Duplicate Species


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id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2692 Acacia ligulata Acacia ligulata acacia 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ACLI8 25273, 25435 39, 83, 95, 96 ACLI8 Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 507469 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 Acacia ligulata Acacia ligulata acacia 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ACLI8 39, 83, 95, 96 ACLI8 Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 507469 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
13 Acacia mangium Acacia mangium 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ACMA12 39, 83, 95, 96 ACMA12 Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2693 Acacia mangium Acacia mangium 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ACMA12 25274, 25436 39, 83, 95, 96 ACMA12 Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2654 Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium common yarrow 2010-09-05T15:41:26 2015-03-02T19:33:04.388268 ACMI2 25132, 25133, 25134, 25135, 25136, 25137, 25138, 25139, 25140, 25141, 25142, 25143, 25144, 25145, 25146, 25147, 25148, 25149, 25150, 25151, 25152, 25153, 25154, 25155, 25156, 25157, 26141, 28150, 29459, 29614, 30088, 30138, 30711, 30938, 31129, 31518, 33369, 33469, 34382, 34501, 34547, 34758, 34863, 36636, 41015, 41347 39, 83, 95, 96 ACMI2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 35423 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (NI), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (N), SPM (NI) UPL, FACU 1(FACU), 2(FACU), 3(FACU), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FACU), 7(FACU), 8(FACU), 9(FACU), 0(FACU), A(FACU), H(UPL) Spring Moderate Low Medium No No No Fine Rhizomatous Moderate 0 3 No No Moderate No No No Yes No None Medium No Medium Medium High 120 None Medium 6.00 8.00 4800 19000 8 60 8 None Intermediate -38 Early Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer No No Yes No No Yes No Yes No 2852012 Slow Low
34 Achillea millefolium Achillea millefolium 39, 83, 95, 96
2696 Adenocaulon bicolor Adenocaulon bicolor American trailplant 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ADBI 25277, 25439 39, 83, 95, 96 ADBI NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (ID, MI, MN, MT, ND, OR, SD, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, ON, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36463 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
39 Adenocaulon bicolor Adenocaulon bicolor American trailplant 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ADBI 39, 83, 95, 96 ADBI NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (ID, MI, MN, MT, ND, OR, SD, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, ON, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36463 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
49910 Adinandra Adinandra dumosa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28599 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
49909 Adinandra Adinandra dumosa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29094, 34171, 34721 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
43 Aegiceras corniculatum Aegiceras corniculatum 42155 39, 83, 95, 96
2697 Aegiceras corniculatum Aegiceras corniculatum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25278, 25440 39, 83, 95, 96
49914 Aextoxicon Aextoxicon punctatum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27444, 28911, 32256 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
49915 Aextoxicon Aextoxicon punctatum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27461, 28826, 32241, 33773, 33889, 34621 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
49916 Agropyron Agropyron repens 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28125, 30041, 31568, 33595, 34085, 34682 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
49917 Agropyron Agropyron repens 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28141, 29916, 31004, 33398, 34586, 34681 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
61 Agrostis tenuis Agrostis capillaris colonial bentgrass 2011-03-01T21:02:25 AGCA5 25713 39, 83, 95, 96 AGCA5 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 185249 Perennial Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) Spring and Summer Moderate None Low No No No Fine Rhizomatous Rapid 0 2 No No Short Yes No Yes Yes No Medium Medium No Low High Medium 120 None High 4.00 7.00 43560 43560 32 60 12 Medium Intolerant -53 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes Yes No No 6129840 Moderate High
60 Agrostis capillaris Agrostis capillaris colonial bentgrass 2011-03-01T21:02:25 AGCA5 25613, 36658 39, 83, 95, 96 AGCA5 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 185249 Perennial Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) Spring and Summer Moderate None Low No No No Fine Rhizomatous Rapid 0 2 No No Short Yes No Yes Yes No Medium Medium No Low High Medium 120 None High 4.00 7.00 43560 43560 32 60 12 Medium Intolerant -53 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes Yes No No 6129840 Moderate High
2942 Agrostis capillaris Agrostis capillaris colonial bentgrass 2010-12-06T01:05:33 2011-03-01T21:02:42 AGCA5 25609, 25712, 25714, 25715, 25716, 25717, 25718, 25719, 25720, 25721 39, 83, 95, 96 AGCA5 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, CT, DC, HI, ID, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, LB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 185249 Perennial Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) Spring and Summer Moderate None Low No No No Fine Rhizomatous Rapid 0 2 No No Short Yes No Yes Yes No Medium Medium No Low High Medium 120 None High 4.00 7.00 43560 43560 32 60 12 Medium Intolerant -53 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes Yes No No 6129840 Moderate High
49934 Alnus Alnus maximowiczii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30209, 31112 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No Yes
49933 Alnus Alnus maximowiczii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29803, 31187 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No Yes
49935 Alnus Alnus rugosa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29956, 30760, 32623 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No Yes
49936 Alnus Alnus rugosa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27861, 29359, 30956, 32924, 34166 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
85 Alocasia macrorrhiza Alocasia macrorrhizos giant taro 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ALMA11 42156 39, 83, 95, 96 ALMA11 NA (L48), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (FL, HI, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Araceae ARACEA Arum family Arales Arecidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42557 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2698 Alocasia macrorrhiza Alocasia macrorrhizos giant taro 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ALMA11 25279, 25441 39, 83, 95, 96 ALMA11 NA (L48), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (FL, HI, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Araceae ARACEA Arum family Arales Arecidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42557 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49942 Anacardium Anacardium excelsum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27784, 29486, 31680, 33539, 34206, 34853 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
49943 Anacardium Anacardium excelsum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29180, 33391, 34081 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
99 Anacardium occidenlale Anacardium occidentale cashew 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ANOC 39, 83, 95, 96 ANOC PR, VI <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Anacardiaceae ANACAR Sumac family Sapindales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28793 Perennial Tree PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2699 Anacardium occidenlale Anacardium occidentale cashew 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ANOC 25280, 25442 39, 83, 95, 96 ANOC PR, VI <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Anacardiaceae ANACAR Sumac family Sapindales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28793 Perennial Tree PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49946 Andromeda Andromeda glaucophylla 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27616, 28414, 32117, 33051, 34466 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
49945 Andromeda Andromeda glaucophylla 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27682, 28854, 31912, 33485, 34117 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
49947 Andropogon Andropogon gerardi 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30146, 31661, 33665, 34410, 34679, 42090 6, 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
49948 Andropogon Andropogon gerardi 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28098, 29246, 32031, 34599, 34695 6, 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2700 Anemone raddeana Anemone raddeana 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25281, 25443 39, 83, 95, 96
112 Anemone raddeana Anemone raddeana 39, 83, 95, 96
49964 Arabis Arabis caerulea 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30172, 30706 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51139 Arabis caerulea Arabis caerulea 2012-02-03T04:51:00 2015-02-27T02:48:15.022783 ARCA-check ARCA 41514, 41544 ARCA
2701 Arbutus unedo Arbutus unedo strawberry tree 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ARUN4 25282, 25444 39, 83, 95, 96 ARUN4 Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23629 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
127 Arbutus unedo Arbutus unedo strawberry tree 2011-03-01T21:02:26 ARUN4 42669 39, 83, 95, 96 ARUN4 Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23629 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2702 Arbutus unedo Arbutus unedo strawberry tree 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ARUN4 25283, 25445 39, 83, 95, 96 ARUN4 Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23629 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
49971 Aronia Aronia melanocarpa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29125 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub No
49972 Aronia Aronia melanocarpa 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27862, 29254, 31600, 32802, 34292 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub No
51144 Artemisia genipi Artemisia genipi 2012-02-03T05:00:25 2015-02-27T02:40:35.614449 ARGE-check ARGE 41519, 41550 ARGE
49973 Artemisia Artemisia genipi 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30263, 30766 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
49989 Astragalus Astragalus frigidus 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30181, 30511 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No Yes
49988 Astragalus Astragalus frigidus 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30187, 30525 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No Yes
49996 Aulax Aulax umbellata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28508, 32395, 33100 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
49997 Aulax Aulax umbellata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28553, 32291, 33161 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
49998 Aulax Aulax umbellata (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28456, 32369, 33236 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
49999 Aulax Aulax umbellata (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28555, 32337, 33199 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2705 Avena sativa Avena sativa common oat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 AVSA 25286, 25448, 42082, 42106, 42107, 42108, 42109 39, 83, 95, 96 AVSA NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41459 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W), SPM (W) Spring and Summer None None Low No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Low Medium None 90 None Medium 5.00 8.00 0 0 25 65 8 Medium Intolerant -23 Late Spring Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 19400 None High
160 Avena sativa Avena sativa common oat 2011-03-01T21:02:26 AVSA 39, 83, 95, 96 AVSA NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41459 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W), SPM (W) Spring and Summer None None Low No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Low Medium None 90 None Medium 5.00 8.00 0 0 25 65 8 Medium Intolerant -23 Late Spring Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 19400 None High
2706 Avicennia marina Avicennia marina gray mangrove 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 AVMA3 25287, 25449, 42163 39, 83, 95, 96 AVMA3 NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Verbenaceae VERBEN Verbena family Lamiales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 506840 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I) OBL H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
164 Avicennia marina Avicennia marina gray mangrove 2011-03-01T21:02:26 AVMA3 39, 83, 95, 96 AVMA3 NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Verbenaceae VERBEN Verbena family Lamiales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 506840 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I) OBL H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2707 Beta vulgaris Beta vulgaris common beet 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 BEVU2 25288, 25450 39, 83, 95, 96 BEVU2 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20681 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I) UPL, FACU 1(NI), 2(UPL), 3(UPL), 6(UPL), 8(FACU), 9(UPL), 0(FACU), C(UPL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2708 Beta vulgaris Beta vulgaris common beet 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 BEVU2 25289, 25451 39, 83, 95, 96 BEVU2 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20681 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I) UPL, FACU 1(NI), 2(UPL), 3(UPL), 6(UPL), 8(FACU), 9(UPL), 0(FACU), C(UPL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50021 Betula Betula ermanii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30170, 30942 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50020 Betula Betula ermanii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27954, 29507, 34264 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50022 Betula Betula ermanii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29856, 31546 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
217 Brassica oleracea Brassica oleracea cabbage 2011-03-01T21:02:27 BROL 39, 83, 95, 96 BROL NA (L48, CAN, GL), PR <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, GA, IA, IL, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VA, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, PE, QC, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23062 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2712 Brassica oleracea Brassica oleracea cabbage 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 BROL 25293, 25455 39, 83, 95, 96 BROL NA (L48, CAN, GL), PR <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, GA, IA, IL, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NM, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VA, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, PE, QC, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23062 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50043 Bromus Bromus madritiensis 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30450, 31215 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
50042 Bromus Bromus madritiensis 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30452, 31263 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50048 Buchanania Buchanania obovata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28863, 31593 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50047 Buchanania Buchanania obovata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28636, 32106, 33018, 34218 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50049 Buchanania Buchanania obovata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28649, 32101 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50061 Callitris Callitris glaucophylla 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 32167, 33064 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50060 Callitris Callitris glaucophylla 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27517, 28415, 32061, 32968, 33762, 33932, 34706 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
241 Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris heather 2011-03-01T21:02:27 CAVU 36639, 40341 39, 83, 95, 96 CAVU NA (L48, CAN, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, RI, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NF, NS, QC), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23634 Perennial Shrub L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) FAC 1(FAC*), 3(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2857 Calluna vulgaris Calluna vulgaris heather 2010-11-14T03:47:03 2011-03-01T21:02:42 CAVU 22786, 22787, 22795, 22796, 26143 39, 83, 95, 96 CAVU NA (L48, CAN, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, MA, ME, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, RI, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NF, NS, QC), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23634 Perennial Shrub L48 (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) FAC 1(FAC*), 3(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51134 Campanula barbata Campanula barbata 2012-02-03T04:42:44 2015-02-27T02:35:08.682575 CABA-check CABA 41509, 41538 CABA
