般若波羅密多心經 觀自在菩薩 行深般若波羅密多時 照見五蘊皆空 度一切苦厄 舍利子 色不異空 空不異色 色即是空 空即是色 受想行識亦復如是 舍利子 是諸法空相 不生不滅 不垢不淨 不增不減 是故空中無色 無受想行識 無眼耳鼻舌身意 無色聲香味觸法 無眼界乃至無意識界 無無明亦無無明盡 乃至無老死亦無老死盡 無苦集滅道 無智亦無得 以無所得故 菩提薩埵依般若波羅密多故 心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖 遠離顛倒夢想 究竟涅槃 三世諸佛 依般若波羅密多故 得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 故知般若波羅密多 是大神咒 是大明咒 是無上咒 是無等等咒 能除一切苦 真實不虛 故說般若波羅密多咒 即說咒曰: 揭帝揭帝 般羅揭帝 般羅僧揭帝 菩提薩婆訶 |
bōrě bōluómìduō xīnjīng guānzìzài púsà xíng shēn bōrě bōluómìduō shí zhàojiàn wǔyùn jiē kōng dù yíqiè kǔ è shèlìzi sè búyì kōng kōng búyì sè sè jíshì kōng kōng jíshì sè shòu xiǎng xíng shí yìfù rúshì shèlìzi shì zhū fǎ kōng xiāng bùshēng búmiè búgòu bújìng bùzēng bùjiǎn shì gù kōngzhōng wúsè wú shòu xiǎng xíng shí wú yǎn ěr bí shé shēn yì wú sè shēng xiāng wèi chù fǎ wú yǎnjiè nǎizhì wúyìshí jiè wú wúmíng yì wú wúmíng jìn nǎizhì wú láosǐ yì wú láosǐ jìn wú kǔjímièdào wú zhì yì wú dé yǐ wú suǒ dé gù pútísàduǒ yī bōrě bōluómìduō gù xīn wú guà ài wú guà ài gù wú yóu kǒngbù yuǎnlí diāndǎo mèngxiǎng jiùjìng nièpán sānshì zhū fó yī bōrě bōluómìduō gù dé ānòuduōluó sānmiǎo sānpútí gù zhī bōrě bōluómìduō shì dàshén zhòu shì dàmíng zhòu shì wúshàng zhòu shì wúděngděng zhòu néng chú yíqiè kǔ zhēnshí bùxū gù shuō bōrě bōluómìduō zhòu jí shuō zhòu yuē: jiēdì jiēdì bōluójiēdì bōluósēngjiēdì pútí sàpóhē |
Perfection of Wisdom Heart Sutra The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin) When practicing deeply the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajñāpāramitā) Sees clearly that all five aggregates (skandhas) are empty and is thus free from all suffering and distress. O Shariputra, Form is not different from emptiness, Emptiness is not different from form, Form is indeed emptiness, Emptiness is indeed form. Feeling, perception, mental formations, and consciousness are also like this. O Shariputra, All dharmas have the nature of emptiness, They neither arise nor perish, They are neither impure nor pure, They neither increase nor decrease, Thus in emptiness there is no form, No feeling, no perception, no mental formations, and no consciousness; No eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, and no mind; No form, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, and no objects of mind; No sensory realms, even no consciousness realm; No ignorance, and no end to ignorance. No old age nor death, even no end to old age and death. There is no suffering, no arising, no cessation, and no path, (Four Noble Truths) there is no wisdom, and no gaining, as there is nothing to be gained. Because boddhisattvas abide in the Perfection of Wisdom, their mind is free of hindrances. Because the mind is free of hindrances, it is fearless. Having transcended all illusions, achieve Nirvana. All the Buddhas of the past, present, and future, because they depend on Prajnaparamita, attain anuttara samyak sambodhi (unexcelled perfect enlightenment). Therefore know that Prajnaparamita is the great transcendent mantra is the great bright mantra is the utmost mantra is the unequalled mantra (asamasama) It is able to relieve all suffering and is true, not false So proclaim the Prajnaparamita mantra, proclaim the mantra which says gate gate paragate parasamgate (gone, gone, gone beyond, gone completely beyond) bodhi svaha (O enlightenment, all hail!) https://github.com/kaicarver/langlab — March 11, 2018
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