Changelog ========= 0.9 --- Version 0.9.86 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`588`: Fixed account summary tag. * Fixed: :issue:`589`: Fixed more account summary tags. * pull:`598`: Year updates Version 0.9.85 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`586`: Revert socket protocol back to version 176. Version 0.9.84 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Potential fix for ``reqWshEventData``. Version 0.9.83 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added support for WSH (Wall Street Horizon) requests plus the (blocking) convenience methods ``getWshMetaData`` and ``getWshEventData``. * Updated socket protocol to version 177. * Added support for ``Event`` security type. Version 0.9.82 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`534`: Session parsing for Forex contracts. * Fixed: :issue:`536`: Handle empty session field. * Fixed: :issue:`541`: Remove superfluous closing bracket. * Fixed: :issue:`542`: Use float size for ``pnlSingle``. * Fixed: :issue:`544`: Cancel head-time request after completion. * Fixed: :issue:`545`: Return ``Trade`` instead of ``Order`` for ``reqOpenOrders`` and ``reqAllOpenOrders``. * :pull:`553`: Volume bar added. * :pull:`565`: Typo fix. Version 0.9.81 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Add ``ContractDetails.tradingSessions()`` and ``ContractDetails.liquidSessions()`` to parse session times. * Fix ``IBC.on2fatimeout`` command line argument for Unix. Version 0.9.80 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix ``ib.reqMatchingSymbols`` to handle bond contracts. Version 0.9.79 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix datetime parsing. Version 0.9.78 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added ``account`` parameter to ``ib.portfolio()``. * Added ``IBC.on2fatimeout`` field. * Removed obsolete ``IBController``. * Fixed: :issue:`530`: Use explicit timezone in requests as per new API requirement. Version 0.9.77 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :pull:`528`: Fixes regression in ````. Version 0.9.76 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`525`: For ``whatIf`` request treat error 110 as failure. Version 0.9.75 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`524`: Use fix from Papakipos for issue with ``FlexReport`` downloading. Version 0.9.74 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix ``reqContractDetails`` bug in combination with latest TWS. * Update the code to comply with stricter MyPy checks. Version 0.9.73 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :pull:`523`: Fix ``completedOrder`` parsing for new socket protocol. Version 0.9.72 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :pull:`507`: Fixes ``bondContractDetails`` request. * Fixed: :issue:`502`: Treat error 110 as a warning. * Added ``manualOrderTime`` and ``manualCancelOrderTime`` for audit trails. * Added ``PEG MID`` and ``PEG BEST`` order types. * Added contract fields ``description`` and ``issuerId``. * Added ``IB.reqUserInfo()``. * Support socket protocol version 176. Version 0.9.71 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * :pull:`453`: Added support for ``bidExchange`` and ``askExchange`` fields to ``Ticker``. * :pull:`489`: ``Watchdog.start()`` now returns a ``Future``. * Fixed: :issue:`439`: Set ``marketDataType`` directly on ``Ticker``. * Fixed: :issue:`441`: Add explicit timezone of None to accomodate pandas Timestamp. * Fixed: :issue:`471`: Revised ``Ticker.marketPrice()`` calculation. * Added ``minTick``, ``bboExchange`` and ``snapshotPermissions`` fields to ``Ticker``. * Added ``minSize``, ``sizeIncrement`` and ``suggestedSizeIncrement`` fields to ``ContractDetails``. * Added ``IB.reqHistoricalSchedule`` request. * Added ``IB.reqSmartComponents`` request. * Added ``Order.advancedErrorOverride`` field. Any advanced error message is made availble from ``Trade.advancedError``. * Added a `recipe for integration with PyGame `_. * Minimum required TWSAPI client protocol version is 157 now. Version 0.9.70 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`413`: Set the appropriate events as done on disconnect. * Exported symbols are now static so that the VSCode/PyLance code analyzer can understand it. Version 0.9.69 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`403`: Change validity test for whatIfOrder response. Version 0.9.68 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`402`: Downloading historical ticks for crypto currencies. Version 0.9.67 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Crypto`` security class added. To accommodate fractional crypto currency sizes, all the various ``size`` and ``volume`` fields that were of type ``int`` are now of type ``float``. * :pull:`385`: Get day trades