Processing math: 100%

Modern ML for NLP: Large Scale Techniques for Shallow and Deep Learning

NLP Meetup

Dan Pressel

25 February, 2016

Overview (Part I)

  • Background
  • Classification/Regression as Empirical Risk Minimization framework with
    • Loss functions
    • Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
    • Learning Rate Decay
    • Out-of-core processing
    • Feature Hashing/Word Embeddings
    • Optimizations for sparse features
  • NLP Example: SVM with Generative Features

Overview (Part II)

  • Refitting our framework for deep learning
    • More on Dense Representations
    • Multiclass learning
  • Fully Connected Layers
  • Convolutional Layers
  • Max Over Time, K-Max
  • Language Choices
  • On GPUs

Background (Part I)

  • What if we want to process BIG datasets
    • Sets might not fit in memory
    • Often, for NLP, with classifiers like logistic regression and linear SVMs
  • Want to do it efficiently
    • Dont load whole batch into memory
  • Desire a learning approach that is not bottlenecked by the training set size

  • Additionally remember that in NLP, tend to have lots of sparse features
    • Would like to optimize as well for this


  • This talk borrows most of its content from work of
    • Leon Bottou - researcher, SGD evangelist, author of sgd demo code
    • Ronan Collobert - Bottou's PhD student, creator of Torch
    • Yann LeCun - head of FAIR, researcher, creator of LeNet5
    • John Langford - researcher at MS Research, author of Vowpal Wabbit
  • These guys have done enough individually that it would take the whole slideshow just to list!

Some Basic Definitions - Machine Learning

  • What is Machine Learning?
    • Me: "Learn from training data to predict unknown outcomes given input parameters"

    • Ronan Collobert: "Machine Learning aims to minimize the expected risk (generalization error) using only the information of the training set"
    • "We are seeking a function f in a set of functions F which minimizes the cost function Q over Z" R:fFE(Q(z,f))=ZQ(z,f)P(z)dz

    • But, cannot simply minimize with optimization, as distribution P is unknown – instead minimize empirical risk (average loss) over training set


  • As training data increases, empirical risk converges to expected risk!
    • Weak law of large numbers!

Some Basic Definitions - Data

  • Feature Vector? x
    • Chosen parameters to the function we are building, a fixed vector of dimension D
  • Label/predicted value f(x)
    • What we want to predict
    • Continous predictors are regression models, discrete are classifiers
    • During training, known labels seen with features, so that we can learn
  • Training example zi=(xi,yi)X×Y

  • Training data, of length N: {z1,z2,...,zN}

  • Loss function
    • Price paid for inaccuracy of predictions Q(zn,f)

More about loss functions

  • Our Risk Minimization Framework requires us to define a cost or loss function Q

  • Square (L2) Common for linear regression [f(x)y]2

  • Log (Logistic) Common for classification log(1+eyf(x))

  • Hinge (SVM with slack) Common for classification
    • Even though this is non-differentiable at 0, can use sub-gradient! max(0,1yf(x))

So how do we learn it?

  • One simple way, works on almost all functions is Gradient Descent
  • Randomly guess starting point
  • Iterative
    • Take steps proportional to negative of gradient of the function at the current point

w(i+1)=w(i)ηQ(y,f(x)) w(i+1)=w(i)ηNn=1Q(yn,f(x))


Stochastic Gradient Descent

  • A problem with GD is that it must see the entire "batch" N before it makes a parameter update
    • This means that its a function of N and of D for a parameter update
    • Learning scales with size of dataset!
  • What if instead of updating per batch, we updated per training example?
    • Approximate gradient with single random example
    • Parameter update is a function of D now only.
    • There could be local noise, which could throw off the approximation
    • In practice, works extremely well, tends to learn more stuff faster


Concrete example with L2 loss:

  • Loss function Q=12(fw(x)y)2
  • Derivative of loss with respect to params (chain rule) (fw(x)y)wj(fw(x)y) (fw(x)y)wjDd=0wdxdy
  • Finally wrt parameter j, we get a simple update (fw(x)y)xj

  • Use chain rule to make cost derivative modular
  • Note that first part of function is just the derivative of loss function WRT f(x)

SGD with L2 regularization


  • Derivative


  • Reduces to


Code for Loss function

public class SquaredLoss implements Loss
    public double loss(double p, double y)
        double d = p - y;
        return 0.5 * d * d;

    public double dLoss(double p, double y)
        return (p - y);

Code for Hinge Loss function

public class HingeLoss implements Loss
    public double loss(double p, double y)
        return Math.max(0, 1 - p * y);

    public double dLoss(double p, double y)
        return (Math.max(0, 1 - p * y) == 0) ? 0 : -y;

