SimpleLink™ Bluetooth low energy/Multi-standard SensorTag (CC2650STK)

This web application is a demo of the "html-CC2650SensorTag.js", which shows the measurement result reported by a SimpleLink™ Bluetooth low energy/Multi-standard SensorTag (CC2650STK) in real time.

The "html-CC2650SensorTag.js" is a JavaScript library using the W3C Web Bluetooth API. The API is implemented in Chrome for Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, and Android M experimentally. Though the API was implemented in Chrome 55 and earlier, it is strongly recommended to use Chrome 56 or later. Unfortunately, the API is disabled by default for now. You can enable it turning on the enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag.

In order to try this web application, turn on your CC2650 pressing the power button (on the right side of your CC2650). If your CC2650 is turned on successfully, you will find the green LED is blinking. Then press the "Connect" button on this web application below. Your Chrome will show you a dialog window which shows found devices. Selecting your CC2650, this web application will establish a connection with the CC2650, then show you the measurement results coming from your CC2650.

After this web application establishes a connection with your CC2650 successfully, you will see the result like the capture below:

This web application supports most of the sensing data provided by the CC2650. Besides, it supports IO Service (turning on/off the LEDs and the buzzer) and Simple Key Service (detecting whether the buttons on the CC2650 are pressed or released).

IO Service / Simple Keys Service

Pressing the buttons below, you can turn on/off the LEDs and the buzzer.

When you press the buttons on the side of the CC2650, the indicators on either side of the picture will be highlighted.

IR Temperature Sensor (TMP007)

Ambience temperature (- °C)
Object temperature (- °C)

Movement Sensor (MPU9250)

Gyroscope (X: -, Y: -, Z: - deg/s)
Accelerometer (X: -, Y: -, Z: - G)
Magnetometer (X: -, Y: -, Z: - uT)

Humidity Sensor (HDC1000)

Humidity (- %)
Temperature (- °C)

Barometric Pressure Sensor (BMP280)

Barometric Pressure (- hPa)
Temperature (- °C)

Optical Sensor (OPT3001)

Barometric Pressure (- Lux)

Device Information

System ID
Model Number
Firmware Revision
Hardware Revision
Software Revision
Manufacturer Name
Battery Level