Type nano simplefunction.R
and Copy and Paste the following (it makes a random matrix and displays the result of a calculation), write out and exit:
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
simplefunction <- function(n){
n <- as.numeric(n)
a <- matrix(data = rnorm(n^2), nrow=n, ncol = n)
save(a, file="simple.RData)
x <- simplefunction(args$1)
Type nano simpleR.sl
and Copy and Paste the following (you need to replace projectIDhere
with your project ID from OtagoPanInstructions), write out and exit:
#SBATCH -J yourjobName
#SBATCH -A projectIDhere
#SBATCH --time=1:00:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --output=simpleRout.txt
#SBATCH --error=simpleRerr.txt
module load R/3.1.1-goolf-1.5.14
srun Rscript simplefunction.R '20'
sbatch simpleR.sl
: an RData file with a 20 by 20 random matrix in itsimpleRout.txt
: including the text “1024” from calculating 2^10simpleRerr.txt
: empty fileYou copy the file simple.RData
to your local machine (see OtagoPanInstructions) or look at it on the build node using:
ssh build-sb
module load R/3.1.1-goolf-1.5.14
(as we did in step 2 above).#SBATCH --output=
) or (much more likely) save results, e.g. to a .mat
file (as we did in step 1).To use more than one core, add the following to your .sl
script (change the 8 to the number of CPUs your code can use):
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
The script you use will also need to be modified to run R on multiple cores. We recommend using the R module demonstrated on Pan, which uses the snow
packages and it’s Rmpi
dependancy to take advantage of the the MPI (message passing interface supported by NeSI). A larger list of modules is avaialable of on the NeSI Wiki or you can contact the NeSI Support Team by email. For instance, with the simplefunction.R
script, make the following changes to load the snow
package and run the function on every core:
First modify the process to divide independent steps so they can be allocated to separate cores. For example:
Generate each column of the matrix as a random vector (data intensive steps are particularly well suited to this).
Run multiple calculations at the same time, e.g., 2^i below
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
simplefunction <- function(n){
n <- as.numeric(n)
a <- lapply(as.list(1:n), function(i) matrix(data = rnorm(n), nrow=1, ncol = n)) # generate each column on a separate core
b <- do.call(rbind, a) #combine output vectors into a matrix
save(b, file="simple.RData)
c <- sapply(1:n, function(ii) 2^ii) #do separate calculations
x <- simplefunction(args$1)
In both of these cases we have used the vectorisation of R to pass a function to multiple arguments in a loop. These “apply” functions have parallel counterparts in the snow
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
library("snow") #load package
simplefunction <- function(n){
n <- as.numeric(n)
cl<-makeMPIcluster(outfile="") #First create a cluster to send functions to (without specifying cores)
clusterExport(cl=cl, list=ls()) #Send environment variables to end node
a <- parLapply(cl, as.list(1:n), function(i) matrix(data = rnorm(n), nrow=1, ncol = n)) #invoke the parallel version of lapply() and run the function on separate inputs simultaneously, the output here returns to the master node environment
b <- do.call(rbind, a)
save(b, file="simple.RData)
c <- parSapply(cl, 1:n, function(ii) 2^ii) #we can use this cluster again with sapply in a similar manner
stopCluster(cl) #remember to stop a cluster in R once you are done
x <- simplefunction(args$1)
Note that you do not have to specify how many cores to use when creating the cluster in R, this defaults to the maximum number of cores available to your NeSI job (i.e., the “cpus-per-task” you requested in the slurm file).
Many R packages are already installed in a module on NeSI and can be loaded with the library()
command in an Rscript (such as snow
and Rmpi
as we have already used). However if the package you wish to use is not installed on NeSI, you can run the install.R
script here with sbatch install.sl
with the package you wish to use in place of “package_name” in install.sl
(edit with nano install.sl
and upload to NeSI with scp install.sl pan:path_to_project_dir
). This should work for any R package hosted by CRAN.
Once installed (you should only need to do this once per package), future jobs will be able to call on this package with library
as you would on a local machine. The nz_repo
variable in install.R
could be changed for a bioconductor, github, or sourceforge package but if this doesn’t work (or your package requires other dependancies, e.g, apt-get install package_name
, then it’s advisable to can contact the NeSI Support Team by email for further assistance. Many of the large domain-specific resources (such as NCBI BLAST databases) are hosted on NeSI already.
See this guide for scripts and more information to install CRAN, Bioconductor, and GitHub R packages via slurm: