--- title: "Species-specific Refugia Index" author: "Diana Stralberg" output: pdf_document: default html_document: default --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` This code has five major parts, following Stralberg et al. (2018): 1. Generate climate-change refugia indices for individual species based on species distribution model predictions 2. Generate a multi-species climate-change refugia index based on species-specific refugia layers 3. Calculate topographic metrics 4. Run quantile regression models to attribute sources of variation in a refugia index 5. Conduct a limiting factor analysis based on climate variables for a refugia index First install and load the required packages: ```{required packages} library(raster) #raster manipulation library(rgdal) #spatial data library library(yaImpute) # for ann function library(gdata) # for nobs function library(quantreg) #for qr function library(dplyr) #for sample_frac function library(rasterVis) #for raster-based levelplot function; requires lattice, latticeExtra and gridExtra ``` Next, define paths, set the working directory, and obtain a list of species with SDMs: ```{path definitions} ref = output directory species = SDM directory ecor = study area extent raster sample = sample SDM raster climfut = future climate data brick (CMIP5 from McKenney et al. available on AdaptWest website) tfacet = land facet layer available on AdaptWest website elev = 10-km resolution elevation raster id = 10-km resolution unique ID raster setwd(species) spec <- list.dirs(species) sample <- sample*0 + 1 ``` 1. Generate climate-change refugia indices for individual species based on species distribution model predictions a. A key component of the index is a distance-decay function based on a fat-tailed dispersal kernel, which accommodates rare long-distance dispersal events, and has been invoked to explain the rapid post-glacial recolonization of trees across northern North America (Clark et al. 1998). The following two functions are used to calculate (1) an individual probability value [ranging from 0 to 1] from a negative exponential distribution for a given distance (x), alpha, and shape (c); and (2) the mean dispersal distance for a given alpha and c. For a fat-tailed distribution, c = 0.5. ```{negative exponential distribution} fattail <- function(x, alpha, c) { left <- (c/(2*alpha*gamma(1/c))) right <- exp(-1*((abs(x/alpha))^c)) result <- left*right return(right) } ftmean <- function(alpha, c) { result <-(alpha*gamma(2/c))/gamma(1/c) return(result) } ``` b. The following code loops through species, calculates study area prevalence (mean probability of occurrence), writes those values to a data frame, and then generates binary presence/absence rasters for current and future time periods using prevalence as a probability threshold: ``` {prevalence calculation} prevtab <- data.frame("spec" = gsub(paste(species,"/",sep=""),"",spec), "prev" = 0) for (i in 2:length(spec)){ velstack<-emptystack p <- list.files(spec[i],pattern="current.tif$") pres <- raster(paste(spec[i],"\\",p,sep="")) presc <- crop(pres,ecor) prescm <- mask(presc,ecor) prev <- cellStats(prescm,'mean') prevtab[i,2] <- prev present<-as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(prescm)) names(present)[3] <- "prob" presprev <- prescm values(presprev) <- ifelse(values(presprev) > prev, 1, 0) writeRaster(presprev,filename=paste(spec[i],"presprev",sep=""),format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE) f <- list.files(spec[i],pattern="future.tif$") for (j in 1:4) { fut <- raster(paste(spec[i],"/",f[j],sep="")) futc <- crop(fut,ecor) futcm <- mask(futc,ecor) future<-as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(futcm)) names(future)[3] <- "prob" futprev <- futcm values(futprev) <- ifelse(values(futprev) > prev, 1, 0) writeRaster(futprev,filename=paste(gsub(paste(species,"/",sep=""),"",f[j]),"futprev",sep=""),format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE) } } ``` c. This core bit of code calculates biotic velocity (Carroll et al. 2015) for each species based on the nearest-analog velocity algorithm defined by Hamann et al. (2015), and then applies the distance-decay function to obtain an index ranging from 0 to 1. For a fat-tailed distribution, c = 0.5, and alpha = 8333.33 results in a mean migration rate of 500 m/year (50 km/century). Velocity values are averaged over four GCMs, with NA values first converted to zeros. ```{velocity-based refugia metric calculation} emptystack<-sample emptystack<-addLayer(emptystack,emptystack) emptystack<-dropLayer(emptystack,c(1,2)) for (i in 2:length(spec)){ refstack<-emptystack futprevstack<-emptystack p <- list.files(spec[i],pattern="presprev.tif$") presprev <- raster(paste(spec[i],"//",p,sep="")) present<-as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(presprev)) names(present)[3] <- "prev" f <- list.files(spec[i],pattern="futprev.tif") for (j in 1:4) { futprev <- raster(paste(spec[i],"\\",f[j],sep="")) future <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(futprev)) names(future)[3] <- "prev" p.xy<-cbind(seq(1,length(present$x),1),present$x,present$y,present$prev) f.xy<-cbind(seq(1,length(future$x),1),future$x,future$y,future$prev) p.xy2<-p.xy[p.xy[,4]>0.1,1:3,drop=FALSE] f.xy2<-f.xy[f.xy[,4]>0.1,1:3,drop=FALSE] if(nrow(f.xy)>0){ d.ann <- as.data.frame(ann( as.matrix(p.xy2[,-1,drop=FALSE]), as.matrix(f.xy2[,-1,drop=FALSE]), k=1, verbose=F)$knnIndexDist) d1b <- as.data.frame(cbind(f.xy2, round(sqrt(d.ann[,2])))) names(d1b) <- c("ID","X","Y","bvel") } else { print(spec[i]) } f.xy <- as.data.frame(f.xy) names(f.xy) <- c("ID","X","Y","Pres") d1b<-merge(f.xy,d1b,by=c("ID","X","Y"),all.x=TRUE) d1b$fat <- fattail(d1b$bvel, 8333.3335, 0.5) sppref<-rasterFromXYZ(d1b[,c(2,3,6)]) sppref[is.na(sppref[])] <- 0 refstack<-addLayer(refstack,sppref) futprevstack<-addLayer(futprevstack,futprev) } futprevmean <- overlay(futprevstack, fun='mean') writeRaster(futprevmean,filename=paste(gsub(paste(species,"/",sep=""),"",spec[i]),"futprev",sep=""),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE) refmean <- overlay(refstack, fun='mean') writeRaster(refmean,filename=paste(ref,gsub(paste(species,"/",sep=""),"",spec[i]),"refugia",sep=""),format="GTiff",overwrite=TRUE) } ``` 2. Generate a multi-species climate-change refugia index based on species-specific refugia layers a. The next step is to calculate the multi-species refugia index. The following code reads in refugia index layers for individual species, weights them according to the projected future proportional change in distribution (thereby downweighting increasing species), adds them to a raster stack, and then calculates a weighted mean as the refugia index. A table of change proportions is also generated. Zeros are replaced with NA values outside of the combined current and future distribution of a species. ```{multi-species refugia index} emptystack<-sample emptystack<-addLayer(emptystack,emptystack) emptystack<-dropLayer(emptystack,c(1,2)) velstack<-emptystack refstack <-emptystack chgtab <- data.frame(index=1:length(spec),chg=0) for (i in 2:length(spec)){ s <- list.dirs(species,full.names=FALSE) d <- grep(pattern=substr(spec[i],1,12),s,value=TRUE) p <- list.files(d,pattern="presprev.tif$") f <- list.files(d,pattern="futprev.tif$") current<-raster(paste(d,"/",p,sep="")) future<-raster(paste(d,"/",f,sep="")) curfut <- stack(current) curfut <- addLayer(curfut, future) combo <- calc(curfut,fun=max,na.rm=TRUE) combo[combo==0] <- NA cp <- cellStats(future,sum)/cellStats(current,sum) chgtab$chg[i] <- cp chgtab$spec[i] <- d cp <- ifelse(cp<0.5,0.5,cp) sppref <- raster(paste(ref,"/",gsub("_presprev","_refugia",p),sep="")) sppref <- sppref*combo sppref[sppref==0] <- NA refstack<-addLayer(refstack,sppref/cp) } refstackmean<-calc(refstack,fun=mean,na.rm=TRUE) writeRaster(refstackmean,filename=paste(ref,"_multispeciesrefugia",sep=""), format="GTiff", ,overwrite=TRUE) ``` 3. Calculate topographic metrics a. The following code can be used to calculate local topographic metrics (landform proportions) from an land facet layer (here at 100-m resolution). First, set the R temp directory to a location large enough to hold very large rasters, by creating a file named ".Renviron" containing the specified temp directory: write("TMP = ''", file=file.path(Sys.getenv('R_USER'), '.Renviron')). Next, create a landform layer based on the first digit of the land facet code (see https://adaptwest.databasin.org/pages/adaptwest-landfacets) and calculate the proportion of each of 9 landform types within each cell of a 10-km ID grid. ```{landform metrics} lf <- floor(tfacet/1000) id <- raster::crop(id,lf) lf <- raster::extend(lf,id) lf <- raster::crop(lf,id) id10 <- disaggregate(id,fact=10) id100 <- disaggregate(id10,fact=10) lfc <- raster::crop(lf,id100) idcrop <- raster::crop(id100,lfc) idpts <- rasterToPoints(id) idpts <- as.data.frame(idpts) names(idpts)[3] <- "ID" lfx <- crosstab(lfc,idcrop) lfxdf <- as.data.frame(lfx) names(lfxdf)[1] <- "landform" names(lfxdf)[2] <- "ID" names(lfxdf)[3] <- "freq" lfxw <- reshape(lfxdf, timevar = "landform", idvar = c("ID"), direction = "wide") lfxw2 <- merge(idpts,lfxw) lf1 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,4]) lf2 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,5]) lf3 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,6]) lf4 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,7]) lf5 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,8]) lf6 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,9]) lf7 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,10]) lf8 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,11]) lf9 <- rasterize(as.matrix(lfxw2[,2:3]), elev, lfxw2[,12]) ``` b. The following code can be used to calculate landscape topographic metrics from an elevation layer (here at 10-km resolution). ```{landscape topographic metrics} tpi<-terrain(elev,opt='tpi',neighbors=8) rough<-terrain(elev,opt='roughness',neighbors=8) ``` c. This code can be used to calculate regional topographic position indices from an elevation layer (here at 10-km resolution). ```{regional topographic position indices} elevmean9 <- focal(elev, w=matrix(1,nrow=9,ncol=9),na.rm=TRUE,fun=mean) elevmean9 <- mask(elevmean9,elev) tpi9 <- elev/(elevmean9+0.5) elevmean25 <- focal(elev, w=matrix(1,nrow=9,ncol=9),na.rm=TRUE,fun=mean) elevmean25 <- mask(elevmean25,elev) tpi25 <- elev/(elevmean25+0.5) elevmean81 <- focal(elev, w=matrix(1,nrow=9,ncol=9),na.rm=TRUE,fun=mean) elevmean81 <- mask(elevmean81,elev) tpi81 <- elev/(elevmean81+0.5) ``` d. And here is code to calculate the north-south corridor index from a 10-km DEM ```{north-south corridor index} elevdd <- projectRaster(elev,crs=geo.prj) elev5xdd <- aggregate(elevdd, fact=5, fun=mean) elev10xdd <- aggregate(elevdd, fact=10, fun=mean) elev5x <- aggregate(elev,fact=5,fun=mean) elev10x <- aggregate(elev,fact=10,fun=mean) flow5xdd <- terrain(elev5xdd, opt='flowdir', neighbors=8) flow10xdd <- terrain(elev10xdd, opt='flowdir', neighbors=8) flow5xxdd <- log2(flow5xdd)+1 flow10xxdd <- log2(flow10xdd)+1 ns5xxdd <- -1*abs(flow5xxdd-4) +4 ns10xxdd <- -1*abs(flow10xxdd-4) +4 slope5xdd <- terrain(elev5xdd, opt='slope', neighbors=8) slope5x <- terrain(elev5x, opt='slope',neighbors=8) slope10xdd <- terrain(elev10xdd, opt='slope', neighbors=8) slope10x <- terrain(elev10x, opt='slope',neighbors=8) slope <- terrain(elev, opt='slope',neighbors=8) aspectdd <- terrain(elevdd, opt='aspect',neighbors=8) aspect<-projectRaster(aspectdd,elev) ns5xx <- projectRaster(ns5xxdd,elev) slope5xx <- raster::resample(slope5x,elev) nscorr <- ns5xx*slope5xx nscorr2 <- nscorr*ns5xx ``` 4. Run quantile regression models to attribute sources of variation in a refugia index a. Combine continental/topographic and future climate layers in a raster stack and crops them to match the refugia layer extent. ```{raster stack of topographic and climate variables} xy <- rasterToPoints(dem) m <- as.matrix(xy[,1:2]) lat <- rasterize(m, dem, field=m[,2]) topo <- raster::stack(elev,lat,coastd,facetd,tpi9,tpi25,tpi81,nscorr2,tpi,rough,lf1,lf2,lf3,lf4) names(topo) <- c("elev","lat","coastd","facetd","tpi9","tpi25","tpi81","nscorr2","tpi","rough","lf1","lf2","lf3","lf4") topo1 <- crop(topo,refugia) ecor <- crop(ecor,refugia) ecor <- mask(ecor,refugia) combo <- raster::stack(refugia,ecor,topo1) names(combo)[[1]] <- "refugia" names(combo)[[2]] <- "ecor" climfut <- crop(climfut,combo[[1]]) comboclim <- stack(combo, climfut) ``` b. Extract environmental data to a regular sample of points covering approximately 10% of the study region. ```{extract environmental data to sample points} set.seed(999) ecosamp <- sampleRegular(ecor, size=44000, cells=TRUE, xy=TRUE, na.rm=TRUE) ecosamp <- na.omit(ecosamp) ecosamp <- as.data.frame(ecosamp) combosamp <- extract(comboclim, ecosamp[,1:2]) combosamp <- as.data.frame(combosamp) combosamp <- na.omit(combosamp) combosamp2 <- cbind(combosamp[,1],combosamp[,3:140]) names(combosamp2)[1] <- "refugia" comboscale <- scale(combosamp2[,3:139]) comboscale2 <- cbind(combosamp2[,1:2],comboscale) ``` c. The following code can be used to build and analyze quantile regression models (Cade and Noon 2003) for nested and separate models containing continental ("cont"), topographic ("top") at regional ("reg"), landscape ("land"), and local "loc" scales, and climatic ("clim") variables. First the nested models: ```{quantile regression models} base <- rq(refugia ~ 1, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) cont <- rq(refugia ~ lat + coastd , data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) contopreg <- rq(refugia ~ lat + coastd + nscorr2 + tpi81 + tpi25 + tpi9, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) contopregland <- rq(refugia ~ lat + coastd + nscorr2 + tpi81 + tpi25 + tpi9+ tpi + rough + elev , data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) contop <- rq(refugia ~ lat + coastd + nscorr2 + tpi81 + tpi25 + tpi9 + tpi + rough + elev + lf1 + lf2 + lf3 + lf4 + facetd, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) contopclim <- rq(refugia ~ lat + coastd + nscorr2 + tpi81 + tpi25 + tpi9 + tpi + rough + elev+ lf1 + lf2 + lf3 + lf4 + facetd + cmi_sum + bio_01 + bio_02 + bio_10 + bio_11 + bio_12 + bio_18, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) topreg <- rq(refugia ~ nscorr2 + tpi81 + tpi25 + tpi9, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) topland <- rq(refugia ~ tpi + rough + elev, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) toploc <- rq(refugia ~ lf1 + lf2 + lf3 + lf4 + facetd, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) clim <- rq(refugia ~ cmi_sum + bio_01 + bio_02 + bio_10 + bio_11 + bio_12 + bio_18, data=comboscale2, c(0.50,0.75,0.90,0.99,0.999)) contrq <- (1-(cont$rho/base$rho)) contopregrq <- (1-(contopreg$rho/cont$rho)) contopreglandrq <- (1-(contopregland$rho/contopreg$rho)) contoprq <- (1-(contop$rho/contopregland$rho)) contopclimrq <- (1-(contopclim$rho/contop$rho)) topregrq <- 1-(topreg$rho/base$rho) toplandrq <- 1-(topland$rho/base$rho) toplocrq <- 1-(toploc$rho/base$rho) climrq <- 1-(clim$rho/base$rho) ``` 5. Conduct a limiting factor analysis based on climate variables for a refugia index a. The final portions of code can be used to conduct a limiting factor analysis, sensu Greenberg et al.(2015) but using quantile regression analysis (Cade and Noon 2003). First, reselect the relevant climate layers for analysis: ```{limiting factor analysis} combo <- raster::stack(refugia,ecor,topo1) climfut <- crop(climfut,combo[[1]]) comboclim <- stack(combo, climfut) clim7 <- dropLayer(climfut,c(2:9,13:17,19:31,33:125)) clim7 <- crop(clim7, refugia) clim7 <- mask(clim7, refugia) names(clim7) <- c("TempAnn","TempWarm","TempCold","PrecipAnn","PrecipWarm","CMI") combosamp3 <- combosamp2[,c(1,16,25:27,33,47)] names(combosamp3) <- c("refugia","TempAnn","TempWarm","TempCold","PrecipAnn","PrecipWarm","CMI") ``` b. Next, generate scatterplots for each set of univariate relationships, develop and predict univariate regression models for various quantile values, and plot regression lines for each quantile. These plots can be used to visualize variable relationships for each quantile value. ```{univariate quantile regression scatterplots} emptystack<-climfut[[1]] emptystack<-addLayer(emptystack,emptystack) emptystack<-dropLayer(emptystack,c(1,2)) lf999 <- lf99 <- lf90 <- lf50 <- lf75 <- emptystack pdf("birdclimplots_6var.pdf") par(mfrow = c(3, 3)) par(cex = 0.6) par(mar = c(2, 0, 2, 0), oma = c(4, 4, 0, 0.5)) par(tcl = -0.25) par(mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) for (i in 2:7) { plot(combosamp3[,i], combosamp3$refugia, main=names(combosamp3)[i]) f <- as.formula(paste("refugia ~ ",names(combosamp3)[i],sep="")) lf.q99 <- rq(f, data=combosamp3, 0.99) lf.ref99 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q99) lf99 <- addLayer(lf99, lf.ref99) abline(reg=lf.q99, col="blue") lf.q999 <- rq(f, data=combosamp3, 0.999) lf.ref999 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q999) lf999 <- addLayer(lf999, lf.ref999) abline(reg=lf.q999, col="purple") lf.q75 <- rq(f, data=combosamp3, 0.75) lf.ref75 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q75) lf75 <- addLayer(lf75, lf.ref75) abline(reg=lf.q75, col="orange") lf.q90 <- rq(f, data=combosamp3, 0.90) lf.ref90 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q90) lf90 <- addLayer(lf90, lf.ref90) abline(reg=lf.q90, col="green") lf.q50 <- rq(f, data=combosamp3, 0.50) lf.ref50 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q50) lf50 <- addLayer(lf50, lf.ref50) abline(reg=lf.q50, col="red") } dev.off() ``` c. Finally, calculate limiting factors for each pixel based on bootstrap resampling of quantile regression models, and generate raster stacks containing limiting factors (variables yielding minimum predictions) for each quantile value ```{bootstrapped quantile regression models} blf999 <- blf99 <- blf90 <- blf75 <- blf50 <- emptystack for (j in 1:100) { boot <- sample_frac(combosamp3,size=1,replace=TRUE) lf99 <- emptystack lf75 <- emptystack lf90 <- emptystack lf50 <- emptystack lf999 <- emptystack for (i in 2:7) { f <- as.formula(paste("refugia ~ ",names(boot)[i],sep="")) minMax = range(boot[,i]) xVals = seq(minMax[1], minMax[2], len = 100) nd <- data.frame(lin=xVals,quad=xVals*xVals) names(nd) <- c(names(boot)[i]) lf.q999 <- rq(f, data=boot, 0.999) lf.ref999 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q999) lf999 <- addLayer(lf999, lf.ref999) lf.q <- rq(f, data=boot, 0.99) lf.ref <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q) lf99 <- addLayer(lf99, lf.ref) lf.q75 <- rq(f, data=boot, 0.75) lf.ref75 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q75) lf75 <- addLayer(lf75, lf.ref75) lf.q90 <- rq(f, data=boot, 0.90) lf.ref90 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q90) lf90 <- addLayer(lf90, lf.ref90) lf.q50 <- rq(f, data=boot, 0.50) lf.ref50 <- raster::predict(clim7, lf.q50) lf50 <- addLayer(lf50, lf.ref50) } names(lf50) <- names(lf75) <- names(lf90) <- names(lf99) <- names(lf999) <- names(boot[,2:7]) lf50.b <- raster::which.min(lf50) lf90.b <- raster::which.min(lf90) lf99.b <- raster::which.min(lf99) lf75.b <- raster::which.min(lf75) lf999.b <- raster::which.min(lf999) blf50 <- addLayer(blf50, lf50.b) blf90 <- addLayer(blf90, lf90.b) blf99 <- addLayer(blf99, lf99.b) blf75 <- addLayer(blf75, lf75.b) blf999 <- addLayer(blf999, lf999.b) } ``` d. Use the Mode and Mode_count functions, defined below (from Lucas Fortini on stackoverflow.com), to calcuate the most frequent limiting factor variable (mode), and the frequency of that variable (mode_count). ```{mode and frequency of limiting factors} Mode <- function(x) { ux <- unique(x) ux=ux[!is.na(ux)] ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))] } Mode_count <- function(x) { ux <- unique(x) ux=ux[!is.na(ux)] mode=ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))] sum(x==mode, na.rm=T) } blf50.mode <- ratify(calc(blf50, fun=Mode)) rat <- levels(blf50.mode)[[1]] rat$names <- c('Temp Mean Annual', 'Temp Warm Month', 'Temp Cold Month', 'Precip Annual', 'Precip Warm Month', 'Moisture Index') rat$codes <- c('BIO1','BIO10', 'BIO11','BIO12','BIO18','CMI') levels(blf50.mode) <- rat blf90.mode <- ratify(calc(blf90, fun=Mode)) levels(blf90.mode) <- rat blf99.mode <- ratify(calc(blf99, fun=Mode)) levels(blf99.mode) <- rat blf75.mode <- ratify(calc(blf75, fun=Mode)) levels(blf75.mode) <- rat mode <- stack(blf50.mode, blf75.mode, blf90.mode, blf99.mode) mode <- setZ(mode, c(50,75,90,99)) names(mode) <- c("percentile 50", "percentile 75", "percentile 90", "percentile 99") blf50.freq <- calc(blf50, fun=Mode_count) blf90.freq <- calc(blf90, fun=Mode_count) blf99.freq <- calc(blf99, fun=Mode_count) blf75.freq <- calc(blf75, fun=Mode_count) freq <- stack(blf50.freq, blf75.freq, blf90.freq, blf99.freq) freq <- mask(freq,refugia) freq <- setZ(freq, c(50,75,90,99)) names(freq) <- c("percentile 50", "percentile 75", "percentile 90", "percentile 99") myTheme=rasterTheme(region=brewer.pal('Set1', n=6)) freqTheme=rasterTheme(region=brewer.pal('YlGnBu',n=5)) pdf("elf_6var_mode_freq.pdf", width=11, height=5) plot1 <- levelplot(mode, att='names',scales=list(draw=FALSE), layout=c(5,1), par.settings=myTheme) par(mar=c(0,0,0,10)) plot2 <- levelplot(freq, scales=list(draw=FALSE), layout=c(5,1), par.settings=freqTheme) grid.arrange(plot1,plot2, nrow=2) dev.off() pdf("elf_6var_mode.pdf", width=8, height=8) plot1 <- levelplot(mode, att='names',scales=list(draw=FALSE), layout=c(2,3), par.settings=myTheme, between=list(0,0)) plot1 dev.off() ``` References Cade, B. 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Stralberg, D., C. Carroll, J. H. Pedlar, C. B. Wilsey, D. W. McKenney, and S. E. Nielsen. 2018. Macrorefugia for North American trees and songbirds: Climatic limiting factors and multi-scale topographic influences. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:690-703. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12731