars_widgets | sidebars widgets sidebar widget widgets-php | |
is_active_sidebar | is active sidebar activ widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar_has_widgets | dynamic sidebar has widgets dynam ha widget widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar_after | dynamic sidebar after dynam widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar | dynamic sidebar dynam widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar_params | dynamic sidebar params dynam param widgets-php | |
dynamic_sidebar_before | dynamic sidebar before dynam befor widgets-php | |
wp_unregister_sidebar_widget | wp-unregister unregister unregist sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
wp_register_sidebar_widget | wp-register register regist sidebar widget widgets-php | wp |
register_sidebar | register sidebar regist widgets-php | |
use_google_chrome_frame | use google chrome frame us googl vars-php | |
found_users_query | found users query user queri user-php | |
pre_user_query | pre user query queri user-php | |
user_search_columns | user search columns column user-php | |
pre_get_users | pre users user user-php | get |
registration_errors | registration errors registr error user-php | |
register_post | register post regist user-php | |
user_registration_email | user registration email registr user-php | |
password_reset | password reset user-php | |
password_reset_key_expired | password reset key expired kei expir user-php | |
user_contactmethods | user contactmethods contactmethod user-php | |
user_register | user register regist user-php | |
profile_update | profile update profil updat user-php | |
pre_user_description | pre user description descript user-php | |
pre_user_display_name | pre user display name displai user-php | |
pre_user_last_name | pre user last name user-php | |
pre_user_first_name | pre user first name user-php | |
pre_user_nickname | pre user nickname nicknam user-php | |
pre_user_email | pre user email user-php | |
pre_user_url | pre user url user-php | |
pre_user_nicename | pre user nicename nicenam user-php | |
pre_user_login | pre user login user-php | |
validate_username | validate username valid usernam user-php | |
user_{$field} | user field user-php | |
pre_user_{$field} | pre user field user-php | |
edit_user_{$field} | edit user field user-php | |
wp_dropdown_users | wp-dropdown dropdown users user user-php | wp |
get_blogs_of_user | get blogs user blog user-php | of |
get_user_option_{$option} | get user option user-php | |
get_usernumposts | get usernumposts usernumpost user-php | |
check_is_user_spammed | check user spammed spam user-php | is |
wp_authenticate_user | wp-authenticate authenticate authent user user-php | wp |
wp_login | wp-login login user-php | wp |
secure_signon_cookie | secure signon cookie secur cooki user-php | |
wp_authenticate | wp-authenticate authenticate authent user-php | wp |
wp_get_update_data | get wp-get update data updat update-php | wp |
themes_update_check_locales | themes update check locales theme updat local update-php | |
plugins_update_check_locales | plugins update check locales plugin updat local update-php | |
core_version_check_locale | core version check locale local update-php | |
after_switch_theme | after switch theme theme-php | |
current_theme_supports-{$feature} | current theme supports feature support featur theme-php | |
pre_set_theme_mod_{$name} | pre set theme mod name theme-php | |
theme_mod_{$name} | theme mod name theme-php | |
validate_current_theme | validate current theme valid theme-php | |
switch_theme | switch theme theme-php | |
theme_root_uri | theme root uri theme-php | |
theme_root | theme root theme-php | |
wp_cache_themes_persistently | wp-cache cache cach themes persistently theme persist theme-php | wp |
template_directory_uri | template directory uri templat directori theme-php | |
template_directory | template directory templat directori theme-php | |
template | template templat theme-php | |
locale_stylesheet_uri | locale stylesheet uri local theme-php | |
stylesheet_uri | stylesheet uri theme-php | |
stylesheet_directory_uri | stylesheet directory uri directori theme-php | |
stylesheet_directory | stylesheet directory directori theme-php | |
stylesheet | stylesheet theme-php | |
twentytwelve_attachment_size | twentytwelve attachment size twentytwelv attach image-php | |
twentytwelve_status_avatar | twentytwelve status avatar twentytwelv statu content-status-php | |
twentytwelve_author_bio_avatar_size | twentytwelve author bio avatar size twentytwelv author-php | |
twentythirteen_attachment_size | twentythirteen attachment size attach functions-php | |
twentythirteen_author_bio_avatar_size | twentythirteen author bio avatar size author-bio-php | |
twentyfourteen_custom_header_args | twentyfourteen custom header args arg custom-header-php | |
twentyfourteen_attachment_size | twentyfourteen attachment size attach functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_get_featured_posts | twentyfourteen featured posts featur post functions-php | get |
twentyfourteen_custom_background_args | twentyfourteen custom background args arg functions-php | |
twentyfourteen_featured_posts_after | twentyfourteen featured posts after featur post featured-content-php | |
