User guide

New gradle project wizard

With EGradle user can create single - and multi gradle projects out of the box, with full eclipse support.

Create projects by EGradle wizard

This section describes how to use the EGradle wizard to create new projects.

Open wizard

There are two ways to open the New project wizard :

  1. Use toolbar action:

  2. Default way by selecting File -> New -> Project...:

    select EGradle -> Gradle Project and click on Next.

This will show up wizard:


Setup location

Enter your wanted (root) project name and the location (or use default):


Select template

Select your wanted template. Currently EGradle has following templates included:


Gradle template details

At next wizard page - depending on which template was selected - details can be configured.

Full gradle multi project (Java)

At a multi project you must specify at least one sub project. In the next example there were 3 sub projects defined:

You just have to enter the names comma separated as shown in next picture. The other input fields are filled with defaults or being optional.

After click on Finish project structure is generated and imported. The result will look like next image:


Full gradle multi project (Java + Asciidoctor)

Its nearly the same as Full multi project (Java) but it supports also a full working asciidoctor support.

The setup is exactly the same, only the output changes a little bit: There will be always a documentation subproject appearing as shown in next image:

Just call the gradle task asciidoctor and your document is build in html and in pdf:


Full gradle single project (Java)

At a single project you must specify nothing more - all input fields are filled with defaults or being optional:

After click on Finish project structure is generated and imported. The result will look like next image:


Basic gradle single project (Java)

d Nearly the same as Full single project (Java) but adresses gradle beginners.


Custom templates

Currently EGradle comes up with three default templates for java (see above). It's planned to have other templates as well in future - e.g. for android development. But if you are curious or have the need for other templates you can create custom templates (and maybe give to community...).

This section describes how to create custom templates for egradle new project wizard

Template location

Each template for EGradle New project wizard is located in file structure at $user.home/.egradle/templates/$egradle.version/new-project-wizard inside an template folder. For example: The template for the Full gradle multi project (Java) is located at:


Template variables and rules

Following rules are given:

  1. Each file or folder name starting with an "_" will have this leading character removed in output. So e.g. "_settings.gradle" will be converted to "settings.gradle".

  2. Variables in file names and inside - e.g. "$egradle.template.subprojectname" folder - will be replaced by project setup values (see table below for possibilities):
    Variable Replaced by Name of template
    egradle.template.projectname Name of project
    egradle.template.groupname Name of group defined in gradle build files. This will be used for uploads into a maven repository
    egradle.template.subprojectname Current subproject name
    egradle.template.subprojects.include Include string for gradle.settings. Is a comma separated list of all sub projects Contains a string defining the java version - e.g. "1.8" for Java 8
    egradle.template.gradle.version Contains a string defining the gradle version used inside generated gradle wrapper. If not defined a default value will be used:"4.3"

  3. The file will not be copied but evaluated and defines the meta information about the template features:
    Key Value
    name The name for the template
    description The description for the template
    priority The priority for the template. The template with the lowest value will be on first position at the wizard dialog and automatically selected.
    When not defined the priority is set to 100
    feature.newproject.type.multiproject when "true" then this template generates multi projects when "true" java questions the template supports java
    feature.newproject.supports.gradlewrapper when "true" this template wants to have gradle wrapper copied to the target destination before input is done
    feature.newproject.supports.headlessimport when "true" the wizard will automatically import the generated projects. Otherwise the import dialog will be shown to user where some selections - e.g. not to use the gradle wrapper etc. - can be set. This is normally only necessary on creating new templates , for debugging etc.


An example for a custom template

Copy an existing template

We copy
as shown below:

Define meta information

Change the inside folder custom-template-1:

Change the content

Change the content of the template files like you want. The content is just applied to rules, variables and then copied to target destination.

Use the template

You must restart your eclipse instance and open EGradle new project wizard. Enter project location and go to template selection. Now you will find your custom template appearing.
