User guide



Go to Window => Preferences and search for EGradle => Gradle Setup. Now setup your root project path and (optional) the JAVA_HOME to use for gradle wrapper.


Inside this area you can define

Call types


Per default EGradle will setup your call type initial with OS dependent gradle wrapper call type - in the picture before for windows.

Predefined types

You got multiple options for pre defined call types which you can select.

Custom type

Also a custom variant is possible where you can customize your gradle call.
Shell selection
It is possible to select one of the supported shell commands


Press the "Start validation" button to check if your current gradle settings are working fine.


Change root project by context menu

On projects not being part of current gradle root project you are able to change EGradle root project settings by simply calling context menu action "Change Egradle root project" (see next picture).

After action is triggered, EGradle tries to identify root project, set new root folder in preferences automatically and recreates virtual root project if formerly active.

