#!/usr/bin/env python3

Analyzes the data with propagation of uncertainties by linear approximation error propagation theory as implemented in uncertainties package. This script only works for python 3.

Depends on pandas and uncertainties package. Uncertainties: a Python package for calculations with uncertainties, Eric O. LEBIGOT,

import pandas as pd
from uncertainties import ufloat
from uncertainties.umath import log10
import math

Input data from the preprocessing step.

table = pd.read_excel('processed.xlsx', sheetname='Filtered Data')

Final output file

output = open('logD_final.txt', 'w')

Store results in new dataframe

replicate_measurements = pd.DataFrame()

Estimate the uncertainty from technical replicates of the same experiments. This is done by averaging over multiple injections of the same solution and calculating the standard deviation.

for (compound, dset, repeat, solv), df_exp in table.groupby(["Sample Name", "Set", "Repeat", "Solvent", ]):
    mean = df_exp["Area/Volume"].mean()

Multiply by sqrt(3) since replicate measurements not independent

    uncertainty = df_exp["Area/Volume"].std() * math.sqrt(3.0)

Store the log base 10 of the measurement.

    measurement = log10(ufloat(mean, uncertainty, tag="replicate"))
    replicate_measurements = replicate_measurements.append(
            {"Compound": compound, "Solvent": solv, "Log10 Area/Volume (Uncertainty)": measurement,
             "Experiment": "{}-{}".format(dset, repeat)}, ignore_index=True)

Log D estimates are tabulated in a new dataframe.

experiments = pd.DataFrame()

Calculate the log D of each individual repeat experiment

for (compound, measurement), estimates in replicate_measurements.groupby(["Compound", "Experiment"]):
    groups = estimates.groupby(["Solvent"])
    chx = groups.get_group('CHX')
    pbs = groups.get_group('PBS')

Error checking, these should be single experiment values, or the following hack won’t work correctly.

    assert len(chx) == 1
    assert len(pbs) == 1

Doing math on the pd.Series of length one returns Nans as uncertainty. This hack extracts the value.

    log_chx = chx["Log10 Area/Volume (Uncertainty)"]._values[0]
    log_pbs = pbs["Log10 Area/Volume (Uncertainty)"]._values[0]

log D is defined as log_10 (peak area/injection volume CHX) - log_10 (peak area/injection volume PBS),

    estimate = log_chx - log_pbs
    experiments = experiments.append({"Compound": compound, "log D": estimate}, ignore_index=True)

Header for the output file

output.write("Compound,log D,uncertainty\n")

Combine all independent repeat experiments into one estimate of the log D with uncertainty

for compound, group in experiments.groupby("Compound"):
    tot = 0.0
    for val in group["log D"]:
        tot += val

    tot /= len(group)

The final estimate is written to the output file Rounds uncertainty to 1 sig digit, and rounds value appropriately based on uncertainty.

    output.write("{}, {:.1u}\n".format(compound,tot))