remaining for next four days in ``IB.accountSummary``. * Fixed: :issue:`361`: Prevent ``util.logToConsole`` and ``util.logToFile`` from messing with the root logger. * Fixed: :issue:`370`: Catch ``asyncio.CancelledError`` during connect. * Fixed: :issue:`371`: Fix type annotation for ``reqMarketRuleAsync``. * Fixed: :issue:`380`: Reject bogus ``whatIf`` order response. * Fixed: :issue:`389`: Add ``TradeLogEntry.errorCode`` field. Version 0.9.66 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`360`: Improved disconnect. * Fixed issue with duplicate orderId. * Update ``Order`` default values to work with the latest beta TWS/gateway. * :pull:`348`: Added PySide6 support. Version 0.9.65 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`337`. * :pull:`317`: Update and order's ``totalQuantity``, ``lmtPrice``, ``auxPrice`` and ``orderType`` when the order is modified externally. * :pull:`332`: Typo. Version 0.9.64 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed: :issue:`309`: Aggregate past fills into the ``Trade`` they belong to upon connect. * ``ContFut`` objects are now hashable (:issue:`310`). * Added ``Watchdog.probeTimeout`` parameter (:issue:`307`). Version 0.9.63 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed :issue:`282`: ``util.Qt()`` also works with the ProactorEventLoop (default on Windows) now. * Fixed :issue:`303`: A regression in TWS 480.4l+ is bypassed now to avoid ``IB.connect()`` timeouts. Request timeouts during syncing are logged as errors but will let the connect proceed. Version 0.9.62 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IB.TimezoneTWS`` field added, for when the TWS timezone differs from the local system timezone (:issue:`287`). * ``IB.RaiseRequestErrors`` field added, can be set to ``True`` to raise ``RequestError`` when certain requests fail, instead of returning empty data (:pull:`296`). * ``IB.accountSummaryAsync()`` method added (:issue:`267`). * ``Watchdog.probeContract`` field added, to use a contract other then EURUSD for probing the data connection (:issue:`298`). * ``Ticker.rtTime`` added (:issue:`274`, :pull:`275`). Please note that this timestamp appears to be mostly bogus. * Fixed :issue:`270`: Clear ticker depth data when canceling market depth subscription. * Fixed issue with duplicate order IDs. Version 0.9.61 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.marketDataType`` added to indicate the delayed/frozen status of the ``reqMktData`` ticks. Version 0.9.60 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IB.reqHistoricalData()`` has a new ``timeout`` parameter that automatically cancels the request after timing out. * ``BracketOrder`` is iterable again. * ``IB.waitOnUpdate()`` returns ``False`` on timeout now. * :pull:`210`: Fix decoding of execDetails time. * :pull:`215`: New scanner notebook added, courtesy of C. Valcarcel. * :pull:`220`: Added ``readonly`` option for Watchdog. * Fixed :issue:`221`: Delayed close ticks handling by ``Ticker``. * Fixed :issue:`224`: Added timeout for ``completedOrders`` request during connect. * Fixed :issue:`227`: ``IB.MaxSyncedSubAccounts`` added. * Fixed :issue:`230`: Fixed ``IB.reqHistogramData`` method. * Fixed :issue:`235`: ``Order.discretionaryAmt`` is now of type ``float`` (was ``int``). * Fixed :issue:`236`: ``ticker.updateEvent`` is now fired for any change made to the ticker. * Fixed :issue:`245`: Emit ``trade.statusEvent`` when order is implicitly canceled by a problem. * You can now `sponsor the development of IB-insync! `_ Version 0.9.59 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * PR #205 adds more typing annotations. * ``dataclasses`` are now used for objects (instead of inheriting from a base ``Object``). For Python 3.6.* install it with ``pip install dataclasses`` Version 0.9.58 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * PR #196 treats error 492 as a warning so that scanner results can still be used. Version 0.9.57 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * PR #184, #185 and #186 add the new Ticker fields ``rtTradeVolume``, ``auctionVolume``, ``auctionPrice`` and ``auctionImbalance``. * PR #191 lets ``util.schedule`` return a handle that can be canceled. * PR #192 adds ``throttleStart`` and ``throttleEnd`` events to the ``Client``. * PR #194 adds better JSON support for ``namedtuple`` objects. Version 0.9.56 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix bug #178: ``Order.totalQuantity`` is now float. Version 0.9.55 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Sphinx update for documentation. Version 0.9.54 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ContractDetails.stockType`` added. * Fixed ``Trade.filled()`` for combo (BAG) contracts. * Server version check added to make sure TWS/gateway version is