Code for SGD

 *  Do simple stochastic gradient descent update step
 *  @param vectorN Feature vector
 *  @param eta Learning rate (step size)
 *  @param lambda regularization param
 *  @param dLoss loss WRT f(x): dLoss = lossFunction.dLoss(fx, y);
public void updateWeights(VectorN vectorN, double eta, double lambda, double dLoss, double y)
    ArrayDouble x = ((DenseVectorN) vectorN).getX();
    weights.scale(1 - eta * lambda);
    for (int i = 0, sz = x.size(); i < sz; ++i)
        weights.addi(i, -eta * dLoss * x.get(i));
    wbias += -eta * BIAS_LR_SCALE * dLoss;

Learning Rate Decay

  • We often want to slow down the learning rate over time. This prevents overshooting as we get closer
    • step size too big: optimization diverges
    • step size too small: optimization slow, can get stuck in local minima
  • Progressive Decay
    • initial learning rate η=η0
    • decay ηd
    • at each iteration t: η(t)=η01+tηd

Example code with Robbins-Monro decay

public class RobbinsMonroUpdateSchedule implements LearningRateSchedule
    long numSeenTotal;
    double eta0;
    double lambda;

    public void reset(double eta0, double lambda)
        this.lambda = lambda;
        this.eta0 = eta0;
        numSeenTotal = 0;
    public double update()
        double eta = eta0 / (1 + lambda * eta0 * numSeenTotal);
        return eta;

SGD Training on single example

 * Binary trainer for single SGD example.  Update the
 * learning rate schedule, find derivative of loss WRT f(x),
 * pass to updateWeights() to make SGD update
 * @param model Our model
 * @param fv Our feature vector example with label and x vector
public final void trainOne(Model model, FeatureVector fv)
    WeightModel weightModel = (WeightModel)model;
    double eta = learningRateSchedule.update();
    double y = fv.getY();
    double fx = weightModel.predict(fv);
    double dLoss = lossFunction.dLoss(fx, y);
    weightModel.updateWeights(fv.getX(), eta, lambda, dLoss, y);

Memory efficient processing

  • Many machine learning libraries require the whole problem in working memory
  • With SGD, easy to avoid, undesirable since datasets large
  • Could read a line at a time from a file in sequence
    • But, File IO interrupts processing in single thread version
    • IO on large datasets with fast training algo becomes the processing bottleneck
  • Use a fixed size circular buffer to feed SGD from memory, use another thread to feed that queue
    • Vowpal Wabbit uses this technique

More Details on Circular Buffer Training Implementation

  • File IO thread
    • Reads the data from file
    • Inserts data to ring buffer
    • Also caches data to binary version of training set
    • Signals the processor thread at ends of epochs
    • Re-reads the data from cache on subsequent epochs
  • Processor (consumer) thread reads example from the circular buffer and trains with it
    • Ideally, callback at end of epoch
  • Relatively easy, but in practice, kind of painful to test

A Few Details in Implementation in Java

  • Java has a nice ring buffer library called Disruptor - very fast
    • Lock free, low latency, prevent JVM GC stalls, memory allocation
    • 5x gains over ArrayBlockingQueue in similar config

    • To utilize, we need to overload a class called EventHandler, and a MessageEvent
  • When we write the files out as a cache in Java, we can user RandomAccessFile to reload them
    • Very good performance
    • Also, random shuffling can be fast and simple
  • Java has an undocumented class called Unsafe that allows us native memory access
    • Way faster than serialization libraries (> 1000x)

Disruptor-based Processor

// Assumes a class MessageEvent with a field FeatureVector fv
public class MessageEventHandler implements EventHandler<MessageEvent>
     * On a message, check if it is a null FV.  If so, we are at the end of an epoch.
     * @param messageEvent An FV holder
     * @param l Sequence number (which is increasing)
     * @param b not used
     * @throws Exception
    public void onEvent(MessageEvent messageEvent, long l, boolean b) throws Exception
        if (messageEvent.fv == null)
        learner.trainOne(model, messageEvent.fv);