twentyfourteen_featured_posts_before | twentyfourteen featured posts before featur post befor featured-content-php | |
comment_post_redirect | comment post redirect wp-comments-post-php | |
set_comment_cookies | set comment cookies cooki wp-comments-post-php | |
pre_comment_on_post | pre comment post wp-comments-post-php | on |
comment_on_password_protected | comment password protected protect wp-comments-post-php | on |
comment_on_draft | comment draft wp-comments-post-php | on |
comment_on_trash | comment trash wp-comments-post-php | on |
comment_closed | comment closed close wp-comments-post-php | |
comment_id_not_found | comment id not found wp-comments-post-php | |
sidebar_admin_page | sidebar admin page widgets-php | |
widgets_admin_page | widgets admin page widget widgets-php | |
sidebar_admin_setup | sidebar admin setup widgets-php | |
delete_user_form | delete user form delet users-php | |
show_password_fields | show password fields field user-new-php | |
user_new_form | user new form user-new-php | |
autocomplete_users_for_site_admins | autocomplete users site admins autocomplet user admin user-new-php | for |
pre_user_login | pre user login user-new-php | |
additional_capabilities_display | additional capabilities display addit capabl displai user-edit-php | |
edit_user_profile | edit user profile profil user-edit-php | |
show_user_profile | show user profile profil user-edit-php | |
profile_personal_options | profile personal options profil person option user-edit-php | |
personal_options | personal options person option user-edit-php | |
edit_user_profile_update | edit user profile update profil updat user-edit-php | |
personal_options_update | personal options update person option updat user-edit-php | |
enable_edit_any_user_configuration | enable edit any user configuration enabl ani configur user-edit-php | |
redirect_user_admin_request | redirect user admin request admin-php | |
update-custom_{$action} | update custom action updat update-php | |
update-core-custom_{$action} | update core custom action updat update-core-php | |
core_upgrade_preamble | core upgrade preamble upgrad preambl update-core-php | |
tool_box | tool box tools-php | |
install_themes_{$tab} | install themes tab instal theme theme-install-php | |
install_themes_tabs | install themes tabs instal theme tab theme-install-php | |
install_themes_pre_{$tab} | install themes pre tab instal theme theme-install-php | |
admin_head-press-this.php | admin head press php press-this-php | this |
admin_print_scripts-press-this.php | admin print scripts press php script press-this-php | this |
admin_print_styles-press-this.php | admin print styles press php style press-this-php | this |
redirect_post_location | redirect post location locat post-php | |
pre_current_active_plugins | pre current active plugins activ plugin plugins-php | |
install_plugins_pre_{$tab} | install plugins pre tab instal plugin plugin-install-php | |
editable_extensions | editable extensions edit extens plugin-editor-php | |
whitelist_options | whitelist options option options-php | |
enable_post_by_email_configuration | enable post email configuration enabl configur options-php | by |
option_page_capability_{$option_page} | option page capability capabl options-php | |
enable_update_services_configuration | enable update services configuration enabl updat servic configur options-writing-php | |
blog_privacy_selector | blog privacy selector privaci options-reading-php | |
time_formats | time formats format options-general-php | |
date_formats | date formats format options-general-php | |
default_avatar_select | default avatar select options-discussion-php | |
avatar_defaults | avatar defaults default options-discussion-php | |
thread_comments_depth_max | thread comments depth max comment options-discussion-php | |
allow_subdirectory_install | allow subdirectory install subdirectori instal network-php | |
wpmu_upgrade_page | wpmu upgrade page upgrad upgrade-php | |
wpmu_upgrade_site | wpmu upgrade site upgrad upgrade-php | |
after_mu_upgrade | after mu upgrade upgrad upgrade-php | |
network_sites_updated_message_{$_GET['updated']} | network sites updated message site updat messag sites-php | get |
deactivate_blog | deactivate blog deactiv sites-php | |
activate_blog | activate blog activ sites-php | |
show_network_site_users_add_new_form | show network site users add new form user site-users-php | |
network_site_users_after_list_table | network site users after list table user tabl site-users-php | |
show_network_site_users_add_existing_form | show network site users add existing form user exist site-users-php | |
wpmueditblogaction | wpmueditblogaction wpmueditblogact site-settings-php | |
wpmu_update_blog_options | wpmu update blog options updat option site-settings-php | |
wpmu_options | wpmu options option settings-php | |
mu_menu_items | mu menu items item settings-php | |
update_wpmu_options | update wpmu options updat option settings-php | |
network_admin_edit_{$_GET['action']} | network admin edit action edit-php | get |
wpmuadminedit | wpmuadminedit edit-php | |
redirect_network_admin_request | redirect network admin request admin-php | |
