Once upon a midnight dreary, while I {pon}dered weak an{d wea}{ry,}
Over many{ a }quaint{ and }curious volume of forgotten lore,
W{hile I }nodded, n{ear}ly napping, su{dde}n{ly }th{ere} ca{me }a t{apping,}
As{ of }so{me o}ne gent{ly }r{apping, }{rapping} at my chamb{er }door.
`'Tis{ some }visitor,'{ I }mu{tte}r{ed, }`t{apping at my chamber door} -
O{nly th}is,{ and }no{thi}{ng }m{ore}.'

Ah, distinc{tly }I reme{mber }it was in{ the} bl{eak }Dec{ember}{,
{nd }each separate dy{ing }{ember }wrou{ght }its ghost{ upon }{the }fl{oor.
Eager{ly I }wish{ed }{the }{mor}row; - v{ain}{ly I }had{ so}{ught }to b{orrow}
From{ my }book{s s}urcease{ of so}{rrow}{ - }{sorrow }{for}{ the }l{ost }Len{ore}{ -
F{or the }ra{re }{and }radia{nt }mai{den}{ wh}{om }{the }angels{ na}{me }{Lenore -
N{ame}less {here }{for }e{ver}{more.}
And }
{the }silk{en }s{ad }u{nce}rt{ain} rustl{ing }{of }{each }purp{le }{cur}{tain}
Thrill{ed }{me }- f{illed me }with f{ant}a{sti}c {ter}ror{s n}{ever} felt be{for}e;
So{ th}{at }now,{ to }{sti}ll{ the b}eat{ing of }{my }h{ear}t,{ I }stoo{d r}ep{eating}{
`'Tis some visitor}
{ent}r{eating }{entr}a{nce }{at my chamber door -
S{ome }l{ate }{visitor entreating entrance at my chamber door}{; -}{
{is }{it }{is, and nothing more},{'

Pres{ently }{my }{sou}l grew{ st}ro{nge}{r; }he{sit}{ating }{the}n{ no}{ lo}{nger},
`Si{r,' }s{aid} I{, `}{or }Madam{, t}ru{ly }your{ forg}iven{ess }I impl{ore;
But{ the f}ac{t is}{ I w}as{ napping, }{and }so{ gently }{you}{ came }r{apping,
{nd so }f{aint}{ly you came }{tapping,} {tapping at my chamber door},{
{at }{I s}ca{rce}{ was }{sur}{e I }{hear}d{ you}'{ - }{here }I op{ene}{d w}{ide}{ the }{door; -
Dark{ness }{there}{, and nothing more.}

Deep{ in}t{o that }d{arkness }peer{ing, }{long}{ I stood }{there }w{onder}{ing, }f{ear}{ing,
Doubt{ing, }{drea}m{ing }{dream}s{ no }{mor}tal{ ever}{ dar}{ed t}o{ dream}{ before;
{But the }{sil}en{ce was }unbro{ken}{, and }{the d}{arkness }gave{ no }t{oken,}{
And the }
o{nly }wor{d there }sp{oken}{ was }{the }{whi}sp{ered w}{ord}{, `}{Lenore}!'{
This }
I{ whispered}{, and }an ech{o m}ur{mur}{ed }back{ the w}{ord, `Lenore!'
M{ere}{ly this}{ and nothing more.

B{ack }{into th}e{ chamber }turn{ing, a}{ll }{my soul }{with}{in }{me }b{urning,}{
{on a}g{ain }{I heard }{a tapping}{ some}w{hat }loud{er t}h{an }{before}{.
Su{rely}{,' said I, `}su{rely th}a{t is }{some}{thing }{at my }wind{ow }{lat}{tic}{e;
Let{ me }se{e the}n{, wh}at{ there}a{t is, and }{this }mys{ter}y ex{plore}{ -
{Let m}{y heart}{ be}{ still }{a m}{ome}{nt and }{this mystery explore}{; -
{'Tis }{the w}i{nd an}{d nothing more}{!'

O{pen}{ here I }flu{ng the} sh{utter}{, wh}{en, w}{ith }{many a }flir{t and }{flu}{tter,}
In{ there s}teppe{d a }s{tat}e{ly ra}{ven}{ of }{the s}{aintly }day{s of }y{ore.
No{t the }{lea}{st }obeis{ance }ma{de }h{e; }{not}{ a mi}nut{e st}o{pped }{or }{sta}y{ed }h{e;
{, with m}i{en of }l{ord }{or }lad{y, }{per}c{hed }abo{ve }{my chamber door -
P{erched }{upon a }bu{st o}f P{all}{as }j{ust }{above my chamber door -
{, and s}at{, and nothing more.

T{hen }{this }ebo{ny }bi{rd }begui{ling }{my s}{ad }{fan}cy{ into }sm{iling},
B{y the}{ gr}{ave }{and s}{ter}n decorum{ of the }coun{ten}{ance }{it w}{ore,
`Th{ough}{ th}{y c}{res}{t be s}ho{rn }{and s}h{aven}{, t}{hou}{,' I }{said}{, `}{art }{sure }{no }c{raven}.
Gh{ast}{ly }grim{ and an}ci{ent }{raven }wa{ndering} fr{om the }{night}{ly }{shor}{e -
Te{ll m}e{ what th}y{ lord}{ly na}{me }{is }{on the }N{ight}'s P{lut}on{ian}{ shore}{!'
Qu{oth}{ the ra}{ven, }`N{evermore.}{'

Mu{ch }{I m}arve{lled }{this }{ung}{ainly }fowl{ to }{hear}{ dis}{cou}r{se }{so }pl{ainly}{,
{ough }{its }answ{er }litt{le }mea{ning}{ - }{little }{rel}ev{ancy }b{ore;
{For }w{e ca}n{not }help{ ag}ree{ing th}{at no}{ li}v{ing }hum{an be}{ing
E{ver }ye{t was }b{less}{ed wi}t{h se}{eing }{bird }{above }{his }{chamber door -
Bi{rd or }b{east }{above }{the s}culpt{ured b}{ust above }{his chamber door}{,
{ith s}{uch }{name }{as }{`Nevermore.'

{But the }{raven, }{sit}{ting }{lon}{ely }{on the }{pla}ci{d bust},{ spoke}{ only}{,
That }
{one }{word, }{as i}f{ his }{soul }{in th}{at one word} {he d}{id }outp{our}{.
{hing }f{urt}h{er th}{en he} {uttered}{ - }{not a }{fea}{ther then he }{flutter}{ed -}
T{ill }{I scarce}{ly m}{ore }{than }{muttered} `O{ther }fr{ien}d{s h}{ave }{flo}w{n before}{ -
{ the morrow} {he wi}{ll }{lea}{ve m}e{, as }{my h}{ope}{s have flown before}.'{
Then th}
e{ bird }{said, `}{Nevermore.'

St{art}{led }a{t the s}{till}{ness }{broken} by{ rep}{ly s}o ap{tly s}p{oken,
`{Doubt}{less}{,' said I, `}{what }{it }{utter}s {is it}s{ only }{sto}ck{ and st}{ore,
Ca{ught }{from }{some }unh{app}{y m}a{ster}{ whom }unm{erc}if{ul }{dis}{aster}{
l{low}e{d fa}s{t and f}{ollowed fast}{er t}{ill }{his so}ngs{ one }{bur}{den }b{ore -
{ill the }dirge{s of }{his }{hope}{ that }{mel}{anc}ho{ly }{burden bore}
Of "{Never}-n{evermore.}"{'

But the raven}
{ still }{beguiling }{all my s}{ad sou}l{ into smiling,
S{tra}{ight }{I wh}ee{led a}{ cu}shio{ned }s{eat i}n{ fro}n{t of }{bird a}n{d bust a}{nd }{door;}{
,{ upon the }{vel}v{et }sink{ing, }I{ be}{too}k{ mys}elf{ to }l{inking}
F{ancy }u{nto }{fancy}{, th}{inking}{ what th}{is o}{min}{ous }{bird }{of yore}{ -
W{hat this }{grim},{ ungainly},{ gh}{astly}{, g}a{unt}{, and }{ominous bird of yore}{
{ant }{in }croa{king }{`Nevermore.'

