/* * Copyright (c) 2013 ulno (http://contact.ulno.net) * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and * associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, * sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT * NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments; import static org.sdmlib.models.pattern.Pattern.CREATE; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import org.junit.Assert; import org.sdmlib.CGUtil; import org.sdmlib.models.YamlIdMap; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.Row; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.Table; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.util.CellPO; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.util.ColumnPO; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.util.RowPO; import org.sdmlib.models.tables.util.TablePO; import org.sdmlib.storyboards.Storyboard; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.Assignment; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.President; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.Room; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.Student; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.TeachingAssistant; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.University; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.AssignmentPO; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.AssignmentSet; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.RoomPO; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.RoomSet; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.StudentSet; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.TeachingAssistantSet; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.UniversityCreator; import org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.util.UniversityPO; import de.uniks.networkparser.IdMap; import de.uniks.networkparser.json.JsonArray; import de.uniks.networkparser.list.SimpleSet; public class StudyRightWithAssignmentsStoryboards { /** * *

Storyboard Yaml


Step 1: Read graph from yaml text:

* *
   * - studyRight: University 
   *   name:       "\"Study \" Right\"And\"Fast now\""
   *   students:   karli
   *   rooms:      mathRoom artsRoom sportsRoom examRoom softwareEngineering 
   * - karli: Student
   *   id:    4242
   *   name:  karli
   * - Assignment   content:                      points: 
   *   matrixMult:  "Matrix Multiplication"     5
   *   series:      "Series"                    6
   *   a3:          Integrals                     8
   * - Room                  topic:  credits: doors:                 students: assignments: 
   *   mathRoom:             math    17       null                   karli     [matrixMult series a3]
   *   artsRoom:             arts    16       mathRoom               null      null
   *   sportsRoom:           sports  25       [mathRoom artsRoom]
   *   examRoom:             exam     0       [sportsRoom artsRoom]
   *   softwareEngineering:  "Software Engineering" 42 [artsRoom examRoom]
* *

Step 2: Call YamlIdMap.decode:

* *
   *       YamlIdMap yamlIdMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model");
   *       University studyRight = (University) yamlIdMap.decode(yaml);
* *

Step 3: Decoded object structure:

* YamlStep5.png *

* Check: root object exists "Study " Right"And"Fast now" *


Step 4: Generate Yaml from model:

* *
   * - u1: 	University
   *   name: 	"\"Study \" Right\"And\"Fast now\""
   *   students: 	s2 	
   *   rooms: 	r3 	r4 	r5 	r6 	r7 	
   * - s2: 	Student
   *   assignmentPoints: 	0
   *   credits: 	0
   *   id: 	4242
   *   motivation: 	0
   *   name: 	karli
   *   in: 	r3
   *   university: 	u1
   * - r3: 	Room
   *   credits: 	17
   *   topic: 	math
   *   doors: 	r4 	r5 	
   *   students: 	s2 	
   *   assignments: 	a8 	a9 	a10 	
   *   university: 	u1
   * - r4: 	Room
   *   credits: 	16
   *   topic: 	arts
   *   doors: 	r3 	r5 	r6 	r7 	
   *   university: 	u1
   * - r5: 	Room
   *   credits: 	25
   *   topic: 	sports
   *   doors: 	r3 	r4 	r6 	
   *   university: 	u1
   * - r6: 	Room
   *   credits: 	0
   *   topic: 	exam
   *   doors: 	r5 	r4 	r7 	
   *   university: 	u1
   * - r7: 	Room
   *   credits: 	42
   *   topic: 	"Software Engineering"
   *   doors: 	r4 	r6 	
   *   university: 	u1
   * - a8: 	Assignment
   *   content: 	"Matrix Multiplication"
   *   points: 	5
   *   room: 	r3
   * - a9: 	Assignment
   *   content: 	Series
   *   points: 	6
   *   room: 	r3
   * - a10: 	Assignment
   *   content: 	Integrals
   *   points: 	8
   *   room: 	r3

* Check: yaml starts with - u... true *


Step 5: decoded again:

* YamlStep11.png *

Step 6: now read from excel file

* *
   *       byte[] readAllBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("doc/StudyRightStartSituation.txt"));
   *       String excelText = new String(readAllBytes);
   *       YamlIdMap excelIdMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model");
   *       studyRight = (University) excelIdMap.decode(excelText);

* doc/StudyRightStartSituation.txt *

* *
   * -	studyRight:	University				
   * 	name: 	"""Study Right"""				
   * 	students:	karli				
   * 	rooms: 	mathRoom	artsRoom	sportsRoom	examRoom	softwareEngineering
   * -	karli:	Student				
   * 	id:	4242				
   * 	name:	karli				
   * -	Assignment	content:	points:
   * 	matrixMult:	"""Matrix Multiplication"""	5			
   * 	series:	Series	6			
   * 	a3:	Integrals	8			
   * -	Room	topic:	credits:	doors:	students:	assignments:
   * 	mathRoom:	math	17	null	karli	[matricMult series a3]
   * 	artsRoom:	arts	25	mathRoom		
   * 	sportsRoom:	sports	25	[mathRoom artsRoom]		
   * 	examRoom:	exam	0	[sportsRoom artsRoom]		
   * 	softwareEngineering:	"""Software Engineering"""	42	[artsRoom examRoom]

