#!/bin/bash # create_bad_hosts_file.sh # -John Taylor # May-19-2016 # This is inspired by https://pi-hole.net/ It it used on a Ubiquity # EdgeRouter Lite in conjunction with unbound DNS server. The version # of Unbound that ships with the router is buggy and Unbound will # crash every few days. I recommend upgrading to version 1.4.22, which # you will need to compile from source: apt-get install build-essential # example cron entry: # 02 15 * * * /root/ubnt-hole/create_bad_hosts_file.sh > /root/ubnt-hole/create_bad_hosts.log 2>&1 # example unbound.conf: # change the interface and access-control lines for your internal IPs # server: # verbosity: 1 # include: "/etc/unbound/bad_hosts" # include: "/etc/unbound/lan_hosts" # statistics-interval: 3600 # interface: # outgoing-interface: # access-control: allow # access-control: allow # logfile: "/var/log/unbound.log" # log-time-ascii: yes # whitelist.txt: # contains a list of good/safe dns names, one per line # blacklist.txt: # contains a list of bad/undesirable dns names (not included by what is downloaded), one per line # lan_hosts: # contains dns for your local subnet, one entry per line, format: # local-zone: "pri." static # local-data: "mydesktop.pri A" WORK="work" CLEAN="${WORK}/cleaned.txt" FINAL="${WORK}/bad_hosts" TARGET="/etc/unbound" WHITELIST="${TARGET}/whitelist.txt" BLACKLIST="${TARGET}/blacklist.txt" if [ ! -d ${WORK} ] ; then mkdir -m700 ${WORK} fi rm -f ${CLEAN} ${FINAL} ${WORK}/ad_*.txt echo echo Downloading... echo wget -O ${WORK}/ad_1.txt "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts" # 2016-08-13 maybe the below URL is not working anymore?? # wget -O ${WORK}/ad_2.txt "http://adblock.gjtech.net/?format=unix-hosts" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_3.txt "http://mirror1.malwaredomains.com/files/justdomains" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_4.txt "http://sysctl.org/cameleon/hosts" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_5.txt "http://zeustracker.abuse.ch/blocklist.php?download=domainblocklist" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_6.txt "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_tracking.txt" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_7.txt "https://s3.amazonaws.com/lists.disconnect.me/simple_ad.txt" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_8.txt "http://hosts-file.net/ad_servers.txt" wget -O ${WORK}/ad_9.txt "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quidsup/notrack/master/trackers.txt" echo echo Clean and consolidate... echo cat ${WORK}/ad_*.txt | sed -e 's/0\.0\.0\.0 //g' -e 's/127\.0\.0\.1//g' -e 's/#.*//' -e 's/\r//g' -e 's/\.$//' | grep -v "^#" | grep -v ^$ | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]' | sort | uniq > ${CLEAN} echo echo Convert to unbound format... echo if [ -e ${WHITELIST} ] ; then cat ${CLEAN} | grep -v -f ${WHITELIST} | mawk '{ printf("local-data: %c%s A\n",34,$1,34) }' | sort | uniq > ${FINAL}.tmp else cat ${CLEAN} | mawk '{ printf("local-data: %c%s A\n",34,$1,34) }' | sort | uniq > ${FINAL}.tmp fi if [ -e ${BLACKLIST} ] ; then cat ${BLACKLIST} | mawk '{ printf("local-data: %c%s A\n",34,$1,34) }' >> ${FINAL}.tmp fi egrep -v '\{|\}|/\*|/\*|\" A 127|\(|\)|<|>|::|,' ${FINAL}.tmp >> ${FINAL} echo echo Remove very old backups... echo ARCHIVES="${TARGET}/bad_hosts--20*.xz" COUNT=`ls ${ARCHIVES}| wc -l` # keep the newest $MAX number of backup archives MAX=20 if [ "${COUNT}" -gt "${MAX}" ] ; then OLD=`expr ${COUNT} - ${MAX}` echo "Removing ${OLD} old backup files..." ls -tr ${ARCHIVES} | head -${OLD} | xargs rm echo else echo There are no old backup files to remove echo fi echo echo Archive old version... echo CURR="${TARGET}/bad_hosts" NOW=`date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S"` if [ -e "${CURR}" ] ; then mv ${CURR} ${CURR}--${NOW} xz -v ${CURR}--${NOW} fi echo echo Install and restart... echo cp ${FINAL} ${TARGET} /sbin/unbound-control stop sync ; sleep 1 ; sync export PATH="/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:${PATH}" /sbin/unbound-control start