Sciter 3.* and 4.* logfile:

Build# Date Updates 08-01-2017


  • [script] for(var codepoint in string) -> iteration over unicode code points in strings (that is UTF16 thing in JS and TIS).
  • [script] __FOLDER__ meta variable. Same as __FILE__ but just a folder.
  • View supports view << event move {...} notation.
  • CSS: rules defined by style-set's are applied first and other CSS definitions on top of them. CSS specificity of rules in style sets are the same as of rules of master css;
  • [script] support of "dashed" event names like event item-activate  {...}
  • + sdk/widgets/folder-tree/ sample widget;
  • + samples/markdows/hierarchical/ - yet another markdown-to-html converter;
  • + sample sdk/samples/ideas/ui-themes/using-style-sets.htm
  • <input type=integer max=12345> limits input length by 5 (determined from min/max attributes);
  • behavior:richtext method rt.contentToSource() returns [text,anchorPos,caretPos];
  • behavior:plaintext method pt.setContent(text,anchorPos,caretPos);
  • [+plus]
    • @observing function gets called with this set to the rightmost object on the path.
    • @observing is documented (somehow).
  • [script] event handlers defined on classes are called with this set to the instance of the class:
  • class One : Element {
      event click { this /*is an instance of the class*/ }


  • [linux] is loaded dynamically / on demand now. May fix libcurl issues on Linuxes that use curl v.4;
  • fix of new Image(w,h,element) rendering. See:
  • [inspector] fix of data marshalling between debugee and inspector when data contains custom native objects;
  • [tiscript, Windows] fix of include library "name";
  • [d2d,win] fix of potential AV on image rendering, this fixes some errors in rendering of SVG images on some machines;
  • [win] CallMsgFilter() call on internal message pumps;
  • [win] fix of window-resizable + window-frame="extended" combination.
  • Fix of Event.wheelDelta property reporting, see:
  • [svg] fix of default sizing of <text> element.
  • [script, float] NaN handling.
  • Better mouse wheel overscroll animation.
  • Fix of HTML / overlapping spans parsing;
  • [css] fix of dynamic change of visibility. See:
  • behavior:progress, preventing "busy" animation when opacity:0
  • [W7,themes] compatibility fix.
  • [layout] flow:grid | row, fix of under-constrained cases handling.
  • [skia] fix of infinite loop in some cases (Image.update()) .
  • [script] std::regex is replaced by more JS compatible Regex implementation. In particular /m (multiline) mode is supported;
  • vertical-align:baseline fix:
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 25-12-2016


  • :owns-focus flag (CSS) and Element.state.ownsfocus - focus is on element or somewhere inside.
  • [win, @media] 'ux-themes' media variable, it is true when uxthemes.dll is loaded and false when "classic" theme is used.
  • Event.extendedKey - extended key flag - allows to distinguish right/left shifts, alts and controls.
  • ux-master.css, used colors exposed as CSS variables.


Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 18-12-2016


  • SDK contains Sciter binaries with Skia backend from now and on.
    • On Windows sciter is compiled as different DLLs having the same name sciter.dll  locating in following folders:
      • bin/32/sciter.dll \
      • bin/64/sciter.dll – Direct2D and GDI+ backends as before
      • bin/skia32/sciter.dll \
      • bin/skia64/sciter.dll – Direct2D and Skia/OpenGL backends.
    • On MacOS sciter includes as CoreGraphics as Skia/OpenGL backends (default) switchable by SciterSetOption() function.
  • + sample: sdk/samples/ideas/effects/blur-behind/bb-demo.htm - ambient color effect.
  • Element.state.awaitsDraw flag. The flag is "on" after invalidation request was issued on the element and until first draw after that.


  • [script] await and yield parsing fix;
  • [regression] Fix of AV on SW_ALPHA window.
  • [ddm2] cancelling D&D operation when drop on source element.
  • [dom] fix of closed popup rendering, see:
  • SciterCreateWindow based windows, WM_CLOSE message delegation fix.
  • input[type=text]:empty flag initialization fix.
  • [script] Color.rgba(0.1,0.1,0.1) support.
  • Fix of insertion of whitespace sequences in plain texts (&nbsp; auto insertion) ;
  • [event handling] regression after event handling changes, fix of element.on("name", "parent selector") case.
  • [css] filter:blur() border effect fix.
  •  Fixes in documentation suggested.
  • [inspector] empty log on document reload.
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64 ( but not linux/gtk64 for a while )

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 12-12-2016


Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 11-12-2016


  • event notation finalized: event name.namespace $(selector) (params) {code} where all parts except of name and code are optional.
  • support of event subscription notations:
    • element << event click { ... } and
    • element + event click { ... }
  • [WebSocket] WebSocket.connect(url,timeout) is asynchronous now.
  • + Element.mapViewToLocal(x,y) and Element.mapLocalToView(x,y) - maps point between view and local coordinates with respect of CSS transformations.
  • /samples/graphics/pie-chart.htm, reformulated as an aspect
  • + view.performDrag() methods - initiates system drag-n-drop.
  • [css] support of now standard 'linear-gradient(to ...)' notation. See:
  • [css] support of now standard 'radial-gradient(... at x,y)' notation. See:
  • [inspector] spans (display:inline elements) highlighting.
  • behavior:windowed - experimental, elements in normal flow but rendered in windows.
  • [frameset]  fs.framesetState() - persists splitters states.
  • [help browser] - persisting state.
  • string += "other"; optimization, see:


  • [script] fix of include "path" in frames, see :
  • libpng upgraded to version 1.6.26
  • libjpeg updated to release 9b of 17-Jan-2016
  • [css] fix of rgba(247, 66, 50, 1) parsing.  
  • [+plus] fix of index update in repeatable items that use index;
  • [+plus] sdk/samples/+plus/demos/5-repeatable-filtering.htm update with custom filter functions.
  • [CSS] transition:none; fix.
  • fix of tooltip shoutout on scroll, see:
  • sdk/samples/ideas/effects/bubbles/bubbles-demo.htm refactored to use cached bubbles.
  • [events] fix of false syntax error generation when event is used as a variable name:
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 26-11-2016


  • event-function handlers: event "event-def" (...) { ... }  See: sdk/doc/content/sciter/CustomComponents.htm
  • [+plus] features:
    • plus-routers.tis - Routers/Views/Conterollers with Plus. See: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/P-routing.htm
    • + sample: 2-basic-repeatable-details.htm - list/details sample.
    • UI updates: on attempt to update removed element the Plus does "throw undefined;" to inform runtime to unsubscribe that function from observers. This handles cases when bound DOM element are added/removed.
  • + sdk/widgets/tabs2, uses dedicated <panels> container.
  • + sample "hamburger" menu button animation: sdk/samples/animated-effects/hamburger-test.htm
  • [css, syntax] support of rgb(50%,50%,50%), rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5), rgba(50%,50%,50%,50%), rgba(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) and rgba(red,0.5) color forms.
  • Graphics.antialiasing(onOff) - enables/disables anti-aliasing.
  • Element.onVisibilityChanged(onOff) - called on visibility change of the element. + onVisibilityChanged() can be defined in behavior classes.
  • [dom] Support of dynamic <style> blocks insertion/deletion. On <style> removal all its rules gets deleted too.