* result: *

* YamlStep17.png * * @throws IOException */ // @Test public void testYaml() throws IOException { System.out.println(" (StudyRightWithAssignmentsStoryboards.java:85)"); Storyboard story = new Storyboard(); story.addStep("Read graph from yaml text:"); String yaml = "" + "- studyRight: University \n" + " name: \"\\\"Study \\\" Right\\\"And\\\"Fast now\\\"\"\n" + " students: karli\n" + " rooms: mathRoom artsRoom sportsRoom examRoom softwareEngineering \n" + "\n" + "- karli: Student\n" + " id: 4242\n" + " name: karli\n" + "\n" // + "- albert: Prof\n" // + " topic: SE\n" + "\n" + "- Assignment content: points: \n" + " matrixMult: \"Matrix Multiplication\" 5\n" + " series: \"Series\" 6\n" + " a3: Integrals 8\n" + "\n" + "- Room topic: credits: doors: students: assignments: \n" + " mathRoom: math 17 null karli [matrixMult series a3]\n" + " artsRoom: arts 16 mathRoom null null\n" + " sportsRoom: sports 25 [mathRoom artsRoom]\n" + " examRoom: exam 0 [sportsRoom artsRoom]\n" + " softwareEngineering: \"Software Engineering\" 42 [artsRoom examRoom]\n" + ""; story.addPreformatted(yaml); story.addStep("Call YamlIdMap.decode:"); story.markCodeStart(); YamlIdMap yamlIdMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model"); University studyRight = (University) yamlIdMap.decode(yaml); story.addCode(); story.addStep("Decoded object structure:"); story.addObjectDiagram(studyRight); story.assertNotNull("root object exists", studyRight); // Object albert = yamlIdMap.getObject("albert"); // // story.assertNotNull("pojo albert exists", albert); // // story.assertEquals("pojo attr", "SE", ((Prof)albert).getTopic()); story.addStep("Generate Yaml from model:"); YamlIdMap yamlEncodeMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model"); String newYaml = yamlEncodeMap.encode(studyRight); story.addPreformatted(newYaml); story.assertTrue("yaml starts with - u...", newYaml.startsWith("- u")); YamlIdMap yamlDecodeMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model"); University newStudyRight = (University) yamlIdMap.decode(newYaml); story.addStep("decoded again:"); story.addObjectDiagram(newStudyRight); story.addStep("now read from excel file"); story.markCodeStart(); byte[] readAllBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get("doc/StudyRightStartSituation.txt")); String excelText = new String(readAllBytes); YamlIdMap excelIdMap = new YamlIdMap("org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model"); studyRight = (University) excelIdMap.decode(excelText); story.addCode(); story.add("doc/StudyRightStartSituation.txt"); story.addPreformatted(excelText); story.add("result:"); story.addObjectDiagram(studyRight); story.dumpJavaDoc(YamlIdMap.class.getName()); story.dumpHTML(); } /** * *

Storyboard StudyRightWithAssignmentsStoryboard


* 1. (start situation/pre-condition) Karli enters the Study-Right University in the math room. * Karli has no credits yet and still a motivation of 214. *

* *
   *       // =============================================================
   *       storyboard.add("1. (start situation/pre-condition) Karli enters the Study-Right University \n"
   *             + "in the math room. Karli has no credits yet and still a motivation of 214. ");
   *       storyboard.markCodeStart();
   *       University university = new University()
   *             .withName("StudyRight");
   *       Student karli = university.createStudents()
   *             .withId("4242")
   *             .withName("Karli");
   *       Assignment matrixMult = new Assignment()
   *             .withContent("Matrix Multiplication")
   *             .withPoints(5);
   *       Assignment series = new Assignment()
   *             .withContent("Series")
   *             .withPoints(6);
   *       Assignment a3 = new Assignment()
   *             .withContent("Integrals")
   *             .withPoints(8);
   *       Room mathRoom = university.createRooms()
   *             .withName("senate")
   *             .withTopic("math")
   *             .withCredits(17)
   *             .withStudents(karli)
   *             .withAssignments(matrixMult, series, a3);
   *       Room artsRoom = university.createRooms()
   *             .withName("7522")
   *             .withTopic("arts")
   *             .withCredits(16)
   *             .withDoors(mathRoom);
   *       Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms()
   *             .withName("gymnasium")
   *             .withTopic("sports")
   *             .withCredits(25)
   *             .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom);
   *       Room examRoom = university.createRooms()
   *             .withName("The End")
   *             .withTopic("exam")
   *             .withCredits(0)
   *             .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom);
* * * *

* 2. Karli does assignment a1 on Matrix Multiplication and earns 5 points
* (general rule: the student earns always full points for doing an assignment).
* Karli's motivation is reduced by 5 points to now 209. *

* *
   *       storyboard.add("2. Karli does assignment a1 on Matrix Multiplication and earns 5 points <br>\n"
   *             + "(general rule: the student earns always full points for doing an assignment). <br>\n"
* * * *

* 3. Karli does assignment a2 on Series and earns another 6 points.
* Thus Karli has 11 points now. Motivation is reduced to 203. *

* *
   *       // ===============================================================================================
   *       storyboard.add("3. Karli does assignment a2 on Series and earns another 6 points. <br>\n"
* * * *

* 4. Karli does the third assignment on Integrals, earns
* another 8 points and thus Karli has now 19 points and a motivation of 195. *

* *
   *       // ===============================================================================================
   *       storyboard.add("4. Karli does the third assignment on Integrals, earns <br>\n"
* * * *

