fwCom Signal/Slot system

fwCom library provides a set of tools dedicated to communication. These communications are based on Signal and slots concept.

fwCom provides the following features :

  • function and method wrapping
  • direct slot calling
  • asynchronous slot calling
  • ability to work with multiple threads
  • auto-deconnection of slot and signals
  • arguments loss between slots and signals


Slots are wrappers for functions and class methods that can be attached to a fwThread::Worker. The purpose of this class is to provide synchronous and asynchronous mecanisms for method and function calling.

Slots have a common base class : SlotBase. This allows to store them in the same container. Slots are designed to permit calling them by knowing only the argument types.

Examples :

This declares a slot wrapping the function sum, which is a function with the signature int (int, int)

::fwCom::Slot< int (int, int) >::sptr slotSum = ::fwCom::newSlot( &sum );

This declares a Slot wrapping the method start with signature void() of the object a which class type is A

::fwCom::Slot< void () >::sptr slotStart = ::fwCom::newSlot( &A::start, &a );

This executes the slots using the method run.


This executes the slots using the method call, which returns the result of the function/method execution.

int result = slotSum->call(40,2);

The same, through a SlotBase :

::fwCom::Slot< size_t (std::string) > slotLen = ::fwCom::Slot< size_t (std::string) >::New( &len );
::fwCom::SlotBase::sptr slotBaseLen = slotLen;
::fwCom::SlotBase::sptr slotBaseSum = slotSum;
slotBaseSum->run<int, int>(40,2);
slotBaseLen->run<std::string>("R2D2"); // This one needs the explicit argument type
result = slotBaseSum->call<int>(40,2);
result = slotBaseSum->call<int, int, int>(40,2);
result = slotBaseLen->call<size_t, std::string>("R2D2");

Asynchronous calls

Slots are able to work with fwThread::Worker. If a Slot has a Worker, each asynchronous execution request will be done in it's worker, otherwise asynchronous requests can not be satisfied without specifying a worker.

Setting worker example :

::fwThread::Worker::sptr w = ::fwThread::Worker::New();

Asynchronous `run`

asyncRun method returns a std::shared_future< void >, that makes it possible to wait for end-of-execution.

std::future< void > future = slotStart->asyncRun();
// do something else ...
future.wait(); //ensures slotStart is finished before continuing

Asynchronous `call`

asyncCall method returns a std::shared_future< R > where R is the return type, this allows to wait for end-of-execution and to get the computed value.

std::future< int > future = slotSum->asyncCall();
// do something else ...
future.wait(); //ensures slotStart is finished before continuing
int result = future.get();


Slots asynchronous execution has been made 'weak'. That does mean that when an async call/run is pending in a worker queue:

  • if the slot is detroyed before the execution of this call, the call will be canceled.
  • if the slot's worker is changed before the execution of this call, the call will be canceled.


Signal allows to perform grouped calls on slots. In this purpose, Signal provides a mechanism to connect slots to itself.


The following instruction declares a Signal able to execute slots of type void() :

::fwCom::Signal< void() >::sptr sig = ::fwCom::Signal< void() >::New();

This connects a Slot having the same type as the previously declared Signal, and connects the Slot to this Signal :


Finally, the following instruction will trigger the execution of all slots connected to this Signal:


Thus, it is possible to connect multiple slots having the same type to the same Signal and trigger simultaneously their execution.

Following the same idea, signals can take several arguments and be triggered by passing the right arguments to emit.

The following will declare a Signal of type void(int, int) and connects it to slots of type void (int) and int (int, int).

using namespace fwCom;
Signal< void(int, int) >::sptr sig2 = Signal< void(int, int) >::New();
Slot< int(int, int) >::sptr    slot1 = Slot< int(int, int) >::New(...);
Slot< void(int) >::sptr        slot2 = Slot< void(int) >::New(...);


sig2->emit(21, 42);

In the latter example, 2 points need to highlighted :

  • the return type of the Signal is void. Signal cannot return values, so their return type is always declared as void. Thus, it is not possible to retrieve slot1 Slot return value if it is executed using a Signal. Therefore, both slots are run succesfully.
  • the arguments types of slot2 slot doesn't match exactly sig2 signature. slot2 is nevertheless successfully connected and executed. slot2 receive the value 21 as argument, 42 is ignored).

Asynchronous emit

As slots can work asynchronously, triggering a Signal with asyncEmit results in the execution of connected slots in their worker :

sig2->asyncEmit(21, 42);

The instruction above has for consequence to run each connected slot in it's own worker.

Each connected slot must have a worker set in order to use asyncEmit.


Finally, the disconnect method will cause the given Slot to be disconnected from the Signal. Thus, the Slot won't be executed anymore each time the Signal is triggered.

sig2->emit(21, 42); //do not trigger slot1 anymore

The instructions above will cause slot2 Slot execution : slot1 having been disconnected, it won't be executed.

Connection handling

The connection of a Slot to a Signal returns a Connection handler :

::fwCom::Connection connection = signal->connect(slot);

Connection provides a mechanism which allows to temporarily disable a Slot in a Signal. The slot stays connected to the Signal, but it will not be triggered while the Connection is blocked :

::fwCom::Connection::Blocker lock(connection);
// 'slot' will not be executed while 'lock' is alive or until lock is
// reset

Connection handlers can also be used to disconnect a Slot from a Signal :

//slot is not connected anymore


Slot and signals can handle automatic disconnection :

  • on Slot destruction : the Slot will disconnect itself from every signals it is connected on destruction
  • on Signal destruction : the Signal will disconnect all connected slots before destruction

All related connection handlers will be invalidated when an automatic disconnection occurs.