Struct ElementNestingValidator
Wrapper around a cursor that checks whether elements are correctly nested.
It will call ErrorHandler
whenever it finds a closing tag that does not match
the last start tag. ErrorHandler
will be called with the first matching tuple
from the following:
(CursorType, std
.container .Array!(CursorType .StringType)) (CursorType)
.container .Array!(CursorType .StringType)) ()
. The second parameter, of type
std .container .Array!(CursorType .StringType)
represents the stack of currently
open tags. The handler is free to modify it (to implement erro recovery with
automatic XML fixing).
This type should not be instantiated directly, but with the helper function
Template arguments
struct ElementNestingValidator(CursorType, alias ErrorHandler)
if (isCursor!CursorType);
Lodovico Giaretta
Copyright Lodovico Giaretta 2016 --