wp_nav_locations_listed_per_menu | wp-nav nav locations listed per menu locat list nav-menus-php | wp |
after_menu_locations_table | after menu locations table locat tabl nav-menus-php | |
myblogs_blog_actions | myblogs blog actions myblog action my-sites-php | |
myblogs_options | myblogs options myblog option my-sites-php | |
myblogs_allblogs_options | myblogs allblogs options myblog allblog option my-sites-php | |
delete_site_email_content | delete site email content delet ms-delete-site-php | |
adminmenu | adminmenu menu-header-php | |
parent_file | parent file menu-header-php | |
media_upload_{$tab} | media upload tab media-upload-php | |
media_upload_{$type} | media upload type media-upload-php | |
media_upload_default_tab | media upload default tab media-upload-php | |
media_upload_default_type | media upload default type media-upload-php | |
tables_to_repair | tables repair tabl repair-php | to |
welcome_panel | welcome panel welcom index-php | |
deleted_user | deleted user delet user-php | |
post_types_to_delete_with_user | post types delete user type delet user-php | to with |
delete_user | delete user delet user-php | |
get_users_drafts | get users drafts user draft user-php | |
editable_roles | editable roles edit role user-php | |
user_profile_update_errors | user profile update errors profil updat error user-php | |
check_passwords | check passwords password user-php | |
dbdelta_insert_queries | dbdelta insert queries queri upgrade-php | |
dbdelta_create_queries | dbdelta create queries creat queri upgrade-php | |
dbdelta_queries | dbdelta queries queri upgrade-php | |
wp_upgrade | wp-upgrade upgrade upgrad upgrade-php | wp |
wp_install | wp-install install instal upgrade-php | wp |
in_theme_update_message-{$theme_key} | theme update message key updat messag kei update-php | in |
in_plugin_update_message-{$file} | plugin update message file updat messag update-php | in |
_core_updated_successfully | core updated successfully updat successfulli update-core-php | |
update_feedback | update feedback updat update-core-php | |
translations_api_result | translations api result translat translation-install-php | |
translations_api | translations api translat translation-install-php | |
wp_prepare_themes_for_js | wp-prepare prepare prepar themes js theme theme-php | wp for |
themes_api_result | themes api result theme theme-php | |
themes_api | themes api theme theme-php | |
themes_api_args | themes api args theme arg theme-php | |
display_media_states | display media states displai state template-php | |
display_post_states | display post states displai state template-php | |
import_upload_size_limit | import upload size limit template-php | |
postmeta_form_limit | postmeta form limit template-php | |
wp_comment_reply | wp-comment comment reply repli template-php | wp |
wp_terms_checklist_args | wp-terms terms term checklist args arg template-php | wp |
terms_to_edit | terms edit term taxonomy-php | to |
screen_options_show_screen | screen options show option screen-php | |
screen_settings | screen settings set screen-php | |
screen_layout_columns | screen layout columns column screen-php | |
default_contextual_help | default contextual help contextu screen-php | |
contextual_help | contextual help contextu screen-php | |
contextual_help_list | contextual help list contextu screen-php | |
current_screen | current screen screen-php | |
hidden_meta_boxes | hidden meta boxes box screen-php | |
default_hidden_meta_boxes | default hidden meta boxes box screen-php | |
manage_{$screen->id}_columns | manage screen id columns manag column screen-php | |
populate_network_meta | populate network meta popul schema-php | |
populate_options | populate options popul option schema-php | |
_wp_post_revision_field_{$field} | wp-post post revision field revis revision-php | wp |
post_lock_lost_dialog | post lock lost dialog post-php | |
post_locked_dialog | post locked dialog lock post-php | |
override_post_lock | override post lock overrid post-php | |
show_post_locked_dialog | show post locked dialog lock post-php | |
admin_post_thumbnail_html | admin post thumbnail html post-php | |
get_sample_permalink_html | get sample permalink html sampl post-php | |
postbox_classes_{$page}_{$id} | postbox classes page id class post-php | |
upload_per_page | upload per page post-php | |
edit_posts_per_page | edit posts per page post post-php | |
edit_{$post_type}_per_page | edit post type per page post-php | |
default_excerpt | default excerpt post-php | |
default_title | default title titl post-php | |
default_content | default content post-php | |
uninstall_{$file} | uninstall file uninstal plugin-php | |
deactivated_plugin | deactivated plugin deactiv plugin-php | |
deactivate_{$plugin} | deactivate plugin deactiv plugin-php | |
activated_plugin | activated plugin activ plugin-php | |
activate_{$plugin} | activate plugin activ plugin-php | |
plugins_api_result | plugins api result plugin plugin-install-php | |
plugins_api | plugins api plugin plugin-install-php | |
plugins_api_args | plugins api args plugin arg plugin-install-php | |
wp_edit_nav_menu_walker | wp-edit edit nav menu walker nav-menu-php | wp |
nav_menu_items_{$post_type_name} | nav menu items post type name item nav-menu-php | |
