This Glossary covers those terms in Lua 5.3 that are necessary to refer to when reading the User's Manual. It also contains a few terms that, while not actually used in the manual, often are used in posts on Lua-L.

The selection of topics is based on one posted on Lua-L by "Adel" on 24 April 2017. It does not cover advanced concepts. You must grok those from the Manual.

Many of these terms occur in other computer languages too. Prior knowledge of how the term is used elsewhere may help you to understand how it is used in Lua; on the other hand, it may put preconceptions in your mind that are not applicable to Lua.

I mainly explain how the term is used in Lua, not in general. This Glossary may put preconceptions in your mind that are not applicable elsewhere.

Just keep an open mind, that's all.


To read or write (a variable, table etc).


To reserve a block of memory for use by a particular running program.


Acronym for Application Program Interface. The functions, types and data structures to be used when writing C code that interacts with Lua.

Understanding the API requires a knowledge of C. It is therefore not covered in this Glossary.

APIs for other languages (C++, Pascal etc) also exist, but the official documentation (which fills half the Lua manual) is for the C API.


A program designed for use by people that know next to nothing about computers. Familiarly shortened to app by such users.


The actual value that a parameter has when a function is called. We say that the argument is passed to the function.

x = fct (1,3,'pqr')  -- 1, 3 and 'pqr' are arguments

The number of arguments may differ from the number of parameters. If there are too many, the extra arguments are ignored; if there are too few, the missing arguments are assumed to have the value nil.


A data structure whose values (in this context called elements) are numbered consecutively. The number of an element is its key.

A          -- refers to the whole array
A[1]       -- refers to a single element with key 1

Arrays in which other keys than numbers are used are called associative arrays. The elements of associative arrays are sometimes referred to as items.

A['name']  -- refers to a single item with key 'name'     -- a synonym for A['name']

The notation is only available when name is an identifier.

Both kinds of array are special cases of a table. A sequence is an even more special case of an array.


  1. Made up only of 0s and 1s, as all digital computers are when considered at the lowest level.
  2. (When talking about files) Not text.
  3. (When talking about operations) Involving two values.


A chunk of code enclosed by a pair of delimiters like do ... end, function ... end, then ... else etc. Manual §3.3.


One of the eight types of Lua. A boolean value can only be true or false.

The result of a comparison operation is always boolean.


Any natural index in a table where a non-nil value is followed by a nil value. When the value at index 1 is nil, 0 is a border regardless of the value at index 0.


  1. An aspect of program behaviour that does not conform to its specification.
  2. An error in the program design that causes said behaviour.
  3. (blunderingly) Something that does not behave as you wanted or imagined.


The smallest individually accessible unit on most computers, consisting of 8 binary digits.


An implementation-dependent represention of a Lua program or part of one as instructions to be executed by a virtual machine. Though representable in Lua as a string, it is not legible.


When the name of a function is encountered in a Lua program, there are two possibilities: the function itself may be meant, or the instructions making up the function are to be executed. In the latter case, we say that the function is called.

a = fct      -- the function is not called, but assigned as a value
a = fct()    -- the function is called
a = fct{1}   -- when there is ony one arguent, and that argument itself 
a = fct"abc" --   is already delimited, parentheses are not needed 


A block of Lua code that can be compiled successfully by itself. It consists of one or more statements.


A data structure of related values, especially a constructor and methods.


A function bundled with its upvalues.


Text written in a programming language.


To automatically convert a value to another type or subtype so that an operation involving it will work.

'number' .. 3       -- the number will be coerced to a string
'3' + 10            -- the string will be coerced to a number
3.1415 * 10         -- the integer will be coerced to float
tbl = {[3.0]=true}  -- the float will be coerced to integer

Coercion, especially string-to-number coercion, is considered undesirable by many, and Lua 5.3 can be compiled with options set that will make either or both of the first two examples illegal.


To determine whether a specified relation between two values exists.

Any two values can be compared for equality or inequality. Two strings or two numbers can be compared for order. Any other comparison is only possible with the aid of a metamethod.

