camp::MapProperty Member List

This is the complete list of members for camp::MapProperty, including all inherited members.

accept(ClassVisitor &visitor) const camp::MapPropertyvirtual
elementType() const camp::MapProperty
getElement(const UserObject &object, std::size_t index) const =0 (defined in camp::MapProperty)camp::MapPropertypure virtual
getSize(const UserObject &object) const =0camp::MapPropertypure virtual
getValue(const UserObject &object) const camp::MapPropertyvirtual
MapProperty(const std::string &name, Type elementType) (defined in camp::MapProperty)camp::MapProperty
ObjectPair typedef (defined in camp::MapProperty)camp::MapProperty
set(const UserObject &object, const Value &key, const Value &value) const =0 (defined in camp::MapProperty)camp::MapPropertypure virtual
setValue(const UserObject &object, const Value &value) const camp::MapPropertyvirtual
ValuePair typedef (defined in camp::MapProperty)camp::MapProperty