Working with High Contrast Mode

Working with High Contrast Mode. #a11yTOCamp. November 18, 2017

Hi there!

  • Designer at thoughtbot in Boston, MA
  • Occasional author at CSS-Tricks
  • MDN contributor
  • Janitor at the The A11Y Project

Head’s up

  • Video
  • High contrast
  • Mild strobing

The ideal



We don’t live in a perfect world

Grey (eh?) and gray (ah!)

Two gray squares, one light and one dark. The light gray square has a failing contrast ratio of 1.1, and the dark gray square has a failing contrast ratio of 2.8.

The real world is complicated

Irlen Syndrome

Scotopic sensitivity

You don’t know what you don’t know

Keep your content open and interoperable

It's important to recognise that experience is not a singular thing, our experience is not universal, not everyone accesses content the same way we do, on the same devices, on the same networks, in the same modalities we do.

And when we design the web in the way that we expereince it, we actually limit the way that other people experience it. We actually exclude the people that are not like us, and that's not great.

—Aaron Gustafson

High Contrast Mode

A thing that exists

Where it works

Windows 7+

Internet Explorer 10+

Microsoft Edge

Different themes

Stock Windows 10 High Contrast Mode themes

Screenshots of the 4 themes: High Contrast 1, High Contrast 2, High Contrast Black, High Contrast White

High Contrast 1 theme example

High Contrast 2 theme example

High Contrast Black theme example

High Contrast White theme example

Custom themes

Video example of a custom high contrast theme creation

Who uses it:


People experiencing a biological condition

People experiencing an environmental condition

Tell me the numbers


Tweet explaining universal utility

Tweet by Shaun Finglas: Protip - max brightness and high contrast mode enabled allows you to use your laptop in the garden. Looks ugly but functional.


Visual Presentation

“Foreground and background colors
can be selected by the user.”

Firefox support

Firefox logo

So close, and yet so far away

Chrome support

Screenshot of Chrome prompting the user to install a high contrast extension when High Contrast Mode is enabled.

How it works


Using it

The three Microsoft vendor-prefixed media queries

                        /* Targets the High Contrast Black theme: */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: white-on-black) { }

                        /* Targets the High Contrast White theme: */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: black-on-white) { }

                        /* Targets any active High Contrast theme */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) { }

The one usable Microsoft vendor-prefixed media querie

                        /* Targets the High Contrast Black theme: */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: white-on-black) { }

                        /* Targets the High Contrast White theme: */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: black-on-white) { }
                        /* Targets any active High Contrast theme */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) { }

System Colors

CSS2 System Color keywords
ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background
ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText
CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText
InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground
InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar
ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow
ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText

Using CSS2 system color keywords to do malicious things

A fake Windows 95 error message that reads, 'Windows requires additional information before it can continue displaying this web page. Please provide your credit card number.'. Screenshot.

High Contrast Mode Keywords

CSS2 System Color keywords
ActiveBorder ActiveCaption AppWorkspace Background
ButtonFace ButtonHighlight ButtonShadow ButtonText
CaptionText GrayText Highlight HighlightText
InactiveBorder InactiveCaption InactiveCaptionText InfoBackground
InfoText Menu MenuText Scrollbar
ThreeDDarkShadow ThreeDFace ThreeDHighlight ThreeDLightShadow
ThreeDShadow Window WindowFrame WindowText
Remaining High Contrast Mode color keywords
ActiveBorder, deprecated ActiveCaption, deprecated AppWorkspace, deprecated Background, deprecated
ButtonFace ButtonHighlight, deprecated ButtonShadow, deprecated ButtonText, deprecated
CaptionText, deprecated GrayText, deprecated Highlight HighlightText
InactiveBorder, deprecated InactiveCaption, deprecated InactiveCaptionText, deprecated InfoBackground, deprecated
InfoText, deprecated Menu, deprecated MenuText, deprecated Scrollbar, deprecated
ThreeDDarkShadow, deprecated ThreeDFace, deprecated ThreeDHighlight, deprecated ThreeDLightShadow, deprecated
ThreeDShadow, deprecated Window WindowFrame, deprecated WindowText
High Contrast color keywords and how they are applied
Keyword Content Type
<a> Links

“Isn’t this limited?”

Yes, that's the point!

Explaining High Contrast Mode's utility

Tweet by Hugo Giraudel: High contrast mode is not about design anymore, but strict usability. You should aim for highest readability, not color aesthetics.

