Static methods

staticinline exists<T> (o:Dynamic<T>, name:String):Bool

exists returns true if o contains a field named name.

staticinline fields<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Array<String>

fields returns an array of string containing the field names of the argument object.

staticinline isEmpty<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Bool

isEmpty returns true if the object doesn't have any field.

staticmerge<T> (to:Dynamic<T>, from:Dynamic<T>, ?replacef:String ‑> Dynamic ‑> Dynamic ‑> Dynamic):Dynamic<T>

Copies the values from the fields of from to to. If to already contains those fields, then it replace those values with the return value of the function replacef.

If not set, replacef always returns the value from the from object.

staticinline size<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Int

size returns how many fields are present in the object.

statictoMap<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Map<String, T>

objectToMap transforms an anonymous object into an instance of Map<String, Dynamic>.

statictuples<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Array<Tuple2<String, T>>

Converts an object into an Array> where the left value (_0) of the tuple is the field name and the right value (_1) is the field value.

staticinline values<T> (o:Dynamic<T>):Array<Dynamic>

values returns an array of dynamic values containing the values of each field in the argument object.