  • [DOM] paintBackhround() and other paint**** methods can be defined in behavior classes now.
  • [css] fix of aspect() with parameters parsing when parameters contain CSS constants.
  • [css] foreground-color transition fix.
  • [css] outline:solid ...; follows border radius now.
  • generation of FOCUS_IN and FOCUS_OUT events on event_handler attached to the window when window gets or loses focus.
  • [css,doc] traces of behavior: ~ ...; constructs removed.
  • [script] property fix.
  • [richtext] fix of text node deletion:
  • [api] fix of FOCUS_IN, FOCUS_OUT, FOCUS_LOST and FOCUS_GOT constant values in SDK headers. Note: coul be a breaking change in some corner cases.
  • [flow:grid()] support of single column grids, like flow:grid(2,1);  
  • [select|tree] fix of issue:
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 20-11-2016


  • + bin/scapp.exe - standalone sciter executable (sciter lib linked statically).  Windows and MacOS. Essentially it is similiar to Electorn.js ( Node.js + Chromium browser = 142 MB ) but is a monolitic executable without dependencies of size 4 MB.
  • Element.move(,,, referencePoint) parameter;
  • Support of @import url( - loading styles from zips;
  • + sidebar sample:  sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-sidebar.htm;
  • view.windowBlurbehind = #auto | #ultra-dark | #dark | #light | #ultra-light | undefined. On Windows and MacOS;
  • + sample sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-element-move-between-windows.htm for
  • + Element.view property. See:


  • length units conversion overflow fix:
  • [+plus] script error while update fix.
  • [+plus] fix of the case when multiple repeatables looking on the same model. See: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/5-repeatable-filtering-2.htm
  • Fix of :node state flag handling, see:  Note: sdk/samples/ideas/virtual-tree/virtual-tree.tis sample also changed to accommodate changed behavior.
  • Fix of flickering while processing posted things. Especially in [+plus] use cases.
  • flow:grid(), fix of crash in and similar cases.
  • Regression: fix of tooltip rendering and text rendering in some cases;
  • [+plus] fix of update of bound filtered lists;
  • [tiscript] support of length + integer operation so 10pt + 4 == 14pt;
  • [sdk] sdk/include/value.hpp CPP11 issue fix.
  • [doc] view.selectFile() and view.selectFolder() documented;
  • [ddm2] fix of draggable rendering;
  • [osx] memleak in osx_screen_name_id();
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 13-11-2016


  • [css variables] basic implementation. length and color units for a while. See: sdk/samples/css3-variables and
  • [DOM,script] Element.animate() if called without duration is considered as infinite animation and gets continued after window appears after being WINDOW_HIDDEN.
  • [script] Object.referenceOf() supports indexed access now.
  • [+plus] duplex binding with array elements, see: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/O-array-index-binding.htm
  • [windows] + <html window-frame="extended">, see : sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-window.htm and sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/samples/sample-window-extended-frame.htm
  • [api, graphics] sciter::image::paint() preserves original image allowing incremental updates.
  • Use of Cassowary solver in flow:grid() layout manager.
  • [ddm2]
    • + def.notOn = selector; - defines elements from where D&D cannot originate;
    • def.autoScroll = true; - implementation.
    • fix of drop handling at incorrect position.
  • [tiscript.exe]
    • support of "-o null" to suppress output creation, can be used in builds to check fo syntax validity.   
    • exe returns -1 on any error and 0 on success.
  • [script] Support of deep namespace merging, so this
    namespace N { namespace NN { ... } }
    namespace N { namespace NN { ... continuation ... } }

    will not produce errors.
  • behavior:shell-icon;  does the same as behavior:file-icon; but without accessing file system.


  • [css] fix of box-shadow implementation.
  • [inspector] fix of internal script error in some cases.
  • [css] fix of visibility:hidden handling on display:inline elements. See:
  • [script] fix for( var k in regexp-result ) enumeration.
  • [script] fix of RegExp.exec() to comply JavaScript specification.
  • <video>, fix of multithreading issue.
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 30-10-2016


  • [api] methods to pass Graphics, Image, Graphics.Path and Graphics.Text objects between script and native code:
    • sciter::graphics::from(sciter::value v); sciter::value sciter::graphics::to_value();
    • sciter::path::from(sciter::value v); sciter::value sciter::path::to_value();
    • sciter::image::from(sciter::value v); sciter::value sciter::image::to_value();
    • sciter::text::from(sciter::value v); sciter::value sciter::text::to_value();
    • Yet sciter::image::paint() to render on image surface from native code.
    • See: sdk/samples/behaviors/native-drawing.htm
      Objective: to provide means for faster generation of graphics on native side.
  • Generalization (essentially renaming) of window related attributes, properties and methods:
    • Attributes (of root <html> element):
      • <html window-frame="default" | "solid" | "solid-with-shadow" | "transparent" >
      • <html window-blurbehind [= "true" | "false"] >
      • <html window-resizable [= "true" | "false"] >
  • Properties:
    • view.windowState
    • view.windowCaption
    • view.windowAspectRatio
    • view.windowTopmost
    • view.windowResizable
    • view.windowMaximizable
    • view.windowMinimizable
    • view.windowBlurbehind
    • view.windowMinSize
    • view.windowMaxSize
  • view.windowIcon = null | "url" | Image; - set window icon programmatically. See: sdk/samples.dialogs+windows/window-icon.htm
  • <html window-icon="url"> html property for the same purpose.
  • [script] - auxiliary data - payload that error can carry.
  • [dom] view.request() errors thrown contain { status: ..., response: ... } details.


  • [richtext] fix of caret position between two inline block elements.
  • [api] PLAIN_API_ONLY compatibility. See:
  • [api] fix of SciterGetElementLoacation() returning RECT with bottom and right coordinates off by one pixel.
  • [gtk] view.close() async fix;
  • [css] support of `@` in attribute selectors, [@collapsed] for example.
  • Element.selection.advance(#first | #last, ...) fix.
  • [osx] fix of "rendering paused when menu is shown"
  • [osx,linux] accesskey attribute handling fix.
  • [win] UI Automation, reporting rendered text rather than what is defined in DOM. Note: rendered text can be different from what is defined in DOM when CSS content:"other text" is used.
  • [win] View.POPUP_WINDOW and View.TOOL_WINDOW - disabling appearance on taskbar.  
  • Transaction.insertText() implementation
  • Fix of <select|tree> dblclick handling.
  • Fix of button[role=default-button] styling when not in in focus state.
  • Fix of MOUSE_WHEEL double callback generation in some cases:
  • [win] role="default-button" in dialog, fix if that button is not the first;
  • [win] - glassy message boxes are gone.
  • [win] fix of issue.
  • Element.isPointInside = function(x,y) {} - support of elements with arbitrary shape. See discussion : and sample sdk/samples/graphics/test-element-custom-shape.htm
  • Fix of selection.html, last character issue:
  • [tiscript] stream.printf(str) fix of the case when str contains characters higher than BMP, see:
  • [tiscript] fix of namespace handling in presence of await;
  • [win] role='window-max' and role='window-min' independent handling.  Window can be maximisable but not minimisable.
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 06-10-2016


  • [+lang] Lang.x(text[,value]) function - explicit translation. + demo: demos/6-lang-msgbox.htm
  • [tiscript, storage] samples : sdk/samples/storage/
  • Event.X_DRAG_CANCEL - sent if drag was canceled.
  • view.isBlurBehind property to set blur dynamically. See:  /sdk/samples/sidebar - Windows 10 Action Center alike thing.
  • + sdk/samples/ideas/effects/bubbles effect.


