MBBatteryMonitor Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to MBService
Declared in MBBatteryMonitor.h


The MBBatteryMonitor is a service that fires event notifications when there are changes to device’s battery state, battery level, and plugged-in status.

When the MBBatteryMonitor service is running, the service will periodically fire NSNotification events with the name “MBBatteryMonitor:update” whenever there are status updates to report.

The object method of the NSNotification for the “MBBatteryMonitor:update” event will return an MBBatteryState object providing details about the battery and power state of the device. (Within an MBML <Listener>, the MBBatteryState can be accessed through the expression “$Event.object”.)

Note: Notification events are posted only when the MBBatteryMonitor service is running. Use the interface provided by the MBServiceManager to ensure that the service is running when needed.

– currentBatteryState

Determines the current battery state when the MBBatteryMonitor service is running.

- (nullable MBBatteryState *)currentBatteryState

Return Value

An MBBatteryState instance whose properties reflect the current state of the device’s battery. Will be nil if the MBBatteryMonitor service is not running.

Declared In
