Struct Writer

Component that outputs XML data to an OutputRange.

To format the XML data, it calls specific methods of the PrettyPrinter, if they are defined. Otherwise, it just prints the data with the minimal markup required. The currently available format callbacks are:

  • beforeNode, called as the first operation of outputting every XML node; expected to return a string to be printed before the node
  • afterNode, called as the last operation of outputting every XML node; expected to return a string to be printed after the node
  • increaseLevel, called after the start of a node that may have children (like a start tag or a doctype with an internal subset)
  • decreaseLevel, called before the end of a node that had some children (i.e. before writing a closing tag or the end of a doctype with an internal subset)
  • beforeAttributeName, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing between the tag name and the first attribute name and between the attribute value and the name of the next attribute; it is not used between the value of the last attribute and the closing >, nor between the tag name and the closing > if the element has no attributes
  • beforeElementEnd, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing before the closing > of a tag, that is after the last attribute name or after the tag name if the element has no attributes
  • afterAttributeName, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing between the name of an attribute and the = sign
  • beforeAttributeValue, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing between the = sign and the value of an attribute
  • formatAttribute(outputRange, attibuteValue), called to write out the value of an attribute
  • formatAttribute(attributeValue), called to obtain a string that represents the formatted attribute to be printed; used when the previous method is not defined
  • attributeDelimiter, called to obtain a string that represents the delimiter to be used when writing attributes; used when the previous two methods are not defined; in this case the attribute is not subject to any formatting, except prepending and appending the string returned by this method
  • afterCommentStart, called to obtain a string that represents the spacing to be used between the <!-- opening and the comment contents
  • beforeCommentEnd, called to obtain a string that represents the spacing to be used between the comment contents and the closing -->
  • betweenPITargetData, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing between the target and data of a processing instruction
  • beforePIEnd, called to obtain a string to be used as spacing between the processing instruction data and the closing ?>

Template arguments

struct Writer(_StringType, alias OutRange, alias PrettyPrinter);


Name Description
writeCDATA Outputs a CDATA section with the given content.
writeComment Outputs a comment with the given content.
writeProcessingInstruction Outputs a processing instruction with the given target and data.
writeText Outputs a text node with the given content.
writeXMLDeclaration Outputs an XML declaration.


