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PJON 1-wire bus/network (OWPJON or 1wPJON)

Meant to replace all 1wire stuff (Dallas/Maxim commercial) some day. Meantwhile both busses/systems can be used together. The SoftwareBitBang (SWBB) part is the OWPJON or 1wPJON bus.


| kubuntu 14.04 | | Arduino Uno | | Arduino Yun | | ThroughSerial | <—> | ThroughSerial | | | | | | SWBB pin 7 | <—> | SWBB pin 12 | | Server | | Master | | Slaves |

Server: LINUX/Local/ThroughSerial/RemoteWorker/Transmitter/ (kubuntu 14.04, TS) Master: ARDUINO/Local/ThroughSerial/SoftwareBitBangSurrogate/Surrogate/ (Uno, TS, SWBB pin 7) Slaves: ARDUINO/Local/SoftwareBitBang/BlinkWithResponse/Receiver/ (Yun, SWBB pin12) ```


Arduino Uno and Yun can basically be any kind of AVR/Arduino (as supported by PJON), no special needs except for a serial-usb port on one of them.

Linux parts (server) are derived from Raspi (RPI) and therefore need wiringPi in order to compile succesfully:

$ git clone git://
$ cd wiringPi
$ ./build

$ make
$ sudo ./Transmitter

This setup can be used for developping, testing and also as a first productive system.

There are already solutions around like PJON-gRPC or ModuleInterface: Currently both are hard to compile and understand, but that will change (PJON-gRPC is easier to compile in ubuntu 16.10, docu of ModuleInterface is up to be improved).


| kubuntu 14.04 | | Arduino Uno | | Arduino Yun | | ThroughSerial | <—> | ThroughSerial | | | | | | SWBB pin 7 | <—> | SWBB pin 12 | | Server | | Master | | Slaves |

Server: LINUX/Local/ThroughSerial/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric/ (kubuntu 14.04, TS) Master: ARDUINO/Local/ThroughSerial/SoftwareBitBangSurrogate/Surrogate/ (Uno, TS, SWBB pin 7) Slaves: ARDUINO/Local/SoftwareBitBang/DeviceGeneric/ ARDUINO/Local/SoftwareBitBang/OWP_DG_LCD_Sensors/ ATTINY/Local/SoftwareBitBang/DeviceGeneric/ (Yun, SWBB pin12) ```


The program owpshell (DeviceGeneric) allows e.g. shell/command line access to the bus (similar to owshell read and write funcs). That can also be used from collectd e.g. It supports passing of data as command line parameter and via stdin (pipe). Later supports all posible chars.

Read device info:

$ printf "\x01" | sudo ./owpshell /dev/ttyACM0 9600 44

Write to device memory and read for verification:

$ printf "\x22ABC" | sudo ./owpshell /dev/ttyACM0 9600 44 | python B
$ printf "\x21" | sudo ./owpshell /dev/ttyACM0 9600 44

Write a float e.g. for calibration/configuration of device:

$ printf "\x32`python f 7.1`" | sudo ./owpshell /dev/ttyACM0 9600 44 | python f

As can be seen the un-/packing of values (casting from/to binary representation) is done by two python script and Furthermore there is also a unittest python script called

Automatically detect the device type and test it:

$ sudo python

Force to test against a specific device type:

$ sudo python owp:dg:v1

Now the ThroughSerial (TS) part can be replaced by LocalUDP (LUDP may be over wifi?) according to:

The setup can also be modified by replacing the ThroughSerial (TS) part by LocalUDP (LUDP may be over wifi?). This needs an EthernetShield for the Arduino Uno used as Master.


| kubuntu 14.04 | | Arduino Uno | | Arduino Yun | | LocalUDP | <—> | LocalUDP | | | | | | SWBB pin 7 | <—> | SWBB pin 12 | | Server | | Master | | Slaves |

Server: LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric/ (kubuntu 14.04, LUDP) Master: ARDUINO/Local/SoftwareBitBang/Tunneler/BlinkingSwitch/ (Uno+EthernetShield W5100 based, LUDP, SWBB pin 7) Slaves: (all as mentioned before) ```

In this case the owpshell program works exactly the same except for the fact that it does not need any serial port info (and thus no sudo either):

$ printf "\x01" | ./owpshell - - 44


We now want to setup this schemes (productive system):


| linuxpc/raspi | | Arduino+ETH | | Arduino/AVR | | LocalUDP | <—> | LocalUDP | | | | | | SWBB | <—> | SWBB | | Server | | Master | | Slaves |


Installation of g++ 4.8 is needed if missing due to '-std=c++11' on Wheezy follow these steps:

``` pi ~ $ cat /etc/os-release ``` gives "wheezy", see output: ``` PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 7 (wheezy)" ... VERSION="7 (wheezy)" ``` so we can install g++ 4.8 in order to be able to compile PJON 11.0 (adds ~30-50MB) ``` pi ~ $ sudo apt-get install g++-4.8 pi ~ $ g++ ``` auto tab completition gives: g++ g++-4.6 g++-4.8

Next step is to get and compile (OW)PJON 11:

``` pi ~ $ mkdir OWPJON pi ~ $ cd OWPJON/ pi ~/OWPJON $ wget pi ~/OWPJON $ tar -xvzf 11.0.tar.gz pi ~/OWPJON $ cd PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/ pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP $ mkdir -p RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric/ pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP $ cd RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric/ ``` copy files, e.g. by copy-paste from kate to nano window: ``` pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ nano Makefile pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ nano DeviceGeneric.cpp pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ nano pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ nano pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ chmod +x pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ ls -la total 72 drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Jul 7 15:06 . drwxr-xr-x 3 pi pi 4096 Jul 7 09:53 .. -rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 4422 Jul 7 15:01 DeviceGeneric.cpp -rw-r–r– 1 pi pi 305 Jul 7 15:03 Makefile -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 41259 Jul 7 15:04 owpshell -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 162 Jul 7 15:06 -rwxr-xr-x 1 pi pi 325 Jul 7 15:06 pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ make raspi pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ printf "\x01" | ./owpshell - - 44 owp:dg:v1 pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ printf "\x11" | ./owpshell - - 44 | ./ f 4.751999855041504, pi ~/OWPJON/PJON-11.0/examples/LINUX/Local/LocalUDP/RemoteWorker/DeviceGeneric $ printf "\x12" | ./owpshell - - 44 | ./ f 28.02459144592285, ``` and finally add the sensors/devices to your logging system e.g. collectd: ``` $ python $ collectd -C /etc/collectd/collectd.conf -T $ cat /var/log/syslog $ sudo /etc/init.d/collectd restart ```

Possible wireless solutions going through wall e.g. (galvanic isolated): (would allow to turn wifi - used for 1wire - off during night again)


| DraginoLG01-S | | Arduino+LoRa | | Arduino/AVR | | LoRa | <—> | LoRa | | | | SWBB | | SWBB | <—> | SWBB | | Slaves/Tunnel | | Master/Tunnel | | Slaves |

SWBB bus indoors SWBB bus outdoors ```

Dragino is 3v3 and needs a level shifter - I used this circuit (somehow inspired by V-USB but is not the same): ``` 3v3 IO —o—\/\/\/-– 5v IO

| resistor (68 better 150...4k7)

| | 3v6 Zener (protect 3v3)

| GND ``` see also

It works but has at least these disadvantages:

Further improvements might include; setup a "3 way" tunneler (LUDP, SWBB, SWBB) that gives 2 SWBB pins (on same bus; a 5v and a 3v3 bus).

An alternative proposal using a schottky diode is shown in