{This I }{sat}{ en}g{age}d{ in }gu{ess}{ing, }bu{t no }sy{lla}{ble}{ exp}r{essing}
T{o the }{fowl }{who}{se }fi{ery e}ye{s no}w{ burn}{ed in}{to }{my bo}{som}{'s }c{ore;
T{his and }{more }{I sat }d{ivin}{ing, }{with m}{y hea}{d at }{ease }recl{ining}{
On the }
{cushion}{'s }{velvet }{lining}{ that }{the l}amp-l{ight }glo{ate}{d o}'{er,
{But }{whose }{velvet }viol{et lining }{with }{the lamp-light gloat}{ing o}{'er,
S{he sh}{all }{press}{, a}h, {nevermore}!
Then, }
{meth}{ought},{ the a}ir{ grew }{den}s{er, }{per}fum{ed f}{rom }{an }u{nse}{en }c{enser}
Sw{ung }{by }Se{rap}h{im }{whose f}oot-f{all}{s t}{ink}{led }{on the }tuf{ted }{floor.
`Wretch{,' I }c{rie}{d, `t}{hy }G{od }{hat}h{ le}n{t the}{e - }b{y the}s{e angels }{he }h{as s}{ent thee}
Respit{e - }r{espite }{and n}{epe}n{the f}{rom th}{y m}e{mor}i{es of }{Lenore!}{
aff, oh{ qua}ff{ this }ki{nd nepenthe},{ and fo}{rge}{t this }{lost Lenore}{!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!{' said I, `}{thing }{of e}vil!{ - }p{rophet}{ still},{ if }b{ird or }d{evil! -}{
e{ther t}emp{ter }{sent},{ or }w{hether temp}{est }to{ssed }{thee }{here }a{shore}{,
eso{late }{yet }{all }und{aunt}{ed, }o{n this }d{ese}{rt }l{and }{enc}{han}t{ed -
O{n this }h{ome }b{y ho}{rror}{ ha}u{nted -}{ te}{ll me }{truly},{ I implore}{ -
I{s there}{ - }i{s there }balm{ in }G{ile}ad?{ - tell me }{- tell me}{, I implore}{!'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

`Prophet!' said I, `thing of evil! - prophet still, if bird or devil!}
By th}
{at }He{aven }{that }b{ends }{above }{us }{- by th}{at }{God }{we }b{oth }ad{ore -
Tell }
t{his soul }{with s}{orrow }{lad}{en }if,{ within }{the di}{sta}{nt }A{iden}{n,
It{ shall }c{las}p{ a s}{aint}{ed m}{aiden whom the angels name Lenore -
C{lasp a }{rare and radiant maiden},{ whom the angels name Lenore}?{'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

B{e that }{word }{our }sig{n of }p{art}{ing, b}{ird or }f{iend}!{' I s}h{rie}k{ed up}st{arting}{ -
`Ge{t thee }b{ack into the }{tempest }{and the }{Night's Plutonian shore!}{
{ave no }bl{ack }p{lume }{as }a{ token}{ of th}{at l}ie{ thy }{soul }{hath }{spoken}{!
Leave }
my{ lonel}i{ness }{unbroken}{! - }qui{t the }b{ust above my }{door}!
Tak{e thy }b{eak }{from }{out}{ my heart, }{and t}{ake thy }{for}m{ from o}ff{ my door!}{'
Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'

{And the }{raven, }{never f}l{itting},{ still }{is s}{itting, still is sitting}{
On the }
p{all}{id bust}{ of Pallas just above my chamber door};{
And }
{his e}y{es have }a{ll the }{see}m{ing of }a{ de}m{on's }{that is }{dreaming}{,
And the }
{lamp-light }{o'er} {him }st{reaming }th{row}s{ his s}ha{dow }{on the floor}{;
And }
{my soul }{from out }{that }{shadow }{that lie}s{ flo}{ating o}{n the floor}{
a{ll be}{ li}f{ted - }{nevermore!