Publishing Feature Vectors

public void start(Learner learner, Model model, int numEpochs, int bufferSize)
    this.numEpochs = numEpochs;
    executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
    MessageEventFactory factory = new MessageEventFactory();
    WaitStrategy waitStrategy = (strategy == Strategy.YIELD) ? new YieldingWaitStrategy(): new BusySpinWaitStrategy();
    disruptor = 
        new Disruptor<MessageEvent>(factory, ExecUtils.nextPowerOf2(bufferSize), 
                                    executor, ProducerType.SINGLE, waitStrategy);
    handler = new MessageEventHandler(learner, model);
public void add(FeatureVector fv)
    RingBuffer<MessageEvent> ringBuffer = disruptor.getRingBuffer();
    long sequence =;
        MessageEvent event = ringBuffer.get(sequence);
        event.fv = fv;

Dealing with fixed-width Feature Vectors

  • Problem: during feature extraction, you extract millions of features with some string name
    • To build a feature vector, you need a Dictionary mapping strings to feature indices, dimension D
    • As your vocab gets larger, RAM usage increases with each word!
    • Also, if unlucky and using a bad implementation of a data structure, may be additional overhead to this
    • Sparse vector implementation also might help!
  • For memory efficiency and processing speed, don't allocate a new feature vector each time
    • Could grow vector as needed, but rather work with fixed width vectors

Introducing Feature Hashing

  • In feature hashing, we dont build a Dictionary mapping feature name to index, we just hash it!
    • Pick a number of bits k
    • use a good hash function (e.g. Murmur hash), AND the output with (2^k)-1
  • Also this means that our feature vector itself is k bits as well
    • Can pre-allocate exactly the necessary number of bytes in our fixed buffer
    • John Langford: "Online Learning + Hashing = learning algorithm with fully controlled memory footprint -> Robustness"

Feature Hashing Implementation

public class HashFeatureEncoder implements FeatureNameEncoder
    int space;

     * Default constructor, how many bits to use
     * @param nbits number bits to use
    public HashFeatureEncoder(int nbits)
    { = (int)Math.pow(2, nbits) - 1;

     * Constant time lookup into space
     * @param name feature name
     * @return
    public Integer indexOf(String name)
        return MurmurHash.hash32(name) & space;

Other Ways to Collapse Features?

  • Recently popular NLP approach - Continuous Representations
    • Convert "sparse one-hot" representation to "dense continuous" representation
    • For example, we can use pre-trained embeddings from word2vec or glove as input
    • A BoW document in continuous space is still a sum operation in continous space
    • YMMV without deeper learning

Word2vec Embeddings Briefly

  • Word2vec maps a one hot vector to a continuous representation in embedded space
    • Train a shallow neural net (SGNS or CBOW)
    • Pop the base hidden layer connections out
    • Matrix of connections of size |V| x layerSz
    • Formula for lookup is then easy, but we have to keep Vocab LUT in memory again

Getting the word2vec result

// LUT from literal word to its index in vectors
private final Map<String, Integer> vocab;

private final float[][] vectors; // |V| x layerSz

public float[] getVec(String word)
    if (vocab.containsKey(word))
        return this.vectors[vocab.get(word)];
    return this.NULLV;

Building up Dense Feature Vectors

// Parse a sentence and place results in a continuous Bag of Words
DenseVectorN x = new DenseVectorN((int)embeddingSize);
ArrayDouble xArray = x.getX();

while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
    // Optional, problem dependent
    String word = tokenizer.nextToken().toLowerCase();
    float[] wordVector = word2vecModel.getVec(word);
    for (int j = 0, sz = xArray.size(); j < sz; ++j)
        // CBoW
        xArray.addi(j, wordVector[j]);

final FeatureVector fv = new FeatureVector(label, x);

Optimizations for Sparse Feature Vectors

  • Remember from before, SGD with regularization:


  • Bottou identifies a refactoring in SGD tricks
    • Complexity then scales with number of non-zero terms wt=stWt st+1=(1ηtλ)st gt=Q(yt,stWtxt)



Optimizations for Sparse Feature Vectors - Hogwild

  • Hogwild - Technique used by Word2vec code
    • Processors allowed equal access to shared memory and are able to update inidivual components of memory at will
    • When data is sparse, memory overwrites are rare and barely introduce any error in the computation when they do
    • Enables near-linear speedups

Use Case: Online Learning in the Wild for NLP

  • Fascinating paper by Wang, Manning (2012)
    • SVM with generative features beats many approaches to Sentiment, Reviews and News categorization
    • Later found to be true with longer N-grams and LR (Mesnil, Mikolov, Bengio)
  • Think of feature vector activation in BoW model as attesting a feature with a value
    • Normally "one-hot"" sum
    • Can be other things, e.g., tf-idf weight
    • But we can use more valuable weights!

nbsvm Details

  • Remember Naive Bayes?