  • [behavior:htmlarea] disabling some experimental features (caret navigation).
  • [scrollable table] <tbody>, fix of vertical scrollbar rendering when horizontal scroll is present.  samples/+vlist/vgrid.htm case with columns resized.
  • [API] fix of dom::element::get_style_attribute() for length values:
  • [native api] SciterSortElements fix.
  • [popup] dynamic update fix, case: sdk/samples/popup/popup-dynamic-sizing.htm
  • [svg] fix of rendering artifacts in <defs><rect/></defs>
  • [win] fix of icon click handling on custom-frame, see my question:
  • [win] clipboard::get_image() fix for malformed alpha images.
  • [layout] flow:default | vertical , fix of max-content calculation, see:
  • [d2d] layered popup, svg and image graphcs - fix of rendering on some cards.
  • <option> :node state setting is back. Fixes case.
  • [tiscript] fix of eval against persisted objects.
  • Support of "role=window-max" and "role=window-maximize" roles in custom frame windows.
  • JSON.stringify(, array) case support.
  • JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse() have been documented.
  • [win,d2d] unknown glyph rendering fix.
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 10-09-2016


  • support of multiple role="window-caption" elements.
  • [win10] custom-frame="blur" support.
  • [tis] this var in classes - deep cloning, see discussion.
  • view.on("moving",function(rectw) {...}) and
    view.on("sizing",function(rectw) {...}) events. + sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-view-move-discrimination.htm
  • [css] + text-selection-caret-color: color property, explicit caret color definition.


Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 20-08-2016


  • + Event.exchangeData([type]) - allows to fetch various data/formats from system exchange events.


  • Attempt to fix of image animations restart :
  • dynamic DPI change adjustments.
  • <img src="...svg"> - script interpretation disabled in non-inline SVGs.
  • [win,iAccessible] fix of AV (0xC0000005)
  • [script] eval(src) accepts bytecodes in src if it is a byte array
  • <output|time value="..."> parsing fix.
  • input|date and input|time respect @lang now.
  • Fix of type definition conflict: COLOR is SC_COLOR, ANGLE is SC_ANGLE and so on
  • <select|dropdown> fix of button click
  • [osx] fix of GUI thread - video producer in worker thread case.
  • <header role="window-caption"> may contain other <role="window-****"> elements
  • [master-css,win] tooltip background
  • fix of sciter.exe icons on high dpi
  • [win] fix tooltip rendering on W7
  • [css] scroll-manner property, fix of inheritance.
  • MacOS "kinetic overscroll" behavior on all platforms, configured by #define USE_OVERSCROLL true|false
    • [+vlist] adjustments to support overscroll.
  • [dom] better handling of element removal when it is hovered by the mouse, affects +vlist and similar cases.
  • [+plus] repeatable related fixes.
  • css, custom scrollbar, dip rendering.
  • [+plus] defines Object.merge() function to merge object hierarchy[s] into this one. See: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/C-hierarchy-function-binding.htm
  • [css] fix of memory leak in properties using calc() expression.
  • Object.extend() fix for bound objects.
  • fix <input|number> compatibility with +plus, see:
  • [+plus] fix of
  • fix of issue with multiple animators running on the same element. 18-07-2016


  • Fix of UI update after element.attributes["..."] = ... , issue was introduced in
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 17-07-2016


  • [css] + zoom property - close to IE's zoom but with differences, see sdk/doc/core/cssmap.html and sample sdk/samples/zoom/zoom-demo.htm
  • [win] virtual keyboard support on tablets.


  • [CSS] background-clip handling on custom scrollbar parts.
  • [css] stroke-miterlimit: sigma handling.
  • <select> preventing "change" event generation while select.value = ... assignment. Among other problems it caused problmes in +plus:
  • Fixes in Element.onGesture() handling. See: samples/gestures/touch-events.htm  demo.
  • Element.loadImage() - one more attempt to make it.
  • [+vlist] current [record] clearance on recordset change.
Builds: win32/win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 13-07-2016


  • + [css] sample of content:attr(name); function, see sdk/samples/css3/content-attr.htm
  • + Math.round(float) function.
  • [+plus] use of optional element.setBoundValue() while setting bound DOM element's value.
  • [+plus] support of record list / current record idiom. See: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/L-list-detail.htm
  • [cssom] + sample of dynamic stylesheet update : sdk/samples/cssom/update-style-sheet.htm
  • Element.loadImage(,,useCache: true | false), check documentation.
  • [tiscript] property added.


  • Initial input:empty handling.
  • view.request{} handling data URIs
  • HANDLE_GESTURE ext api fix, Event.flags field is read/write now too.
  • [API headers] Some plain C compatibility fixes.
  • [layout] fix of padding and borders handling on <tbody>.
  • [doc] Image.fromBytes() documented.
  • Fix of ( starting new animation at the end() callback )
  • [css,drawing] fix of wrong border-radius inherit color handling:
  • [+plus] fix of indirect model issue
  • [clipboard] fix of 0xFFFF cap on text retrieval.
  • [tiscript] fix of Object.referenceOf() for non-existent paths.
  • preventing view.dialog() and view.msgbox() calls while view closing. Use function self.closing(reason) { .... } to place any modal dialogs when you need them.
  • rejecting view.doEvent based modal loops in view dismissing code paths.
  • [+lib] fix of Function.debounce()
  • fix of sdk/samples/ideas/tray-notifications/ popup position ( isolating collapsing margins side effect ).
  • [doc] Graphics documentation fixes
  • [frames] fixing "closerequest" -> event.cancel = true; handling for discarding document unload.
  • Fix of element.on("~click", ...) subscriptions handling (click in sinking phase)
  • [gtk] graphics::do_draw fix (double deletion in some cases)
  • Image.colorAt(x,y,newColor) fix for existing images.
  • view.msgbox opens hyperlinks in browser rather that in place.
Builds: win32, win64, osx32/osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 12-06-2016


  • [css] + word-break:break-all; support. See: test-cases/text-flow/text-wrap-word-break.htm
  • [inline vector images] expandable images shall start from 'E' command. Note: could breaking change if you use inline vector images.
  • [+plus] @enabled, @disabled, @expanded, @collapsed bound attributes treatment. See: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/I-bound-@-attributes.htm and sdk/samples/+plus/readme.htm
  • [api] sciter::value::make_array() - allows to create empty arrays.
  • [api] sciter::value::make_map() - allows to create empty key/value maps (objects in JS terms).
  • [css,svg] stroke-dashoffset support. See sdk/samples/svg/svg-dashoffset.htm


  • [css] fix of list-item-style:tree-line rendering.
  • handling possible pileups of posted items. Windows only for a while.
  • [osx] MOUSE_IDLE to match Windows behaviour.
  • [gtk] fix of thread safe API issue.
  • [tiscript] fix of shebang handling side effects.
  • [plaintext] fix of empty lines removal;
  • [plaintext] fix of clipboard copy() operation.
  • [script] fix of view.msgbox() effect inside promise callbacks:
  • <frameset> / behavior:frameset, alternative algorithm of panel resizing.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 28-05-2016


  • + Google Maps sample: samples/maps/google-maps.htm
  • [video,css] video frame rendering is governed by foreground-*** CSS properties now.
  • [css] support of transition: box-shadow(...)
  • [htmlarea,richtext,plaintext] adding SHIFT + mouse-click handling.


  • :busy state generation for images sharing the same URL.
  • fix of :busy and :incomplete state update for resources that use SC_LOAD_DATA/LOAD_DELAYED and SciterDataReadyAsync.
  • [gdi] missed characters in some cases.
  • [tiscript] error propagation when loading compiled bytecodes.
  • Fix of sciter::debug_output_console setup in release builds.
  • [svg] fix of AV in svg rendering when it is used in back/foreground-image of parent document.
  • [printing] Fix of AV in new Graphics.Text();
  • [foreground-image-cursor] fix of background-size:contain case.
  • <plaintext> fix of blank lines handling, see:
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 15-05-2016


  • + sample sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/dialog-parameters : passing data and callback function to dialog.
  • [html, <img>,<picture>] image cache handling for the case: img.attributes["src"] = "new url"; In this case previous image (img.attributes["src"]) gets destroyed and memory is freed. This is about cases when <picture> is used as image viewer.
  • [+unit-test]
    • + @unittestGroup - groups pf unit tests , see: +unit-test/demos/
    • CTRL+SHIFT+T as a primary test shortcut.
  • [css] conditional @const and @mixin are back. See: sdk/samples/css++/conditional-@const.htm and sdk/samples/css++/conditional-@mixin.htm
  • [tiscript, syntax] support of 1vw, 1vh, 1vmin and 1vmax length literals.


