About Diceware
Diceware is a password creation system that forms a password using dice to select words at random from a lengthy word list. A sample Diceware wordlist contains 7776 words. So, for every truly random selection from this list the number of possible passwords (we'll call this "n") will equal 7776^n.
Diceware is a great method to use for creating a secure, yet easy to memorize, master password for accounts such as your computer, password manager, and email.
- Put five numbers in each of the boxes below.
- At least six boxes must be completed for you to generate a sufficiently strong password.
- None of the individual numbers that you use can be higher than the number 6. That means the highest number any box can hold is 66666. In other words, you cannot use the numbers 7, 8, 9 or 0.
- Only choose numbers by rolling dice. Any other methods may lack sufficient randomness to produce good passwords.
- Please note that the password produced by the generator will contain spaces and that in general, password managers will accept spaces in passwords.