debops.example default variables

Main configuration



Some text describing this boolean.

example__enabled: True



List of additional APT packages which will be installed by the role.

example__packages: []




Some text describing this list.

example__periodic: []


Set this to true to install collectd:

collectd: false

"Global" options are defined like this:

collectd_FQDNLookup: 'true'

The list of plugins to enable are defined in these variables. As usual for DebOps, there are variables for global, per-group and per-host settings:

collectd_group_plugins: {}
collectd_host_plugins: {}

To disable a plugin, set it's value to False:

memory: False

To activate a plugin with it's default configuration (see

collectd_plugins_default_config below), simply list the plugin-name or set it's value to True:

df: True

To deactivate a plugin for a host or group, set it's value to False:

memory: False
disabled_plugin: False

To set the config (resp. overwrite the default config) of a plugin, just add the values in whatever style you like:

  foo: 1
  bar: 2
config_as_string: Limit 1mb
config_as_multiline_string: |
  MountPoint "/boot"
  IgnoreSelected true
  ReportByDevice false
  - asdfasd
  - asdfasd

You can even reuse the default config like this:

disk: |
  {{ collectd_plugins_default_config['disk'] }}
  Disk "/hd[0-9]+/"

Default Configuration

The default configuration for each plugin is as follows


By default all paritions except /boot are monitored.

df: |
  MountPoint "/boot"
  IgnoreSelected true
  ReportByDevice false
  ReportReserved false
  ReportInodes false

By default only sd-hard-disks and memory-cards are monitored.

disk: |
  Disk "/sd[0-9]+/"
  Disk "/mmcblk[0-9]+/"
  IgnoreSelected false

interface: |
  Interface "lo"
  IgnoreSelected true

Indention of Literal Blocks behind Lists

Code will properly be indented after lists:

  • list-entry 1

  • list-entry 2

    Some code under list-entry 2

If you want to de-indent, simple add a the two colons (::) (signifying that the following text blocks comprise a literal block) at the intended indention-level. Of course, to make this valid rST, you need to add an empty line in front of that.

  • list-entry 1
  • list-entry 2
Some code under list-entry 2

Formatting as Definition Lists


Address of mail host this host should relay all mail to instead of delivering it directly. (Automatic configuration)

This allows multiple paragraphs, too.

  1. and list items 1
  2. and list items 2
postfix_relayhost: False