  • [win, d2d, high-dpi] fix of novalue rendering
  • [osx] fix of "sleepy" image and scroll animation issues.
  • [layout] <img> and <picture> intrinsic size calculation fix.
  • [tiscript] native functors in promises.
  • [win, security] LoadLibrary calls replaced by LoadLibraryEx.
  • better out-of-memory handling.
  • [osx] multiline novalue rendering fix.
  • [gtk] view.move() fix
  • [api] SciterValueVisit fix.
  • [request API] fix of RequestGetNthRqHeaderName() function.
  • [win, lang=ja] "Yu Gothic UI" font is added to font substitution table.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 03-05-2016


  • [+unit-test] simple UnitTest framework, initial implementation. See: sdk/samples/+unit-test/demos/
  • [+plus] + sample of binding fileds containing literal HTML: sdk/samples/+plus/demos/K-bound-markup.htm


Builds: win32, win64, osx32, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 25-04-2016


  • regression of [css] fix of visibility:hidden handling.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 24-04-2016


  • [animated-png][gtk] Animated PNGs are now supported on Linux.  Kudos to Mr. Pravic for the implementation.
  • + sample sdk/samples/animations-transitions-css/infinite-rotation.htm.
  • [win] role="window-caption" may have other role="window-****" elements inside.
  • +samples view.selectFile() demo: /sdk/samples/view/view.selectFile.htm
  • [api] Support of UTC/local time in: sciter::value::date(uint64, bool is_utc = true);
  • [d2d][video] support of argb32 frames with alpha.
  • [tiscript] + Task.catch() and Task.finally() to comply promise interface.
  • + sample sdk/samples/frames/multi-view - demonstrates UI based on sub-documents in <frame#content>
  • [tiscript] compiled script ( tiscript.exe -c ... ) contains current sciter versions now, note that you need to recompile stored bytecode files for each new Sciter build.
  • [tiscript][await] awaiting plain script function is an equivalent of post(thatfunction).
  • [+vlist] "change" event generation when current item changes.
  • [tiscript] better (less noisy) assert'ion message formating.


  • CRITICAL: fix of memory leak in animated images. See:
  • [win] removal of erroneous WM_NCPAINT handler causing
  • [osx][child windows] replace child NSView fix.
  • [tiscript] handling virtual property with set {} section without return val;
  • [css] fix of visibility:hidden handling
  • [+vgrid] fix of error in add/update in some cases.  
  • [win][graphics], fix of Graphics.rectangle(x,y, 1, h) - one pixel wide rectangle.
  • [osx] view.selectFile(#save, .. ) support.
  • [documentation] + View.request, progress parameter documented.
  • [tiscript, await] task.then() callbacks handling, see: /sdk/samples/tests/tiscript/tiscript-await-timeout.htm
  • [+plus], fix of 1-basic-function-binding.htm case.
  • <svg> fix of drawing.
  • [win, d2d] AV on non-existent font.
  • <picture> fix of update after remote image arrival.
  • accesskey fix, see sdk/samples/accesskey/test-navigate-to.htm
  • [layout] fix of spaces after the <br> handling.
  • VS2012 code generator compatibility fixes.
  • Fix of visibility:collapse|hidden interpretation in <tr>.
  • <select|dropdown multiple> rendering fix.
  • <select>, fix of
  • [svg] forcing utf-8 as a default encoding.
  • [API] SciterFireEvent threading issue fix.
  • [tiscript] fix of break exit from try block.
  • Fix of AV of inline element update.
  • behvariors richtest and plaintext - fix of composite character input that uses ALT modifiers.
  • [api] ValueInvoke and ValueEnumElements, const correctness fixes.
  • [doc] Sciter.home() removed from the doc.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 19-03-2016


  • inline vector images: background-image; url( path: M0,0 L50,100 L100,0z ); - will draw filled triangle on background.
    See: sdk/samples/css++inline-vector-images/ and documentation sdk/samples/css++inline-vector-images/path-images-doc.htm
  • [html,parser] support of "bound" attributes using "@name" notation:
    • [css] :has-bound-attributes pseudo class that matches element having at least one bound attribute.
    • [+plus] support of universal bound attributes - any attribute can be prepended by '@' with its value containing bound expression. So <img @src="item.imageUrl"> will get into the DOM as <img src="concrete url">
  • [+plus] sdk/samples/+plus/readme.htm contains basic documentation.
  • [+plus] + radio group demo : sdk/samples/+plus/demos/J-radio-group.htm
  • [svg] support of <use> element and stroke-dasharray attribute.
    • + sample /sdk/samples/svg/svg-chart.htm
  • [i18n] more samples in /sdk/samples/i18n/
  • + stock:chevron-left/right/up/down


  • [osx] fix of default line spacing.
  • [svg] correct computation of auto dimensions.
  • [script] Float.toString() truncation fix.
  • <select> hit test fix.
  • <textarea spellcheck="no"> support.
  • [sciter.exe] delay load MF.DLL & friends.
  • All updates are queuing rather than executing directly. This may solve some corner cases with broken DOM updates.
  • [win] fix of WSAStartup issue: by calling WSAStartup on demand only.
  • [svg] proper fill="none" handling.
  • fix of inspector's log output :
  • fix of &emsp; and &ensp; rendering :
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 13-03-2016


  • [css] width(%) and height(%) pseudo-functions, in particular: <input|text> -> { height:1.4em; line-height:height(100%); }
  • sample of view.mediaVars() : /sdk/samples/media/media-vars.htm
  • SHIFT-CLICK handling on scrollbars.
  • [+plus] update, support of 'changed path' parameter, see: +plus/demos/H-function-path-binding.htm
  • [tiscript] [Task] method to match JS yield specification. See: sdk/samples/tests/tiscript/tiscript-generator.htm
  • Image.update(function(gfx){}) - incremental image update/rendering, see: sdk/samples/graphics/test-image-graphics-update.htm
  • Image.compose(srcImage,#op[,dstx,dsty,srcx,srcy,srcw,srch]); see: sdk/samples/graphics/test-image-compose.htm , Porter-Duff operations
  • Task (coroutine) object documented.


  • Better <br> handling. See:
  • <widget|checkbox> styling
  • [gtk] initial window dimensions when size are not specified
  • Image.colorAt() for animated images.
  • [tiscript][await] fix of GC issue when active corroutines are present.
  • better <select|dropdown tooltip="text"> handling.
  • [osx][gtk] SC_ENGINE_DESTROYED notification.
  • [osx] fix of view.msgbox borderless appearance.
  • [gtk]modal dialog window z-order position.
  • fix of paste and drop operations in <input|text readonly>
  • Event.MOUSE_DARG_REQUEST documented.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 07-03-2016


  • [gtk] better keydown/keyup event generation.
  • fix of window destruction sequence sdk/include/sciter-x-window.hpp
  • CRITICAL: fixes of issues in Value**** functions introduced in
  • fix of initial scroll position in <input|text> and <textarea>
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 06-03-2016

new features:

  • Sciter API is thread safe now. It is not a crime anymore to call API functions from worker threads, but note if you plan to have massive DOM manipulations from threads you'd better use GUI_START/GUI_END brackets as outlined here: Sciter UI, basic principles. Calling code behind UI from worker threads.
  • + "mousedragrequest" / Event.MOUSE_DRAG_REQUEST event.
  • [css] letter-spacing property support. Test case: test-cases/text-flow/letter-spacing.htm
  • + stock:frame + stock:block images.
  • [osx] support of drag-drop-target functionality. E.g. html files can be dropped on sciter window.