at least 972. Version 0.9.53 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix bug #155 (IB.commissionReportEvent not firing). * Help editors with the code completion for Events. Version 0.9.52 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix Client.exerciseOptions (bug #152). Version 0.9.51 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix ``ib.placeOrder`` for older TWS/gateway versions. * Better handling of unclean disconnects. Version 0.9.50 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix ``execDetailsEvent`` regression. * Added ``readonly`` argument to ``ib.connect`` method. Set this to ``True`` when the API is in read-only mode. Version 0.9.49 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ib.reqCompletedOrders()`` request added (requires TWS/gateway >= 976). Completed orders are automatically synced on connect and are available from ``ib.trades()``, complete with fills and commission info. * Fixed bug #144. Version 0.9.48 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.halted`` field added. * ``Client.reqFundamentalData`` fixed. Version 0.9.47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ibapi`` package from IB is no longer needed, ib_insync handles its own socket protocol encoding and decoding now. * Documentation moved to `readthedocs `_ as rawgit will cease operation later this year. * Blocking requests will now raise ``ConnectionError`` on a connection failure. This also goes for ````, ``util.timeRange``, etc. Version 0.9.46 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Event`` class has been replaced with the one from `eventkit `_. * Event-driven bar construction from ticks added (via ``Ticker.updateEvent``) * Fixed bug #136. * Default request throttling is now 45 requests/s for compatibility with TWS/gateway 974 and higher. Version 0.9.45 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Event.merge()`` added. * ``TagValue`` serialization fixed. Version 0.9.44 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Event.any()`` and ``Event.all()`` added. * Ticker fields added: ``tradeCount``, ``tradeRate``, ``volumeRate``, ``avOptionVolume``, ``markPrice``, ``histVolatility``, ``impliedVolatility``, ``rtHistVolatility`` and ``indexFuturePremium``. * Parse ``ticker.fundamentalRatios`` into ``FundamentalRatios`` object. * ``util.timeRangeAsync()`` and ``waitUntilAsync()`` added. * ``ib.pendingTickersEvent`` now emits a ``set`` of Tickers instead of a ``list``. * Tick handling has been streamlined. * For harvesting tick data, an imperative code style with a ``waitOnUpdate`` loop should not be used anymore! Version 0.9.43 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed issue #132. * ``Event.aiter()`` added, all events can now be used as asynchronous iterators. * ``Event.wait()`` added, all events are now also awaitable. * Decreased default throttling to 95 requests per 2 sec. Version 0.9.42 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.shortableShares`` added (for use with generic tick 236). * ``ib.reqAllOpenOrders()`` request added. * tickByTick subscription will update ticker's bid, ask, last, etc. * Drop redundant bid/ask ticks from ``reqMktData``. * Fixed occasional "Group name cannot be null" error message on connect. * ``Watchdog`` code rewritten to not need ``util.patchAsyncio``. * ``Watchdog.start()`` is no longer blocking. Version 0.9.41 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed bug #117. * Fixed order modifications with TWS/gateway 974. Version 0.9.40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.fundamentalRatios`` added (for use with generic tick 258). * Fixed ``reqHistoricalTicks`` with MIDPOINT. Version 0.9.39 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Handle partially filled dividend data. * Use ``secType='WAR'`` for warrants. Version 0.9.38 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ibapi v97.4 is now required. * fixed tickByTick wrappers. Version 0.9.37 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Backward compatibility with older ibapi restored. Version 0.9.36 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Compatibility with ibapi v974. * ``Client.setConnectOptions()`` added (for PACEAPI). Version 0.9.35 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.hasBidAsk()`` added. * ``IB.newsBulletinEvent`` added. * Various small fixes. Version 0.9.34 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Old event system (ib.setCallback) removed. * Compatibility fix with previous ibapi version. Version 0.9.33 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Market scanner subscription improved. * ``IB.scannerDataEvent`` now emits the full list of ScanData. * ``ScanDataList`` added. Version 0.9.32 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Autocompletion