50066 Campanula Campanula barbata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30085, 31140 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50072 Capparis Capparis odoratissima 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27702, 28349, 32113, 32994 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50071 Capparis Capparis odoratissima 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 33768, 33974 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
267 Carex Carex sedge 2015-03-02T20:30:04.236713 CAREX 39, 83, 95, 96 CAREX NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Cyperaceae CYPERA Sedge family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 39369 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
251 Carex Carex sedge 2011-03-01T21:02:27 CAREX 36305, 36739, 36740 39, 83, 95, 96 CAREX NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Cyperaceae CYPERA Sedge family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 39369 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50089 Castanopsis Castanopsis sieboldii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27518 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50087 Castanopsis Castanopsis sieboldii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27666, 28958, 32232, 33916 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50088 Castanopsis Castanopsis sieboldii 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28699, 31547, 34457, 34645 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
303 Ceanothus megacarpus Ceanothus megacarpus bigpod ceanothus 2011-03-01T21:02:28 CEME 50511, 50523, 50524, 50525, 50526, 50527, 50528, 50530, 50538 39, 83, 95, 96 CEME NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Rhamnaceae RHAMNA Buckthorn family Rhamnales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28488 Perennial Shrub L48 (N) Summer and Fall None High Yes No No Fine Multiple Stem Moderate 9 13 No No Moderate No Low Yes Yes Yes No None High Yes High Low Medium 250 High Low 7.00 8.00 300 700 9 24 12 None Intolerant 24 Late Winter No Known Source Spring Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 15000 Moderate Medium
2715 Ceanothus megacarpus Ceanothus megacarpus bigpod ceanothus 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CEME 25296, 25458 39, 83, 95, 96 CEME NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Rhamnaceae RHAMNA Buckthorn family Rhamnales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28488 Perennial Shrub L48 (N) Summer and Fall None High Yes No No Fine Multiple Stem Moderate 9 13 No No Moderate No Low Yes Yes Yes No None High Yes High Low Medium 250 High Low 7.00 8.00 300 700 9 24 12 None Intolerant 24 Late Winter No Known Source Spring Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 15000 Moderate Medium
50096 Cecropia Cecropia longipes 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28935, 33333, 34307 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50095 Cecropia Cecropia longipes 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28073, 29035, 30914, 33450, 34538, 34862 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50099 Cerastium Cerastium mollissimum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27982, 29844, 30879 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50100 Cerastium Cerastium mollissimum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29970, 30707 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50101 Cerastium Cerastium uniflorum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30413, 30913 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51142 Cerastium uniflorum Cerastium uniflorum 2012-02-03T04:56:05 2015-02-27T02:51:15.957103 CEUN-check CEUN 41517, 41520, 41548, 41551 CEUN
50105 Chaetachme Chaetachme aristata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29101, 30740 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50106 Chaetachme Chaetachme aristata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30014, 30540 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50107 Chaetachme Chaetachme aristata 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30788 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
495 Epilobium angustifolium Chamerion angustifolium ssp. angustifolium fireweed 2011-03-01T21:02:30 CHANA2 39, 83, 95, 96 CHANA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CO, MN, MT, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Onagraceae ONAGRA Evening Primrose family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 566019 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N) Spring, Summer, Fall Slow None Medium No No No Medium Rhizomatous Rapid 0 6 No No Moderate No No Yes Yes Yes High Medium Yes Low Medium High 90 None High 4.00 7.00 0 0 8 55 10 None Intermediate -38 Late Summer No Known Source Fall Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 6500000 Moderate High
322 Chamerion angustifolium Chamerion angustifolium ssp. angustifolium fireweed 2011-03-01T21:02:28 CHANA2 39, 83, 95, 96 CHANA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CO, MN, MT, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Onagraceae ONAGRA Evening Primrose family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 566019 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N) Spring, Summer, Fall Slow None Medium No No No Medium Rhizomatous Rapid 0 6 No No Moderate No No Yes Yes Yes High Medium Yes Low Medium High 90 None High 4.00 7.00 0 0 8 55 10 None Intermediate -38 Late Summer No Known Source Fall Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 6500000 Moderate High
2717 Chenopodium album Chenopodium album lambsquarters 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CHAL7 25298, 25460 39, 83, 95, 96 CHAL7 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20592 Annual Forb/herb L48 (NI), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (I), SPM (I) FACU, FAC 1(FACU+), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FAC), 0(FAC), A(FACU), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2716 Chenopodium album Chenopodium album lambsquarters 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CHAL7 25297, 25459, 42986, 42987, 44398 39, 83, 95, 96 CHAL7 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20592 Annual Forb/herb L48 (NI), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (I), SPM (I) FACU, FAC 1(FACU+), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FAC), 0(FAC), A(FACU), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2718 Chenopodium album Chenopodium album lambsquarters 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CHAL7 25299, 25461 39, 83, 95, 96 CHAL7 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20592 Annual Forb/herb L48 (NI), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (NI), GL (I), SPM (I) FACU, FAC 1(FACU+), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FAC), 0(FAC), A(FACU), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50115 Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28106, 30093, 30818, 34577 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50116 Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum leucanthemum 2011-03-10T21:55:10 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29983 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
2155 Cibotium chamissoi Cibotium chamissoi Chamisso's manfern 2015-03-02T20:35:33.06643 CICH 39, 83, 95, 96 CICH HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Fern Dicksoniaceae DICKSO Tree Fern family Polypodiales Filicopsida Pteridophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 17948 Perennial Tree HI (N) FAC H(FAC*) Year Round None None High No Yes No Coarse Multiple Stem Slow 23 10 No Yes Short No No No No Yes Low Medium No Low Medium Medium 365 None Medium 6.00 7.00 320 1280 30 90 12 Low Intermediate 40 Indeterminate Routinely Available Year Round Year Round No No No No Yes No No No No 50000000 Rapid Low
330 Cibotium chamissoi Cibotium chamissoi 39, 83, 95, 96
2719 Cicer arietinum Cicer arietinum chick pea 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CIAR5 25300, 25462 39, 83, 95, 96 CIAR5 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, ID, KS, MA, MD, NH, NY, OR, VT, WA, WI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, ON, SK) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26537 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
332 Cicer arietinum Cicer arietinum chick pea 2011-03-01T21:02:28 CIAR5 39, 83, 95, 96 CIAR5 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, ID, KS, MA, MD, NH, NY, OR, VT, WA, WI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, ON, SK) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26537 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50121 Cinnamomum Cinnamomum japonicum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27443 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50120 Cinnamomum Cinnamomum japonicum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27576, 29066, 32245, 33861 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50127 Cistus Cistus salvifolius 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28822, 31509, 33374, 34536 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50128 Cistus Cistus salvifolius 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29291, 31684 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2720 Cistus salviifolius Cistus salviifolius salvia cistus 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CISA 25301, 25463 39, 83, 95, 96 CISA NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Cistaceae CISTAC Rock-rose family Violales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 506899 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
344 Cistus salviifolius Cistus salviifolius salvia cistus 2011-03-01T21:02:28 CISA 39, 83, 95, 96 CISA NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Cistaceae CISTAC Rock-rose family Violales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 506899 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2722 Claoxylon sandwicense Claoxylon sandwicense po'ola 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CLSA 25303, 25465 39, 83, 95, 96 CLSA HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28253 Perennial Tree, Shrub HI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
350 Claoxylon sandwicense Claoxylon sandwicense po'ola 2011-03-01T21:02:28 CLSA 42009, 42010, 42011, 42012, 42013, 42057 39, 83, 95, 96 CLSA HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28253 Perennial Tree, Shrub HI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2723 Claoxylon sandwicense Claoxylon sandwicense po'ola 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CLSA 25304, 25466 39, 83, 95, 96 CLSA HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28253 Perennial Tree, Shrub HI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2724 Colocasia esculenta Colocasia esculenta coco yam 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 COES 25305, 25467 39, 83, 95, 96 COES NA (L48), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, GA, HI, LA, MS, NC, PA, SC, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Araceae ARACEA Arum family Arales Arecidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42549 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I) FACW, OBL 2(FACW), C(OBL), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
366 Colocasia esculenta Colocasia esculenta coco yam 2011-03-01T21:02:29 COES 42167 39, 83, 95, 96 COES NA (L48), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, GA, HI, LA, MS, NC, PA, SC, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Araceae ARACEA Arum family Arales Arecidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42549 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I) FACW, OBL 2(FACW), C(OBL), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50141 Combretum Combretum apiculatum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 33851 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50142 Combretum Combretum apiculatum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 34067 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50143 Combretum Combretum apiculatum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 33895 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50146 Comprosma Comprosma ochracea 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29577, 31994, 33027, 33578, 34179 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50147 Comprosma Comprosma ochracea 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 30298, 31596, 33028, 33599, 33791 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2725 Cucumis sativus Cucumis sativus garden cucumber 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 CUSA4 25306, 25468 39, 83, 95, 96 CUSA4 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AR, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, UT, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Cucurbitaceae CUCURB Cucumber family Violales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22364 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
411 Cucumis sativus Cucumis sativus garden cucumber 2011-03-01T21:02:29 CUSA4 39, 83, 95, 96 CUSA4 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AR, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MO, MS, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, UT, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Cucurbitaceae CUCURB Cucumber family Violales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22364 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50173 Culcitium Culcitium reflexum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 31766 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50174 Culcitium Culcitium reflexum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28531, 31861 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
2726 Dendrosenecio keniodendron Dendrosenecio keniodendron 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25307, 25469 39, 83, 95, 96
432 Dendrosenecio keniodendron Dendrosenecio keniodendron 39, 83, 95, 96
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50231 Drimys Drimys piperita 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29009, 31559, 33829 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50230 Drimys Drimys piperita 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 29810, 31819, 33863 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50232 Drimys Drimys piperita 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 28992, 31174, 33805 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
473 Dryopteris spinulosa Dryopteris campyloptera mountain woodfern 2011-03-01T21:02:30 DRCA3 39, 83, 95, 96 DRCA3 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NY, PA, TN, VA, VT, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (LB, NB, NF, NS, PE, QC) Fern Dryopteridaceae DRYOPT Wood Fern family Polypodiales Filicopsida Pteridophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 17527 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), CAN (N) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
467 Dryopteris austriaca Dryopteris campyloptera mountain woodfern 2011-03-01T21:02:30 DRCA3 39, 83, 95, 96 DRCA3 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NH, NY, PA, TN, VA, VT, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (LB, NB, NF, NS, PE, QC) Fern Dryopteridaceae DRYOPT Wood Fern family Polypodiales Filicopsida Pteridophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 17527 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), CAN (N) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
488 Elytrigia repens Elymus repens quackgrass 2011-03-01T21:02:30 ELRE4 39, 83, 95, 96 ELRE4 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 512839 Perennial Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) Spring and Summer Moderate None Medium No No No Medium Rhizomatous Rapid 0 3 No No Moderate Yes No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Low Medium High 90 None Medium 5.00 7.00 19000 43560 24 65 14 None Intolerant -43 Mid Spring No Known Source Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No Yes No 110000 Moderate Medium
59 Agropyron repens Elymus repens quackgrass 2011-03-01T21:02:25 ELRE4 25189, 25190, 25191, 25192, 25193, 25194, 25201, 25202, 25203, 25204, 25205, 25206, 25213, 25215 7, 39, 83, 95, 96 ELRE4 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 512839 Perennial Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) Spring and Summer Moderate None Medium No No No Medium Rhizomatous Rapid 0 3 No No Moderate Yes No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Low Medium High 90 None Medium 5.00 7.00 19000 43560 24 65 14 None Intolerant -43 Mid Spring No Known Source Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No Yes No 110000 Moderate Medium