Comparison operations have a higher priority than logical operations and parentheses are seldom needed.

The result of a comparison operation is a boolean.

abc ~= nil    -- True if the value of abc (of whatever type) is not nil.
0<x and x<=10 -- True if x is in the range 1 to 10.


To convert code written in a programming language such as Lua to a form that is computer-friendly rather than human-friendly. In the case of Lua, the latter form is known as bytecode.

A compiler is a program that (or a function inside a program) that compiles code.


An anonymous immutable value.


  1. A table literal.
  2. A function in a class that is not itself a method, but returns a new object of the class.


  1. A thread containing a function that can yield (temporarily stop running) and resume (continue where it left off), rather like a train, dropping off some values and taking aboard new ones. One of the eight types of Lua.
  2. One of the standard libraries of Lua. Coroutines can only be created and used via routines in this library. Manual §2.6

Data structure

A collection of Values such that the collection can be referred to as a whole, but the values in it can also be referred to individually.

In Lua, the only data structure is a table, but it is also possible to code one's own data structure in C and make it visible to Lua as a userdata.


  1. To remove bugs.
  2. One of the standard libraries of Lua. It contains functions necessary to look into details of implementation not normally visible, and functions that can change values that normally are immutable.


A statement that specifies that one or more names have local scope and optionally initializes them.

local x, y = 1  -- x gets the value 1, y gets the value nil.

Names that have global scope are declared implicitly, i.e. they count as declared, with value nil, the moment you use them.


A chunk that fully specifies what a function does.

The definition starts with the keyword function and stops at the matching keyword end.

function fct(x,y)
  if x<y then
    return y-x
    return x-y
  end   -- definition does not stop here, this 'end' matches 'if'
end     -- definition stops here 


To put markers called delimiters in front and after something to show where it starts and stops.

There is therefore always a pair of delimiters.

"this is a string"
'This too'
[===[ And this ]===]               -- the same number (>0) of equal signs
function (x,y) return 'foo' end    -- `function`, `end` are delimiters


  1. (of two values) Not equal.
  2. (of a collection of values) Not containing two equal values.


Something supplied pro forma but not actually used.


One of the values in an array or a sequence, or (more loosely) in any collection of values.


An abbreviation for "environment". The table in which currently visible global variables are kept. Manual §2.2


(of two values a and b) Such that a==b evaluates to true.

One of the subtlest concepts in Lua. Manual §3.4.4

1 == 1.0         --> true (integer vs float does not matter)
{} == {}         --> false (two new empty tables)
'abc' == 'abc'   --> true (strings are not reference types)
0/0 == 0/0       --> false (NaN is not equal to itself) 


A technique to encode a character that has a special meaning or is hard to type by an escape sequence consisting of several other characters.

"\x9a"            -- Hexadecimal encoding of a byte
"\u{20AC}         -- The Unicode character '€' in hexadecimal encoding
"%%"              -- The way to represent a percent sign in a pattern.

Humans find it hard to write escape sequences correctly, but Lua offers an option %q to string.format that will do it for you.


Actually do some work. See function.


A piece of Lua code, shorter than a statement, that specifies how a value should be calculated. Manual §3.4

(2+2)^5                         -- arithmetic expression
age <= 65                       -- boolean expression
'--' .. " this is"              -- string expression
(gsub('Number # wins",'#','7')) -- function call expression (only the
      -- first value is used, and you need the parentheses for that)


Data stored outside one's program, usually on a disk, under the control of the operating system.

A file may contain text, in which case it is a text file. Otherwise it is a binary file. Manual §6.8

First-class value

A value that can be:

There are minor exceptions: nil and NaN may not be used as a key.


A subtype of number that represents a number as a mantissa (i.e. a number between 0.5 and 1) multiplied by a positive or negative power of 2. Integers up to about 9e15 can be represented exactly.


To inform the memory manager that an allocated block of memory is no longer required.


  1. A self-contained part of a program that performs a particular task.
  2. One of the eight types of Lua. Lua is unusual in that a function is a first-class value.