  • <svg>, handling dimensions without explicit width/height set.
  • [svg] fix of stroke default value -> inherit
  • [win] view.doEvent(#untilMouseUp) regression fix.
  • richtext/plaintext readonly fix, see:
  • file-thumbnail.htm sample fix.
  • symbolic event names documented in
  • [gtk] view.move(x,y) fix
  • [win,d2d] linear/gradient background caching mechanism implemented. Elements that use linear-gradient / radial-gradient should be rendered faster.
  • [tiscript] fix of symbol table overflow on large scripts. Got the problem in one app that uses scripts a lot.
  • fix of "click on popup's scrollbar closes popup".
  • [gtk] auto window size fix.
  • [script, VM, GC] fix of potential cause of AV.
  • [master-css] fix of <select> dropdown button appearance.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 27-02-2016

new features:

  • [tiscript] + generators - support of yield keyword. Check test-cases/yield. The function containing the yield keyword is a generator - can be used in for(var val in generator())
  • [css] enabling transition: ... on ::after and ::before elements.
  • [css-selectors] + '(' and ')' in selectors so input(foo) {color:red;} is exactly the same as input[name="foo"] { color:red; }
  • [osx] +  sciter-osx-32.dylib as part of distribution.
  • + validation/callout demo sdk/samples/ideas/callout/validation.htm
  • [inspector] list/view SVG in images/section
  • sdk/samples/ideas/lightbox-dialog/lightbox-dialog.tis update, support of classes in buttons.
  • + dynamic cursor demo: sdk/samples/graphics/test-dynamic-cursor.htm
  • [gtk] view.min/maxSize implementation
  • + stock:disk, stock:circle images.
  • [css] enabling fill, stroke and stroke-width on stock:... images. See: sdk/samples/css++/stock-images-styling.htm


  • [win,d2d] warp mode is not trying to create DX device.
  • [css] fix ::after and ::before appearance in flow:stack layout.
  • [win] view.doEvent(#untilMouseUp), more reliable.
  • [osx] view.doEvent(#all) - does not breaks the loop if window is hidden. To match Windows behavior.
  • [sciter::value::map] fix item deletion,see:
  • [image maps] fix of "on dpi change" handling.
  • fix of colorizer on <pre>
  • tiscript API fixes.
  • [gtk] proper MOUSE_WHEEL handling when horizontal SB is present
  • fix of Element.scrollTo(0,999999) "overscrolls" by 1 px.
  • +vlist , fix of division by zero in onSize.
  • sdk/samples/drag-n-drop-manager/ sample fixes.
  • regression fix - AV in GC in some cases.
  • [tiscript] 'await' outside function causes syntax error.
  • [osx,linux] fix of regex [:alnum:] to match non-ascii chars.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 16-02-2016

new features:

  • await statement support in script + promise() as an internal module. Check sdk/doc/content/sciter/promise.htm and sdk/samples/communication/await-for-request.htm. More samples are coming.
  • [directx] sample, enabling inspector;
  • [gtk] CSS:image-rendering support;


  • Linux/GTK version
    • Graphics.arcTo() fix;
    • Fix of AV on window destruction in some cases;
    • select|dropdown fixes;
    • layered windows configuration;
    • + packfolder executable as part of SDK;
    • better idle processing, see:
    • better SW_POPUP/WINDOW_POPUP handling in view.window();
    • popup closing when mousedown outside of element;
    • fix of popup dismissal - popup window gets destroyed rather than 'closed';
    • better drawing of 9-sectioned images;
  • [select|dropdown editable] fix of focus handling.
  • Fix of high CPU and memory consumption while handling markup like this: <div style='flow:"1 2 3 4"'> if to compare with equivalent <div style="flow:grid(1 2 3 4)">;
  • [css,rendering] fix of ::before and ::after pseudo-elements handling on dynamic updates.
  • incremental behavior assignment is back again. It fixes this:
  • [osx] one more fix of flipped image;
  • [osx,gtk] popup, click out of popup handling;
  • [scrollbar] fix hit_test() on custom scrollbars without +1/-1 buttons;
  • fix of "-1px scrollToView" issue:
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 07-02-2016

new features:

  • + [css,script] parametrized-aspect feature, declaration of aspect call parameters in CSS: {
      aspect: Foo(bar:12, buz:#fff );

    Foo gets called with params object { bar:12, buz: color(255,255,255) }, check sdk/samples/tests/test-aspect-parameters.htm

  • +micro-charts in sdk/samples/+micro-charts - small SVG based charts implementation. That is deeply "sciterized" version of Peity charts (
    See samples there and
    • [+plus] sdk/samples/+plus/demos/G-two-inputs-same-variable.htm demo update with the charts binding demo.
  • + native request API in sciter-x-request.h and sciter-x-request.hpp. Handling all attributes of requests (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE) sent by Element/View.request() functions and other load requests.
  • [tiscript] Object.extend([deep],object1,object2,...) - native method, merges other objects into this one. Mimics functionality of jQuery.extend().
  • [tiscript] Object.clone(deep), Array.clone(deep) implementation.
  • + sample sdk/samples/tooltips++/custom-calltip.htm - demo of :
    1. aspect with parameters and
    2. custom popup shape rendering.
  • [css] Support of '.' (dots) in nmtokens in css values. This allows to define the following:
    div { aspect: Micro.Pie ; }  
    that previously has to be written only as a string:
    div { aspect: "Micro.Pie"; }


  • [behavior:edit | textarea] fix of selectall functionality.
  • [+plus] update to support multiple aspects cooperation on the same element.
  • fix of Graphics.rectangle(x,y,w,h) - w,h is rendered one px wider/taller than requested.
  • fix of error handling in Element.paint**** functions.
  • fix of Element.url() for paths containing non-ascii symbols , see:
  • [osx] fix of "custom cursors mirrored issue".
  • [gtk] file (the Sciter engine on Linux) has been renamed to libsciter-gtk-32/ for compatibility with Xamarin's Mono.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 03-02-2016


  • Fix of animated-PNG and GIF handling introduced in
  • [osx] Fix of screenshot taking feature.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 02-02-2016

new features:

  • DirectX integration support. Sciter can be used to render UI on DirectX windows - on back and foreground layers together with 3D content. DirectX support is done by 3 functions:
    • SciterCreateOnDirectXWindow(HWINDOW hwnd, IDXGISwapChain* pSwapChain); - initializes Sciter instance of HWND controlled by DirectX.
    • SciterRenderOnDirectXWindow(HWINDOW hwnd, HELEMENT elementToRenderOrNull, BOOL frontLayer) - renders whole document or separate layers on DirectX window.
    • SciterRenderOnDirectXTexture(HWINDOW hwnd, HELEMENT elementToRenderOrNull, IDXGISurface* surface); - renders document or particular element on 2D DirectX texture.
  • + sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/window.closing.htm sample.
  • + Graphics.pushLayer(image,draw1alpha) - sets clip mask by image. See: sdk/samples/graphics/test-layer-image-mask.htm


Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 24-01-2016

new features:

  • [windows, api] SC_GRAPHICS_CRITICAL_FAILURE notification, sciter::host::on_graphics_critical_failure() - notifies about critical error while drawing **layered** windows.
  • + sample/test sdk/samples/zip/test-view-zip-load.htm
  • + Smoke rendering demo: sdk/samples/ideas/smoke
  • + Element.selection.advance() implementation and documentation.
  • sciter::value::call() throws sciter::script_error in case of scripting error. It is "on" by default, to suppress it #define SCITER_SUPPRESS_SCRIPT_ERROR_THROW.
  • [+lang] Element.text = "new translatable text" handling, see: discussion.
  • + GDI drawing demo using sciter::image and sciter::graphics. See: sdk/include/behaviors/behavior_drawing-gdi.cpp
  • input|hslider and input|vslider, support of decimal values.


