ATS Left Pad

Table of Contents

1 Overview

The implementation of left-pad below is an exercise in wilfully complicating a small problem to demonstrate some of the unique features of the ATS programming language for verified systems programming including refinement types, linear logic and embedded proofs.

left-pad is a small command-line program that takes a string and length and fills out the string to that length with '0's. If the string is longer than the given length it isn't changed. For example:

> ./left-pad xxx 5
padding: 00xxx
> ./left-pad xxx 2
padding: xxx

Since ATS is for systems programming and I have to show that left-pad is memory clean:

> valgrind ./left-pad xxxxx 20
==19303== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==19303== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==19303== Using Valgrind-3.12.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==19303== Command: ./left-pad xxxxx 20
padding: 000000000000000xxxxx
==19303== HEAP SUMMARY:
==19303==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==19303==   total heap usage: 22 allocs, 22 frees, 1,355 bytes allocated
==19303== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==19303== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==19303== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

You might be shocked that left-pad is allocating a kilobyte of heap memory for 20 characters. This is on purpose! The implementation below isn't about conserving memory but making a mess and leaning on the type system to make me clean it up.

Also my left-pad is totally not Unicode safe.

2 Installation

To install ATS run this script provided on Github. Please inspect it first! To build left-pad, clone this repo and:

> make

3 Imports

#include "share/atspre_staload.hats"

Most ATS programs start with the #include line, it imports a number of useful modules from the ATS prelude.

4 The Type Of Left Pad

The essence of left pad can captured pretty comfortably in the ATS type system:

dataprop PAD(int,int,int) =
  | {p,l:nat} Yep(p,l,p-l)
  | {p,l:nat} Nope(p,l,0)

extern fun left_pad
  {p,l:nat | p>0 && l>0}
    pad: ssize_t p,
    c: charNZ,
    s: strnptr l
  ): [cushion:nat] (PAD(p,l,cushion) | strnptr (cushion+l))

The first block represents a relationship between sorts of types. A sort in ATS is a type which indexes another type constraining it in some way. A dataprop encodes a relationship between sorts, in this case, deciding whether or not to pad the string at the sort level. This is confusing and I will return to this dataprop a couple of paragraphs down.

The second block is the type signature of left_pad. In most typed programming languages function signatures have arguments and their types, in ATS we have to deal with sorts, refinements and proofs as well. I think ATS signatures are easiest to understand when each level is considered individually.

At the value level it takes:

  • pad, the amount to which to pad the string,
  • c, the pad character
  • s, the string itself.

At the type level we have:

  • pad, a ssize_t which is just like C's size_t but signed
  • c, a C char
  • s, a pointer to a null terminated C string.

At the level of sorts and refinements:

  • pad is indexed by p which is constrained (in the line starting with {p,l:nat ... }) to be a natural number greater than 0. Practically this means that in order to call left_pad the type checker has to be satisfied that pad is 1 or more.
  • with c it isn't apparent but charNZ which comes from the prelude is a C char refined so it cannot be null.
  • s is a C string guaranteed to be non-empty because it is length indexed with l refined a natural number that has to be non-zero.

The return type following the : on the last line has 2 parts: the padded string returned to the right of the |, and to the left a proof that the sorts passed in via pad and s, p and l and a new sort cushion are related to each other in one of the ways enumerated by the dataprop PAD, Yep or Nope . In case of Yep, p and l to the cushion as p-l. Otherwise Nope p and l are ignored and cushion is 0. Practically cushion is a sort level natural number attesting that (1) the string gets padded by the difference of pad and the length of s or (2) s is untouched.

5 Generating The Pad

5.1 Type

The pad itself uses fill_list to build a linked list of the same character.

extern fun {t:t@ype} fill_list
    size:ssize_t n,
    c: t
  ): list_vt(t,n)

fill_list is a function that creates a list of some generic type, {t:t@ype} by taking a size modified by a sort n which tracks the number of items to be filled, and the element c that will get replicated size times. It returns a list_vt, a list viewtype, meaning it can only be used once, filled with t's and also length indexed by n. This statically guarantees that the return list will have size elements.