See Declaration, Parameter, Argument, Scope, Closure. Manual §3.3.6, §3.4.10.


On startup, _G is a global variable equal to _ENV. There are no rules for _G. The name might be an abbreviation for "global", but Lua does not actually use it for any purpose.


Memory which is allocated but no longer needed.

Lua has an internal function called a garbage collector which regularly frees such memory for reuse.


Strictly: having unlimited scope. In practice the term refers to perhaps the most idiosyncratic feature of Lua. Manual §2.2

When a name is not in any local scope, not even as an upvalue, Lua looks for a key of that name in a table called _ENV which is guaranteed always to be in scope. The entry in _ENV with the given name is the global variable of that name.

string          -- these two notations are 
_ENV.string     -- equivalent

There is nothing pervasive about global variables. All their values may be switched at the drop of a hat by simply assigning a different table to _ENV. If that table is empty, all global variables are instantly reset to nil.


  1. A word in Lua code that starts with a letter or an underscore, after which only letters, underscores and digits are allowed.

    Catch_22  -- But not 'Catch-22': hyphens not allowed
    _ENV      -- Global names used by the system look like this.
    _VERSION  -- Users should avoid the underscore-capitals pattern.
  2. The term has a different special meaning in the API and debug library.


The way the details of Lua are handled on a specific computer.

You are not supposed to know what they are, and if you do know, you are not allowed to rely on that knowledge. So I will not even try to explain implementation details like endianness, word size, array part, hash part, etc. But see Internalize and Memoize.


  1. The position of a specific byte in a string.
  2. An integer-valued key. A natural index is a positive integer-valued key.

If a floating-point number that happens to equal an exact integer is used as an index, it will be coerced to integer.


Short for "Infinity". An exceptional value of type number (also written 'INF' and 'inf'), which arises the result of overflow, division by zero etc. If you need the notation Inf, assign such a value to the name. Inf is not a Lua keyword, but appears in output, as does -inf.

Inf and -Inf are a legal keys in a table.

Inf can freely be used in expressions, and behaves the way one would think it should.

Inf = 1/0
0-Inf             -- -inf
Inf + 1           -- inf
Inf-Inf           -- -nan
1/Inf             -- 0.0  
1/(-Inf)          -- -0.0
Inf < Inf         -- false
math.type(Inf)    -- float


To assign a value to a name simultaneously with its declaration. Uninitialized names are treated as having value nil.


A subtype of number that can represent integers up to about 9e18 exactly. The three extra digits come at the expense of not being able to represent anything except integers.


To store in a hidden special-purpose table.

An implementation detail of Lua, used for efficient storage and comparison of strings.


To compile code and execute it in one go, especially inside a REPL. An interpreter is a program that does this. The interpreter is the program lua bundled with the Lua distribution.


To call, especially in a formalized way or as a consequence of another call.


The first element of a key-value pair in a table. Any value except nil and NaN may be used as a key.


(short for programming language): A specification for composing text that can be understood by both humans and computers.

Examples: Ada, APL, Basic, C, Fortran, Go, Guile, Java, Lisp, Lua, Pascal, Python, Ruby, Scheme.


A table of functions that serve a common purpose.

Libraries extend the power of Lua. Apart from the global library, a number of standard libraries are automatically loaded when Lua starts up. Manual §6

Custom libraries can also be returned by a module.


An expression that defines a constant of type string, number or table.

1.3475e4                          -- floating-point literal
12346                             -- integer literal
"the quick brown fox"             -- string literal
{'Jock','Bill',name='Friends'}    -- table literal


To make a function, or a table of functions, available to Lua. There are several ways to do this. Manual §6.1

fct = load "return 'Hello, World'"   -- load a string
fct = loadfile "myfunc.lua"          -- load a file
fct = require "mylib"                -- load a library


Having limited scope. Manual §3.3.7


The operations and, or and not are known as logical operations. They operate on all values, not only on booleans. The result of not is boolean, but the result of the other operations is to select one of the operands. Manual §3.4.5

Their action is determined by the truth of the first value.

a and b   -- if a is false, then a (and don't evaluate b); else b
a or b    -- if a is true, then a (and don't evaluate b); else b

The point about evaluation is important. It can be used to avoid illegal operations.

v = a.k          -- an error if a is nil
v = a and a.k    -- nil if a is nil


A mailing list for asking help on, and in general discussing every aspect of, Lua. One can subscribe via a webpage or via e-mail.


