Function chooseLexer

Instantiates a specialized lexer for the given input type, allocator and error handler.

The default error handler just asserts 0. If the type of the allocator is specified as template parameter, but no instance of it is passed as runtime parameter, then the static method instance of the allocator type is used. If no allocator type is specified, defaults to shared(GCAllocator).


auto chooseLexer(Input, std.typecons.Flag!("reuseBuffer").Flag reuseBuffer, Alloc, Handler)(
  ref Alloc alloc,
  Handler handler

auto chooseLexer(Input, Alloc, std.typecons.Flag!("reuseBuffer").Flag reuseBuffer, Handler)(
  Handler handler
if (is(typeof(Alloc.instance)) && isSomeFunction!handler);

auto chooseLexer(Input, std.typecons.Flag!("reuseBuffer").Flag reuseBuffer, Alloc)(
  ref Alloc alloc
if (!isSomeFunction!alloc);

auto chooseLexer(Input, Alloc, std.typecons.Flag!("reuseBuffer").Flag reuseBuffer)()
if (is(typeof(Alloc.instance)));


Lodovico Giaretta


Copyright Lodovico Giaretta 2016 --


Boost License 1.0.