nav_menu_meta_box_object | nav menu meta box object nav-menu-php | |
can_edit_network | can edit network ms-php | |
revoked_super_admin | revoked super admin revok ms-php | |
revoke_super_admin | revoke super admin revok ms-php | |
granted_super_admin | granted super admin grant ms-php | |
grant_super_admin | grant super admin ms-php | |
mu_dropdown_languages | mu dropdown languages languag ms-php | |
lang_codes | lang codes code ms-php | |
make_ham_user | make ham user ms-php | |
make_spam_user | make spam user ms-php | |
new_user_email_content | new user email content ms-php | |
new_admin_email_content | new admin email content ms-php | |
wpmu_delete_user | wpmu delete user delet ms-php | |
wpmu_delete_blog_upload_dir | wpmu delete blog upload dir delet ms-php | |
wpmu_drop_tables | wpmu drop tables tabl ms-php | |
delete_blog | delete blog delet ms-php | |
set-screen-option | set screen option misc-php | |
documentation_ignore_functions | documentation ignore functions document ignor function misc-php | |
got_url_rewrite | got url rewrite rewrit misc-php | |
got_rewrite | got rewrite rewrit misc-php | |
submitlink_box | submitlink box meta-boxes-php | |
page_attributes_dropdown_pages_args | page attributes dropdown pages args attribut arg meta-boxes-php | |
post_comment_status_meta_box-options | post comment status meta box options statu option meta-boxes-php | |
attachment_submitbox_misc_actions | attachment submitbox misc actions attach action meta-boxes-php | |
post_submitbox_start | post submitbox start meta-boxes-php | |
post_submitbox_misc_actions | post submitbox misc actions action meta-boxes-php | |
preview_post_link | preview post link meta-boxes-php | |
admin_page_access_denied | admin page access denied deni menu-php | |
menu_order | menu order menu-php | |
admin_menu | admin menu menu-php | |
user_admin_menu | user admin menu menu-php | |
network_admin_menu | network admin menu menu-php | |
_admin_menu | admin menu menu-php | |
_user_admin_menu | user admin menu menu-php | |
_network_admin_menu | network admin menu menu-php | |
add_menu_classes | add menu classes class menu-php | |
audio_submitbox_misc_sections | audio submitbox misc sections section media-php | |
media_submitbox_misc_sections | media submitbox misc sections section media-php | |
media_upload_mime_type_links | media upload mime type links link media-php | |
type_url_form_media | type url form media media-php | |
media_upload_form_url | media upload form url media-php | |
post-upload-ui | post upload ui media-php | |
post-html-upload-ui | post html upload ui media-php | |
pre-html-upload-ui | pre html upload ui media-php | |
post-plupload-upload-ui | post plupload upload ui media-php | |
pre-plupload-upload-ui | pre plupload upload ui media-php | |
plupload_init | plupload init media-php | |
upload_post_params | upload post params param media-php | |
pre-upload-ui | pre upload ui media-php | |
upload_ui_over_quota | upload ui over quota media-php | |
media_meta | media meta media-php | |
get_media_item_args | get media item args arg media-php | |
attachment_fields_to_edit | attachment fields edit attach field media-php | to |
image_size_names_choose | image size names choose imag name choos media-php | |
image_send_to_editor_url | image send editor url imag media-php | to |
{$type}_send_to_editor_url | type send editor url media-php | to |
media_send_to_editor | media send editor media-php | to |
attachment_fields_to_save | attachment fields save attach field media-php | to |
{$type}_upload_iframe_src | type upload iframe src ifram media-php | |
media_buttons_context | media buttons context button media-php | |
admin_head_{$content_func} | admin head content func media-php | |
admin_head-media-upload-popup | admin head media upload popup media-php | |
admin_print_scripts-media-upload-popup | admin print scripts media upload popup script media-php | |
admin_print_styles-media-upload-popup | admin print styles media upload popup style media-php | |
image_add_caption_shortcode | image add caption shortcode imag shortcod media-php | |
disable_captions | disable captions disabl caption media-php | |
image_send_to_editor | image send editor imag media-php | to |
media_upload_tabs | media upload tabs tab media-php | |
load_image_to_edit_path | load image edit path imag image-php | to |
load_image_to_edit_attachmenturl | load image edit attachmenturl imag image-php | to |
load_image_to_edit_filesystempath | load image edit filesystempath imag image-php | to |
load_image_to_edit | load image edit imag image-php | to |
file_is_displayable_image | file displayable image display imag image-php | is |
wp_read_image_metadata | wp-read read image metadata imag image-php | wp |
wp_read_image_metadata_types | wp-read read image metadata types imag type image-php | wp |
wp_generate_attachment_metadata | wp-generate generate gener attachment metadata attach image-php | wp |
attachment_thumbnail_args | attachment thumbnail args attach arg image-php | |
intermediate_image_sizes_advanced | intermediate image sizes advanced intermedi imag size advanc image-php | |
image_edit_before_change | image edit before change imag befor chang image-edit-php | |