  • What if we use the likelihood ratio of components as features?
    • Simple to do, build a lexicon of feature counts over classes upfront
    • Calculate likelihood ratio of word in classes
    • When word is attested, apply weight as Feature value
  • We also will use a linear weighting between this SVM and NB (regularization)
    • Note that, with uniform priors, log likelihood sum is the NB probability of class

nbsvm-xl Idea

  • Use everything we have learned to build large scale implementation
    • Feature hashing
    • LR/SVM
    • Fast out-of-core SGD (and optionally Adagrad) processing
  • Should be much faster than nbsvm, which uses liblinear, especially as dataset size increases

nbsvm-xl Feature Weights

// Look up the generative feature
private void toFeature(Set<Integer> set, List<Offset> offsets, String... str)
    String joined = CollectionsManip.join(str, "_*_");
    int idx = hashFeatureEncoder.indexOf(joined);

    if (!set.contains(idx))
        Double v = lexicon.get(idx);
        offsets.add(new Offset(idx, v));

nbsvm-xl Lexicon extraction

// increment joins and hashes feature, as above, increments count in label specific ftable
for (int i = 0, sz = text.size(); i < sz; ++i)
    // Circular
    lll = ll;
    ll = l;
    l = t;
    t = text.get(i);
    // unigram
    increment(ftable, t);
    // bigram?
    if (ngrams > 1 && l != null)
        // trigram?
        increment(ftable, l, t);
        if (ngrams > 2 && ll != null)
            increment(ftable, ll, l, t);

nbsvm-xl Lexicon generation

double numTotalF0 = numTokens[0] + alpha * uniqueWordsF0;
double numTotalF1 = numTokens[1] + alpha * uniqueWordsF1;

for (Integer word : words)
    double f0 = (CollectionsManip.getOrDefault(ftable0, word, 0L) + alpha)/numTotalF0;
    double f1 = (CollectionsManip.getOrDefault(ftable1, word, 0L) + alpha)/numTotalF1;
    lexicon.put(word, Math.log(f1 / f0));

Bakeoff (sorta)

  • Only 25k training examples available when using script provided by nbsvm
    • get these by running from checkout of Mesnil's implementation
    • This is far from large, but still
  • Not good way of seeing real-time other than using time command
  • My machine crushes data
    • Much faster than the estimates given by Mesnil

nbsvm Performance (Trigrams)

dpressel@dpressel:~/dev/work/nbsvm_run$ time python ../nbsvm/ --liblinear liblinear-1.96 --ptrain data/train-pos.txt --ntrain data/train-neg.txt --ptest data/test-pos.txt --ntest data/test-neg.txt --ngram 123 --out NBSVM-TEST-TRIGRAM
computing r...
processing files...
iter  1 act 1.236e+04 pre 1.070e+04 delta 8.596e+00 f 1.733e+04 |g| 7.848e+03 CG   7
iter  2 act 3.132e+03 pre 2.542e+03 delta 1.033e+01 f 4.970e+03 |g| 2.126e+03 CG   9
iter  3 act 9.326e+02 pre 7.520e+02 delta 1.033e+01 f 1.838e+03 |g| 7.607e+02 CG   9
iter  4 act 2.631e+02 pre 2.130e+02 delta 1.033e+01 f 9.055e+02 |g| 2.825e+02 CG   8
iter  5 act 7.708e+01 pre 6.203e+01 delta 1.033e+01 f 6.424e+02 |g| 1.066e+02 CG   7
iter  6 act 3.909e+01 pre 3.054e+01 delta 1.033e+01 f 5.653e+02 |g| 4.129e+01 CG   9
Accuracy = 91.872% (22968/25000)

real    1m44.156s
user    1m43.172s
sys 0m1.280s

nbsvm-xl Performance (Trigrams)

xl.nbsvm.NBSVM --train /home/dpressel/dev/work/nbsvm_run/data/train-xl.tsv --eval /home/dpressel/dev/work/nbsvm_run/data/test-xl.tsv 
--cgrams 0 --ngrams 3 --nbits 26 --loss log --epochs 10 -e0 0.05 --lambda 1e-6 --beta 1

4951537 hash words in lexicon, aggregated in 6.72s.  Starting training
Trained model in 18.81s.  25000 training examples seen
22969 / 25000
Model accuracy 91.88 %
Total hashing collisions 7065689

nbsvm-xl Performance In General

  • This difference gets more stark with large datasets
    • Our out-of-core SGD remains incredibly consistent!
  • Previous attempt, last laptop million examples from Twitter
    • 1.5 minutes to build lexicon
    • 45s first epoch (due to overlap)
    • 15s for additional epochs

References - 1

References - 2