* 5. Since 19 points are more than the 17 points required for the 17 math credits, Karli hands the * points in and earns the credits and has his assignmnet points reset to 0.
* (General rule: if the points earned by the assignments are higher or equal than the credit * points, the credit points will be awarded to the student.) *

* *
   *             + "and has his assignmnet points reset to 0. <br>\n"
   *             + "(General rule: if the points earned by the assignments are higher or equal than \n"
   *             + "the credit points, the credit points will be awarded to the student.)");
   *       storyboard.markCodeStart();
* * * *

* 6. (end situation/post-condition) Karli has completed the math topic and moves to sports. *


* Check: Karli's credits: 17 actual 17 *


* Check: Karli's assignment points: 0 actual 0 *


* Check: Number of students: 1 actual 1 *

*/ // @Test public void testStudyRightWithAssignmentsStoryboard() { Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard(); // ============================================================= storyboard.add("1. (start situation/pre-condition) Karli enters the Study-Right University \n" + "in the math room. Karli has no credits yet and still a motivation of 214. "); storyboard.markCodeStart(); University university = new University() .withName("StudyRight"); Student karli = university.createStudents() .withId("4242") .withName("Karli"); Assignment matrixMult = new Assignment() .withContent("Matrix Multiplication") .withPoints(5); Assignment series = new Assignment() .withContent("Series") .withPoints(6); Assignment a3 = new Assignment() .withContent("Integrals") .withPoints(8); Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("senate") .withTopic("math") .withCredits(17) .withStudents(karli) .withAssignments(matrixMult, series, a3); Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("7522") .withTopic("arts") .withCredits(16) .withDoors(mathRoom); Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("gymnasium") .withTopic("sports") .withCredits(25) .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom); Room examRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("The End") .withTopic("exam") .withCredits(0) .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() .withName("7422") .withTopic("Software Engineering") .withCredits(42) .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagram( "studyRight", university, "karli", "icons/karli.png", karli, "mathRoom", "icons/mathroom.png", mathRoom, "artsRoom", artsRoom, "sportsRoom", sportsRoom, "examRoom", examRoom, "placeToBe", softwareEngineering, "icons/matrix.png", matrixMult, "icons/limes.png", series, "icons/integralAssignment.png", a3); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.add("2. Karli does assignment a1 on Matrix Multiplication and earns 5 points
\n" + "(general rule: the student earns always full points for doing an assignment).
\n" + "Karli's motivation is reduced by 5 points to now 209.\n"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); karli.setAssignmentPoints(karli.getAssignmentPoints() + matrixMult.getPoints()); karli.withDone(matrixMult); storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(karli, mathRoom, mathRoom.getAssignments()); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.add("3. Karli does assignment a2 on Series and earns another 6 points.
\n" + "Thus Karli has 11 points now. Motivation is reduced to 203.\n"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); karli.setAssignmentPoints(karli.getAssignmentPoints() + series.getPoints()); karli.withDone(series); storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(karli, mathRoom, mathRoom.getAssignments()); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.add("4. Karli does the third assignment on Integrals, earns
\n" + "another 8 points and thus Karli has now 19 points and a motivation of 195.\n"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); karli.setAssignmentPoints(karli.getAssignmentPoints() + a3.getPoints()); karli.withDone(a3); storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(karli, mathRoom, mathRoom.getAssignments()); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.add("5. Since 19 points are more than the 17 points required \n" + "for the 17 math credits, Karli hands the points in and earns the credits \n" + "and has his assignmnet points reset to 0.
\n" + "(General rule: if the points earned by the assignments are higher or equal than \n" + "the credit points, the credit points will be awarded to the student.)"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); if (karli.getAssignmentPoints() >= mathRoom.getCredits()) { karli.setCredits(karli.getCredits() + mathRoom.getCredits()); karli.setAssignmentPoints(0); } storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(karli, mathRoom, mathRoom.getAssignments()); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.add("6. (end situation/post-condition) Karli has completed the math topic and moves to sports."); // =============================================================================================== storyboard.assertEquals("Karli's credits: ", 17, karli.getCredits()); storyboard.assertEquals("Karli's assignment points: ", 0, karli.getAssignmentPoints()); storyboard.assertEquals("Number of students: ", 1, university.getStudents().size()); // ================ Create HTML storyboard.dumpHTML(); } // @Test public void testStudyRightWithAssignmentsAggregation() { University university = new University() .withName("StudyRight"); Student abu = university.createStudents() .withId("1337") .withName("Abu"); Student karli = new TeachingAssistant().withCertified(true); university.withStudents(karli .withId("4242") .withName("Karli")); Student alice = university.createStudents() .withId("2323") .withName("Alice"); abu.withFriends(alice); Assignment a1 = new Assignment() .withContent("Matrix Multiplication") .withPoints(5) .withStudents(abu); Assignment a2 = new Assignment() .withContent("Series") .withPoints(6); Assignment a3 = new Assignment() .withContent("Integrals") .withPoints(8); karli.withDone(a1, a2); Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("senate") .withTopic("math") .withCredits(17) .withStudents(karli) .withAssignments(a1, a2, a3); Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("7522") .withTopic("arts") .withCredits(16) .withDoors(mathRoom); Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("gymnasium") .withTopic("sports") .withCredits(25) .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom) .withStudents(abu, alice); Assignment a4 = sportsRoom.createAssignments() .withContent("Pushups") .withPoints(4) .withStudents(abu); Room examRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("The End") .withTopic("exam") .withCredits(0) .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() .withName("7422") .withTopic("Software Engineering") .withCredits(42) .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); President president = university.createPresident(); // Assert.assertEquals("presidents lives", true, president); // university.removeYou(); // TODO: generate removeYou method // Assert.assertEquals("studyright has no more rooms", 0, university.getRooms().size()); Assert.assertEquals("karli still has assignments", 2, karli.getDone().size()); // Assert.assertEquals("presidents is dead", false, president.alive); } /** * *

