User guide

Launch gradle

You can execute gradle tasks in two different ways:
  1. Launch configurations
  2. Quick launch dialog

Build failed

When your gradle execution failed (e.g. you executed "unknown-task" ) the build failed dialog will apear:

If your build script has compile or evaluation failures and output validation is enabled, another dialog will appear and errors are shown.

Launch a project by right click

Inside navigator and package explorer it's possible to launch a project by gradle. If no launch configuration is configured the default gradle target will be "assemble" and a new launch configuration is created. Otherwise the last execution configuration.

If there are more than one existing launch configuration for the project, the configuration can be chosen.


Launch existing configuration

When you have already a configuration created you can simple do a right click to the project and use "Run as ... EGradle" and the launch starts. If you have multiple launch configurations done for this project, a selection dialog will appear:



Your are able to configure

You could this do also with raw settings, but it's more comfortable and you are able to use eclipse variables:


Inspect execution

Watch output in console

The console output is shown as usual but special keywords are syntax highlighted:


Quick launch dialog

When you just want to execute some simple tasks which need no special configurations you can press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+END and a small dialog appears where you can type your wanted tasks and press ENTER to execute. The dialog contains a history about your last (max 20) entered commands and you can select previous commands by cursor keys or select by combobox list. The last entered command is always automatically selected when dialog appears. The history is not persisted and always cleared when you restart your eclipse.

You got no possibility to setup parameters, system properties or environment entries, but your able to execute some standard calls - e.g. "tasks" or "--version". (Remark: Before EGradle 2.0 CTRL+SHIFT+# was used as shortcut, but was replaced in 2.0 because of handling problems with US keyboard layout)

Instead of using the keyboard shortcut you can also press the corresponding toolbar button to open the dialog:

The output is done in EGradle System Console, which will automatically show up when ENTER key was pressed and execution starts