50239 Empetrum Empetrum hermaphroditum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27473, 28592, 32363, 39488, 39489, 39490, 39491 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50240 Empetrum Empetrum hermaphroditum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:40 27468, 28694, 32252 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2728 Encelia farinosa Encelia farinosa brittlebush 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ENFA 25309, 25471, 41943, 41980, 42059 39, 83, 95, 96 ENFA NA (L48, CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, HI, NV, UT), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 37308 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I) Fall, Winter and Spring None High Yes No No Coarse Single Stem Rapid 1 5 Yes No Short No Yes Yes Yes Yes None High No High Low None 365 High Low 7.00 8.00 7000 12000 5 10 12 None Intolerant 27 Winter Contracting Only Summer Summer Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 35000 Slow Medium
490 Encelia farinosa Encelia farinosa brittlebush 2011-03-01T21:02:30 ENFA 39, 83, 95, 96 ENFA NA (L48, CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, HI, NV, UT), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 37308 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I) Fall, Winter and Spring None High Yes No No Coarse Single Stem Rapid 1 5 Yes No Short No Yes Yes Yes Yes None High No High Low None 365 High Low 7.00 8.00 7000 12000 5 10 12 None Intolerant 27 Winter Contracting Only Summer Summer Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 35000 Slow Medium
491 Entandrophragma angolense Entandrophragma angolense 39, 83, 95, 96
2729 Entandrophragma angolense Entandrophragma angolense 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25310, 25472 39, 83, 95, 96
2469 Eremalche Eremalche rotundifolia desert fivespot 2011-03-01T21:02:40 ERRO8 39, 83, 95, 96 ERRO8 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, NV), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21798 Annual Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2768 Eremalche rotundifolia Eremalche rotundifolia desert fivespot reported by Wullschleger 1993 as syn Malvastrum rotundifolium 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ERRO8 25349, 25511 39, 83, 95, 96 ERRO8 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, NV), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21798 Annual Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50262 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus brevifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28321, 32282 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50261 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus brevifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28320, 32339 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
2731 Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 EUPA20 25312, 25474 39, 83, 95, 96 EUPA20 Dicot Myrtaceae MYRTAC Myrtle family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2733 Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 EUPA20 25314, 25476 39, 83, 95, 96 EUPA20 Dicot Myrtaceae MYRTAC Myrtle family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2734 Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 EUPA20 25315, 25477 39, 83, 95, 96 EUPA20 Dicot Myrtaceae MYRTAC Myrtle family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
525 Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum 2011-03-01T21:02:30 EUPA20 42963, 43041, 50153, 50154, 50155, 50156, 50157, 50158, 50159, 50160, 50161, 50162, 50163, 50164 39, 83, 95, 96 EUPA20 Dicot Myrtaceae MYRTAC Myrtle family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2732 Eucalyptus pauciflora Eucalyptus pauciflora snow gum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 EUPA20 25313, 25475 39, 83, 95, 96 EUPA20 Dicot Myrtaceae MYRTAC Myrtle family Myrtales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50268 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus pruinosa 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28447, 31965 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50267 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus pruinosa 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28401, 32183 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50269 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus tectifica 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28857, 31747 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50271 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus tectifica 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28361, 32151 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50270 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus tectifica 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28482, 32176 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50273 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus terminalis 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28336, 32209 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50272 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus terminalis 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28366, 32284 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50275 Euclea Euclea divinorum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 33817 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50276 Euclea Euclea divinorum 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 33970 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
559 Ficus obtusifolia Ficus obtusifolia amate 2011-03-01T21:02:30 FIOB 39, 83, 95, 96 FIOB VI <strong>USA+</strong> (VI) Dicot Moraceae MORACE Mulberry family Urticales Hamamelididae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 19096 Perennial Tree, Shrub VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2737 Ficus obtusifolia Ficus obtusifolia amate 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 FIOB 25318, 25480 39, 83, 95, 96 FIOB VI <strong>USA+</strong> (VI) Dicot Moraceae MORACE Mulberry family Urticales Hamamelididae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 19096 Perennial Tree, Shrub VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2738 Flindersia brayleyana Flindersia brayleyana Queensland maple 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 FLBR 25319, 25481 39, 83, 95, 96 FLBR HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Dicot Rutaceae RUTACE Rue family Sapindales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 502633 Perennial Tree HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
563 Flindersia brayleyana Flindersia brayleyana Queensland maple 2011-03-01T21:02:30 FLBR 39, 83, 95, 96 FLBR HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI) Dicot Rutaceae RUTACE Rue family Sapindales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 502633 Perennial Tree HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
51136 Gentiana bavarica Gentiana bavarica 2012-02-03T04:44:22 2012-02-03T04:44:22 GEBA GEBA 41511, 41540 GEBA
50314 Gentiana Gentiana bavarica 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 29977, 31717 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50316 Gentiana Gentiana kochiana 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 29808, 31938 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51141 Gentiana kochiana Gentiana kochiana 2012-02-03T04:54:11 2015-02-27T02:37:22.763199 GEKO-check GEKO 41516, 41547 GEKO
50323 Geum Geum reptans 2011-03-10T21:55:11 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28065, 29723, 30925, 34372 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51131 Geum reptans Geum reptans 2012-02-03T04:25:30 2015-02-27T02:21:52.957699 GERE-check GERE 41506, 41530 GERE
2743 Glycine max Glycine max [duplicate] soybean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GLMA4 25324, 25486 39, 46, 83, 95, 96 GLMA4 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26716 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W) Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No Medium No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Medium Low None 140 None Medium 5.00 7.00 0 0 32 50 8 Medium Intolerant -28 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 4880 None High
2742 Glycine max Glycine max [duplicate] soybean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GLMA4 25323, 25485 39, 46, 83, 95, 96 GLMA4 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26716 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W) Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No Medium No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Medium Low None 140 None Medium 5.00 7.00 0 0 32 50 8 Medium Intolerant -28 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 4880 None High
2741 Glycine max Glycine max [duplicate] soybean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GLMA4 25322, 25484 39, 46, 83, 95, 96 GLMA4 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26716 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W) Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No Medium No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Medium Low None 140 None Medium 5.00 7.00 0 0 32 50 8 Medium Intolerant -28 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 4880 None High
2740 Glycine max Glycine max [duplicate] soybean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GLMA4 25321, 25483 39, 46, 83, 95, 96 GLMA4 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, QC) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26716 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), CAN (W) Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No Medium No Yes Yes Yes Low Low No Medium Low None 140 None Medium 5.00 7.00 0 0 32 50 8 Medium Intolerant -28 Mid Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 4880 None High
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2744 Gossypium barbadense Gossypium barbadense Creole cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOBA 25325, 25487 39, 83, 95, 96 GOBA HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21710 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
613 Gossypium barbadense Gossypium barbadense Creole cotton 2011-03-01T21:02:31 GOBA 42178 39, 83, 95, 96 GOBA HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21710 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2751 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25332, 25494 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2749 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25330, 25492 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2748 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25329, 25491 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
614 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2011-03-01T21:02:31 GOHI 42179, 42297, 42298, 42994, 43028 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2747 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25328, 25490 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2746 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25327, 25489 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2745 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25326, 25488 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2750 Gossypium hirsutum Gossypium hirsutum upland cotton 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 GOHI 25331, 25493 39, 83, 95, 96 GOHI NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, MO, MS, NC, NJ, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21711 Annual, Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50346 Hakea Hakea amplexicaulis 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28396, 32544, 33294 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50345 Hakea Hakea amplexicaulis 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28486, 32543, 33293 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50365 Hakea Hakea cygna cygna 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28215, 32526, 33240 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50366 Hakea Hakea cygna cygna 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28203, 32527, 33241 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50384 Hakea Hakea incrassata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28229, 32430, 33257 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50383 Hakea Hakea incrassata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28237, 32429, 33256 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50405 Hakea Hakea obliqua parviflora 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28183, 32560, 33287 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50404 Hakea Hakea obliqua parviflora 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28160, 32559, 33286 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50418 Hakea Hakea prostrata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28347, 32521, 33066 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50419 Hakea Hakea prostrata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28227, 32522, 33067 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50417 Hakea Hakea prostrata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28266, 32368, 33246 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50425 Hakea Hakea ruscifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28443, 32482, 33194 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50424 Hakea Hakea ruscifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28467, 32481, 33193 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50435 Hakea Hakea trifurcata (needle) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28198 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50436 Hakea Hakea trifurcata (needle) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28184 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50434 Hakea Hakea trifurcata (needle) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 28262 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2901 Helianthus Helianthus 2010-11-23T15:02:32 2011-03-01T21:02:42 HEGR4*HEGR4 25096 39, 83, 95, 96
12808 Helianthus Helianthus sunflower 2011-03-02T13:45:56 2011-03-02T13:45:56 HELIA3 39, 83, 95, 96 HELIA3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36611 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2752 Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus common sunflower 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 HEAN3 25333, 25495 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAN3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36616 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FAC-), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FACU+), 0(FAC-), A(FAC), C(UPL) Summer None None No Yes No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 9 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Medium No Medium Low None 80 None Medium 5.00 7.00 4800 11000 12 60 8 Low Intolerant 52 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 46919 Moderate Low
2754 Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus common sunflower 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 HEAN3 25335, 25497 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAN3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36616 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FAC-), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FACU+), 0(FAC-), A(FAC), C(UPL) Summer None None No Yes No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 9 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Medium No Medium Low None 80 None Medium 5.00 7.00 4800 11000 12 60 8 Low Intolerant 52 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 46919 Moderate Low
2753 Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus common sunflower 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 HEAN3 25334, 25496 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAN3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36616 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FAC-), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FACU+), 0(FAC-), A(FAC), C(UPL) Summer None None No Yes No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 9 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Medium No Medium Low None 80 None Medium 5.00 7.00 4800 11000 12 60 8 Low Intolerant 52 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 46919 Moderate Low
2755 Helianthus annuus Helianthus annuus common sunflower 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 HEAN3 25336, 25498 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAN3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36616 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FAC-), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FACU+), 0(FAC-), A(FAC), C(UPL) Summer None None No Yes No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 9 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Medium No Medium Low None 80 None Medium 5.00 7.00 4800 11000 12 60 8 Low Intolerant 52 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 46919 Moderate Low
643 Helianthus annus Helianthus annuus common sunflower 2011-03-01T21:02:31 HEAN3 34940, 42181, 42664, 42665, 42998, 42999, 44140 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAN3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36616 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FAC-), 2(FAC-), 3(FAC-), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FAC), 7(FAC-), 8(FACU), 9(FACU+), 0(FAC-), A(FAC), C(UPL) Summer None None No Yes No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 9 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes Low Medium No Medium Low None 80 None Medium 5.00 7.00 4800 11000 12 60 8 Low Intolerant 52 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 46919 Moderate Low