Storyboard JsonPersistency


* How to serialize an object model to json and how to read json into an object model *


Step 1: Example object structure:


Step 2: Serialize to json:

* *
   *       // =====================================================
   *       storyboard.addStep("Serialize to json:");
   *       storyboard.markCodeStart();
   *       IdMap idMap = UniversityCreator.createIdMap("demo");
   *       JsonArray jsonArray = idMap.toJsonArray(university);

* Results in: *

* *
   * [
   *    {
   *       "session":"demo",
   *       "class":"org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.University",
   *       "id":"U611694416394763",
   *       "timestamp":"611694416394763",
   *       "prop":{
   *          "name":"StudyRight",
   *          "students":[
   *             {
   *                "session":"demo",
   *                "class":"org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.Student",
   *                "id":"S611694416636540",
   *                "timestamp":"611694416636540"
   *             }
   *          ]
   *       }
   *    },
   *    {
   *       "session":"demo",
   *       "class":"org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.Student",
   *       "id":"S611694416636540",
   *       "timestamp":"611694416636540",
   *       "prop":{
   *          "id":"4242",
   *          "name":"Karli",
   *          "university":{
   *             "class":"org.sdmlib.test.examples.studyrightWithAssignments.model.University",
   *             "id":"U611694416394763"
   *          }
   *       }
   *    }
   * ]
* *

Step 3: Now read it back again

* *
   *       // =====================================================
   *       storyboard.addStep("Now read it back again");
   *       storyboard.markCodeStart();
   *       // read jsonText from file
* * JsonPersistencyStep8.png */ // @Test public void testJsonPersistency() { Storyboard storyboard = new Storyboard(); storyboard.add("How to serialize an object model to json and how to read json into an object model"); storyboard.addStep("Example object structure:"); University university = new University() .withName("StudyRight"); Student karli = university.createStudents() .withId("4242") .withName("Karli"); Assignment a1 = new Assignment() .withContent("Matrix Multiplication") .withPoints(5); Assignment a2 = new Assignment() .withContent("Series") .withPoints(6); Assignment integrals = new Assignment() .withContent("Integrals") .withPoints(8); // Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("senate") // .withTopic("math") // .withCredits(17) // .withStudents(karli) // .withAssignments(a1, a2, integrals); // Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("7522") // .withTopic("arts") // .withCredits(16) // .withDoors(mathRoom); // // Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("gymnasium") // .withTopic("sports") // .withCredits(25) // .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom); // Room examRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("The End") // .withTopic("exam") // .withCredits(0) // .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); // // Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() // .withName("7422") // .withTopic("Software Engineering") // .withCredits(42) // .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); // storyboard.addObjectDiagram( // "studyRight", university, // "karli", "icons/karli.png", karli, // "mathRoom", "icons/mathroom.png", mathRoom, // "artsRoom", artsRoom, // "sportsRoom", sportsRoom, // "examRoom", examRoom, // "placeToBe", softwareEngineering, // "icons/matrix.png", a1, // "icons/limes.png", a2, "icons/integralAssignment.png", integrals); // ===================================================== storyboard.addStep("Serialize to json:"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); IdMap idMap = UniversityCreator.createIdMap("demo"); JsonArray jsonArray = idMap.toJsonArray(university); String jsonText = jsonArray.toString(3); // you might write jsonText into a file storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.add("Results in:"); storyboard.add("
" + jsonText + "
"); // ===================================================== storyboard.addStep("Now read it back again"); storyboard.markCodeStart(); // read jsonText from file IdMap readerMap = UniversityCreator.createIdMap("demo"); Object rootObject = readerMap.decode(jsonText); University readUniversity = (University) rootObject; storyboard.addCode(); storyboard.addObjectDiagram(rootObject); storyboard.dumpHTML(); } /** * *

Storyboard StudyRightObjectModelNavigationAndQueries


* Extend the class model: *


* How to navigate and query an object model. *


Step 1: Example object structure:

* * *

Step 2: Simple set based navigation:

* *
   *       double assignmentPoints = university.getRooms().getAssignments().getPoints().sum();
   *       double donePoints = university.getStudents().getDone().getPoints().sum();

* Results in: *

* *
   *       Sum of assignment points: 23.0. 
   *       Sum of points of assignments that have been done by at least one students: 15.0.

