MBExpressionCache Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Conforms to MBSingleton
Declared in MBExpressionCache.h


The MBExpressionCache class is used to cache tokenized versions of Mockingbird expressions.

How expression caching works

The process of evaluating an expression consists of two parts:

  • Tokenization: First, the expression is parsed, resulting in a set of tokens that represent the grammatical structure of an expression.

  • Evaluation: Then, once the expression has been tokenized, the tokens are evaluted, yielding an expression result.

Tokenization only needs to occur once for a given expression. Once the tokens have been created, they can be reused any number of times for evaluation.

To optimize the process of evaluating expressions, Mockingbird caches expression tokens in memory by default.

And to be respectful of memory usage, if your application receives a UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification, the in-memory portion of the expression cache clears itself automatically.

Cache serialization

The MBExpressionCache can also be configured to serialize the token cache to the filesystem.

Storing the expression cache in the filesystem can provide performance benefits for applications that rely heavily on Mockingbird expressions.

Serialization allows the cache to be pre-filled with tokenized expressions when the MBEnvironment is loaded. With a serialized cache, expressions in the cache won’t ever need to be re-tokenized, even after a fresh launch of your application.

To enable cache serialization, call setCacheSerialization:withInterval:.

Where cache files are stored

If serialization is used, the cache file will be stored in your application’s Caches directory, in a file named MBExpressionCache.serialized.

During development, you can inspect this file to get a sense of what’s ending up in the cache.

Filesystem cache management strategies

Typical applications won’t need to worry about the size of the expression cache. However, if your application is likely to encounter tens or hundreds of thousands of unique expressions, your cache file may grow large and you may want to consider:

  • Limiting cache serialization using MBExpressionCacheSerializationOptimizeForLaunch. Instead of serializing every expression ever encountered, your application can be set to serialize only those encountered only within a certain period of time from application launch.

  • Manually managing the size of the filesystem cache. Listen for the NSNotification event named “MBExpressionCache:didSerialize”, and when it is fired, check the return value of the filesystemCacheSize method and call removeFilesystemCache as needed.

Shipping with a compiled-in cache file

When developing your application in the simulator, if you’re relying on cache serialization, you can copy the MBExpressionCache.serialized file into your application’s resources. This will allow you to ship your application with a pre-built cache file.

Note: The pre-built expression cache must be included in the main NSBundle’s resources in order to be found.

Warning: You must not create instances of this class yourself; this class is a singleton. Call the instance class method (declared by the MBSingleton protocol) to acquire the singleton instance.

Controlling cache behavior


Disables caching altogether when set to YES. Defaults to NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL disableCaching

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By default, the expression cache will log status messages to the console when attempting to load or save cache files. This property can be set to YES to suppress those log messages.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL suppressConsoleLogging

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Allows expression cache serialization to be temporarily disabled.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL pausePersistence


This value is manipulated during the MBEnvironment load process. Typically, you would not change this property yourself; instead, consider using the setCacheSerialization:withInterval: method if you wish to control how persistence is handled.

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– setCacheSerialization:withInterval:

Controls whether and how the expression cache serializes cached tokens to the filesystem.

- (void)setCacheSerialization:(MBExpressionCacheSerialization)serialization withInterval:(NSTimeInterval)interval



Specifies the serialization strategy to use


The time interval that applies to the serialization value. If serialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationOptimizeForLaunch, the cache will serialize at most once per run of the application, and only after interval seconds have elapsed. If serialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationOptimizeForPerformance, then serialization may occur periodically, no more than every interval seconds. If serialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone, this value is ignored.


The expression cache will not serialize by default. This method must be called with the appropriate parameters to enable serialization.

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Specifies the cache’s serialization behavior. The default value is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone, but it can be changed by calling setCacheSerialization:withInterval:.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) MBExpressionCacheSerialization cacheSerialization

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Specifies the cache serialization interval. The meaning of this value depends on the value of the cacheSerialization property. Will be 0.0 if cacheSerialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSTimeInterval cacheSerializationInterval

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Clearing and resetting the cache

– clearMemoryCache

Throws away the in-memory token cache.

- (void)clearMemoryCache


This method is called automatically in response to the UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification event being fired.

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– removeFilesystemCache

Removes the serialized expression cache file, if any.

The next time loadCache is called, a compiled-in expression cache may be loaded. If you want to prevent this from happening, call resetFilesystemCache instead.

- (void)removeFilesystemCache

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– filesystemCacheSize

Returns the size of the serialized filesystem cache, if any.

- (nullable NSNumber *)filesystemCacheSize

Return Value

The filesystem cache size (in bytes), or nil if there is no filesystem cache.


This does not take into account the size of any compiled-in expression cache resource.

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– resetMemoryCache

Clears the in-memory cache and resets knowledge of data that could affect automatic cache invalidation.

- (void)resetMemoryCache

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– resetFilesystemCache

Saves an empty cache file to the filesystem, replacing the existing cache file (if there is one).

- (void)resetFilesystemCache


This method provides a way to override any compiled-in expression cache file resource; next time the loadCache method is called, the cache file in the filesystem will be loaded instead of the compiled-in resource.

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– clearCache

Clears the in-memory cache and removes the filesystem cache by calling clearMemoryCache and then removeFilesystemCache.

- (void)clearCache

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Cache persistence

– loadCache

If an expression cache file is available, it is loaded, and the file’s contents are used to replace the existing contents of the in-memory cache.

- (void)loadCache


If there is no cache file available in the filesystem, the cache will attempt to load a file named MBExpressionCache.serialized from the application’s main NSBundle.

The memory cache is not modified if no file was loaded.

Note: Calling this method has no effect if cacheSerialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone or if pausePersistence is YES.

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– loadAndMergeCache

If an expression cache file is available, it is loaded, and the file’s contents are merged with the current contents of the in-memory cache.

- (void)loadAndMergeCache


During the merge process, cached expressions contained within the file are added to the memory cache only if the expression does not already exist in the memory cache.

If there is no cache file available in the filesystem, the cache will attempt to load a file named MBExpressionCache.serialized from the application’s main NSBundle.

The memory cache is not modified if no file was loaded.

Note: Calling this method has no effect if cacheSerialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone or if pausePersistence is YES.

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– saveCache

Saves the current in-memory expression cache to the filesystem.

- (void)saveCache


Note: Calling this method has no effect if cacheSerialization is MBExpressionCacheSerializationNone or if pausePersistence is YES.

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