import preact: {h, render} 'preact/hooks': {use-reducer, use-effect, use-ref} './index.css': styles '../src/convert': convert '../src/compile': next-compile '../src/origin': {lex: ls-lex, ast: ls-ast, compile: ls-compile} ace-url = '//' function setup-editor element, {mode=\livescript on-change} if !setup-editor.load setup-editor.load = new Promise (resolve) -> script = document.create-element \script script.src = ace-url script.add-event-listener \load resolve document.body.append script setup-editor.load.then -> editor = ace.edit element ..setTheme \ace/theme/chaos ..setFontSize 14 ..setReadOnly true unless on-change ..$blockScrolling = Infinity ..getSession! ..setUseWorker false ..setMode "ace/mode/#mode" ..setTabSize 2 ..setUseSoftTabs true if on-change ..on \change -> that editor.getValue! function ace-editor {mode, value, on-change} container = use-ref! editor = use-ref! use-effect -> setup-editor container.current, {mode, on-change} .then -> editor.current = it if value editor.current.set-value value, 1 , [] use-effect -> editor.current?set-value value, 1 , [!on-change && value] h \div ref: container sample-code = '''import react: create-element: h \\react-dom : render function todo-app {items, text, handle-submit, handle-change} h \\div,, h \\h3,, \\TODO todo-list items: items h \\form on-submit: handle-submit, h \\input on-change: handle-change, value: text h \\button,, "Add ##{items.length + 1}" render (connected todo-app)!, mound-node function async-fetch data = await <| await fetch \\ .json! function nested-destructing [a, b: [{c, d: e}=get-default!]] existence? = c! if test a, c then that else e merged = a <<< b <<< c minimum = a get-obj!?[prop-key 0]?[prop-key 1]? arg export {default: fn, fn, alias: fn} external: {something, alias: another}''' initial-state = option: \next input: sample-code, result: '' try initial-state <<< JSON.parse decodeURIComponent location.hash.slice 1 function editor {state, dispatch} h ace-editor, value: state.input, on-change: -> dispatch type: \input data: it function status {state} h \div,, state.status options = next: -> next-compile it .code parse: -> JSON.stringify (convert ls-ast it),, 2 compile: -> ls-compile it, bare: true ast: -> ls-ast it lex: -> ls-lex it function render-option {name, checked, onChange} attrs = type: \radio checked, name: \option onChange, value: name option = h \input attrs h \label,, option, name function render-controls {url, checked, select} buttons = Object.keys options .map (name) -> attrs = name: name, checked: name == checked on-change: -> select name render-option attrs h \div,, ...buttons function controls {state, dispatch} props = checked: state.option url: location.href.split \# .0 + \# + JSON.stringify state select: -> dispatch type: \option data: it render-controls props function result {state} h ace-editor, mode: \javascript value: state.result function reduce state, {type, data} if type == \input || type == \option update {} <<< state <<< (type): data else state function app [state, dispatch] = use-reducer reduce, update initial-state o = {state, dispatch} h \div class: \wrap, h \div class: \input, (editor o), status o h \div class: \output, (controls o), result o function update state state <<< try status: '' result: '' + options[state.option] state.input catch console.log e status: e.message render (h app), document.query-selector \#root