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The Windsor Knot Tying Instructions

  1. Start with the wide end of the tie on the right and the small end on the left. ...

  2. Wide end over the small end to the left.

  3. Up into the neck loop from underneath.

  4. Down to the left.

  5. Around the back of the small end to the right.

  6. Up to the center, towards neck loop.

  7. More items...

How to tie a Windsor knot How To Tie A Windsor Knot |

How to tie a Windsor knot How to tie a Windsor knot How to tie a Windsor knot How to tie a Windsor knot How to tie a Windsor knot

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How to tie a tie |

Learn how to tie a tie with the Windsor, Half Windsor, Four in Hand and Pratt necktie knots by following step-by-step video instructions and colored diagrams ...

How to tie a tie - Quick and Easy - YouTube

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Sep 13, 2012 - Uploaded by Math Meeting
How to tie a tie, a step by step explanation. Learn the quickest and most popular method to tie a tie, the four ...

How To Tie A Windsor Knot |

The Windsor Knot Tying Instructions. Start with the wide end of the tie on the right and the small end on the left. Wide end over the small end to the left. Up into the neck loop from underneath. Down to the left. Around the back of the small end to the right. Up to the center, towards neck loop.

How To Tie A Tie - The Tie Bar

Learn how to tie a Windsor knot, a Half Windsor, a Four in Hand, Pratt knot (Shelby knot), a bow tie, or an ascot.

Brooks Brothers | How To Tie A Tie | Tie Knots

Watch our how to tie a tie videos on five classic knots including the Bow Tie knot, Windsor knot, Half Windsor knot, Pratt knot, and Four in Hand knot. The five tie ...

4 Ways to Tie a Tie - wikiHow

Method 4. Traditional Windsor knot. Choose the traditional Windsor knot as a more formal alternative to the Half Windsor. Put the tie around your neck. Cross the wide end over the narrow end. Bring your tie up through the loop. Bring your tie back down. Pull the wide end underneath the narrow end and to the right!

How to Tie a Tie | Skinny Ties

Learn how to tie a skinny tie with pictures, videos, and instructions. Examples include the four in hand knot and the half Windsor knot.