Uploading and Downloading Memory dumps

In order to be able to emulate different cards, one can upload or download the content used for the emulation.

The layout of the memory dump depends on the chosen configuration and is usually the same as the memory layout of the currently chosen card emulation. The size of the memory dump also depends on the currently chosen configuration and can be requested with a specific command on the command-line.

In order to upload or download a memory dump, the user has to send the corresponding command on the command-line first and the Chameleon responds with a status message indicating that it is waiting for an X-MODEM connection. Depending on whether upload or download is chosen, the Chameleon then waits for 10 seconds to initiate an X-MODEM receive or send connection.

When waiting for a receiving X-MODEM connection, the X-MODEM NAK byte is sent upto 20 times with a delay of 500ms in order to establish a standard 128 byte frame-size X-MODEM connection with the simple checksum scheme. Within this time, the user has to get his X-MODEM client ready and choose the binary file to be uploaded into the memory.

In case of waiting for an X-MODEM send connection to establish, a wait time of 10 seconds is performed to receive the X-MODEM NAK byte. Within this time, the user has to start the X-MODEM receiver and set it to the standard 128 byte frame using the simple checksum scheme in order to receive the binary memory dump.