.. _recipes: Code recipes ============ Collection of useful patterns, snippets and recipes. When using the recipes in a notebook, don't forget to use ``util.startLoop()``. Fetching consecutive historical data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Suppose we want to get the 1 min bar data of Tesla since the very beginning up until now. The best way is to start with now and keep requesting further and further back in time until there is no more data returned. .. code-block:: python import datetime from ib_insync import * ib = IB() ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=1) contract = Stock('TSLA', 'SMART', 'USD') dt = '' barsList = [] while True: bars = ib.reqHistoricalData( contract, endDateTime=dt, durationStr='10 D', barSizeSetting='1 min', whatToShow='MIDPOINT', useRTH=True, formatDate=1) if not bars: break barsList.append(bars) dt = bars[0].date print(dt) # save to CSV file allBars = [b for bars in reversed(barsList) for b in bars] df = util.df(allBars) df.to_csv(contract.symbol + '.csv', index=False) Scanner data (blocking) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python allParams = ib.reqScannerParameters() print(allParams) sub = ScannerSubscription( instrument='FUT.US', locationCode='FUT.GLOBEX', scanCode='TOP_PERC_GAIN') scanData = ib.reqScannerData(sub) print(scanData) Scanner data (streaming) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python def onScanData(scanData): print(scanData[0]) print(len(scanData)) sub = ScannerSubscription( instrument='FUT.US', locationCode='FUT.GLOBEX', scanCode='TOP_PERC_GAIN') scanData = ib.reqScannerSubscription(sub) scanData.updateEvent += onScanData ib.sleep(60) ib.cancelScannerSubscription(scanData) Option calculations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python option = Option('EOE', '20171215', 490, 'P', 'FTA', multiplier=100) calc = ib.calculateImpliedVolatility( option, optionPrice=6.1, underPrice=525) print(calc) calc = ib.calculateOptionPrice( option, volatility=0.14, underPrice=525) print(calc) Order book ^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python eurusd = Forex('EURUSD') ticker = ib.reqMktDepth(eurusd) while ib.sleep(5): print( [d.price for d in ticker.domBids], [d.price for d in ticker.domAsks]) Minimum price increments ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python usdjpy = Forex('USDJPY') cd = ib.reqContractDetails(usdjpy)[0] print(cd.marketRuleIds) rules = [ ib.reqMarketRule(ruleId) for ruleId in cd.marketRuleIds.split(',')] print(rules) News articles ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python newsProviders = ib.reqNewsProviders() print(newsProviders) codes = '+'.join(np.code for np in newsProviders) amd = Stock('AMD', 'SMART', 'USD') ib.qualifyContracts(amd) headlines = ib.reqHistoricalNews(amd.conId, codes, '', '', 10) latest = headlines[0] print(latest) article = ib.reqNewsArticle(latest.providerCode, latest.articleId) print(article) News bulletins ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python ib.reqNewsBulletins(True) ib.sleep(5) print(ib.newsBulletins()) WSH Event Calendar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A `Wall Street Horizon subscription `_ is needed to get corporate event data. .. code-block:: python from ib_insync import * ib = IB() ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=1) # Get the conId of an instrument (IBM in this case): ibm = Stock('IBM', 'SMART', 'USD') ib.qualifyContracts(ibm) print(ibm.conId) # is 8314 # Get the list of available filters and event types: meta = ib.getWshMetaData() print(meta) # For IBM (with conId=8314) query the: # - Earnings Dates (wshe_ed) # - Board of Directors meetings (wshe_bod) data = WshEventData( filter = '''{ "country": "All", "watchlist": ["8314"], "limit_region": 10, "limit": 10, "wshe_ed": "true", "wshe_bod": "true" }''') events = ib.getWshEventData(data) print(events) Dividends ^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python contract = Stock('INTC', 'SMART', 'USD') ticker = ib.reqMktData(contract, '456') ib.sleep(2) print(ticker.dividends) Output:: Dividends(past12Months=1.2, next12Months=1.2, nextDate=datetime.date(2019, 2, 6), nextAmount=0.3) Fundemental ratios ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python contract = Stock('IBM', 'SMART', 'USD') ticker = ib.reqMktData(contract, '258') ib.sleep(2) print(ticker.fundamentalRatios) Short-lived connections ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This IB socket protocol is designed to be used for a long-lived connection, lasting a day or so. For short connections, where for example just a few orders are fired of, it is best to add one second of delay before closing the connection. This gives the connection some time to flush the data that has not been sent yet. .. code-block:: python ib = IB() ib.connect() ... # create and submit some orders ib.sleep(1) # added delay ib.disconnect() Integration with PyQt5 or PySide2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: images/qt-tickertable.png `This example `_ of a ticker table shows how to integrate both realtime streaming and synchronous API requests in a single-threaded Qt application. The API requests in this example are ``connect`` and ``ib.qualifyContracts()``; The latter is used to get the conId of a contract and use that as a unique key. The Qt interface will not freeze when a request is ongoing and it is even possible to have multiple outstanding requests at the same time. This example depends on PyQt5: ``pip3 install -U PyQt5``. It's also possible to use PySide2 instead; To do so uncomment the PySide2 import and ``util.useQt`` lines in the example and comment out their PyQt5 counterparts. Integration with Tkinter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To integrate with the Tkinter event loop, take a look at `this example app `_. Integration with PyGame ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By calling ``ib.sleep`` from within the PyGame run loop, ib_insync can periodically run for short whiles and keep up to date: .. code-block:: python import ib_insync as ibi import pygame def onTicker(ticker): screen.fill(bg_color) text = f'bid: {ticker.bid} ask: {ticker.ask}' quote = font.render(text, True, fg_color) screen.blit(quote, (40, 40)) pygame.display.flip() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((800, 600)) font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 48) bg_color = (255, 255, 255) fg_color = (0, 0, 0) ib = ibi.IB() ib.connect() contract = ibi.Forex('EURUSD') ticker = ib.reqMktData(contract) ticker.updateEvent += onTicker running = True while running: # This updates IB-insync: ib.sleep(0.03) # This updates PyGame: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False pygame.quit()