14268 Heliopsis Heliopsis heliopsis 2011-03-02T13:46:10 2011-03-02T13:46:10 HELIO2 39, 83, 95, 96 HELIO2 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NF, ON, QC, SK) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 37604 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2900 Heliopsis Heliopsis 2010-11-23T15:02:32 2011-03-01T21:02:42 HEMA2*HEMA2 25095 39, 83, 95, 96
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2757 Heteromeles arbutifolia Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 HEAR5 25338, 25500 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAR5 NA (CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 25174 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
654 Heteromeles arbutifolia Heteromeles arbutifolia toyon 2011-03-01T21:02:31 HEAR5 42182 39, 83, 95, 96 HEAR5 NA (CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 25174 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50484 Illicium Illicium anisatum 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27549 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50483 Illicium Illicium anisatum 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:41 27635, 29988, 32023, 33830 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
42819 Juniperus Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain juniper 2011-03-02T13:50:20 2011-03-02T13:50:20 JUSC2 39, 83, 95, 96 JUSC2 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, CO, ID, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, OK, OR, SD, TX, UT, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, SK) Gymnosperm Cupressaceae CUPRES Cypress family Pinales Pinopsida Coniferophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 194872 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N) Spring and Summer None High No No No Medium Stoloniferous Slow 25 50 No Yes Long No No Yes Yes No None High Yes High Low Low 120 Medium Low 5.00 8.00 300 1200 9 26 20 Low Intolerant -38 Early Spring Routinely Available Fall Winter Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 30400 Slow Low
726 66 Juniperus scopulorum Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain juniper 2015-03-02T20:44:03.306681 JUSC 19, 39, 54, 80, 83, 95, 96 JUSC NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NE, NJ, NY, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, WI, WV) Monocot Juncaceae JUNCAC Rush family Juncales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 39312 Perennial Graminoid L48 (N) FACW, FACW+ 1(FACW), 2(FACW+), 3(FACW+), 5(FACW+), 6(FACW) Spring and Summer Slow None Medium No No No Medium Rhizomatous Moderate 0 3 No No Long No No Yes Yes No High Medium No None Medium High 145 None High 5.00 6.00 2700 4800 36 55 10 None Tolerant -3 Late Spring Routinely Available Summer Summer Yes No No No No Yes No Yes No 0 Slow Medium
50502 Koeleria Koeleria cristata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29317, 31817, 33431, 34278, 34734 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
50503 Koeleria Koeleria cristata 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28051, 28811, 31757, 33373, 34589, 34885 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass
740 Koeleria cristata Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass 2011-03-01T21:02:32 KOMA 36788, 36798 7, 39, 83, 95, 96 KOMA NA (L48, AK, CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, DE, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT, CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 503284 Perennial Graminoid L48 (N), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (N) Spring and Fall Moderate None Medium No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes No None High No High Medium High 150 None High 6.00 8.00 0 0 14 20 20 None Tolerant -38 Late Spring Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 2315000 Slow Low
743 Koeleria pyramidata Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass 2011-01-31T07:16:21 39, 83, 95, 96
742 Koeleria macrantha Koeleria macrantha prairie Junegrass 2011-03-01T21:02:32 KOMA 39, 83, 95, 96 KOMA NA (L48, AK, CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, DE, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SD, TX, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NT, ON, QC, SK, YT, CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 503284 Perennial Graminoid L48 (N), AK (N), HI (I), CAN (N) Spring and Fall Moderate None Medium No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes No None High No High Medium High 150 None High 6.00 8.00 0 0 14 20 20 None Tolerant -38 Late Spring Routinely Available Summer Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 2315000 Slow Low
2760 Lactuca sativa Lactuca sativa garden lettuce 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 LASA3 25341, 25503 39, 83, 95, 96 LASA3 NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, DC, DE, ID, IL, IN, MA, ME, MI, MO, ND, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, WA, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, ON, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36607 Annual, Biennial, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
745 Lactuca sativa Lactuca sativa garden lettuce 2011-03-01T21:02:32 LASA3 39, 83, 95, 96 LASA3 NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, DC, DE, ID, IL, IN, MA, ME, MI, MO, ND, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, WA, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, ON, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36607 Annual, Biennial, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (W) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50512 Laurelia Laurelia philippiana 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27456, 28844, 31777 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50513 Laurelia Laurelia philippiana 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27556, 28651, 31873, 33715, 33933, 34710 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50518 Lepidosperma Lepidosperma laterale 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28223, 32384, 33190 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass Yes
50519 Lepidosperma Lepidosperma laterale 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28241, 32513, 33298 39, 83, 95, 96 Grass Yes
50529 Leucadendron Leucadendron laureolum 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28410, 32336, 33045 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50528 Leucadendron Leucadendron laureolum 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28460, 32500, 33235 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50530 Leucadendron Leucadendron pubescens (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28535, 32463, 33094 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50531 Leucadendron Leucadendron pubescens (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28326, 32476, 33162 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50532 Leucadendron Leucadendron pubescens (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28563, 32488, 33154 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50540 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28715, 32441, 33202 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50533 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28449, 32391, 33197 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50534 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28385, 32485, 33177 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50535 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 32433, 33184 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50536 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28420, 32525, 33163 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50537 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28455, 32462, 33237 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50538 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28419, 32421, 33137 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50539 Leucadendron Leucadendron salignum (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28458, 32392, 33090 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50542 Leucadendron Leucadendron xanthoconus (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28778, 32358, 33010 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50541 Leucadendron Leucadendron xanthoconus (m&f) 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29422, 32431, 33227 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
51133 Leucanthemopsis alpina Leucanthemopsis alpina 2012-02-03T04:28:37 2015-02-27T02:28:37.995143 LEAL-check LEAL 41508, 41537 LEAL
50543 Leucanthemopsis Leucanthemopsis alpina 2011-03-10T21:55:12 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28084, 29900, 31073, 34242 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50546 Leucospermum Leucospermum conocarpodendron 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28483, 32399, 33109 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50545 Leucospermum Leucospermum conocarpodendron 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28412, 32426, 33167 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
51147 Linaria alpina Linaria alpina 2012-02-03T05:03:21 2012-02-03T05:03:21 LIAL LIAL 41523, 41554 LIAL
50552 Linaria Linaria alpina 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30295, 31057 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50556 Livistona Livistona humilis 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28506, 31598 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50555 Livistona Livistona humilis 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28416, 32127 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
794 Lolium perenne Lolium perenne perennial ryegrass 2011-03-01T21:02:32 LOPE 26160, 26161, 26162, 26163, 26164, 26165, 26166, 26167, 42128, 42129, 42130, 42131 415, 416, 417, 418 39, 83, 95, 96 LOPE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 40893 Perennial, Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) FACU-, FAC 1(FACU-), 2(FACU), 3(FACU), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FACU), 7(FACU), 8(FACU), 9(FACU), 0(FAC*), A(FACU), C(FAC) Spring and Fall Moderate None Low No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 4 No No Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High Low 100 None High 5.00 8.00 0 0 30 65 10 Medium Intolerant -18 Mid Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 240400 Moderate High
2765 Lolium perenne Lolium perenne perennial ryegrass 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 LOPE 25346, 25508, 25608, 25612, 25707, 25708, 25709, 25710, 25711, 25722, 25723, 25724, 25725, 25726 39, 83, 95, 96 LOPE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 40893 Perennial, Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) FACU-, FAC 1(FACU-), 2(FACU), 3(FACU), 4(FACU), 5(FACU), 6(FACU), 7(FACU), 8(FACU), 9(FACU), 0(FAC*), A(FACU), C(FAC) Spring and Fall Moderate None Low No No No Fine Bunch Rapid 0 4 No No Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High Low 100 None High 5.00 8.00 0 0 30 65 10 Medium Intolerant -18 Mid Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 240400 Moderate High
50569 Luehea Luehea seemannii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29611, 33334, 34204 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50568 Luehea Luehea seemannii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27849, 28802, 31340, 33339, 34514, 34870 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50567 Luehea Luehea seemannii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27935, 30910 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50570 Luma Luma apiculata 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27599, 28639, 32118, 33680, 34188, 34804 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50571 Luma Luma apiculata 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28797, 32146, 33706, 34055, 34765 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50582 Lysiphyllum Lysiphyllum cunninghamii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29227, 31010 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes Yes
50581 Lysiphyllum Lysiphyllum cunninghamii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28795, 31976 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes Yes
50580 Lysiphyllum Lysiphyllum cunninghamii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28758, 31802 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50584 Macaranga Macaranga heynei 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29791, 34131, 34622 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50585 Macaranga Macaranga heynei 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29570 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50591 Machilus Machilus thunbergii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50590 Machilus Machilus thunbergii 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28930, 31742, 34345, 34647 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50600 Mallotus Mallotus paniculatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29785, 34386, 34703 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50601 Mallotus Mallotus paniculatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29980 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
2770 Manihot esculenta Manihot esculenta cassava 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 MAES 25351, 25513 39, 83, 95, 96 MAES NA (L48), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, MS, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 503688 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub, Forb/herb, Tree L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) Year Round None Medium No Yes No Medium Single Stem Rapid 0 10 No Yes Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High None 365 Low Medium 5.00 5.00 1700 2700 60 80 24 Low Intolerant 17 Indeterminate Routinely Available Year Round Year Round Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No 0 None
831 Manihot esculenta Manihot esculenta cassava 2011-03-01T21:02:33 MAES 39, 83, 95, 96 MAES NA (L48), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, HI, MS, TX), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 503688 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub, Forb/herb, Tree L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) Year Round None Medium No Yes No Medium Single Stem Rapid 0 10 No Yes Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High None 365 Low Medium 5.00 5.00 1700 2700 60 80 24 Low Intolerant 17 Indeterminate Routinely Available Year Round Year Round Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No 0 None
50614 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha gl 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28771, 32313, 33084 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50615 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha gl 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29103, 32139, 33030, 33476, 33813 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50616 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha gl 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28681, 32365, 33123, 33494, 33858 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50618 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha pb 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28537, 32314, 33124, 33418, 34142 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50619 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha pb 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28591, 32305, 33058, 33474, 34240 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50621 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha pb 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28254, 32458, 33255, 33621, 33927 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50617 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha pb 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28303, 32389, 33309, 33659, 33854 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50620 Meterosideros Meterosideros polymorpha pb 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28501, 32373, 33254, 33481, 33831 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50631 Mimetes Mimetes cucullatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28509, 32503, 33182 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50632 Mimetes Mimetes cucullatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28428, 32493, 33289 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50643 Myrceugenia Myrceugenia planipes 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27460, 29079, 32119 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50644 Myrceugenia Myrceugenia planipes 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27491, 28845, 33753, 33922, 34649 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2771 Nauclea diderrichii Nauclea diderrichii 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25352, 25514 39, 83, 95, 96
889 Nauclea diderrichii Nauclea diderrichii 39, 83, 95, 96
50655 Neolitsea Neolitsea sericea 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27509 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50653 Neolitsea Neolitsea sericea 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27643, 29287, 32193, 33833 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50654 Neolitsea Neolitsea sericea 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28976, 31640, 34046, 34616 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50657 Nephrolepsis Nephrolepsis sp 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28702, 32161, 32823, 33774, 33793 39, 83, 95, 96 F