wp_image_editor_before_change | wp-image image imag editor before change befor chang image-edit-php | wp |
wp_save_image_file | wp-save save image file imag image-edit-php | wp |
wp_save_image_editor_file | wp-save save image editor file imag image-edit-php | wp |
image_save_pre | image save pre imag image-edit-php | |
image_editor_save_pre | image editor save pre imag image-edit-php | |
fs_ftp_connection_types | fs ftp connection types connect type file-php | |
request_filesystem_credentials | request filesystem credentials credenti file-php | |
filesystem_method | filesystem method file-php | |
filesystem_method_file | filesystem method file file-php | |
unzip_file_use_ziparchive | unzip file use ziparchive us ziparch file-php | |
wp_handle_upload | wp-handle handle handl upload file-php | wp |
{$action}_prefilter | action prefilter prefilt file-php | |
wxr_export_skip_commentmeta | wxr export skip commentmeta export-php | |
wxr_export_skip_postmeta | wxr export skip postmeta export-php | |
the_excerpt_export | excerpt export export-php | the |
the_content_export | content export export-php | the |
export_wp | export export-php | wp |
browse-happy-notice | browse happy notice brows happi notic dashboard-php | |
dashboard_secondary_title | dashboard secondary title secondari titl dashboard-php | |
dashboard_secondary_feed | dashboard secondary feed secondari dashboard-php | |
dashboard_secondary_link | dashboard secondary link secondari dashboard-php | |
dashboard_primary_title | dashboard primary title primari titl dashboard-php | |
dashboard_primary_feed | dashboard primary feed primari dashboard-php | |
dashboard_primary_link | dashboard primary link primari dashboard-php | |
comment_row_actions | comment row actions action dashboard-php | |
mu_activity_box_end | mu activity box end activ dashboard-php | |
mu_rightnow_end | mu rightnow end dashboard-php | |
wpmuadminresult | wpmuadminresult dashboard-php | |
activity_box_end | activity box end activ dashboard-php | |
rightnow_end | rightnow end dashboard-php | |
privacy_on_link_text | privacy link text privaci dashboard-php | on |
privacy_on_link_title | privacy link title privaci titl dashboard-php | on |
dashboard_glance_items | dashboard glance items glanc item dashboard-php | |
wp_dashboard_widgets | wp-dashboard dashboard widgets widget dashboard-php | wp |
wp_dashboard_setup | wp-dashboard dashboard setup dashboard-php | wp |
wp_user_dashboard_widgets | wp-user user dashboard widgets widget dashboard-php | wp |
wp_user_dashboard_setup | wp-user user dashboard setup dashboard-php | wp |
wp_network_dashboard_widgets | wp-network network dashboard widgets widget dashboard-php | wp |
wp_network_dashboard_setup | wp-network network dashboard setup dashboard-php | wp |
comment_edit_pre | comment edit pre comment-php | |
manage_users_custom_column | manage users custom column manag user class-wp-users-list-table-php | |
user_row_actions | user row actions action class-wp-users-list-table-php | |
restrict_manage_users | restrict manage users manag user class-wp-users-list-table-php | |
automatic_updates_debug_email | automatic updates debug email automat updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
auto_core_update_email | auto core update email updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
auto_core_update_send_email | auto core update send email updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
automatic_updates_complete | automatic updates complete automat updat complet class-wp-upgrader-php | |
automatic_updates_send_debug_email | automatic updates send debug email automat updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
send_core_update_notification_email | send core update notification email updat notif class-wp-upgrader-php | |
auto_update_{$type} | auto update type updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
automatic_updates_is_vcs_checkout | automatic updates vcs checkout automat updat vc class-wp-upgrader-php | is |
automatic_updater_disabled | automatic updater disabled automat updat disabl class-wp-upgrader-php | |
allow_major_auto_core_updates | allow major auto core updates updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
allow_minor_auto_core_updates | allow minor auto core updates updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
allow_dev_auto_core_updates | allow dev auto core updates updat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
async_update_translation | async update translation updat translat class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_process_complete | upgrader process complete upgrad complet class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_post_install | upgrader post install upgrad instal class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_clear_destination | upgrader clear destination upgrad destin class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_source_selection | upgrader source selection upgrad sourc select class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_pre_install | upgrader pre install upgrad instal class-wp-upgrader-php | |
upgrader_pre_download | upgrader pre download upgrad class-wp-upgrader-php | |
