Unify the data format from the integrated raw data Generates excel sheets with necessary metadata such as experiments, replicate numbers, repeat numbers.

Depends on pandas, numpy, pyyaml

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import yaml

The data is read from tables containing the integrated peak areas, and metadata, some of which is embedded in the filenames. Each file represents a batch of experiments. Each set represents one set of 32 molecules. Batch 1 was measured twice, using different injection volumes.

data = dict(b1s1_38=pd.read_table("150917-Batch1Set1-wk38-BAS.txt"), b1s2_39=pd.read_table("150923-Batch1Set2-wk39-BAS.txt"),
            b1s1_39=pd.read_table("150924-Batch1Set1-wk39-BAS.txt"), std_39=pd.read_table("150925-STD-wk39-BAS.txt", header=1))

Process each dataframe, adding metadata in new columns

for setname, df in data.items():
    df["Solvent"] = df["Sample ID"].apply(lambda x: x[0:3])
    df["Set"] = setname

Extracing all of the useful metadata that is contained in the file name.

Repeat indicates the independent experiments that was repeated Replicate indicates a technical replicate (multiple injections/measurements of the same solution)

    df["Date"] = df["File Name"].apply(lambda x: x.split(sep='- ')[0][:])
    df["Repeat"] = df["File Name"].apply(lambda x: int(x.split(sep='-')[4][:]))
    df["Replicate"] = df["File Name"].apply(lambda x: x.split(sep='-')[5][:])

Store information on the number of microliters injected into LCMS, These are known from the experimental protocol

These valumes are already corrected for octanol dilution (10% cyclohexane, 90% octanol). I have no available estimate of the introduced uncertainty there.

    if setname == "b1s1_39":

Changed the MS injection volumes for this experiment only. This was done as a means to increase the detection sensitivity in the cyclohexane phase, while reducing possible upper detection limit issues in the PBS phase measurements.

        vols = dict(CHX=0.2, PBS=1)
        vols = dict(CHX=0.1, PBS=2)

    df["Volume"] = df["Solvent"].apply(lambda x: vols[x])

Normalize peak area by volume. Assuming zero uncertainty in injection volumes.

    df["Area/Volume"] = df["Analyte Peak Area (counts)"] / df["Volume"]

Precalculating this value for the quick and dirty estimate only.

    df["log10 (Area/Volume)"] = np.log10(df["Area/Volume"])

Drop columns that don’t contain information (NA columns)

    df = df.drop('Sample Type', 1)
    df = df.drop('Unnamed: 0', 1)
    df = df.drop('Calculated Concentration (ng/mL)', 1)
    data[setname] = df.dropna(axis=1, how='all')

Merge all data sets.

data = pd.concat(data)

Create new field in the data table to mark data points that are to be excluded from the dataset in the final analysis, due to poor reproducibility.

data["Exclude"] = False

Loading the list of compounds to exclude from each set of experiments.

exclusions = yaml.load(open('excluded_samples.txt'))

Data was nit-picked based on reproducibility of experiment and detection limits.


Mark compounds that need to be excluded from an individual set.

data.loc[(data["Set"] == "b1s1_38") & (
    data["Sample Name"].isin(b1s1_38_exc)), "Exclude"] = True
data.loc[(data["Set"] == "b1s1_39") & (
    data["Sample Name"].isin(b1s1_39_exc)), "Exclude"] = True
data.loc[(data["Set"] == "b1s2_39") & (
    data["Sample Name"].isin(b1s2_39_exc)), "Exclude"] = True
data.loc[(data["Set"] == "std_39") & (
    data["Sample Name"].isin(std_39_exc)), "Exclude"] = True

Store all the processed data in an excel sheet

xlsx = pd.ExcelWriter('processed.xlsx')
data_filtered = data[data["Exclude"] == False]
data_filtered.to_excel(xlsx, sheet_name='Filtered Data')
data.to_excel(xlsx, sheet_name='All Data')

Quick and dirty logD calculation without uncertainties

output = open("logd.txt", "w")
for compound, df_compound in data_filtered.groupby("Sample Name"):
    for (date, repeat, repl), df_exp in df_compound.groupby(["Date", "Repeat", "Replicate",]):
        groups = df_exp.groupby(["Solvent"])
        chx = groups.get_group('CHX')
        pbs = groups.get_group('PBS')
        chx_av = float(chx["log10 (Area/Volume)"])
        pbs_av = float(pbs["log10 (Area/Volume)"])
        output.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\n" % (compound, date, repeat, repl, chx_av - pbs_av, chx_av, pbs_av))