50658 Nephrolepsis Nephrolepsis sp 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30166, 32140, 32899 39, 83, 95, 96 F
2772 Nerium oleander Nerium oleander oleander 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 NEOL 25353 39, 83, 95, 96 NEOL NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, UT), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Apocynaceae APOCYN Dogbane family Gentianales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 30184 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) Spring, Summer, Fall None High Yes Yes Yes Coarse Multiple Stem Rapid 12 12 No Yes Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes None Low No High Low High 230 High Low 5.00 7.00 700 1200 14 60 16 Medium Intolerant 14 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 0 Slow Low
893 Nerium oleander Nerium oleander oleander 2011-03-01T21:02:33 NEOL 42148, 42186 39, 83, 95, 96 NEOL NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, UT), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Apocynaceae APOCYN Dogbane family Gentianales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 30184 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) Spring, Summer, Fall None High Yes Yes Yes Coarse Multiple Stem Rapid 12 12 No Yes Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes None Low No High Low High 230 High Low 5.00 7.00 700 1200 14 60 16 Medium Intolerant 14 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 0 Slow Low
2773 Nerium oleander Nerium oleander oleander 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 NEOL 25354, 25516 39, 83, 95, 96 NEOL NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AZ, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TX, UT), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Apocynaceae APOCYN Dogbane family Gentianales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 30184 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) Spring, Summer, Fall None High Yes Yes Yes Coarse Multiple Stem Rapid 12 12 No Yes Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes None Low No High Low High 230 High Low 5.00 7.00 700 1200 14 60 16 Medium Intolerant 14 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 0 Slow Low
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2774 Nicotiana tabacum Nicotiana tabacum cultivated tobacco 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 NITA 25355, 25517 39, 83, 95, 96 NITA NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, FL, HI, KS, LA, MA, MD, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 30568 Annual, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
894 Nicotiana tabacum Nicotiana tabacum cultivated tobacco 2015-03-02T20:52:17.757422 NITA 39, 83, 95, 96 NITA NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, FL, HI, KS, LA, MA, MD, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 30568 Annual, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50662 Nothofagus Nothofagus betuloides 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27544, 28621, 32079 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50663 Nothofagus Nothofagus betuloides 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28724, 32007 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50673 Olea Olea capensis ssp macrocarpa 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28631, 32121 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50674 Olea Olea capensis ssp macrocarpa 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28749, 32003 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
2542 Olea Olea europaea olive 2011-03-01T21:02:40 OLEU 39, 83, 95, 96 OLEU NA (CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Oleaceae OLEACE Olive family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 32990 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2776 Olea europaea Olea europaea olive 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 OLEU 25357, 25519 39, 83, 95, 96 OLEU NA (CAN), HI <strong>USA</strong> (HI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Oleaceae OLEACE Olive family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 32990 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), HI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50675 Olea Olea europaea ssp africana 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28457, 31469 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50676 Olea Olea europaea ssp africana 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28547, 32184 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
1125 Pyrola secunda Orthilia secunda sidebells wintergreen 2011-03-01T21:02:35 ORSE 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, IA, ID, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Pyrolaceae PYROLA Shinleaf family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504066 Perennial Subshrub L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1182 Ramischia secunda Orthilia secunda sidebells wintergreen 2011-03-01T21:02:36 ORSE 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, IA, ID, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Pyrolaceae PYROLA Shinleaf family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504066 Perennial Subshrub L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
916 Oryza sativa Oryza sativa rice 2011-03-01T21:02:33 ORSA 34913, 34921, 44156 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSA NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, GA, IL, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41976 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) OBL 1(OBL), 2(OBL), 3(OBL), 6(OBL), 0(OBL), C(NI*), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2779 Oryza sativa Oryza sativa rice 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ORSA 25360, 25522 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSA NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, GA, IL, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41976 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) OBL 1(OBL), 2(OBL), 3(OBL), 6(OBL), 0(OBL), C(NI*), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2777 Oryza sativa Oryza sativa rice 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ORSA 25358, 25520, 44155 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSA NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, GA, IL, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41976 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) OBL 1(OBL), 2(OBL), 3(OBL), 6(OBL), 0(OBL), C(NI*), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2778 Oryza sativa Oryza sativa rice 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 ORSA 25359, 25521 39, 83, 95, 96 ORSA NA (L48, CAN), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, GA, IL, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41976 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) OBL 1(OBL), 2(OBL), 3(OBL), 6(OBL), 0(OBL), C(NI*), H(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2780 Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra terminalis Japanese pachysandra 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PATE11 25361, 25523 39, 83, 95, 96 PATE11 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, MA, MD, MN, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, VA), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON) Dicot Buxaceae BUXACE Boxwood family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504090 Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), CAN (W) Spring and Summer None Medium No No Yes Medium Rhizomatous Slow 0 1 No Yes Moderate No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Low High High 100 None High 5.00 7.00 4800 43000 36 60 12 Low Tolerant -28 Early Summer Routinely Available No No Yes No No No No Yes No 0 None
930 Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra terminalis Japanese pachysandra 2011-03-01T21:02:33 PATE11 39, 83, 95, 96 PATE11 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, DE, IL, IN, MA, MD, MN, NC, NY, OH, PA, SC, VA), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON) Dicot Buxaceae BUXACE Boxwood family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504090 Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), CAN (W) Spring and Summer None Medium No No Yes Medium Rhizomatous Slow 0 1 No Yes Moderate No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Low High High 100 None High 5.00 7.00 4800 43000 36 60 12 Low Tolerant -28 Early Summer Routinely Available No No Yes No No No No Yes No 0 None
50717 Petalostemum Petalostemum villosum 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29072, 30901, 33331, 34602, 34854 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb Yes
50716 Petalostemum Petalostemum villosum 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29435, 31150, 33353, 34569, 34821 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb Yes
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2782 Pharus latifolius Pharus latifolius broad stalkgrass 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHLA2 25363, 25525 39, 83, 95, 96 PHLA2 PR <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42019 Perennial Graminoid PR (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
953 Pharus latifolius Pharus latifolius broad stalkgrass 2011-03-01T21:02:34 PHLA2 39, 83, 95, 96 PHLA2 PR <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42019 Perennial Graminoid PR (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2783 Phaseolus acutifolius Phaseolus acutifolius tepary bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHAC 25364, 25526 39, 83, 95, 96 PHAC NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, NM, TX) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26840 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
954 Phaseolus acutifolius Phaseolus acutifolius tepary bean 2011-03-01T21:02:34 PHAC 34893, 44116 39, 83, 95, 96 PHAC NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, NM, TX) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26840 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2793 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25374, 25536 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2792 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25373, 25535 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2791 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25372, 25534 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
955 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2011-03-01T21:02:34 PHVU 22223, 22224, 22305, 22306, 34892, 39694, 39695, 42188, 42219, 44115 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2790 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25371, 25533 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2789 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25370, 25532 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2788 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25369, 25531 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2787 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25368, 25530 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2786 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25367, 25529 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2785 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25366, 25528 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2784 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25365, 25527 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2794 Phaseolus vulgaris Phaseolus vulgaris kidney bean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PHVU 25375, 25537 39, 83, 95, 96 PHVU NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, KY, MA, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26857 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50722 Philotheca Philotheca difformis 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27605, 28352, 31851, 33037, 33643, 34216, 34882 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50723 Philotheca Philotheca difformis 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27553, 28589, 31929, 33052, 33752, 34151, 34860 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
1021 Piper auritum Piper auritum Vera cruz pepper 2011-03-01T21:02:34 PIAU 39, 83, 95, 96 PIAU NA (L48), VI <strong>USA</strong> (FL), <strong>USA+</strong> (VI) Dicot Piperaceae PIPERA Pepper family Piperales Magnoliidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504403 Perennial Tree L48 (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2804 Piper auritum Piper auritum Vera cruz pepper 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PIAU 25385, 25547, 42189 39, 83, 95, 96 PIAU NA (L48), VI <strong>USA</strong> (FL), <strong>USA+</strong> (VI) Dicot Piperaceae PIPERA Pepper family Piperales Magnoliidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 504403 Perennial Tree L48 (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50739 Planchonia Planchonia careya 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27783, 29202, 31744, 32976, 34189 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50740 Planchonia Planchonia careya 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27821, 29466, 31532, 32888, 34220 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50741 Planchonia Planchonia careya 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29056, 31335 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50742 Planchonia Planchonia careya 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28655, 31536 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50745 Plantago Plantago lanceloata 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27952, 30124, 31045, 34488 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
50746 Plantago Plantago lanceloata 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29958, 31336 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
50744 Plantago Plantago lanceloata 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29884, 31557 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
1035 Plantago maritima Plantago maritima goose tongue 2011-03-01T21:02:34 PLMA3 39, 83, 95, 96 PLMA3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI, VA, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Plantaginaceae PLANTA Plantain family Plantaginales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 32871 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) UPL, FACW+ 1(FACW), 2(UPL), 8(NI), 9(FACW+), 0(FACW+), A(FACW) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2806 Plantago maritima Plantago maritima goose tongue 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PLMA3 25387, 25549 39, 83, 95, 96 PLMA3 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY, OR, RI, VA, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Plantaginaceae PLANTA Plantain family Plantaginales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 32871 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) UPL, FACW+ 1(FACW), 2(UPL), 8(NI), 9(FACW+), 0(FACW+), A(FACW) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50753 Podocarpus Podocarpus falcatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28545, 31868 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50754 Podocarpus Podocarpus falcatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28391, 32223 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50752 Podocarpus Podocarpus falcatus 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28525, 32040 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50757 Podocarpus Podocarpus nubigena 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27432, 28512, 32381, 33723, 34035, 34677 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50756 Podocarpus Podocarpus nubigena 2011-03-10T21:55:13 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27430, 28496, 32276 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50760 Podocarpus Podocarpus saligna 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27545, 28609, 32147, 33772, 33925, 34669 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50758 Podocarpus Podocarpus saligna 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27483, 28593, 32268 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50759 Podocarpus Podocarpus saligna 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27569, 28626, 32244, 33924, 34708 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
2809 Populus fremontii Populus fremontii Fremont cottonwood 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 POFR2 25390, 25552, 28061, 28984, 31690, 33381, 34408, 34819, 36956, 36957, 36965, 36966 4, 39, 64, 65, 68, 83, 95, 96, 99, 104 POFR2 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, CO, NM, NV, TX, UT), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22459 Perennial Tree L48 (N) FACW-, FACW 6(FACW-), 7(FACW), 8(FACW*), 0(FACW) Spring and Summer High Yes Yes No Medium Single Stem Rapid 50 90 No No Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Medium Medium No Medium Medium Medium 165 None High 6.00 8.00 300 800 20 26 32 Low Intolerant -13 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Spring Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 0 Moderate Medium