update_translations_complete_actions | update translations complete actions updat translat complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
update_theme_complete_actions | update theme complete actions updat complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
install_theme_complete_actions | install theme complete actions instal complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
install_plugin_complete_actions | install plugin complete actions instal complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
update_bulk_theme_complete_actions | update bulk theme complete actions updat complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
update_bulk_plugins_complete_actions | update bulk plugins complete actions updat plugin complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
update_plugin_complete_actions | update plugin complete actions updat complet action class-wp-upgrader-skins-php | |
theme_install_actions | theme install actions instal action class-wp-theme-install-list-table-php | |
install_themes_table_header | install themes table header instal theme tabl class-wp-theme-install-list-table-php | |
install_themes_table_api_args_{$tab} | install themes table api args tab instal theme tabl arg class-wp-theme-install-list-table-php | |
install_themes_nonmenu_tabs | install themes nonmenu tabs instal theme tab class-wp-theme-install-list-table-php | |
manage_{$this->screen->taxonomy}_custom_column | manage screen taxonomy custom column manag taxonomi class-wp-terms-list-table-php | this |
{$taxonomy}_row_actions | taxonomy row actions taxonomi action class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
tag_row_actions | tag row actions action class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
term_name | term name class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
edit_categories_per_page | edit categories per page categori class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
tagsperpage | tagsperpage tagsperpag class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
edit_tags_per_page | edit tags per page tag class-wp-terms-list-table-php | |
quick_edit_custom_box | quick edit custom box class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
bulk_edit_custom_box | bulk edit custom box class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
quick_edit_dropdown_pages_args | quick edit dropdown pages args page arg class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column | manage post type posts custom column manag class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_posts_custom_column | manage posts custom column manag post class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_pages_custom_column | manage pages custom column manag page class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
post_date_column_time | post date column time class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
post_row_actions | post row actions action class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
page_row_actions | page row actions action class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_{$post_type}_posts_columns | manage post type posts columns manag column class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_posts_columns | manage posts columns manag post column class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_pages_columns | manage pages columns manag page column class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
manage_taxonomies_for_{$post_type}_columns | manage taxonomies post type columns manag taxonomi column class-wp-posts-list-table-php | for |
restrict_manage_posts | restrict manage posts manag post class-wp-posts-list-table-php | |
after_plugin_row_{$plugin_file} | after plugin row file class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
after_plugin_row | after plugin row class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
manage_plugins_custom_column | manage plugins custom column manag plugin class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
plugin_row_meta | plugin row meta class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
{$prefix}plugin_action_links_{$plugin_file} | prefix plugin action links file link class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
{$prefix}plugin_action_links | prefix plugin action links link class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
show_advanced_plugins | show advanced plugins advanc plugin class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
all_plugins | all plugins plugin class-wp-plugins-list-table-php | |
plugin_install_action_links | plugin install action links instal link class-wp-plugin-install-list-table-php | |
install_plugins_table_header | install plugins table header instal plugin tabl class-wp-plugin-install-list-table-php | |
install_plugins_table_api_args_{$tab} | install plugins table api args tab instal plugin tabl arg class-wp-plugin-install-list-table-php | |
install_plugins_nonmenu_tabs | install plugins nonmenu tabs instal plugin tab class-wp-plugin-install-list-table-php | |
install_plugins_tabs | install plugins tabs instal plugin tab class-wp-plugin-install-list-table-php | |
