5. Package processing

Generate all the auxiliary files that are needed for EPUB: package file, table of content in different formats, cover page. Most of the files make use of various templates stored in the separate template file.

5.1. Module Content

class rp2epub.package.Package(driver)[source]

Collection of methods to generate the manifest, TOC in different formats, and the cover pages

Parameters:driver (DocWrapper) – the caller

Create a cover page: cover.xhtml.


Create a new style TOC file (‘nav’ file): nav.xhtml.


Create and old style TOC file (‘ncx’ file): toc.ncx. To be used for reading systems that cannot handle EPUB3 specific TOC.


Create the manifest file. Includes the list of resources, book metadata, and the spine. The manifest file is added to the book as package.opf


The target book; a utils.Book instance


Encapsulation of the real document; a document.Document instance


Top level entry to execute the various internal methods