1074 Populus fremontii Populus fremontii Rio Grande cottonwood 2011-03-01T21:02:35 PODEW 4, 39, 64, 65, 68, 83, 95, 96, 99, 104 PODEW NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, CO, NM, OK, TX, UT, WY) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 524563 Perennial Tree L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1067 Populus Populus spp. 7621, 7622, 7623, 7624, 7625, 7626, 7627, 7628, 7629, 7630, 7631, 7632, 7633, 7634, 7635, 7636, 7637, 7638, 7639, 7640, 7641, 7642, 7643, 7644, 7645, 7646, 7647, 7648, 7649, 7650, 7651, 7652, 7653, 7654, 7655, 7656, 7657, 7658, 7659, 7660, 7661, 7662, 7663, 7664, 7665, 7666, 7667, 7668, 7669, 7670, 7671, 7672, 7673, 7674, 7675, 7676, 7677, 7678, 7679, 7680, 7681, 7682, 7683, 7684, 7685, 7686, 7687, 7688, 7689, 7690, 7691, 7692, 7693, 7694, 7695, 7696, 7697, 7698, 7699, 7700, 7701, 7702, 7703, 7704, 7705, 7706, 7707, 7708, 7709, 7710, 7711, 7712, 7713, 7714, 7715, 7716, 7717, 7718, 7719, 7720, 7721, 7722, 7723, 7724, 7725, 7726, 7727, 7728, 7729, 7730, 7731, 7732, 7733, 7734, 7735, 7736, 7737, 7738, 7739, 7740, 7741, 7742, 7743, 7744, 7868, 7869, 7870, 7871, 7872, 7926, 7927, 7928, 7929, 7930, 7931, 7944, 7945, 7946, 7947, 7948, 7949, 7956, 7957, 7958, 7959, 7960, 7961, 7973, 7974, 7975, 8043, 8044, 8048, 8049, 8053, 8054, 8143, 8144, 8145, 8146, 8147, 8148, 8149, 8150, 8151, 8152, 8153, 8154, 8155, 8156, 8157, 8158, 8159, 8160, 8161, 8162, 8163, 8164, 8165, 8166, 8167, 8168, 8169, 8170, 8171, 8172, 8180, 8181, 8182, 8186, 8187, 8188, 8472, 8473, 8474 22878, 22879, 23059, 23060, 23061, 23062, 23063, 23110, 23111, 23112, 23113, 23114, 23115, 23116, 23117, 23118, 23119, 23120, 23121, 23122, 23123, 23124, 23125, 23221, 23222, 23223, 23224, 23225, 23226, 23227, 23228, 23229, 23269, 23273, 23318, 23322, 23563, 23564, 23565, 23566, 23597, 23598, 23599, 23600, 23601, 23626, 23627, 23628, 23629, 23630, 23631, 23632, 23633, 23634, 23635, 23636, 23743, 23744, 23745, 23746, 23747, 23748, 23749, 23750, 23751, 23752, 23753, 24019, 24020, 24021, 24022, 24023, 24024, 24025, 24026, 24027, 24051, 24052, 24053, 24080, 24081, 24082, 24083, 24084, 24085, 24086, 24342, 24343, 24410, 24411, 24412, 24417, 24418, 24494, 24495, 24553, 24554, 24555, 24565, 24566, 24567, 24568, 24569, 24570, 24571, 24572, 24573, 24574, 24575, 24838, 24839, 24840, 24841, 24842, 28015, 28016, 28055, 28919, 29190, 29203, 30296, 30562, 31688, 31918, 32496, 33346, 33544, 34120, 34603, 34880, 41330, 41536 153, 154, 155, 169, 170, 171, 172, 270, 284 4, 39, 41, 64, 65, 68, 83, 95, 96, 99, 104
2864 Populus Populus spp. poplar 2010-11-23T11:27:37 2015-02-27T03:11:53.437707 2W-check 41, 65, 99
50768 Potentilla Potentilla anserina 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28135, 30091, 30739, 34546 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50769 Potentilla Potentilla anserina 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29587 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
1081 Potentilla aurea Potentilla aurea 30173, 31007, 36791, 36800, 42368 39, 83, 95, 96
51130 Potentilla aurea Potentilla aurea Golden Cinquefoil 2012-02-03T04:22:52 2015-02-27T02:46:13.43038 POAU-check POAU 41505, 41529 POAU
51118 Potentilla aurea Potentilla aurea 2011-05-19T20:11:41 2015-03-02T20:56:59.051822 39, 83, 95, 96
50773 Potentilla Potentilla crantzii 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28104, 29509, 30883 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
50771 Potentilla Potentilla crantzii 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28097, 29940, 30688, 34473 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
50772 Potentilla Potentilla crantzii 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27983, 29520, 31542, 34528 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb No
51135 Potentilla frigida Potentilla frigida 2012-02-03T04:43:35 2012-02-03T04:43:35 POFR POFR 41510, 41539 POFR
50774 Potentilla Potentilla frigida 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30077, 30976 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50786 Poulsenia Poulsenia armata 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27546, 31745 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50785 Poulsenia Poulsenia armata 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28993, 31675, 32654 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50792 Primula Primula glutinosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28092, 29691, 30884, 34305 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51128 Primula glutinosa Primula glutinosa 2012-02-03T04:18:08 2015-02-27T02:17:32.129519 PRGL-check PRGL 41503, 41527 PRGL
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50801 Protea Protea cordata 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28335, 32432, 33281 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50800 Protea Protea cordata 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28302, 32422, 33288 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50803 Protea Protea laurifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28258, 32198, 33203 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50807 Protea Protea laurifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28327, 31839, 33095 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50806 Protea Protea laurifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28219, 32467, 33238 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50805 Protea Protea laurifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28246, 32475, 33274 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50804 Protea Protea laurifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28375, 32418, 33054 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50812 Protea Protea neriifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28328, 32239, 33038 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50813 Protea Protea neriifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28272, 32324, 33250 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50809 Protea Protea neriifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28444, 32162, 34037, 34623 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50810 Protea Protea neriifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28364, 32385, 33080 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50811 Protea Protea neriifolia 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28351, 32459, 33303 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50817 Protea Protea nitida 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28356, 32271, 33181 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50814 Protea Protea nitida 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28378, 32215, 33972, 34671 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50815 Protea Protea nitida 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28270, 32506, 33131 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50816 Protea Protea nitida 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28368, 32383, 33081 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50821 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28305, 32318, 32985 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50823 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28283, 32471, 33218 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50820 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28256, 32534, 33139 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50822 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28297, 32380, 33111 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50818 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28424, 31932, 34319, 34712 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50819 Protea Protea repens 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28313, 32406, 33152 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2812 Prunus cerasus Prunus cerasus sour cherry 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PRCE 25393, 25555 39, 83, 95, 96 PRCE NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, RI, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 24773 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1097 Prunus cerasus Prunus cerasus sour cherry 2011-03-01T21:02:35 PRCE 34914, 44159 39, 83, 95, 96 PRCE NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MT, NC, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, PA, RI, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 24773 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2813 Prunus persica Prunus persica peach 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 PRPE3 25394, 25556 39, 83, 95, 96 PRPE3 NA (L48, CAN), VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (NS, ON, CA) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 24765 Perennial Tree L48 (I), VI (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1101 Prunus persica Prunus persica peach 2011-03-01T21:02:35 PRPE3 42969, 43036 39, 83, 95, 96 PRPE3 NA (L48, CAN), VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WV), <strong>USA+</strong> (VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (NS, ON, CA) Dicot Rosaceae ROSACE Rose family Rosales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 24765 Perennial Tree L48 (I), VI (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50840 Psoralea Psoralea bituminosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30121, 30568 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50838 Psoralea Psoralea bituminosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30090, 30564 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50839 Psoralea Psoralea bituminosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30104, 30555 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
2814 Psychotria limonensis Psychotria limonensis 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2010-10-22T13:59:26 25395, 25557 39, 83, 95, 96
1113 Psychotria limonensis Psychotria limonensis 27494, 29954, 31835, 33770, 33856 39, 83, 95, 96
2947 Puccinellia phryganodes Puccinellia phryganodes creeping alkaligrass 2010-12-12T06:46:10 2015-03-02T20:59:25.358631 PUPH 25629, 25630, 25631, 25632, 25633, 25634, 25635, 25637, 25638, 25639, 25640, 25641, 25643, 25644, 25645, 25647 39, 83, 95, 96 ABES NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, IL, KY, LA, MD, MI, MS, NC, SC, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21770 Annual, Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5580 Puccinellia Puccinellia phryganodes creeping alkaligrass 2011-03-02T13:44:56 2011-03-02T13:44:56 PUPH 39, 83, 95, 96 PUPH NA (AK, CAN, GL) <strong>USA</strong> (AK), <strong>CAN</strong> (LB, MB, NB, NF, NT, NU, ON, QC, YT), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 41192 Perennial Graminoid AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N) OBL A(OBL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51119 Pulsatilla sulphurea Pulsatilla sulphurea 2011-05-19T20:15:51 2015-03-02T20:59:53.355521 39, 83, 95, 96
1120 Pulsatilla sulphurea Pulsatilla sulphurea 36801 39, 83, 95, 96
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
50859 Pyrus Pyrus bourgeana 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27950, 28831, 31180, 33517, 34415 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub No
50860 Pyrus Pyrus bourgeana 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29456, 31580 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50866 Quercus Quercus acuta 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27661, 29073, 32357, 33894 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50867 Quercus Quercus acuta 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27501 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
1141 Quercus ilex Quercus ilex 28536, 31773, 33577, 34267 39, 83, 95, 96
10083 Quercus Quercus ilex holly oak 2011-03-02T13:45:35 2011-03-02T13:45:35 QUIL2 27588, 28615, 28657, 28731, 29557, 31087, 31693, 31986, 32699, 34100, 42299, 42300, 42338 39, 83, 95, 96 QUIL2 NA (CAN) <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Fagaceae FAGACE Beech family Fagales Hamamelididae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 506536 Perennial Tree L48 (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1171 Quercus rubra Quercus rubra var. ambigua northern red oak 2011-03-01T21:02:36 QURUA 34, 39, 41, 83, 95, 96 QURUA NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AR, CT, DE, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (NB, NS, ON, PE, QC) Dicot Fagaceae FAGACE Beech family Fagales Hamamelididae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 195133 Perennial Tree L48 (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1132 Quercus borealis Quercus rubra var. ambigua northern red oak 2011-03-01T21:02:35 QURUA 39, 41, 83, 95, 96 QURUA NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AR, CT, DE, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, VA, VT, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (NB, NS, ON, PE, QC) Dicot Fagaceae FAGACE Beech family Fagales Hamamelididae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 195133 Perennial Tree L48 (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51127 Ranunculus nemorosus Ranunculus nemorosus Wood Buttercup 2012-01-15T21:17:48 2015-02-27T02:14:21.287592 RANE-check 41011, 41343
50879 Ranunculus Ranunculus nemorosus 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29796, 31374 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2822 Raphanus sativus Raphanus sativus cultivated radish 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 RASA2 25403, 25565 39, 83, 95, 96 RASA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23290 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2821 Raphanus sativus Raphanus sativus cultivated radish 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 RASA2 25402, 25564 39, 83, 95, 96 RASA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23290 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2820 Raphanus sativus Raphanus sativus cultivated radish 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 RASA2 25401, 25563 39, 83, 95, 96 RASA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23290 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1188 Raphanus sativus Raphanus sativus cultivated radish 2011-03-01T21:02:36 RASA2 39, 83, 95, 96 RASA2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Brassicaceae BRASSI Mustard family Capparales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23290 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (I), GL (I) NI 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50888 Rhamnus Rhamnus californica 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29315, 31959 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50887 Rhamnus Rhamnus californica 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29141, 31443, 34011 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50886 Rhamnus Rhamnus californica 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27647, 29676, 31306, 32651, 33663, 34228 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50898 Rhus Rhus tomentosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28647 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
50899 Rhus Rhus tomentosa 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 28549, 32067, 34003 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
1213 Ricinus communis Ricinus communis castorbean 2011-03-01T21:02:36 RICO3 34935 39, 83, 95, 96 RICO3 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AZ, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28393 Annual, Perennial Tree, Shrub, Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) UPL, FAC 1(UPL*), 2(FACU), 3(FACU-), 5(NI), 6(FACU), 7(FAC-), 8(NI), 0(FACU), C(FAC), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2823 Ricinus communis Ricinus communis castorbean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 RICO3 25404, 25566, 44399 39, 83, 95, 96 RICO3 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AZ, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Euphorbiaceae EUPHOR Spurge family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28393 Annual, Perennial Tree, Shrub, Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) UPL, FAC 1(UPL*), 2(FACU), 3(FACU-), 5(NI), 6(FACU), 7(FAC-), 8(NI), 0(FACU), C(FAC), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50910 Rubia Rubia peregrina 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 30067, 31316 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50909 Rubia Rubia peregrina 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 27942, 29925, 31412, 34323 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
50908 Rubia Rubia peregrina 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:42 29729, 31895 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
35484 Salix Salix cinerea large gray willow 2011-03-02T13:49:14 2011-03-02T13:49:14 SACI 29212 31, 39, 69, 83, 95, 96 SACI NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, CT, DC, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, NC, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TN, UT, VA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (NS, ON) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22519 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1252 Salix cinerea Salix cinerea large gray willow 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SAAT2 31, 39, 69, 83, 95, 96 SAAT2 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (MA, ME, NC, NY, PA, RI), <strong>CAN</strong> (ON) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 Perennial Shrub, Tree L48 (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35796 Salix Salix glauca grayleaf willow 2011-03-02T13:49:16 2011-03-02T13:49:16 SAGL 28026, 28062, 29444, 29513, 30906, 31199, 34192, 34785 13, 39, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAGL NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CO, ID, MT, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22482 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) FAC, FACW 7(FACW), 8(FAC*), 9(FACW), A(FAC) No No No Medium Multiple Stem Rapid 20 4 No No Long No Yes No Yes Yes Medium Yes High 89 5.00 8.00 1280 2560 8 33 0 Low 24 Early Summer Summer Summer No No No No No No No No No 0