ms_user_list_site_actions | ms user list site actions action class-wp-ms-users-list-table-php | |
ms_user_row_actions | ms user row actions action class-wp-ms-users-list-table-php | |
wpmu_users_columns | wpmu users columns user column class-wp-ms-users-list-table-php | |
after_theme_row_{$stylesheet} | after theme row stylesheet class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
after_theme_row | after theme row class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
manage_themes_custom_column | manage themes custom column manag theme class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
theme_row_meta | theme row meta class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
theme_action_links_{$stylesheet} | theme action links stylesheet link class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
theme_action_links | theme action links link class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
all_themes | all themes theme class-wp-ms-themes-list-table-php | |
manage_sites_custom_column | manage sites custom column manag site class-wp-ms-sites-list-table-php | |
wpmublogsaction | wpmublogsaction wpmublogsact class-wp-ms-sites-list-table-php | |
manage_sites_action_links | manage sites action links manag site link class-wp-ms-sites-list-table-php | |
wpmu_blogs_columns | wpmu blogs columns blog column class-wp-ms-sites-list-table-php | |
media_row_actions | media row actions action class-wp-media-list-table-php | |
manage_media_columns | manage media columns manag column class-wp-media-list-table-php | |
manage_taxonomies_for_attachment_columns | manage taxonomies attachment columns manag taxonomi attach column class-wp-media-list-table-php | for |
manage_{$this->screen->id}_sortable_columns | manage screen id sortable columns manag sortabl column class-wp-list-table-php | this |
{$option} | option class-wp-list-table-php | |
months_dropdown_results | months dropdown results month result class-wp-list-table-php | |
bulk_actions-{$this->screen->id} | bulk actions screen id action class-wp-list-table-php | this |
views_{$this->screen->id} | views screen id view class-wp-list-table-php | this |
manage_comments_custom_column | manage comments custom column manag comment class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
manage_comments_nav | manage comments nav manag comment class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
restrict_manage_comments | restrict manage comments manag comment class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
admin_comment_types_dropdown | admin comment types dropdown type class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
comment_status_links | comment status links statu link class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
comments_per_page | comments per page comment class-wp-comments-list-table-php | |
add_link | add link bookmark-php | |
edit_link | edit link bookmark-php | |
deleted_link | deleted link delet bookmark-php | |
delete_link | delete link delet bookmark-php | |
heartbeat_tick | heartbeat tick ajax-actions-php | |
heartbeat_send | heartbeat send ajax-actions-php | |
heartbeat_received | heartbeat received receiv ajax-actions-php | |
ajax_query_attachments_args | ajax query attachments args queri attach arg ajax-actions-php | |
wp_check_post_lock_window | wp-check check post lock window ajax-actions-php | wp |
widgets.php | widgets php widget ajax-actions-php | |
load-widgets.php | load widgets php widget ajax-actions-php | |
term_search_min_chars | term search min chars char ajax-actions-php | |
heartbeat_nopriv_tick | heartbeat nopriv tick ajax-actions-php | |
heartbeat_nopriv_send | heartbeat nopriv send ajax-actions-php | |
heartbeat_nopriv_received | heartbeat nopriv received receiv ajax-actions-php | |
export_filters | export filters filter export-php | |
export_args | export args arg export-php | |
bulk_post_updated_messages | bulk post updated messages updat messag edit-php | |
{$taxonomy}_add_form | taxonomy add form taxonomi edit-tags-php | |
add_tag_form | add tag form edit-tags-php | |
edit_link_category_form | edit link category form categori edit-tags-php | |
edit_category_form | edit category form categori edit-tags-php | |
{$taxonomy}_add_form_fields | taxonomy add form fields taxonomi field edit-tags-php | |
add_tag_form_fields | add tag form fields field edit-tags-php | |
taxonomy_parent_dropdown_args | taxonomy parent dropdown args taxonomi arg edit-tags-php | |
{$taxonomy}_pre_add_form | taxonomy pre add form taxonomi edit-tags-php | |
add_tag_form_pre | add tag form pre edit-tags-php | |
add_link_category_form_pre | add link category form pre categori edit-tags-php | |
add_category_form_pre | add category form pre categori edit-tags-php | |
after-{$taxonomy}-table | after taxonomy table taxonomi tabl edit-tags-php | |
term_updated_messages | term updated messages updat messag edit-tags-php | |
{$taxonomy}_edit_form | taxonomy edit form taxonomi edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_tag_form | edit tag form edit-tag-form-php | |