  • <select multiple="checkmark">, fix of doubled "change" event generation.
  • view.load() fix of URL normalization.
  • [win] more responsive MOUSE_MOVE handling.
  • [tiscript,sciter] proper initialization of this vars (instance variables) before Behavior.attached() calls.
  • [gtk] fix of KEY_CHAR event generation.
  • [tiscript] Integer, division by zero throws exception. It used to return 0 so this can be a breaking change.
  • [gtk] transition:blend fix;
  • [gtk] view.aspectRatio attempt to fix (works somehow but far from perfect, GTK bug ?)
  • [gtk] MOUSE_DCLIK generation.
  • [gtk] context menu on right click.
  • Fix of bugs mentioned here:
  • [gtk] POPUP_WINDOW focus issue fix
  • [richtext]
    • fix of transaction.insertHtml() between inline blocks.
    • input elements handling inside richtext (they are disabled).
  • [clipboard] input|text, textarea - fix of copy-to-clipboard handling (clearing clipboard).
  • adjustment of data:... base64  URL handling
  • fix of transparent popup menu handling.
  • [win,gdi] fix of <img> rendering artifacts while stretching.
  • Element/View.request, fix of zip files downloading.
  • image drawing, background-clip: content-box;
  • [api, headers] Fix of TISCRIPT_RETURN_3 and TISCRIPT_RETURN_4 multi returns. Courtesy of Malcolm McLean
  • [osx] view::set_frame_type() in runtime.
  • custom-frame, dynamic change.
  • img :busy :incomplete state setup fix.
  • [gtk] SciterSetupDebugOutput API implementation
  • [gtk] fix of input|calendar rendering;
  • [osx] new Image(renderer) fix
  • Object.observe() fixes.
  • [windows,d2d] fix of Graphics.Path continuation of operations after first draw.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 03-01-2016

new features:

  • Spell checker support in <textarea> and <htmlarea> with misspeling highlighting. Spell checker works on OSes that have that feature built-in (W8, W10, OSX).
  • Basic MFC integration demo at sdk/demos/sciter-mfc/
  • View.window() - create "detached" windows.
  • Element.onCommand() + Element.on("exec:****") handlers to intercept actions like cut, copy, paste.
  • Element.execCommand() and Element.queryCommand() documented.
  • [gtk] view.selectFolder() implementation + /custom-inputs/folder-name.htm sample.


  • [column-resizer] fix.
  • [+plus] fix of non-existent property handling.
  • [popups] better window destruction handling with open popups.
  • scintilla has been removed from SDK.
  • [win, richtext] fix of pasting image data from clipboard.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 19-12-2015


  • [osx] fix of touchpad/mousewheel horizontal scroll on popups.
  • [richtext] fix of deletion over whitespace and other deletion related issues;
  • [inspector] listens on port 0x0DEB and address "" (all interfaces). This allows to use inspector on other machine other than the debugee;
  • [css,layout] fix of display:inline-block handling;
  • [layered] Fix of http://... resource loading as a facade into layered window;
  • DataSocket, fix of connections where host address is given by IP;
  • [CSS] better @font-face handling, works on Window/Direct2D and OSX. See sample: /sdk/samples/font-@font-face/;
  • [png] other way of handling malformed PNG images;
  • [css] fix of color:inherit handling;
  • [sciter-x-graphics.h] imageCreateFromPixmap signature adjustment.
  • fix of implicit focus on popup and moved elements. NOTE: that may require explicit view.focus(element) call if popup/moved element requires focus.
  • [css,calc] fix of vw/vh/vmin/vmax units handling in calc(...);
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 08-12-2015

new features:

  • + sdk/include/sciter-x-graphics.h /.hpp - native drawing by event_handlers/behaviors;  Sciter exposes sciter::graphics - platform independent 2D AA drawing primitives.
    • see: sdk/samples/behaviors/native-drawing.htm demo that demonstarates native drawing behavior: /sdk/include/behaviors/behavior_drawing.cpp
  • [script] + Object.keys(), see :
  • overflow:none; documented;
  • [CSS] + @mixin feature, see:
  • [gtk] support of screen shots by function view.screenBox();
  • Element.loadImage(base64url) support;
  • [behavior:dropdown-select] Extension friendly button handling.


  • [script] Fix of integer * length expressions handling, see:
  • [css, layout] fix of % (percentage) units calculations. % handling should be close to what is defined by the CSS spec;
  • [css,layout] fix of horizontal-align implicit value on :rtl;
  • fixes of animated GIF and PNG rendering, see: and other test cases.
  • [osx] isMaximizable fix.
  • [samples] fix of color-chooser sample;
  • [osx] fix of colour space handling of RGB/RGBA colors;
  • [layout] fix of text-align:center with display:inline-block's inside.
  • [osx] fix, closing owning popups while closing popup window;
  • [samples] mvc.tis fix;
  • More safe Behavior.detached() handling;
  • [tiscript] fix of AV when namespace is set to undefined. Does not happen in normal circumstances but still;
  • [+formation] fix, see:
  • [osx] fix of child NSView replacement.
  • [sample] grid sample fix: sdk/samples/ideas/grid/grid.tis;
  • [DOM, API] SciterSetElementText sets raw text, but not value;
  • [css,layout] CSS fix of line-height in percents for large font sizes;
  • [osx] fix of blocking view.doEvent(#all);
  • [css] fix of negative lengths handling;
  • [osx] ellipsis rendering fix;
  • [osx] view / "statechange" event generation fix when window gets minimized;
  • [tiscript, regression] object equality fix ( operator == );
  • [gtk] fix of debug output formatting;
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 15-11-2015

new features:

  • Support of Element.on("mouseidle", ...) and Element.on("mousetick", ...) events;
  • [inspector] code snippets, support of recent code entries;
  • [script] object1 == object2 in script uses deep, per property comparison now;
    So {a:1} == {a:1} is true in TIScript but
    in JS {a:1} == {a:1} is false.
    NOTE: this can be a breaking change if your scripts use == operator for object comparision.
  • [packfolder] support of -csharp mode - generates C# class with a byte[] field literal.
  • [windows, Middle East] Support of WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL windows - Middle East, RTL. Window created with WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL gets direction:rtl intrinsic styling (as if <html dir=rtl> is defined);
  • [DOM] element.state.expanded = undefined; - clears state.expanded and state.collapsed
  • [xdom], hotspotX, hotspotY ) - set/reset custom cursor created from bitmap.
  • [CSS] vw/vh/vmin/vmax length units, 1vw = 1% * view.width, 1vh = 1% * view.height
  • [CSS,layout] height:width(50%) feature is back - allows to define elements with fixed width/height ratio.
  • [OSX] custom cursor support;
  • [new sample] samples/ideas/ide/ - IDE mockup inspired by Brackets;
  • [new sample] sdk/samples/graphics/frosted-glass-effect.htm