1253 Salix glauca Salix glauca grayleaf willow 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SAGLC 26366, 36007, 36008, 36009, 36010, 36745, 36746, 37231, 37232, 37233, 37234 13, 31, 39, 62, 69, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAGLC NA (CAN, GL, SPM) <strong>CAN</strong> (LB, MB, NF, NS, NT, NU, ON, QC), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 Perennial Tree, Shrub CAN (N), GL (N), SPM (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1254 Salix hastata Salix hastata Farr's willow 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SAFA 31, 39, 69, 83, 95, 96 SAFA NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (ID, MT, OR, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, NT, YT) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22532 Perennial Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N) OBL 9(OBL), A(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35933 Salix Salix hastata halberd willow 2011-03-02T13:49:17 2011-03-02T13:49:17 SAHA 39, 83, 95, 96 SAHA NA (AK, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AK), <strong>CAN</strong> (NT, YT) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22542 Perennial Shrub AK (N), CAN (N) FAC A(FAC) None Low No No No Coarse Thicket Forming 6 3 No No Short No No No No No Low No None Medium 120 5.00 7.00 320 1280 10 55 12 None -30 Early Summer Summer Fall No No No No Yes No No No No 0 Rapid
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2086 Salix miyabeana Salix miyabeana 2011-03-01T21:02:39 SAMI23 31, 39, 69, 83, 95, 96 SAMI23 Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2871 Salix miyabeana Salix miyabeana willow 2010-11-23T11:27:37 2013-09-13T01:15:39 SAMI 7750, 7751, 7762, 7763, 7774, 7775, 7786, 7787 22944, 22945, 22956, 22957, 22968, 22969, 22980, 22981, 23670, 23671, 23682, 23683, 23694, 23695, 23706, 23707 31, 39, 69, 83, 95, 96
1259 Salix planifolia Salix planifolia diamondleaf willow 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SAPLP4 37235, 37236, 37237, 37238 13, 31, 39, 69, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAPLP4 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AZ, CO, ID, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, NM, NV, OR, SD, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NF, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 0 Perennial Shrub, Subshrub, Tree L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), SPM (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
36606 Salix Salix planifolia diamondleaf willow 2011-03-02T13:49:26 2011-03-02T13:49:26 SAPL2 28063, 29522, 30892, 33370, 34298, 34847 13, 39, 62, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAPL2 NA (L48, AK, CAN, SPM) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AZ, CO, ID, ME, MI, MN, MT, NH, NM, NV, OR, SD, UT, VT, WA, WI, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NF, NT, NU, ON, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22569 Perennial Tree, Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N), SPM (N) FACW, OBL 1(OBL), 3(OBL), 4(OBL), 7(OBL), 8(OBL), 9(OBL), 0(OBL), A(FACW) Spring and Summer None High Yes No No Medium Multiple Stem Rapid 8 8 No No Moderate No Yes Yes Yes No Medium None Yes Low Low High 80 Low Medium 4.00 6.00 1700 2700 18 60 16 None Intolerant -38 Late Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer Yes No Yes No Yes No No No No 0 Slow Low
36627 Salix polaris Salix polaris polar willow 2011-03-02T13:49:27 2015-03-02T21:05:57.36363 SAPO 28093, 29484, 29672, 30606, 30987, 37368, 37369, 37370, 37371, 37372, 37814, 37815, 37816, 37817, 37818, 37819, 37820, 37821, 37822, 37823, 37824, 37928, 37930, 37931, 37933, 37934, 37936, 37938, 37940, 37942, 37943, 37945, 37946, 37947, 37951, 37952, 37953, 37954, 37955, 37956, 37958, 37961, 37963, 37964, 37966, 37968, 37970, 37972, 37974, 37977, 37979 13, 39, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAPO NA (AK, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AK), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NT, NU, YT) Dicot Salicaceae SALICA Willow family Salicales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22487 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub AK (N), CAN (N) FACW A(FACW) None None Low No No No Coarse Rhizomatous Moderate 0 0 No No Short No Yes No No No Medium Low No None Low Medium 120 Low 5.00 7.00 320 1280 8 39 12 None -40 Spring No No No No Yes Yes No Yes No 0 Rapid
51124 Salix polaris Salix polaris polar willow 2011-08-29T14:15:23 2015-03-02T21:06:18.71243 13, 39, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAPO
51123 Salix polaris Salix polaris 2011-08-29T14:10:43 2015-02-27T02:09:53.281102 13, 39, 75, 83, 95, 96 SAPO
51125 0 Salix polaris Salix polaris 2011-08-29T14:21:52 2011-08-29T14:21:52 13, 39, 75, 83, 95, 96
1267 Sambucus nigra Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis American black elderberry 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SANIC4 39, 83, 95, 96 SANIC4 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, CA) Dicot Caprifoliaceae CAPRIF Honeysuckle family Dipsacales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 525079 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (I), CAN (N) Spring and Summer High No Yes No Medium Multiple Stem Rapid 7 7 No No Moderate No Yes No Yes No None Medium Yes Medium Medium Medium 100 Low Medium 5.00 7.00 700 1700 34 60 16 None Intolerant -28 Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 291590 Moderate High
1266 Sambucus canadensis Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis American black elderberry 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SANIC4 39, 83, 95, 96 SANIC4 NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, CA) Dicot Caprifoliaceae CAPRIF Honeysuckle family Dipsacales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 525079 Perennial Tree, Shrub L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (I), CAN (N) Spring and Summer High No Yes No Medium Multiple Stem Rapid 7 7 No No Moderate No Yes No Yes No None Medium Yes Medium Medium Medium 100 Low Medium 5.00 7.00 700 1700 34 60 16 None Intolerant -28 Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer Yes No Yes No No Yes No No No 291590 Moderate High
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2710 Shefflera actinophylla Schefflera actinophylla octopus tree reported by Wullschleger 1993 as syn Brassaia 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 SCAC2 25291, 25453 39, 83, 95, 96 SCAC2 NA (L48), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (FL, HI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Araliaceae ARALIA Ginseng family Apiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 505047 Perennial Tree L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) UPL, NI 2(NI), C(NI*), H(UPL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1281 Schefflera actinophylla Schefflera actinophylla octopus tree 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SCAC2 42192 39, 83, 95, 96 SCAC2 NA (L48), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (FL, HI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Araliaceae ARALIA Ginseng family Apiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 505047 Perennial Tree L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I) UPL, NI 2(NI), C(NI*), H(UPL) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1286 Scirpus olneyi Schoenoplectus americanus chairmaker's bulrush 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SCAM6 34950, 44164 39, 83, 95, 96 SCAM6 NA (L48, AK, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, ID, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NS, CA) Monocot Cyperaceae CYPERA Sedge family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 508141 Perennial Graminoid L48 (N), AK (N), PR (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2826 Schoenoplectus americanus Schoenoplectus americanus chairmaker's bulrush reported by Wullschleger 1993 as syn Scirpus olneyi 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SCAM6 25407, 25569 39, 83, 95, 96 SCAM6 NA (L48, AK, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, ID, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NS, CA) Monocot Cyperaceae CYPERA Sedge family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 508141 Perennial Graminoid L48 (N), AK (N), PR (N), CAN (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1291 Scrophularia desertorum Scrophularia desertorum desert figwort 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SCDE 39, 83, 95, 96 SCDE NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (NV), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Scrophulariaceae SCROPH Figwort family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 34034 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2827 Scrophularia desertorum Scrophularia desertorum desert figwort 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SCDE 25408, 25570 39, 83, 95, 96 SCDE NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (NV), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Scrophulariaceae SCROPH Figwort family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 34034 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50944 Senecio Senecio incanus 2011-03-10T21:55:14 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29809, 31333 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51143 Senecio incanus Senecio incanus 2012-02-03T04:58:45 2015-02-27T02:39:12.313274 SEIN-check SEIN 41518, 41549 SEIN
1295 Senecio vulgaris Senecio vulgaris old-man-in-the-Spring 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SEVU 39, 83, 95, 96 SEVU NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36194 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FACU), 2(FACU), 3(UPL*), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(NI), 7(NI), 8(UPL), 9(FACU), 0(NI*), A(FACU), H(FAC) Spring and Summer Slow None High No No No Medium Single Crown Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium Low 120 None Medium 5.00 8.00 0 0 16 55 8 None Intolerant 47 Early Spring No Known Source Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 400000 Rapid High
2828 Senecio vulgaris Senecio vulgaris old-man-in-the-Spring 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SEVU 25409, 25571 39, 83, 95, 96 SEVU NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL, SPM), HI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, LB, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL), <strong>FRA</strong> (SPM) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 36194 Annual, Biennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), CAN (I), GL (I), SPM (I) UPL, FAC 1(FACU), 2(FACU), 3(UPL*), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(NI), 7(NI), 8(UPL), 9(FACU), 0(NI*), A(FACU), H(FAC) Spring and Summer Slow None High No No No Medium Single Crown Rapid 0 2 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium Low 120 None Medium 5.00 8.00 0 0 16 55 8 None Intolerant 47 Early Spring No Known Source Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 400000 Rapid High
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2968 Sesleria varia Sesleria varia 2011-01-26T23:27:57 2015-02-27T02:02:20.298644 39, 83, 95, 96
1298 Sesleria varia Sesleria varia 36804 39, 83, 95, 96
2976 Sesleria varia Sesleria varia 2011-01-27T00:11:17 2015-02-27T02:08:31.435471 ABES 39, 83, 95, 96 ABES NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, FL, IL, KY, LA, MD, MI, MS, NC, SC, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Malvaceae MALVAC Mallow family Malvales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 21770 Annual, Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50956 Sideroxylon Sideroxylon inerme 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28772 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
50957 Sideroxylon Sideroxylon inerme 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28546, 31501 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
1308 Simmondsia chinensis Simmondsia chinensis jojoba 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SICH 34915 39, 83, 95, 96 SICH NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, UT), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Simmondsiaceae SIMMON Jojoba family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28030 Perennial Shrub L48 (N) Summer and Fall Slow None Medium No No No Medium Multiple Stem Moderate 7 7 No Yes Long No No Yes Yes No None High No High Low High 240 High Low 7.00 8.00 10 1200 2 10 12 High Intolerant -3 Late Spring Field Collections Only Summer Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 700 Slow
2829 Simmondsia chinensis Simmondsia chinensis jojoba 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SICH 25410, 25572, 44165 39, 83, 95, 96 SICH NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, UT), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Simmondsiaceae SIMMON Jojoba family Euphorbiales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28030 Perennial Shrub L48 (N) Summer and Fall Slow None Medium No No No Medium Multiple Stem Moderate 7 7 No Yes Long No No Yes Yes No None High No High Low High 240 High Low 7.00 8.00 10 1200 2 10 12 High Intolerant -3 Late Spring Field Collections Only Summer Fall Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 700 Slow
2766 Solanum lycopersicum var. lyccopersicum Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum garden tomato reported by Wullschleger 1993 as syn Lycopersicon esculentum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 SOLYL 25347, 25509, 42126, 42127 414 39, 83, 95, 96 SOLYL NA (L48, AK, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 566310 Annual, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (W) Year Round None Medium No Yes No Fine Single Stem Rapid 0 6 No Yes Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High None 365 Low High 5.00 7.00 1700 2700 60 80 24 Medium Intermediate 32 Indeterminate Routinely Available Year Round Year Round No No Yes No No Yes No No No 0 None
2767 Solanum lycopersicum var. lyccopersicum Solanum lycopersicum var. lycopersicum garden tomato reported by Wullschleger 1993 as syn Lycopersicon esculentum 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:41 SOLYL 25348, 25510 39, 83, 95, 96 SOLYL NA (L48, AK, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WI), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, QC, SK, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 566310 Annual, Perennial Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), VI (I), CAN (W) Year Round None Medium No Yes No Fine Single Stem Rapid 0 6 No Yes Short No No No Yes Yes Low Medium No Low High None 365 Low High 5.00 7.00 1700 2700 60 80 24 Medium Intermediate 32 Indeterminate Routinely Available Year Round Year Round No No Yes No No Yes No No No 0 None
1317 Solanum tuberosum Solanum tuberosum Irish potato 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SOTU 39, 83, 95, 96 SOTU NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 505272 Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W) NI 1(NI), 2(NI), 3(NI), 5(NI), C(NI*) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2830 Solanum tuberosum Solanum tuberosum Irish potato 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SOTU 25411, 25573, 42024, 42031, 42136, 42137, 42138 423, 424, 425 39, 83, 95, 96 SOTU NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 505272 Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W) NI 1(NI), 2(NI), 3(NI), 5(NI), C(NI*) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2831 Solanum tuberosum Solanum tuberosum Irish potato 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SOTU 25412, 25574 39, 83, 95, 96 SOTU NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, FL, HI, IL, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, NH, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, UT, VA, VT, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NF, NS, ON, PE, CA) Dicot Solanaceae SOLANA Potato family Solanales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 505272 Perennial Subshrub, Forb/herb L48 (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W) NI 1(NI), 2(NI), 3(NI), 5(NI), C(NI*) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50965 Solidago Solidago rigida 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28129, 29337, 31841, 33459, 34426, 34727, 45706, 45725, 45744, 45763, 45837, 45838, 45839, 45885, 45934, 45935, 45936, 45937, 45978, 45979, 45980, 45981, 46020, 46021, 46073, 46074, 46075, 46135, 46136, 46137, 46138, 46191, 46192, 46193, 46243, 46244, 46292, 46293, 46294, 46372, 46373, 46374, 46420, 46469, 46470, 46471, 46472, 46513, 46514, 46515, 46516, 46555, 46556, 46612, 46613, 46614, 46683, 46684, 46685, 46686, 46747, 46748, 46749, 46808, 46809, 46863, 46864, 46865, 46917, 46918, 46919, 46965, 47014, 47015, 47016, 47017, 47058, 47059, 47060, 47061, 47100, 47101, 47157, 47158, 47159, 47228, 47229, 47230, 47231, 47290, 47291, 47292, 47351, 47352, 47406, 47407, 47408, 47460, 47461, 47462, 47508, 47557, 47558, 47559, 47560, 47601, 47602, 47603, 47604, 47643, 47644, 47700, 47701, 47702, 47771, 47772, 47773, 47774, 47833, 47834, 47835, 47894, 47895, 47949, 47950, 47951 9, 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
