# (GitHub-Flavored) Markdown Editor

Basic useful feature list:

 * Ctrl+S / Cmd+S to save the file
 * Ctrl+Shift+S / Cmd+Shift+S to choose to save as Markdown or HTML
 * Drag and drop a file into here to load it
 * File contents are saved in the URL so you can share files

I'm no good at writing sample / filler text, so go write something yourself.

Look, a list!

 * foo
 * bar
 * baz

And here's some code! :+1:

  $('div').html('I am a div.');

This is [on GitHub](https://github.com/jbt/markdown-editor) so let me know if I've b0rked it somewhere.

Props to Mr. Doob and his [code editor](http://mrdoob.com/projects/code-editor/), from which
the inspiration to this, and some handy implementation hints, came.

### Stuff used to make this:

 * [markdown-it](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) for Markdown parsing
 * [Prism](http://prismjs.com) for syntax highlighting
 * [mdEdit](https://github.com/jbt/mdEdit), my own formatted markdown editor
 * [js-deflate](https://github.com/dankogai/js-deflate) for gzipping of data to make it fit in URLs