* Check: Assignment points: 23.0 actual 23.0 *


* Check: donePoints: 15.0 actual 15.0 *


Step 3: Rooms with assignments not yet done by Karli:

* *
   *       AssignmentSet availableAssignments = university.getRooms().getAssignments().minus(karli.getDone());
   *       RoomSet rooms = availableAssignments.getRoom();

* Results in: *

* *
   *       (17 senate math, 25 gymnasium sports)

* Check: rooms.size(): 2 actual 2 *


Step 4: Filter for attribute:

* *
   *       RoomSet rooms17 = university.getRooms().createCreditsCondition(17);
   *       RoomSet roomsGE20 = university.getRooms().createCreditsCondition(20, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

* Results in: *

* *
   *       rooms17: (17 senate math)
   *       roomsGE20: (25 gymnasium sports, 42 7422 Software Engineering)
* *

Step 5: Filter for even values:

* *
   *       SimpleSet<Room> roomsEven = university.getRooms().filter(r -> r.getCredits() % 2 == 0);

* Results in: *

* *
   *       (16 7522 arts, 0 The End exam, 42 7422 Software Engineering)
* *

Step 6: Filter for type:

* *
   *       // TOODO TeachingAssistantSet taStudents = university.getRooms().getStudents().instanceOfTeachingAssistant();
   *       StudentSet taStuds = university.getRooms().getStudents().filter(s -> s instanceof TeachingAssistant);
   *       TeachingAssistantSet taStudents = new TeachingAssistantSet().with(taStuds);
* *
   * (0 0 4242 0 Karli)
* *

Step 7: Write operations on sets:

* *
   *       university.getStudents().withMotivation(42);
* * * */ // @Test public void testStudyRightObjectModelNavigationAndQueries() { Storyboard story = new Storyboard(); story.add("Extend the class model:"); story.add("How to navigate and query an object model."); story.addStep("Example object structure:"); University university = new University() .withName("StudyRight"); Student abu = university.createStudents() .withId("1337") .withName("Abu"); Student karli = new TeachingAssistant().withCertified(true); university.withStudents(karli .withId("4242") .withName("Karli")); Student alice = university.createStudents() .withId("2323") .withName("Alice"); abu.withFriends(alice); Assignment a1 = new Assignment() .withContent("Matrix Multiplication") .withPoints(5) .withStudents(abu); Assignment a2 = new Assignment() .withContent("Series") .withPoints(6); Assignment a3 = new Assignment() .withContent("Integrals") .withPoints(8); karli.withDone(a1, a2); Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("senate") .withTopic("math") .withCredits(17) .withStudents(karli) .withAssignments(a1, a2, a3); Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("7522") .withTopic("arts") .withCredits(16) .withDoors(mathRoom); Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("gymnasium") .withTopic("sports") .withCredits(25) .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom) .withStudents(abu, alice); Assignment a4 = sportsRoom.createAssignments() .withContent("Pushups") .withPoints(4) .withStudents(abu); Room examRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("The End") .withTopic("exam") .withCredits(0) .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() .withName("7422") .withTopic("Software Engineering") .withCredits(42) .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); story.addObjectDiagram(university); // ===================================================== story.addStep("Simple set based navigation:"); story.markCodeStart(); double assignmentPoints = university.getRooms().getAssignments().getPoints().sum(); double donePoints = university.getStudents().getDone().getPoints().sum(); story.addCode(); story.add("Results in:"); String text = CGUtil.replaceAll("" + " Sum of assignment points: 42. \n" + " Sum of points of assignments that have been done by at least one students: 84.", "42", assignmentPoints, "84", donePoints); story.addPreformatted(text); story.assertEquals("Assignment points: ", 23.0, assignmentPoints); story.assertEquals("donePoints: ", 15.0, donePoints); // ===================================================== story.addStep("Rooms with assignments not yet done by Karli:"); story.markCodeStart(); AssignmentSet availableAssignments = university.getRooms().getAssignments().minus(karli.getDone()); RoomSet rooms = availableAssignments.getRoom(); story.addCode(); story.add("Results in:"); story.addPreformatted(" " + rooms.toString()); story.assertEquals("rooms.size(): ", 2, rooms.size()); story.addStep("Filter for attribute:"); story.markCodeStart(); RoomSet rooms17 = university.getRooms().createCreditsCondition(17); RoomSet roomsGE20 = university.getRooms().createCreditsCondition(20, Integer.MAX_VALUE); story.addCode(); story.add("Results in:"); story.addPreformatted(" rooms17: " + rooms17.toString() + "\n roomsGE20: " + roomsGE20); story.addStep("Filter for even values:"); story.markCodeStart(); SimpleSet roomsEven = university.getRooms().filter(r -> ((Room) r).getCredits() % 2 == 0); story.addCode(); story.add("Results in:"); story.addPreformatted(" " + roomsEven); // ==================================================== story.addStep("Filter for type: "); story.markCodeStart(); // TOODO TeachingAssistantSet taStudents = // university.getRooms().getStudents().instanceOfTeachingAssistant(); StudentSet taStuds = university.getRooms().getStudents().filter(s -> s instanceof TeachingAssistant); TeachingAssistantSet taStudents = new TeachingAssistantSet().with(taStuds); story.addCode(); story.addPreformatted("" + taStudents); // ==================================================== story.addStep("Write operations on sets: "); story.markCodeStart(); university.getStudents().withMotivation(42); story.addCode(); story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(university.getStudents()); // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("Rooms with two students that are friends (and need supervision): "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // RoomPO roomPO = university.getRooms().createRoomPO(); // // StudentPO stud1PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO(); // // roomPO.createStudentsPO().createMotivationCondition(42).createFriendsLink(stud1PO); // // rooms = roomPO.allMatches(); // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(roomPO, false); // // story.add("Results in:"); // // story.addPreformatted(" " + rooms.toString()); // // // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("Rooms with two students with low motivation that are friends (and need // supervision): "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // roomPO = university.getRooms().createRoomPO(); // // stud1PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO(); // // final StudentPO stud2PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO().createMotivationCondition(0, 50); // // stud2PO.createFriendsLink(stud1PO); // // rooms = roomPO.allMatches(); // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(roomPO, false); // // story.add("Results in:"); // // story.addPreformatted(" " + rooms.toString()); // // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("Rooms with two students without supervision that are friends and add teaching // assistance: "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // UniversityPO uniPO = new UniversityPO(university); // // roomPO = uniPO.createRoomsPO(); // // stud1PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO().createMotivationCondition(0, 42); // // roomPO.createStudentsPO().createFriendsLink(stud1PO); // // roomPO.createTasLink(null); // // roomPO.createTasPO(CREATE); // // rooms = roomPO.allMatches(); // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(uniPO, false); // // // story.add("Internal pattern structure for debugging."); // // // // story.addObjectDiagramWith(roomPO.getPattern(), // // roomPO.getPattern().getElementsTransitive(null)); // // story.add("Results in:"); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(rooms, rooms.getStudents(), rooms.getTas()); // // story.addPreformatted(" " + rooms.toString()); // // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("TAs as students in a room: "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // roomPO = university.getRooms().createRoomPO(); // // stud1PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO(); // // TeachingAssistantPO taPO = stud1PO.instanceOf(new TeachingAssistantPO()); // // TeachingAssistantSet taSet = taPO.allMatches(); // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(roomPO, false); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(taSet, taSet.getRoom()); // // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("Double motivation of all students: "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // roomPO = university.getRooms().createRoomPO(); // // stud1PO = roomPO.createStudentsPO(); // // for (Match match : (Iterable) roomPO.getPattern()) // { // Student currentMatch = stud1PO.getCurrentMatch(); // // currentMatch.withMotivation(currentMatch.getMotivation() * 2); // // // or more simple: // stud1PO.withMotivation(stud1PO.getMotivation() * 2); // // Room assertMatch = roomPO.getCurrentMatch(); // // if (match.number == 1) // { // Assert.assertEquals("Karli", currentMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("senate", assertMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("math", assertMatch.getTopic()); // Assert.assertEquals(17, assertMatch.getCredits()); // } // else if (match.number == 2) // { // Assert.assertEquals("Abu", currentMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("gymnasium", assertMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("sports", assertMatch.getTopic()); // Assert.assertEquals(25, assertMatch.getCredits()); // } // else if (match.number == 3) // { // Assert.assertEquals("Alice", currentMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("gymnasium", assertMatch.getName()); // Assert.assertEquals("sports", assertMatch.getTopic()); // Assert.assertEquals(25, assertMatch.getCredits()); // } // // // System.out.println("match " + match.number + ": " + currentMatch + " // // in room " + roomPO.getCurrentMatch()); // } // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(roomPO, false); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(university.getStudents(), university.getStudents().getIn()); // // // ===================================================== // story.addStep("lure students from other rooms into math room: "); // // story.markCodeStart(); // // roomPO = new RoomPO(mathRoom); // // stud1PO = roomPO.createPath(r -> ((Room) r).getDoors().getStudents(), new StudentPO()); // // stud1PO.startCreate(); // // stud1PO.createInLink(roomPO); // // stud1PO.allMatches(); // // story.addCode(); // // story.addPattern(roomPO, false); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(mathRoom, mathRoom.getDoors(), mathRoom.getStudents()); // // story.assertEquals("New students in math room: ", 3, mathRoom.getStudents().size()); story.dumpHTML(); } /** * *