with Jedi plugin as used in Spyder and VS Code working again. Version 0.9.31 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Request results will return specialized contract types (like ``Stock``) instead of generic ``Contract``. * ``IB.scannerDataEvent`` added. * ``ContractDetails`` field ``summary`` renamed to ``contract``. * ``isSmartDepth`` parameter added for ``reqMktDepth``. * Event loop nesting is now handled by the `nest_asyncio project `_. * ``util.useQt`` is rewritten so that it can be used with any asyncio event loop, with support for both PyQt5 and PySide2. It does not use quamash anymore. * Various fixes, extensive documentation overhaul and flake8-compliant code formatting. Version 0.9.30 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Watchdog.stop()`` will not trigger restart now. * Fixed bug #93. Version 0.9.29 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``util.patchAsyncio()`` updated for Python 3.7. Version 0.9.28 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IB.RequestTimeout`` added. * ``util.schedule()`` accepts tz-aware datetimes now. * Let ``client.disconnect()`` complete when no event loop is running. Version 0.9.27 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed bug #77. Version 0.9.26 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * PR #74 merged (``ib.reqCurrentTime()`` method added). * Fixed bug with order error handling. Version 0.9.25 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Default throttling rate now compatible with reqTickers. * Fixed issue with ``ib.waitOnUpdate()`` in combination. with ``ib.pendingTickersEvent``. * Added timeout parameter for ``ib.waitOnUpdate()``. Version 0.9.24 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ticker.futuresOpenInterest`` added. * ``execution.time`` was string, is now parsed to UTC datetime. * ``ib.reqMarketRule()`` request added. Version 0.9.23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Compatability with Tornado 5 as used in new Jupyter notebook server. Version 0.9.22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * updated ``ib.reqNewsArticle`` and ``ib.reqHistoricalNews`` to ibapi v9.73.07. Version 0.9.21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * updated ``ib.reqTickByTickData()`` signature to ibapi v9.73.07 while keeping backward compatibility. Version 0.9.20 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed watchdog bug. Version 0.9.19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Don't overwrite ``exchange='SMART'`` in qualifyContracts. Version 0.9.18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Merged PR #65 (Fix misnamed event). Version 0.9.17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * New IB events ``disconnectedEvent``, ``newOrderEvent``, ``orderModifyEvent`` and ``cancelOrderEvent``. * ``Watchdog`` improvements. Version 0.9.16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * New event system that will supersede ``IB.setCallback()``. * Notebooks updated to use events. * ``Watchdog`` must now be given an ``IB`` instance. Version 0.9.15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed bug in default order conditions. * Fixed regression from v0.9.13 in ``placeOrder``. Version 0.9.14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed ``orderStatus`` callback regression. Version 0.9.13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Log handling improvements. * ``Client`` with ``clientId=0`` can now manage manual TWS orders. * ``Client`` with master clientId can now monitor manual TWS orders. Version 0.9.12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Run ``IBC`` and ``IBController`` directly instead of via shell. Version 0.9.11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed bug when collecting ticks using ``ib.waitOnUpdate()``. * Added ``ContFuture`` class (continuous futures). * Added ``Ticker.midpoint()``. Version 0.9.10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ib.accountValues()`` fixed for use with multiple accounts. Version 0.9.9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed issue #57 Version 0.9.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix for ``ib.reqPnLSingle()``. Version 0.9.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Profit and Loss (PnL) funcionality added. Version 0.9.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IBC`` added. * PR #53 (delayed greeks) merged. * ``Ticker.futuresOpenInterest`` field removed. Version 0.9.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed canceling bar and tick subscriptions. Version 0.9.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed issue #49. Version 0.9.