To store the result of a function call in a table upvalue so that, next time, it can be looked up rather than re-calculated.

  local cache = {}
  function myfunc(arg)
    local result = cache[arg]
    if result == nil then
      -- calculate 'result', read it from a database on your
      -- computer, query the Internet, whatever.
    return result


  1. The part of a computer in which data is stored only while your program is running.

    Memory is thought of as bytes numbered from 1 upwards to several trillions and beyond. Those numbers are known as addresses.

    Memory is allocated by a memory manager, which at the lowest level is the system itself. See also Free.

  2. The faculty by which a Lua-L member remains aware of past own contributions.


A user-supplied function that is called to perform an operation, bypassing the default action, usually because the operation would otherwise be undefined, but also when a raw operation is to be supplanted by a customized one. Manual §2.4

Metamethods are kept in a metatable.

Metamethods can be used (abused?) to customize Lua almost beyond recognition.


A function in a class whose first parameter is an object of that class.

A special notation, known as an object-oriented call, may be used to call a method.

class.fct(obj,x,y)   -- normal call to class.fct
obj:fct(x,y)         -- object-oriented call to the function 'fct'
                     -- of the class to which 'obj' belongs

If obj belongs to class, the two calls are equivalent.

A similar notation may also be used to define a method. The following two definitions are equivalent.

function class:fct(x,y)
  -- code comes here

class.fct = function(self,x,y)
  -- code comes here


A function that loads a library. Manual §6.3


Capable of being changed during the running of a program.

Values of type nil, boolean, number and string are immutable. Values of type coroutine, table and userdata are mutable. Values of type function are immutable except via the debug library.


A word in a Lua program that can be associated with a value.

x = 1.23    -- 'x' is a name, 1.23 is a constant number value

Lua syntax demands that a name satisfy the rules for an identifier. Manual §3.1


Acronym for "Not A Number". An exceptional value of type number (also written 'NAN' and 'nan'), which arises as the result of an undefinable arithmetic operation. NaN is not a Lua keyword, but appears in output (in some implementations, even the nonsensical '-nan' may be printed). If you need the notation NaN, assign such a value to the name.

NaN is not a legal key in a table, but counts as true.

NaN = 0/0
NaN + 1        -- NaN. All arithmetic operations involving NaN have
               -- result NaN.
NaN <= NaN     -- false. All comparison operations involving NaN have
               -- result false except the following.
NaN ~= NaN     -- true. The only Lua value with this property.


One of the eight types of Lua. There is only one value of this type, likewise called nil. Its purpose is to act as a placeholder where a value is needed, but no proper value is available.

tbl = {1,4,nil,nil,10}         -- tbl[5] is 10
fct = load(code,nil,nil,data)  -- the data table must be the 4th argument


  1. The absence of any value whatsoever, not even nil. Can only be tested for in a vararg or in the API.
  2. A user-defined sentinel used instead of nil as a value in a table so that the key is not deleted. In some other languages, a predefined value is supplied for that purpose.


One of the eight types of Lua. The possible values can be integers, floating-point numbers, Inf, -Inf, and NaN.

n = 1        -- integer
x = 1.0      -- floating-point

See integer, floating-point, subtype.


A value of type table or userdata that is associated with a class table. See method.