Storyboard StudyRightTablesAndReports


* How to generate table reports from a model. *


Step 1: Example object structure:

* * *

Step 2: Query for table

* *
   *          UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university);
   *          RoomPO createRoomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO();
   *          Table table = universityPO.createResultTable();
* * *

* Results in: *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
StudyRight17 senate math
StudyRight16 7522 arts
StudyRight25 gymnasium sports
* * *
   *          table.createColumns("Topic", row -> {
   *             Room r = row.getCellValue("B");
   *             return r.getTopic();
   *          });
   *          table.createColumns("Credits", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getCredits())
   *             .withTdCssClass("text-right");
   *          table.createColumns("Students", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getStudents().size())
   *             .withTdCssClass("text-right");
   *          table.withoutColumns("A", "B");
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *

Step 3: List all topics:

* *
   *          UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university);
   *          TablePO tablePO = new TablePO(CREATE);
   *          universityPO.addToPattern(tablePO);
   *          tablePO.createNameAssignment("University");
   *          ColumnPO col1PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE).createNameAssignment("Topic");
   *          ColumnPO col2PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE)
   *             .createNameAssignment("Credits")
   *             .createTdCssClassAssignment("text-right");
   *          ColumnPO col3PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE)
   *             .createNameAssignment("Students")
   *             .createTdCssClassAssignment("text-right");
   *          RoomPO roomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO();
   *          RowPO rowPO = tablePO.createRowsPO(CREATE);
   *          CellPO cell1PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col1PO, CREATE);
   *          cell1PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getTopic()) != null);
   *          CellPO cell2PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col2PO, CREATE);
   *          cell2PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getCredits()) != null);
   *          CellPO cell3PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col3PO, CREATE);
   *          cell3PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getStudents().size()) != null);
   *          universityPO.doAllMatches();

