MBFilesystemCache Class Reference

Inherits from MBThreadsafeCache : NSObject
Conforms to MBFilesystemCacheDelegate
Declared in MBFilesystemCache.h


An object cache implementation capable of persisting cache objects to the filesystem.

Utilize the methods provided by the MBThreadsafeCache superclass to access data stored in an MBFilesystemCache if you do not care whether or not a cache object is loaded into memory when it is requested.

Note: Classes that wish to subclass MBFilesystemCache should refer to the internal MBFilesystemCache(ForSubclassEyesOnly) methods declared in the header file MBFilesystemCache+Subclassing.h.

Object lifecycle

– initWithName:

Initializes the receiver with the given name.

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name



The name of the filesystem cache. Must not be nil, and must not contain any characters that are illegal filename characters in the local filesystem. This name will be used in the path of the directory in which the receiver’s files will be stored.

Return Value

The receiver.


The receiver will act as its own delegate unless the cacheDelegate property is explicitly set.

Warning: Do not use the same cache name for more than one MBFilesystemCache at any given time. Unpredictable results will occur if you do.

Declared In


– initWithName:cacheDelegate:

Initializes the receiver with the given name.

- (nonnull instancetype)initWithName:(nonnull NSString *)name cacheDelegate:(nonnull id)delegate



The name of the filesystem cache. Must not be nil, and must not contain any characters that are illegal filename characters in the local filesystem. This name will be used in the path of the directory in which the receiver’s files will be stored.


The MBFilesystemCacheDelegate that will be used as the receiver’s delegate. Must not be nil.

Return Value

The receiver.


Warning: Do not use the same cache name for more than one MBFilesystemCache at any given time. Unpredictable results will occur if you do.

Declared In


Cache properties


Returns the operation queue that will be used for performing filesystem cache read operations.

@property (nonnull, nonatomic, readonly) MBCacheReadQueue *readQueue

Declared In



Returns the operation queue that will be used for performing filesystem cache write operations.

@property (nonnull, nonatomic, readonly) MBCacheWriteQueue *writeQueue

Declared In



Returns the name of the cache, which is used to determine the directory in which cache files are stored. This is name provided when the receiver is initialized.

@property (nonnull, nonatomic, readonly) NSString *cacheName

Declared In



Returns the MBFilesystemCacheDelegate used by the receiver.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, weak) id cacheDelegate

Declared In



Returns the maximum age of the files in the cache, in seconds. Files that are older than this value will not be used by the cache and will eventually be deleted. This defaults to the value of the constant kMBFilesystemCacheDefaultMaxAge (currently, 36 hours).

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval maxAgeOfCacheFiles

Declared In


Checking for objects in the cache

– isKeyInCache:

Determines whether the specified cache key represents an object currently in the cache.

- (BOOL)isKeyInCache:(nonnull id)key



The cache key to check.

Return Value

YES if there is an object associated with key in either the filesystem or the memory cache; NO otherwise.


The filesystem cache and memory cache are both checked for the presence of an object with the specified key.

Declared In


– isKeyInMemoryCache:

Determines whether the specified cache key represents an object currently in the memory cache.

- (BOOL)isKeyInMemoryCache:(nonnull id)key



The cache key to check.

Return Value

YES if there is an object associated with key in the memory cache; NO otherwise.

Declared In


– isKeyInFilesystemCache:

Determines whether the specified cache key represents an object currently in the filesystem cache.

- (BOOL)isKeyInFilesystemCache:(nonnull id)key



The cache key to check.

Return Value

YES if there is an object associated with key in the filesystem cache; NO otherwise.

Declared In


Retrieving objects from the cache

– objectForKeyInMemoryCache:

Retrieves an object from the memory cache, if it is there.

- (nullable id)objectForKeyInMemoryCache:(nonnull id)key



The cache key of the object to retrieve.

Return Value

The object instance, or nil if it was not in the cache.


Note: This method does not attempt to load an object from the filesystem cache. Use the objectForKey: method (declared by the MBThreadsafeCache superclass) to retrieve objects regardless of whether they’re in the memory or filesystem caches.

Declared In


Managing the filesystem cache

– clearFilesystemCache

Deletes all of the cache objects currently in the filesystem cache.

- (void)clearFilesystemCache


The memory cache is not affected by calls to this method.

Declared In


– purgeCacheFilesOlderThan:

Deletes all cache files older than a certain age.

- (void)purgeCacheFilesOlderThan:(NSTimeInterval)ageInSeconds



The maximum age allowed for cache files. Files older than this age will be deleted.


The memory cache is not affected by calls to this method.

Declared In


– purgeOutOfDateCacheFiles

Deletes all cache files older than the number of seconds specified by the maxAgeOfCacheFiles property.

- (void)purgeOutOfDateCacheFiles


The memory cache is not affected by calls to this method.

Declared In