A basic computing task like addition, multiplication, concatenation etc., involving one or two values, called operands, and expressed in Lua by putting an operator in front of a single value, or between the two values.

n = #tbl           -- '#' is the length operator
s = name .. id     -- '..' is the concatenation operator


Two related values, especially a key in a table and its associated value.

for k,v in pairs(tbl) do   -- start of a loop that iterates over all
                           -- key-value pairs k,v in 'tbl'


A local name used in the definition of a function for the value that will later be passed as an argument.

    function fct (a,b,c)   -- a,b,c are parameters
    fct(1,2,3)             -- 1,2,3 are arguments


A pair of delimiters with several uses.

  1. To delimit a list of parameters or arguments.
  2. To specify precedence of operations in a complicated expression.
  3. To adjust the number of return values in a function to 1. See vararg.

Pass to

See Argument.


A string that describes properties and substrings that another string might have. Most patterns are instantly recognizable by the many percent signs in them.

The string library contains several functions that exploit patterns. Manual §6.4.1


The actual address in memory where something is stored. Usually displayed in hexadecimal notation.

math    --> table: 0x22a8aa0


A pecking order of Lua operators. Manual §3.4.8


The position of an operator in the precedence table. Operators with higher priority are performed first.


A synonym for function, especially when the function is one that does not return any values.


  1. A set of instructions to be performed by a computer.
  2. To write such instructions in a programming language.


  1. To give a hint that a terminal user should type something.
  2. A character string used for that purpose.

                   -- the usual Lua prompt
                  -- the prompt when wat you typed was not enough

    name? -- a typical prompt issued by an appplication


As originally defined, i.e. ignoring metamethods.


A pointer that looks like a variable to the programmer.

In Lua, the mutable types function, table, coroutine and userdata are accessed by reference.

a = {name="Jack"}   -- the variable 'a' has a reference
a                   --> table: 0x22c8810
b = a               -- 'b' now also has that reference
b                   --> table: 0x22c8810
c = {name="Jack"}   -- 'c' has a reference to a different table
c                   --> table: 0x22c9ba0


A version of a software package that is officially made available by its developers.

Lua releases have three-part numbers, e.g. Lua 5.3.4. These are called minor releases; if the third part is dropped, it is called a major release, e.g. Lua 5.3. Each minor release is considered to be merely a bugfix of the previous one: no features are added or changed, and the virtual machine is the same.


Acronym for Read-Evaluate-Print Loop. Basically what the Lua interpreter does.


The part of a program inside which a local variable is visible, i.e. recognized by the compiler. The scope starts when the variable is declared and goes to just before an unmatched end, or up to and including an unmatched until. The end can be matched by a previous begin, if, while or function. Manual §3.5

local a,b    -- a and b are now visible
  local a    -- the previous variable called `a` is now shadowed
  c = a + b  -- the scope of the most recent `a` ends here
end          -- this `end` is matched by the previous begin
             -- for the most recent `a`, it is unmatched.
d = a+b      -- the original `a` is visible again

  local i
until i>10   -- the scope of i ends here 


Visible in the whole file but not global.

A semi-global variable is declared as local near the top of the file, and is an upvalue to every function that uses its name.


A special value in a list that cannot be mistaken for a genuine element of the list. Used to indicate that the list stopped at the previous element.


  1. (Loosely) some items coming one after the other.
  2. An escape sequence.
  3. A table with exactly one border. Manual §3.4.7

    {1,2,3,4}    -- a sequence: border at index 4
    {1,2,nil,4}  -- not a sequence: borders at index 2 and 4


To make a variable that is currently visible invisible by declaring a local variable of the same name. See scope.


A program that executes operating system commands. If it does so by responding to what a user types in, it is an interactive shell or command window.