Keep it predictable

Gentle nudges, not complete overhauls

Using it

Example of an input that does not work in High Contrast Mode

Move the placeholder label

Activate High Contrast Mode

                        /* Apply styling when High Contrast Mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {

Apply a border

                        /* Apply styling when High Contrast Mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                            input {
                                border: 2px solid #ffffff;

Apply a color keyword to the border

                        /* Apply styling when High Contrast Mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                            input {
                                border: 2px solid buttonFace;

Example of a button written using ARIA

                        <span class="button" role="button" tabindex="0">
                          Download Pizza
  Download Pizza  

Activate High Contrast Mode

                        <span class="button" role="button" tabindex="0">
                          Download Pizza

                        /* Apply styling when High Contrast Mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
  Download Pizza  

Target ARIA using a CSS attribute selector and style

                        <span class="button" role="button" tabindex="0">
                          Download Pizza

                        /* Apply styling when High Contrast Mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                            [role="button"] {
                                border: 0.15em solid buttonText;
                                color: buttonText;
  Download Pizza  

Content considerations

Background images

“Don’t use CSS background images to deliver content.”

—Terrill Thompson

Edge generates backgrounds for text over background images

Screenshot of Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 running in High Contrast Mode. Edge has generated a background when text is placed over background images to help legibility.

Raster images

JPEGs, PNGs, GIFs, etc.

Adjust images in High Contrast Mode using CSS filters

                        /* Slightly enhance important images */
                        @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                          img.hero {
                            filter: brightness(1) contrast(1) saturate(1.5);

Example of toggling filter adjustments

Photo of Vice President Biden meeting Biden the Golden Retriever.

Source: AP/REX/Shutterstock


Scalable Vector Graphics

Non-interactive icons

                        /* Only applies to inline SVG */
                        /* Non-interactive icons */
                        .icon-svg {
                          fill: currentColor;
CheckmarkA checkmark in a circle File saved!

Button icons

                        /* Interactive icons */
                        @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                          button.icon-svg {
                              background: none;
                              border-color: buttonText;
                              fill: buttonText;
Add imageA generic image file icon Add ordered listAn icon representing an ordered list RefreshAn icon of a circle with an arrow in it, with the arrow pointing to it's own tail UnderlineAn icon of a a capital letter U with a border underneath it CopyAn icon of a clipboard

SVG chart example

Club Membership A graph that demonstrates an overall growth in clip members both over age 64 and under and over until the year 1990, where membership drops dramatically.

Styling SVG with CSS

                        /* Static color declarations */
                        .bar-chart { background-color: #ffffff; }

                        .bar-chart .frame { stroke: #000000; }

                        .bar-chart .text { fill: #000000; }

                        .bar-chart .age-sixtyfour-under { fill: #0074d9; }

                        .bar-chart .age-sixtyfour-under { fill: #ffdc00; }

Dynamically styling SVG with CSS in High Contrast Mode

                        /* Dynamic color when High Contrast mode is active */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                          .bar-chart { background-color: window; }

                          .bar-chart .frame { stroke: highlightText; }
                          .bar-chart .text { fill: highlightText; }

                          .bar-chart .age-sixtyfour-under { fill: windowText; }

                          .bar-chart .age-sixtyfour-over { fill: highlight; }

SVG chart example, again

Club Membership A graph that demonstrates an overall growth in clip members both over age 64 and under and over until the year 1990, where membership drops dramatically.

Complicated SVG illustration

A detailed vector illustration of a Gallardo sportscar.



Audio, video, etc.

Fancy tricks

CSS that removes content from High Contrast Mode

                        /* Remove from High Contrast Mode, but maintain layout */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                            .hcm-remove {
                                visibility: hidden;

CSS that forces content to display as text in High Contrast Mode

                        /* Force content to display as text in High Contrast Mode */
                        @media (-ms-high-contrast: active) {
                            .hcm-display-as-text {
                                color: windowText;

Tweet about transparent borders working in High Contrast mode

Adding a transparent border to buttons that have no borders can help make the buttons more obvious in high contrast mode.

Cut the Microsoft mustard

                        if (window.matchMedia("(-ms-high-contrast: active)").matches) {
                          // We have support for IE 10+
                        } else {
                          // Load a good fallback experience

Related Media Queries


Screnshot of Humans of New York on an iPhone

Screnshot of Humans of New York on an iPhone with Inverted Colors turned on

CSS targeting images when colors have been inverted

                        /* Invert inverted images */
                        @media (inverted-colors) {
                          img {
                            filter: invert(100%);

Screnshot of Humans of New York on an iPhone with Inverted Colors turned on and images inverted to look better

Light Level

CSS targeting content when the ambient light level is high

                        /* Boost contrast between elements */
                        @media (light-level: washed) {
                          body {
                            background-color: #ffffff;

                          p {
                            color: #000000;
                            font-size: 120%;

Demonstrating potential interoperability

A fake Chrome extension demonstrating how extensions could be used to trigger a washed media query.

How to do it?



Where to do it?

Early in your process

Late in your process

Shift left
Shift left
Shift left

“But I don't have
a Windows computer!”

VirtualBox logo

Free Virtual Machines from IE8 to MS Edge

VirtualBox logo

Amazon WorkSpaces - Amazon AWS

Good user experiences meet the user where they are, not where we hope they’ll be.

Thank you


List of references, 1 of 2

List of references, 2 of 2


List of resources