* Results in: *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * *

Step 4: Do a nested table

* *
   *          UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university);
   *          RoomPO createRoomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO();
   *          Table table = universityPO.createResultTable();
   *          table.createColumns("Topic", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getTopic());
   *          table.createColumns("Assignments", row -> addAssignments(row));
   *          table.createColumns("Students", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getStudents().size())
   *             .withTdCssClass("text-right");
   *          table.withoutColumns("A", "B");
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
math * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Matrix Multiplication5
arts * * * * * * * * * * *
sports * * * * * * * * * * *
*/ // @Test public void testStudyRightTablesAndReports() { Storyboard story = new Storyboard(); story.add("How to generate table reports from a model."); story.addStep("Example object structure:"); University university = new University() .withName("StudyRight"); Student abu = university.createStudents() .withId("1337") .withName("Abu"); Student karli = new TeachingAssistant().withCertified(true); university.withStudents(karli .withId("4242") .withName("Karli")); Student alice = university.createStudents() .withId("2323") .withName("Alice"); abu.withFriends(alice); Assignment a1 = new Assignment() .withContent("Matrix Multiplication") .withPoints(5) .withStudents(abu); Assignment a2 = new Assignment() .withContent("Series") .withPoints(6); // Assignment a3 = new Assignment() .withContent("Integrals") .withPoints(8); karli.withDone(a1, a2); Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("senate") .withTopic("math") .withCredits(17) .withStudents(karli) .withAssignments(a1, a2, a3); Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("7522") .withTopic("arts") .withCredits(16) .withDoors(mathRoom); Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() .withName("gymnasium") .withTopic("sports") .withCredits(25) .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom) .withStudents(abu, alice); // Assignment a4 = // sportsRoom.createAssignments().withContent("Pushups").withPoints(4).withStudents(abu); // Room examRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("The End") // .withTopic("exam") // .withCredits(0) // .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); // Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() // .withName("7422") // .withTopic("Software Engineering") // .withCredits(42) // .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); story.addObjectDiagram(university); story.addStep("Query for table"); { story.markCodeStart(); UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university); RoomPO createRoomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO(); Table table = universityPO.createResultTable(); story.addCode(); story.addPattern(universityPO, false); story.add("Results in:"); story.addTable(table); // filter row rule TablePO tablePO = new TablePO(table); RowPO rowPO = tablePO.createRowsPO(); CellPO cellPO = rowPO.createCellsPO(); RoomPO roomPO = new RoomPO(); cellPO.hasLink("value", roomPO); roomPO.startNAC(); roomPO.createStudentsPO(); roomPO.endNAC(); rowPO.startSubPattern(); CellPO otherCellPO = rowPO.createCellsPO(); otherCellPO.destroy(); otherCellPO.doAllMatches(); rowPO.endSubPattern(); rowPO.destroy(); rowPO.doAllMatches(); story.addPattern(tablePO, false); story.markCodeStart(); table.createColumns("Topic", row -> { Room r = row.getCellValue("B"); return r.getTopic(); }); table.createColumns("Credits", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getCredits()) .withTdCssClass("text-right"); table.createColumns("Students", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getStudents().size()) .withTdCssClass("text-right"); table.withoutColumns("A", "B"); story.addCode(); story.addTable(table); double creditsSum = table.getColumn("Credits").getValueSum(); String csv = table.getCSV(); try { Files.write(Paths.get("doc/StudyRight.csv"), csv.getBytes(), StandardOpenOption.CREATE, StandardOpenOption.TRUNCATE_EXISTING); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } tablePO = new TablePO(table); ColumnPO columnsPO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE); columnsPO.createNameAssignment("Topic"); tablePO.startSubPattern(); rowPO = tablePO.createRowsPO(); cellPO = rowPO.createCellsPO(); roomPO = new RoomPO(); cellPO.hasLink("value", roomPO); cellPO.startCreate(); CellPO cellPO2 = columnsPO.createCellsPO(CREATE); cellPO2.createValueAssignment("r5.topic"); cellPO.endCreate(); tablePO.endSubPattern(); story.addPattern(tablePO, false); } // ===================================================== story.addStep("List all topics:"); { story.markCodeStart(); UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university); TablePO tablePO = new TablePO(CREATE); universityPO.addToPattern(tablePO); tablePO.createNameAssignment("University"); ColumnPO col1PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE).createNameAssignment("Topic"); ColumnPO col2PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE) .createNameAssignment("Credits") .createTdCssClassAssignment("text-right"); ColumnPO col3PO = tablePO.createColumnsPO(CREATE) .createNameAssignment("Students") .createTdCssClassAssignment("text-right"); RoomPO roomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO(); RowPO rowPO = tablePO.createRowsPO(CREATE); CellPO cell1PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col1PO, CREATE); cell1PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getTopic()) != null); CellPO cell2PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col2PO, CREATE); cell2PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getCredits()) != null); CellPO cell3PO = rowPO.createCellsPO(CREATE).createColumnLink(col3PO, CREATE); cell3PO.createCondition(cell -> cell.withValue(roomsPO.getStudents().size()) != null); universityPO.doAllMatches(); story.addCode(); story.add("Results in:"); story.addTable(tablePO.getCurrentMatch()); story.addObjectDiagram(tablePO.getCurrentMatch()); } story.addStep("Do a nested table"); { story.markCodeStart(); UniversityPO universityPO = new UniversityPO(university); RoomPO createRoomsPO = universityPO.createRoomsPO(); Table table = universityPO.createResultTable(); table.createColumns("Topic", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getTopic()); table.createColumns("Assignments", row -> addAssignments(row)); table.createColumns("Students", row -> ((Room) row.getCellValue("B")).getStudents().size()) .withTdCssClass("text-right"); table.withoutColumns("A", "B"); story.addCode(); story.addTable(table); } story.dumpHTML(); } public Table addAssignments(Row row) { Room room = (Room) row.getCellValue("B"); RoomPO roomPO = new RoomPO(room); AssignmentPO assignmentPO = roomPO.createAssignmentsPO(); Table table = roomPO.createResultTable(); table.createColumns("Content", r -> ((Assignment) r.getCellValue("B")).getContent()); table.createColumns("Points", r -> ((Assignment) r.getCellValue("B")).getPoints()) .withTdCssClass("text-right"); table.withoutColumns("A", "B"); return table; } // // /** // * // * @see StudyRightReachabilityGraph.html // * @see StudyRightReachabilityGraph.html // */ // @Test // public void testStudyRightReachabilityGraph() // { // Storyboard story = new Storyboard(); // // story.addStep("Build a start graph"); // // University university = new University() // .withName("StudyRight"); // // Student karli = university.createStudents() // .withId("1337") // .withName("Karli") // .withMotivation(100); // // Room mathRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("senate") // .withTopic("math") // .withCredits(17) // .withStudents(karli); // // karli.withCredits(17).withMotivation(100 - 17); // // Room artsRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("7522") // .withTopic("arts") // .withCredits(16) // .withDoors(mathRoom); // // Room sportsRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("gymnasium") // .withTopic("sports") // .withCredits(25) // .withDoors(mathRoom, artsRoom); // // Room examRoom = university.createRooms() // .withName("The End") // .withTopic("exam") // .withCredits(0) // .withDoors(sportsRoom, artsRoom); // // Room softwareEngineering = university.createRooms() // .withName("7422") // .withTopic("Software Engineering") // .withCredits(42) // .withDoors(artsRoom, examRoom); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith(university, karli, university.getRooms()); // // // ===================================================== // IdMap idMap = UniversityCreator.createIdMap("s"); // idMap.with(ReachabilityGraphCreator.createIdMap("rg")); // // ReachableState startState = new ReachableState().withGraphRoot(university); // ReachabilityGraph reachabilityGraph = new ReachabilityGraph().withMasterMap(idMap) // .withStates(startState).withTodo(startState); // // UniversityPO uniPO = new UniversityPO(); // // StudentPO studPO = uniPO.createStudentsPO(); // // RoomPO currentRoomPO = studPO.createInPO(); // // RoomPO nextRoomPO = currentRoomPO.createDoorsPO(); // // studPO.createCondition(s -> studPO.getMotivation() >= nextRoomPO.getCredits()); // // uniPO.getPattern().clone(reachabilityGraph); // // studPO.startCreate().createInLink(nextRoomPO).endCreate(); // // studPO.createCondition(s -> { // studPO.withMotivation(studPO.getMotivation() - nextRoomPO.getCredits()); // studPO.withCredits(studPO.getCredits() + nextRoomPO.getCredits()); // return true; // }); // // story.addPattern(uniPO, false); // // reachabilityGraph.addToRules(uniPO.getPattern().withName("next")); // // reachabilityGraph.explore(); // // ReachableStateSet allStates = reachabilityGraph.getStates(); // // interestingStates.addAll(reachabilityGraph.getStates().filterNumber(60, // // Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // // ReachableStateSet interestingStates = new ReachableStateSet(); // // for (ReachableState state : allStates) // { // University uni = (University) state.getGraphRoot(); // Student student = uni.getStudents().first(); // Room room = student.getIn(); // if (student.getMotivation() == 0 && room.getTopic().equals("exam")) // { // interestingStates.add(state); // break; // } // } // // RuleApplicationSet ruleApplications = new RuleApplicationSet(); // // ReachableState endState = interestingStates.first(); // // for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) // { // RuleApplication ruleApplication = endState.getResultOf().first(); // // if (ruleApplication != null) // { // ruleApplications.add(ruleApplication); // endState = ruleApplication.getSrc(); // interestingStates.add(endState); // } // else // { // break; // } // } // // UniversitySet interestingUniversities = CGUtil.instanceOf(interestingStates.getGraphRoot(), new // UniversitySet()); // // StudentSet studentsSet = CGUtil.instanceOf(allStates.getGraphRoot(), new // UniversitySet()).getStudents().filterMotivation(0); // // story.addObjectDiagramOnlyWith( // interestingStates, // ruleApplications, // interestingUniversities, // interestingUniversities.getStudents(), // interestingUniversities.getStudents().getIn()); // // // ok do it with search pattern // ReachabilityGraphPO reachabilityGraphPO = new ReachabilityGraphPO(reachabilityGraph); // ReachableStatePO statePO = reachabilityGraphPO.createStatesPO(); // UniversityPO universityPO = // statePO.createGraphRootPO().instanceOf(new UniversityPO()); // StudentPO studentPO = // universityPO.createStudentsPO().createMotivationCondition(0); // RoomPO roomPO = studentPO.createInPO().createTopicCondition("exam"); // // ReachableState currentMatch = statePO.getCurrentMatch(); // // story.add("Total number of states " + reachabilityGraph.getStates().size()); // // story.add("Success state " + currentMatch.getNumber()); // // story.addPattern(reachabilityGraphPO, true); // // story.dumpHTML(); // } }