{$taxonomy}_edit_form_fields | taxonomy edit form fields taxonomi field edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_tag_form_fields | edit tag form fields field edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_link_category_form_fields | edit link category form fields categori field edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_category_form_fields | edit category form fields categori field edit-tag-form-php | |
{$taxonomy}_pre_edit_form | taxonomy pre edit form taxonomi edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_tag_form_pre | edit tag form pre edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_link_category_form_pre | edit link category form pre categori edit-tag-form-php | |
edit_category_form_pre | edit category form pre categori edit-tag-form-php | |
add_meta_boxes_link | add meta boxes link box edit-link-form-php | |
add_meta_boxes_comment | add meta boxes comment box edit-form-comment-php | |
dbx_post_sidebar | dbx post sidebar edit-form-advanced-php | |
edit_form_advanced | edit form advanced advanc edit-form-advanced-php | |
edit_page_form | edit page form edit-form-advanced-php | |
submitpost_box | submitpost box edit-form-advanced-php | |
submitpage_box | submitpage box submitpag edit-form-advanced-php | |
edit_form_after_editor | edit form after editor edit-form-advanced-php | |
edit_form_after_title | edit form after title titl edit-form-advanced-php | |
edit_form_top | edit form top edit-form-advanced-php | |
do_meta_boxes | do meta boxes box edit-form-advanced-php | |
add_meta_boxes_{$post_type} | add meta boxes post type box edit-form-advanced-php | |
add_meta_boxes | add meta boxes box edit-form-advanced-php | |
dbx_post_advanced | dbx post advanced advanc edit-form-advanced-php | |
post_updated_messages | post updated messages updat messag edit-form-advanced-php | |
wp_editor_expand | wp-editor editor expand edit-form-advanced-php | wp |
customize_allowed_urls | customize allowed urls custom allow url customize-php | |
customize_controls_print_footer_scripts | customize controls print footer scripts custom control script customize-php | |
customize_controls_print_scripts | customize controls print scripts custom control script customize-php | |
customize_controls_print_styles | customize controls print styles custom control style customize-php | |
customize_controls_enqueue_scripts | customize controls enqueue scripts custom control enqueu script customize-php | |
customize_controls_init | customize controls init custom control customize-php | |
wp_header_image_attachment_metadata | wp-header header image attachment metadata imag attach custom-header-php | wp |
wp_delete_file | wp-delete delete delet file custom-header-php | wp |
wp_create_file_in_uploads | wp-create create creat file uploads upload custom-header-php | wp in |
custom_header_options | custom header options option custom-header-php | |
comment_edit_redirect | comment edit redirect comment-php | |
async_upload_{$type} | async upload type async-upload-php | |
admin_action_{$_REQUEST['action']} | admin action request admin-php | |
load-{$pagenow} | load pagenow admin-php | |
force_filtered_html_on_import | force filtered html import forc filter admin-php | on |
load-importer-{$importer} | load importer import admin-php | |
load-{$plugin_page} | load plugin page admin-php | |
load-{$page_hook} | load page hook admin-php | |
admin_init | admin init admin-php | |
admin_memory_limit | admin memory limit memori admin-php | |
do_mu_upgrade | do mu upgrade upgrad admin-php | |
after_db_upgrade | after db upgrade upgrad admin-php | |
admin_post_{$action} | admin post action admin-post-php | |
admin_post | admin post admin-post-php | |
admin_post_nopriv_{$action} | admin post nopriv action admin-post-php | |
admin_post_nopriv | admin post nopriv admin-post-php | |
all_admin_notices | all admin notices notic admin-header-php | |
admin_notices | admin notices notic admin-header-php | |
user_admin_notices | user admin notices notic admin-header-php | |
network_admin_notices | network admin notices notic admin-header-php | |
in_admin_header | admin header admin-header-php | in |
admin_head | admin head admin-header-php | |
admin_head-{$hook_suffix} | admin head hook suffix admin-header-php | |
admin_print_scripts | admin print scripts script admin-header-php | |
admin_print_scripts-{$hook_suffix} | admin print scripts hook suffix script admin-header-php | |
admin_print_styles | admin print styles style admin-header-php | |
admin_print_styles-{$hook_suffix} | admin print styles hook suffix style admin-header-php | |
admin_enqueue_scripts | admin enqueue scripts enqueu script admin-header-php | |
admin_title | admin title titl admin-header-php | |
admin_footer-{$GLOBALS['hook_suffix']} | admin footer globals hook suffix global admin-footer-php | |
admin_print_footer_scripts | admin print footer scripts script admin-footer-php | |
admin_footer | admin footer admin-footer-php | |
update_footer | update footer updat admin-footer-php | |
admin_footer_text | admin footer text admin-footer-php | |
in_admin_footer | admin footer admin-footer-php | in |
wp_ajax_nopriv_{$_REQUEST['action']} | wp-ajax ajax nopriv request action admin-ajax-php | wp |
wp_ajax_{$_REQUEST['action']} | wp-ajax ajax request action admin-ajax-php | wp |
activate_header | activate header activ wp-activate-php | |
activate_wp_head | activate head activ wp-activate-php | wp |