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Watchdog`` class added. * ``ib.setTimeout()`` added. * ``Ticker.dividends`` added for use with ``genericTickList`` 456. * Errors and warnings will now log the contract they apply to. * ``IB`` ``error()`` callback signature changed to include contract. * Fix for issue #44. Version 0.9.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Historical ticks and realtime bars now return time in UTC. Version 0.9.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IBController`` added. * ``openOrder`` callback added. * default arguments for ``ib.connect()`` and ``ib.reqMktData()``. Version 0.9.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * minimum API version is v9.73.06. * ``tickByTick`` support. * automatic request throttling. * ``ib.accountValues()`` now works for multiple accounts. * ``AccountValue.modelCode`` added. * ``Ticker.rtVolume`` added. 0.8 --- Version 0.8.17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * workaround for IBAPI v9.73.06 for ``Contract.lastTradeDateOrContractMonth`` format. Version 0.8.16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``util.tree()`` method added. * ``error`` callback signature changed to ``(reqId, errorCode, errorString)``. * ``accountValue`` and ``accountSummary`` callbacks added. Version 0.8.15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``util.useQt()`` fixed for use with Windows. Version 0.8.14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fix for ``ib.schedule()``. Version 0.8.13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Import order conditions into ib_insync namespace. * ``util.useQtAlt()`` added for using nested event loops on Windows with Qtl * ``ib.schedule()`` added. Version 0.8.12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed conditional orders. Version 0.8.11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``FlexReport`` added. Version 0.8.10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Fixed issue #22. Version 0.8.9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``Ticker.vwap`` field added (for use with generic tick 233). * Client with master clientId can now monitor orders and trades of other clients. Version 0.8.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``barUpdate`` event now used also for ``reqRealTimeBars`` responses * ``reqRealTimeBars`` will return ``RealTimeBarList`` instead of list. * realtime bars example added to bar data notebook. * fixed event handling bug in ``Wrapper.execDetails``. Version 0.8.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``BarDataList`` now used with ``reqHistoricalData``; it also stores the request parameters. * updated the typing annotations. * added ``barUpdate`` event to ``IB``. * bar- and tick-data notebooks updated to use callbacks for realtime data. Version 0.8.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``ticker.marketPrice`` adjusted to ignore price of -1. * ``ticker.avVolume`` handling fixed. Version 0.8.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``realtimeBar`` wrapper fix. * context manager for ``IB`` and ``IB.connect()``. Version 0.8.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * compatibility with upcoming ibapi changes. * added ``error`` event to ``IB``. * notebooks updated to use ``loopUntil``. * small fixes and performance improvements. Version 0.8.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * new ``IB.reqHistoricalTicks()`` API method. * new ``IB.loopUntil()`` method. * fixed issues #4, #6, #7. Version 0.8.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * fixed swapped ``ticker.putOpenInterest`` vs ``ticker.callOpenInterest``. Version 0.8.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * fixed ``wrapper.tickSize`` regression. Version 0.8.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * support for realtime bars and ``keepUpToDate`` for historical bars * added option greeks to ``Ticker``. * new ``IB.waitUntil()`` and ``IB.timeRange()`` scheduling methods. * notebooks no longer depend on PyQt5 for live updates. * notebooks can be run in one go ('run all'). * tick handling bypasses ibapi decoder for more efficiency. 0.7 --- Version 0.7.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ``IB.whatIfOrder()`` added. * Added detection and warning about common setup problems. Version 0.7.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Removed import from ipykernel. Version 0.7.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Removed dependencies for installing via pip. Version 0.7.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * added lots of request methods. * order book (DOM) added. * notebooks updated. 0.6 --- Version 0.6.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Added UTC timezone to some timestamps. * Fixed issue #1. Version 0.6.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Initial release.