A part of a chunk that cannot be split any further into smaller chunks. (This definition is a loose one: for a precise definition, one needs to study the syntax of Lua). Lua is unusual in that the statement separator ';' is almost entirely optional.

a = b; func(1,2,4)    -- two statements, separated by a semicolon
a = b func(1,2,4)     -- still two statements


  1. A sequence of bytes. One of the eight types of Lua. Strings can be delimited in an infinite number of ways.
  2. string is a standard library containing functions that involve strings. Most of those functions can be called using object-oriented syntax.

    data = "Laurie, Dirk"
    pattern = "([^,]+),%s*(.*)"
    surname, name = string.match(data, pattern)  -- these two calls
    surname, name = data:match(pattern)          -- are equivalent


A further classification of values of a specific type. The type number has subtypes integer and float. See also userdata.

type(1)         --> number
type(1.0)       --> number
math.type(1)    --> integer
math.type(1.0)  --> float


  1. A collection of (key,value) pairs, called entries. One of the eight types of Lua.

The keys in a table are distinct. If the value is nil, the entry may not actually be stored, and the key is lost. See also Array, Sequence, None.

    a.r = nil    -- delete the entry with key "r"
  1. table is a standard library containing functions that involve sequences. Manual §6.6

Those functions cannot be called using object-oriented syntax straight off, but you can do it with metatables.


A string or file that is designed to be readable by a human.

Text files typically contain only characters that have an understandable appearance on the screen, and whitespace.


  1. (On an operating system) Part of a task that runs at the same time as other threads.
  2. (In Lua) An opaque (can't be looked into) data structure that holds all the information needed to support the running of a virtual machine.


The property whether a value counts as true or false in an if statement or a logical. Manual §3.4.5

nil and false count as false, all other values (including 0 and NaN) count as true.


The bare contents of an array, without delimiters.

{1,2,nil,4}   -- an array
1,2,nil,4     -- a tuple

May appear as a parameter list, an argument list, a return list, the right-hand side of an assignment, or inside a table constructor. Manual §3.4.11

A tuple is not a first-class value: it is several values, not thought of as comprising a whole.


A classification of values as one of nil, boolean, number, string, function, table, coroutine or userdata.

The type of a value determines how it is stored in the computer, what operations on it are allowed, and how it is represented when printed. Manual §2.1


(of an operation) Involving only one value.


A local defined outside but referred to inside a function. See also semi-global.

Local variables defined outside a function but not referred to inside are not upvalues to the function.

do    -- start a block
  local settings = {}    -- visible only to functions in the block
  set_width = function(w)
    settings.width = w   -- implicitly defines an upvalue `settings`
end   -- end the block


A block of memory that can only be accessed via its own methods. One of the eight types of Lua.

The definition of a userdata and the basic methods for accessing it need to be written in the API. A userdata can be full (i.e. it can be manipulated from Lua) or light (i.e. all Lua can do with it is to determine whether two values are raw equal). These are not true subtypes since they are treated as one type inside Lua and as two types inside the API.


A block of memory organized as one of Lua's eight types.

Values can be mutable or immutable. All values in Lua are first-class values, unlike some other commonly used languages.


A tuple of unspecified length, denoted by three dots.

Mainly used in the parameter list of a function, where it must appear last. Inside such a function, it is also available for use wherever a tuple could be used.

function fct(z,...)          -- typical vararg parameter list
  local x,y = ...            -- assign first two elements of the vararg
  local p,q = select(4,...)  -- assign elements 4 and 5 of the vararg
  local t = table.pack(...)  -- create an array containing the vararg
  local u = {...}            -- the same, but u.n is not set
  local s = 10+...           -- add 10 to first element of vararg
  print(...)                 -- print everything in the vararg
  print((...))               -- print only the first element
  return z,20,...            -- returns a new vararg


A name associated with a value.

See dummy, local, global, initialize.

Virtual machine

A program (or part of one) running on a computer known as the host, that can execute instructions for a different machine by representing the components of that machine as a data structure on the host.

Lua code is compiled for a virtual machine that has never been built as hardware, with a design that changes with every major release.


See scope.


A character such as a blank, tab, line feed or carriage return that may be present in a text file but is not visible. In Lua any sequence of whitespace characters outside comments and strings is treated as being equivalent to one blank.


Zero is a unique number, having three representations that are all different, but equal.

0          -- integer zero
0.         -- floating-point zero
-0.        -- negative zero

They can be distinguished by programming tricks, but only the integer zero can be a table key. Either of the others will be silently coerced to an integer.

c = {[-0.]=true}
next(c)    --> 0   true