5.2 Implementation

A recursive inner function loop is used to build up the list. Recursion is very encouraged, safe, efficient and well integrated into ATS. The .<i>. is a termination metric, a sort that must be shown to be decreasing on every recursive call which guarantees that recursion will terminate. If pred size was not there in the recursive call the loop would not typecheck.

implement {t}fill_list{n}(size,c) =
    fun loop
      {i:nat | i <= n}
        size : ssize_t i,
        c: t,
        res: list_vt(t, n-i)
      ): list_vt(t,n) =
      if (size = i2ssz(0))
      then res
      else loop(pred size, c, list_vt_cons(c,res))

6 The Implementation Of Left Pad

The code for left_pad itself is mostly what you might expect but with a couple of points of interest.

implement left_pad{p,l}(pad,c,s) =
    val size = strnptr_length(s)
    if (pad > size)
        val padding = pad-size
        val char_list = fill_list(padding,c)
        val pad_string = string_make_list_vt(char_list)
        val res = strnptr_append(pad_string, s)
          (Yep{p,l} | res)
      (Nope{p,l} | s)

One interesting bit are the lines starting with (Yep{p,l} | ...) and (Nope{p,l} | ...) which return proof that the Pad dataprop relationship holds between the sorts of pad and s which in turn allows the solver to statically check that length of s includes the cushion described in the type signature.

Another fun bit is the typechecker enforced strnptr_free ... calls. Filling a list with characters allocates space. When appending the list to s it needs to copy both to build a new string. This is where ATS' linear logic really shines; because they are copied the type system knows that they are still around in memory and complains if not freed.

7 Main

Here we parse command line arguments and finally make an actual call to left_pad! The main function is interesting in that it highlights both a weakness of ATS, its ecosystem, and one of its jewels, the embedded proof language and the intermixing of proofs with term-level code.

implement main0(argc, argv) =
    val args = listize_argc_argv(argc,argv)
    val _ =
      if list_vt_length(args) = 3
      then (
          val c = '0'
          val s = g1ofg0(args[1]) : [n:nat] string n
          val pad = g1ofg0(g0string2int(args[2]))
          if length(s) > 0 && pad > 0
          then (
              prval _ = lemma_not_empty(s) where {
                extern praxi
                  lemma_not_empty{n:int}(x:string(n)):[n > 0] void
              prval _ = lemma_not_zero(pad) where {
                extern praxi
                  lemma_not_zero{n:int}(x:int(n)):[n > 0] void
              val (pf | res) = left_pad(i2ssz(pad),c, string1_copy(s))
                println! ("padding: ", res);
            print "Usage: left-pad <string-to-pad> <pad-length>\n"
      else print "Usage: left-pad <string-to-pad> <pad-length>\n"

First the bad, the ATS standard library has almost no CLI support except listize_argc_argv which converts them into a list of strings.. Moreover there's a whole bunch of gross type level casting needed to coerce them to the needed type. That's what all the g1of* and g0of* functions do. This should all really be hidden away in a library.

The good stuff is the lines starting with prval and praxi. ATS has a full type level language for writing proofs that looks quite a bit like the term language. They can be freely intermixed and proofs get erased away at runtime so there is no performance cost.

Why do I need them? Because the type signature of left_pad says that the pad length and string passed in have to be greater than 0. Since IO boundaries have no type information we have to somehow tell the typechecker that everything's a-ok with the string and pad. prval (proof value) brings a proof into scope and praxi (proof axiom) asserts whatever it wants. For example, to show that the string is not empty I wrote an axiom lemma_not_empty which takes a length indexed string and simply commands the typechecker that it is non null and and adds that to store of assumptions. And the same with the pad and lemma_not_zero. Of course, it's on me to make sure that those axioms are true with a runtime check, but that's a check I would have to write anyway so there's no unnecessary work being done.

Update: Turns out I didn't need the prval and praxi but I left them in because they're cool.

Other than that I just call left_pad, print the result, free it and that's pretty much it!

If you'd like to start a discussion thread or comment please open an issue.

Hope you enjoyed this!

8 References

If you'd like to know more:

Author: Aditya Siram