50966 Solidago Solidago rigida 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28056, 29018, 32014, 34432, 34794 9, 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
2832 Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea spinach 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SPINA 25413, 25575, 42206 39, 83, 95, 96 SPINA NA (L48, AK, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CT, KS, MA, ME, NC, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, MB, NT, SK, YT, CA) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20708 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2833 Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea spinach 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 SPOL 25414, 25576 39, 83, 95, 96 SPOL NA (L48, AK, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CT, KS, MA, ME, NC, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, MB, NT, SK, YT, CA) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20709 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1331 Spinacia oleracea Spinacia oleracea spinach 2011-03-01T21:02:37 SPOL 39, 83, 95, 96 SPOL NA (L48, AK, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AK, CT, KS, MA, ME, NC, NH, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, MB, NT, SK, YT, CA) Dicot Chenopodiaceae CHENOP Goosefoot family Caryophyllales Caryophyllidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 20709 Annual Forb/herb L48 (I), AK (I), CAN (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50974 Spondias Spondias radlkoferi 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27946, 30896 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
50973 Spondias Spondias radlkoferi 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29699, 31894, 32882 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree No
1366 Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia rosea pink trumpet-tree 2011-03-01T21:02:38 TARO 39, 83, 95, 96 TARO PR <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Dicot Bignoniaceae BIGNON Trumpet-creeper family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 182287 Perennial Tree PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2834 Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia rosea pink trumpet-tree 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TARO 25415, 25577 39, 83, 95, 96 TARO PR <strong>USA+</strong> (PR) Dicot Bignoniaceae BIGNON Trumpet-creeper family Scrophulariales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 182287 Perennial Tree PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51012 Teuchrium Teuchrium chamaedrys 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27926, 29617, 31381, 33837 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
51011 Teuchrium Teuchrium chamaedrys 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27811, 29741, 31258, 34413 39, 83, 95, 96 Shrub Yes
51020 Trema Trema tomentosa 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 30148, 34181, 34686 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
51021 Trema Trema tomentosa 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29652 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2840 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25421, 25583 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
1414 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2011-03-01T21:02:38 TRAE 34916, 34917, 34918, 34951 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2837 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25418, 25580, 44166, 44167, 44168, 44169 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2838 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25419, 25581 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2839 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25420, 25582 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2841 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25422, 25584 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2842 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25423, 25585 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
2843 Triticum aestivum Triticum aestivum common wheat 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 TRAE 25424, 25586 39, 47, 83, 95, 96 TRAE NA (L48, AK, CAN, GL), HI, PR <strong>USA</strong> (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NF, NS, NT, ON, PE, QC, SK, YT, CA), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Monocot Poaceae POACEA Grass family Cyperales Commelinidae Liliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 42237 Annual Graminoid L48 (I), AK (I), HI (I), PR (I), CAN (W), GL (W) Fall, Winter and Spring None None Low No No No Medium Bunch Rapid 0 3 No No Short No No Yes Yes Yes None Medium No Medium Medium None 100 Low 5.00 8.00 0 0 10 66 18 Medium Tolerant -28 Early Spring Routinely Available Spring Summer No No No No No Yes No No No 11360 Slow High
1415 Trollius europaeus Trollius europaeus 30257, 30358, 30572, 30980 39, 83, 95, 96
2971 Trollius europaeus Trollius europaeus Globe Flower 2011-01-26T23:37:36 2015-02-27T01:47:16.442055 39, 83, 95, 96
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2845 Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VACO 25426, 25588 39, 83, 95, 96 VACO NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, QC) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23573 Perennial Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N) FACW-, FACW 1(FACW-), 2(FACW), 3(FACW), 6(FACW) Spring and Summer None Medium No Yes No Medium Multiple Stem Moderate 12 12 No No Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Medium Low No Low Medium High 100 Low Medium 4.00 7.00 1200 1700 32 50 16 High Tolerant -33 Early Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 975000 Slow Low
2844 Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VACO 25425, 25587 39, 83, 95, 96 VACO NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, QC) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23573 Perennial Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N) FACW-, FACW 1(FACW-), 2(FACW), 3(FACW), 6(FACW) Spring and Summer None Medium No Yes No Medium Multiple Stem Moderate 12 12 No No Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Medium Low No Low Medium High 100 Low Medium 4.00 7.00 1200 1700 32 50 16 High Tolerant -33 Early Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 975000 Slow Low
1449 Vaccinium corymbosum Vaccinium corymbosum highbush blueberry 2011-03-01T21:02:39 VACO 39, 83, 95, 96 VACO NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IL, IN, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MS, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV), <strong>CAN</strong> (BC, NB, NS, ON, QC) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23573 Perennial Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N) FACW-, FACW 1(FACW-), 2(FACW), 3(FACW), 6(FACW) Spring and Summer None Medium No Yes No Medium Multiple Stem Moderate 12 12 No No Moderate No Yes Yes Yes Yes Medium Low No Low Medium High 100 Low Medium 4.00 7.00 1200 1700 32 50 16 High Tolerant -33 Early Summer Routinely Available Summer Summer Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No No 975000 Slow Low
2846 Vaccinium darrowii Vaccinium darrowii Darrow's blueberry 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VADA 25427, 25589 39, 83, 95, 96 VADA NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23590 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N) FACU 2(FACU), 6(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1450 Vaccinium darrowii Vaccinium darrowii Darrow's blueberry 2011-03-01T21:02:39 VADA 39, 83, 95, 96 VADA NA (L48) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23590 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N) FACU 2(FACU), 6(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
1455 Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium myrtillus 39, 83, 95, 96
16392 Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium myrtillus whortleberry 2011-03-02T13:46:29 2015-03-02T21:16:00.081925 VAMY2 28038, 28070, 28109, 29686, 29985, 30046, 30063, 30287, 30484, 31093, 31181, 31463, 31634, 31710, 32939, 33540, 33868, 33920, 34634, 36656, 37239, 37240, 37241, 37242, 40339, 42377 39, 83, 95, 96 VAMY2 NA (L48, CAN, GL) <strong>USA</strong> (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC), <strong>DEN</strong> (GL) Dicot Ericaceae ERICAC Heath family Ericales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 23605 Perennial Subshrub, Shrub L48 (N), CAN (N), GL (I) NI 7(NI), 8(NI), 9(NI) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51048 Veronica Veronica bellidioides 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29220, 32082 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51140 Veronica bellidioides Veronica bellidioides 2012-02-03T04:53:19 2015-02-27T02:49:51.663637 VEBE-check VEBE 41515, 41546 VEBE
2847 Vicia faba Vicia faba horsebean 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VIFA 25428, 25590, 42208, 43004, 43006 39, 83, 95, 96 VIFA NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, MA, MD, ME, MT, NY, OR, PA, VA, VT, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26339 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1467 Vicia faba Vicia faba horsebean 2011-03-01T21:02:39 VIFA 39, 83, 95, 96 VIFA NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (CT, DC, MA, MD, ME, MT, NY, OR, PA, VA, VT, WA), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 26339 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1468 Vigna unguiculata Vigna unguiculata blackeyed pea 2015-03-02T21:16:50.945691 VIUN 39, 83, 95, 96 VIUN NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 27018 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) Spring and Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No High No No Yes Yes None None No None Medium None 120 Medium 6.00 6.00 0 0 30 60 6 Medium Intolerant 47 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 3600 Moderate High
2848 Vigna unguiculata Vigna unguiculata blackeyed pea 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VIUN 25429, 25591 39, 83, 95, 96 VIUN NA (L48), PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, OH, PA, SC, TX, VA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI) Dicot Fabaceae FABACE Pea family Fabales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 27018 Annual Vine, Forb/herb L48 (I), PR (I), VI (I) Spring and Summer None None Low No No No Coarse Single Crown Rapid 0 1 No No Short No High No No Yes Yes None None No None Medium None 120 Medium 6.00 6.00 0 0 30 60 6 Medium Intolerant 47 Summer Routinely Available Summer Fall No No No No No Yes No No No 3600 Moderate High
25328 Viola pubescens Viola pubescens downy yellow violet 2011-03-02T13:47:42 2015-03-02T21:19:03.289186 VIPU3 39, 83, 95, 96 VIPU3 NA (L48, CAN) <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, CT, DC, DE, GA, IA, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VA, VT, WI, WV, WY), <strong>CAN</strong> (MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK) Dicot Violaceae VIOLAC Violet family Violales Dilleniidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 22144 Perennial Forb/herb L48 (N), CAN (N) FACU-, FAC- 1(FACU-), 2(FACU), 3(FACU-), 4(FACU), 5(FAC-), 6(FACU) Spring and Summer Slow None Low No No No Medium Rhizomatous Moderate 0 1 No No Short No No No Yes No Low Low Yes Medium High Low 120 None Medium 6.00 7.00 4800 11000 24 32 4 None Tolerant -33 Early Spring No Known Source Spring Summer Yes No No No Yes Yes No Yes No 0 Slow Low
51122 Viola pubescens Viola pubescens downy yellow violet 2015-03-02T21:19:57.917107 39, 83, 95, 96
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
2849 Vitus vinifera Vitus vinifera wine grape 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VIVI5 25430, 25592 39, 83, 95, 96 VIVI5 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, ID, MA, NY, OR, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Vitaceae VITACE Grape family Rhamnales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28629 Perennial Vine, Shrub L48 (I), PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2850 Vitus vinifera Vitus vinifera wine grape 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 VIVI5 25431, 25593 39, 83, 95, 96 VIVI5 NA (L48, CAN), PR <strong>USA</strong> (AL, FL, ID, MA, NY, OR, PA, TX, UT, VA, WA), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR), <strong>CAN</strong> (CA) Dicot Vitaceae VITACE Grape family Rhamnales Rosidae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 28629 Perennial Vine, Shrub L48 (I), PR (I) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51067 Werneria Werneria nubigena 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27775, 28570, 31161 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51068 Werneria Werneria nubigena 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28674, 31889 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
2852 Xanthium strumarium Xanthium strumarium rough cocklebur 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 XAST 25433, 25595 39, 83, 95, 96 XAST NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 38692 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N), CAN (N) UPL, FAC+ 1(FAC), 2(FAC), 3(FAC), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC-), 7(NI), 8(FAC), 9(FAC), 0(FAC+), C(UPL), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2853 Xanthium strumarium Xanthium strumarium rough cocklebur 2010-10-22T13:59:26 2011-03-01T21:02:42 XAST 25434, 25596 39, 83, 95, 96 XAST NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 38692 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N), CAN (N) UPL, FAC+ 1(FAC), 2(FAC), 3(FAC), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC-), 7(NI), 8(FAC), 9(FAC), 0(FAC+), C(UPL), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1476 Xanthium strumarium Xanthium strumarium rough cocklebur 2015-03-02T21:21:26.075736 XAST 39, 83, 95, 96 XAST NA (L48, CAN), HI, PR, VI <strong>USA</strong> (AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY), <strong>USA+</strong> (PR, VI), <strong>CAN</strong> (AB, BC, MB, NB, NS, ON, PE, QC, SK, CA) Dicot Asteraceae ASTERA Aster family Asterales Asteridae Magnoliopsida Magnoliophyta Spermatophyta Tracheobionta Plantae 38692 Annual Forb/herb L48 (N), HI (I), PR (N), VI (N), CAN (N) UPL, FAC+ 1(FAC), 2(FAC), 3(FAC), 4(FAC), 5(FAC), 6(FAC-), 7(NI), 8(FAC), 9(FAC), 0(FAC+), C(UPL), H(FACU) 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
51077 Xanthostemon Xanthostemon paradoxus 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27733, 28812, 32110, 33089, 34271 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
51078 Xanthostemon Xanthostemon paradoxus 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28878, 31847 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree Yes
51083 Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum capense 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29142, 30923 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
51084 Zanthoxylum Zanthoxylum capense 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 29412, 30887 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
51092 Ziziphus Ziziphus mucronata 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 34325 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
51091 Ziziphus Ziziphus mucronata 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28787, 31321 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
51094 Zuelania Zuelania guidonia 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 28653 39, 83, 95, 96 Herb
51093 Zuelania Zuelania guidonia 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 27813, 31380 39, 83, 95, 96 Tree
id spcd genus species scientificname commonname notes created_at updated_at AcceptedSymbol SynonymSymbol linked_yields linked_traits linked_cultivars linked_pfts Symbol PLANTS_Floristic_Area State Category Family FamilySymbol FamilyCommonName xOrder SubClass Class SubDivision Division SuperDivision SubKingdom Kingdom ITIS_TSN Duration GrowthHabit NativeStatus NationalWetlandIndicatorStatus RegionalWetlandIndicatorStatus ActiveGrowthPeriod AfterHarvestRegrowthRate Bloat C2N_Ratio CoppicePotential FallConspicuous FireResistance FoliageTexture GrowthForm GrowthRate MaxHeight20Yrs MatureHeight KnownAllelopath LeafRetention Lifespan LowGrowingGrass NitrogenFixation ResproutAbility AdaptedCoarseSoils AdaptedMediumSoils AdaptedFineSoils AnaerobicTolerance CaCO3Tolerance ColdStratification DroughtTolerance FertilityRequirement FireTolerance MinFrostFreeDays HedgeTolerance MoistureUse pH_Minimum pH_Maximum Min_PlantingDensity Max_PlantingDensity Precipitation_Minimum Precipitation_Maximum RootDepthMinimum SalinityTolerance ShadeTolerance TemperatureMinimum BloomPeriod CommercialAvailability FruitSeedPeriodBegin FruitSeedPeriodEnd Propogated_by_BareRoot Propogated_by_Bulbs Propogated_by_Container Propogated_by_Corms Propogated_by_Cuttings Propogated_by_Seed Propogated_by_Sod Propogated_by_Sprigs Propogated_by_Tubers Seeds_per_Pound SeedSpreadRate SeedlingVigor
51096 Zygophyllum Zygophyllum rosowii 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 39, 83, 95, 96
51095 Zygophyllum Zygophyllum rosowii 2011-03-10T21:55:15 2011-06-12T19:47:43 39, 83, 95, 96