(Optional) This text will appear in the inbox preview, but not the email body.
Hero-unit heading
with a line break for large viewports
Bulletproof image backgrounds. The image URL is added to the HTML background attribute instead of the CSS background-image property for making it compatible with Lotus 8.x. VML is used for Outlook support. Progressively enhanced with CSS background-size property, it makes the background image looks nicer on compatible clients. A solid color is used as a fallback for really obscure clients.
Left column (gutterless).
Right column (gutterless).
Left column (20px gutter).
Right column (20px gutter).
Swapped left column (gutterless).
Swapped right column (gutterless).

h1 Heading 1
with a line break.

h2 Heading 2
with a line break.

h3 Heading 3
with a line break.

h4 Heading 4
with a line break.

h5 Heading 5
with a line break.
h6 Heading 6
with a line break.
h6 Heading 6 - Uppercase & Bordered
  • A simple and quick
  • HTML
  • Unordered list
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three items

A paragraph with a line break
followed by a separator.

A paragraph with some styled text: bold, italic, striked out, uppercase, and a link.

Paragraph - Uppercase & Bordered


A bulletproof button
A media object
with a left to right arrangement (dir="ltr").
The same media object
with a right to left arrangement (dir="rtl").
Placehold.it Placehold.it Placehold.it Placehold.it Placehold.it