  • [osx] uminimal demo fix
  • [layout, table] fix of <table> with flow:table-fixed; layout calculation, see:
  • [critical,view.eventsRoot] Fix of AV while view.eventsRoot is set. See:
  • [win] fix of view.dialog{ x,y } handling.
  • [inspector] handling recursive data structures. See:
  • [script] String.urlEscape() fix;
  • [svg] fix of small SVG image handling (less than 256 bytes)
  • [http client] view.request(), fix of username/password inline handling in URLs like
  • [inspector] fix of element details refresh issue.
  • [osx] more reliable mouse click out of popup handling.
  • [osx] modal windows fixes.
  • [critical] fix of overflow:auto handling on root element. Note native scroll bar on root document has been disabled by default;
  • [tiscript] fix of object literal parsing when they contain virtual properties like:
    var ee = {
     "length"; : 12 // used to be "read-only property length" error here
  • Selection.clearMark(,,"mark-name") fix.
  • [osx] proper text caret positions and more precise glyph positioning in texts
  • [rendering] fix of text run background rendering.
  • fix of "Element.move() is closing sibling popups" issue.
  • [Windows] better handling of characters with code > 0xFFFF; on Windows XP;
  • [css] fix of filter: drop-shadow(radius);
  • [fix] of animation and window refresh handling on hidden/collapsed window.
  • [script] fix of erroneous assert handling. See:
  • fix of AV related to handling popups in containers controlled by behavior:sticky-scroll.
  • view.dialog { client: ... } fix.
  • ValueSetValueToKey - relaxed key type requirement. Key were limited by only strings. Now it could be any type.
Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 09-10-2015

new features:

  • [win] view.window { client:true | false; } - parameter describes how position/dimension is treated;
  • Graphics.Text.width() -> (widthMax,widthMin,boxWidth)
  • view.request {} - it can be used now to get non-http resources too.
  • [script] fix of multi-return value list when function calls used in lists: return ( a(), b(), c() );
  • + [http, view.request] new parameter output that defines interpretation and data format of received data. If provided forces data to be reported as instance of String, Stream, Bytes or any value of parsed JSON:
  • view.request {
    output : symbol, one of #string | #stream | #bytes | #json.
  • + support of loading content of .zip files. application or its part can be packaged into zip file with index/main.htm file sitting in archive root. Such zip file may contain arbitrary content: other htmls, scripts, css, images
  • Enabling Element.move() on table rows;
  • + [css] tab-size property support in <pre>, <plaintext> and other elements with white-space:pre;
  • implementation of sciter::fragmented_video_destination - used by custom <video> output for scenarios like remote desktop partial updates;  
  • + view.isMinimizable, view.isMaximizable flags and switches.
  • + carousel sample, see: /samples/carousel/
  • Drag-n-drop update (ddm.tis);
  • USE_DX_ON_LAYERED flag is disabled by default. Engine will not try to use DirectX on layered windows. Too many broken drivers in the wild :(
  • fixes:
    • [pager] fix of relayout issue with document loaded in the same template.
    • CRITICAL: fix of <table> <tbody> layout handling when <tbody> uses flex dimensions.
    • Fix of <a><img></a> handling.
    • Fix of 1px off in initial window size calculations by view.window {...} function
    • [win] better, less expensive WM_SIZE handling;
    • [inspector] fix of source hyperlink handling in script log;
    • fix view.request{} error callback generation for unknown URLs;
    • fix of sdk/widgets/tabs/tabs.tis behavior, compatibility with behavior:label;
    • behavior:label adjustments, better mouse handling.
    • [layout] flow:grid|row, fix of display:inline-block max-width handling;
    • [richtext] behavior:htmlarea, better handling of empty element state;
    • [richtext] behavior:htmlarea fixes;
    • Selection.clearMark() fix.
    • [osx] view.selectFile() fix for OS X 10.7 and 10.8
    • [CSS,layout/text] fix of one px off when line-height is used.
    • fix of mouse hover handling while closing popup windows.
    • [apng] fix of dispose_mode == restore handling.
    • [communication, http] fix of AV in progress callbacks processing;
    • [layout] fix of table row box calculation for visibility:hidden rows;
    • fix, drawing optimization of large documents;
    • [usciter] project update;
    • [GC, BrokenHeart] fix of the issue related to handling element.value = ... assignment.
    • [behavior:clickable] fix of right mouse click handling;
    • [layout] fix of positioning of popup originated from flow:vertical-wrap containers;
    • [VM] Fix of "Broken heart" issue in presence of inspector;
    • [clipboard, copy] fix of "last character missed from selection" ;
    • [behavior:richtext] fix of html copy/paste, yet some insert HTML operations;
    • Fix of potential AV on MOUSE_HOVER;
    • [win] view.window { type: FRAME_WINDOW } , fix of taskbar appearance;
    • [win] fix of mouse capturing by scrollbar.
    • [osx] fix of "replacement-start/end" event generation, patch from StartMeeting team.
    • [DataSocket] fix of packet length transmission, see:,2488,2811 discussion;
    • [layout] fix of document position calculation (documents in frames);
    • [osx] AV in http client when server does not provide content-type;
    • [osx] fix of potential AV;
    • [css,layout] fix of anonymous text block floating;

    Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

    NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 08-09-2015
    • new features:
      • [css] new properties:background-image-frame:N and foreground-image-frame:N
        if defined shows frame #N (freezes animation at frame N) on APNG or GIF images. That is animateable property, check : sdk/samples/animated-png/animated-frame.htm sample. Primary use cases:
        • APNG image as a collection of sprites - alternative to image map.
        • :hover or other state transition animations.
    • fixes:
      • fix of scrollbar positioning in overflow-y:auto on <tbody> - scrollable tables case.
      • fix of view.isTopmost = true; handling on Windows.
      • [inspector] fixes of evaluation environment ( enabling correct self and $ references ).
      • [inspector] fixes of build settings.

    Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

    NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 30-08-2015
    • inspector evolution:
      • more reliable log messages delivery: log panel is made global so messages from closed views are not lost.
      • sciter.exe - on "DOM inspector" button click it starts inspector.exe automatically if it is not running already.
    • new features:
    • fixes:
      • fix of possible AV in elements having ::before defined in CSS.
      • debug-peer.tis troubles with msgbox pileup.
      • [DOM/script] fix of self#some-id element accessor for the cases when the page contains frames.
      • fix of AV in new Image(...) when incorrect parameters provided.
      • <img> and <picture> elements, image rendering obey border-radius.
      • fix of caret rendering when background:none.
      • [apng] fix of AV on erroneous aPNG structure (frames with zero dim).
      • fix of references in public headers (C) etc.
      • [apng] fix of first animation round.
      • view.request() responses served with text/javascript mime type are treated as text.
      • support of 'maxlength' and 'filter' attributes in:
        • <input|integer>
        • <input|decimal>
        • <input|number>
      • GDI+ fix of custom markers handling.
      • fix of value returned by <input|time>. It returns now current date with time portion set from the input.
      • [osx,linux] fix of local time offset calculation in Date.
      • [tiscript] fix of multi-return statements evaluations.
      • [win, layered] enabling ID2D1DeviceContext operations on layered windows.
      • fix of transparent popup elements rendering.
      • MOUSE_ENTER/LEAVE for popup elements. Uses logical (visual) UI parent/child chain rather than parent/child chain.
      • fix of AV on attempt to fetch data from empty clipboard
    Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

    NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 14-08-2015
    • inspector evolution:
      • Element metrics (dimensions) panel;
      • Script eval input in log area - evaluation of scripts in context of current selected element;
      • Fix of connection error message box pileup.
    • fixes:
      • [css,layout] fix of AV in dynamic ::after style change update, bug report:,2467,2467
      • <input|time> and Date.toIsoString() fix of dates that contains only times.
      • menu and popup elements. fix of window activation issue, see:,2486,2486
      • [script] fix of String.urlEscape();
      • [OSX] fixes in HTTP client implementation.
      • fix of display:table-body handling on not-yet-constructed DOMs.
      • [css] fix of rgba() parsing.
      • [GDI+/XP] shutdown cleaning fix when non-trivial list markers are used.
      • [windows, printing] fix of @media print {} setup. Fix of page-break-before/after/avoid handling.
      • behavior:file-icon update for non-existent entries.
      • Fix of AV in SciterLoadHtml().
      • Fix of SC_LOAD_DATA generation for "sciter:debug-peer.tis" resource.
    • new features:
      • [css] list-style-type: tree-line; is back and so <select|tree treelines>, see sdk/samples/forms/select-tree-treelines.htm and inspector's DOM tree view.
      • [windows] Direct2D v 1.1 support. If  Direct2D v 1.1 is available it is used:
      • [css] image-rendering: default | optimize-speed | optimize-quality;  - this CSS property allows to configure scaling algorithms used by the engine on particular elements.
      • [win][css] filter property support, see doc and sdk/samples/css3-filter samples.
    Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

    NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 03-08-2015

      New inspector.exe - works on all supported platforms in localhost and remote mode. Supports multiplatform operation, for example inspector on Mac OSX and debugee on Linux. Check New DOM/script inspector is coming article.

      • [win] element.state.focus = true; calls ::SetForegroundWindow( sciterhwnd ); if it was not foreground.
      • DataSocket async connection fix.
      • [tiscript] better byte vectors handling.
      • [CSS] support of content:attr(name); construct in CSS 2.1 connotation:
      • fix of DataSocket functionality.
      • sciter::element::call_function(""), final fix.
      • [windows] better animation FPS.
      • [script] view.logHandler = function(subsystem,severity,msg) {...} - allows to catch all stdout/err messages in script. The same feature as SciterSetupDebugOutput but in script.
      • + VM.unhandledExceptionHandler = function(err) {...}
      • fix of unicode string reading from compiled sources, see:,2369,2369
      • [osx, lin] Integer.toString(-100) fix
      • + "hole dialog" sample, see /samples/dialogs+windows/test-dialog.htm

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64

      NOTE: Windows executables in SDK are not signed so you may encounter security warnings on W8 and W10. 18-07-2015
      • accesskey DOM attribute documentation and demo in sdk/samples/accesskey
      • decorators.tis update to support generic CLICK and CHANGE events.
      • [API] generic CLICK and CHANGE events declared in API.
      • Additional avoidSameOriginCheck parameter in Element.timer(duration,callback[,avoidSameOriginCheck]), see,2152,2152 discussion.
      • [tiscript] support of throw new Error("msg"); construct to throw error with context information.
      • [d2d] fix of graphics layer indication.
      • [doc] + CSS section added (far from being complete)
      • [API] missed SciterFireEvent() declaration + various minor header fixes.
      • [API] value::call() -> value::call() const
      • [API] sciter::element::call_function(name, ) name can be a function path.
      • [win, osx] Better view.state = View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN handling.
      • [richtext] selection fixes.
      • [API] + bubbling FOCUS_IN and FOCUS_OUT events.
        And so full list of focus event names that can be used in element.on("event", ...):
        "focus", "blur", "focusin", "focusout". See: for the semantic of these events.
      • [+formation] <fieldset>,<table> and <tbody> as a container.
      • Fix of @value interpretation in <output type="date" value="1900-03-12">
      • [API] ValueNativeFunctorSet redesign, it is plain-C compatible now.
      • [+query] Fix of q(anElement) call handling.
      • [tiscript] 'include' statement update: it supports variable names containing file name to load, streams or Bytes:
        var fn = "foo.tis";
        include fn;
      • Support of cancel by VK_ESCAPE in view.doEvent(#untilMouseUp) -> true | false
      • sciter::value::length() for script function objects returns number of mandatory + optional parameters.
      • [osx] request() use system defined proxies
      • [tiscript] support of milliseconds in Date.parse("2015-07-21T11:00:00.001Z")
      • Fix of plaintext.state.focus = true; for the case when it has no caret position set.
      • [Win XP compatibility] Fix of "SHCreateItemFromParsingName function is not present in Windows XP SP3"
      • [gdi,pager] Fix of non-roman language handling.
      • [pager] fix of relayout after printer selection.
      • [osx] WebSocket, fix of AV on lost connection.
      • [gtk] debug_console_output CR/LF handling.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 04-07-2015
      • + Print and Print Preview support (on Windows only for a while) - behavior:pager:
        • /samples/printing/pager-demo.htm - demo of text, tables, SVG and script-render print and print preview
        • documentation is at:
          • + samples/printing/doc/pager-template-format.htm - page template document;
          • + samples/printing/doc/pager-behavior.htm - behavior:pager methods;
      • + [css] support of forlang attribute on <link> and <style> element - language conditional CSS inclusion.
        • + /samples/css++/lang-conditional-css.htm
      • fix of behavior:column-resizer for <th> with paddings and borders.
      • <img> and <picture> (no width/height defined) - auto dimensions are mapped to dip units but not to pixels as it used to be. Note: that may break some underspecified layouts.
      • behavior:video, when COLORSPACE_RGB32 it assumes that data contains rgba with premultiplied alpha - rendering of video frames that contain transparent areas
      • /samples/communication/http.tis update
      • fix of caret state rendering after el.state.focus = true; on behavior:htmlarea | plaintext | richtext
      • [osx] View.request/onprogress , totalLength value
      • fix of wrong this value in handler set by element.on("focusin","selector", handler)
      • [win] WM_MOUSEHWHEEL support (horizontal wheel)
      • [osx] directional mouse wheel and touch scroll support;
      • view.request(), better HTTP error handling
      • [svg] updates:
        • css fill property is defaulted to css color property in inline SVGs;
        • SVG images used in CSS like background-image:url(samples/arrow.svg); have their default fill and stroke colors derived from style of element where they are used;
        • + samples/svg/svg-image-dynamic-fill-color.htm
      • self.closing(reason) notification gets new parameter: reason. The reason parameter is one of following symbols:
        • #by-chrome - user clicked close button on window;
        • #by-code - view.close() issued;
        • #by-load - document gets unloaded by loading new document
      • lib jpeg 8a updated to 9a, libpng upgrade to latest v.1.6.17
      • fix of <select|dropdown multiple>, get value functionality
      • [tooltip] disabling tooltips on elements that already have :owns-popup
      • fix of SO on html {position:relative; }
      • [osx] view.selectFolder() support
      • Fix of background-image-transformation: opacity(0.1); for images with alpha channel.
      • [osx] view.move(,, byClient) fix
      • [win] on Windows, prior version 7 SP 1 Direct2D is forced to use WARP layer by default.
      • [win] the engine is not using deprecated ::GetVersionEx() anymore.
      • + [CSSOM] - document CSS rule set accessor and mutator.
        • + /samples/cssom/get-css-stats.htm
        • + /samples/cssom/css-stats-to-csv.htm
        • + /samples/cssom/update-css-rule.htm
      • [doc] View documentation update
      • fix of Element.state.ownspopup state flag resetting. It gets posted now to make sdk\samples\popup\popup-trigger.htm cases to work. This also fixes "second click in select shall close popup" issue.
      • fix of outline rendering on elements having vertical/horizontal alignment
      • + sample sdk/samples/svg/inline-svg-flex-size.htm
      • + return sciter::value::make_error("..."); allows to throw error from native functors and functions attached to the view.
      • Note: SciterSetOption(hwnd,SCITER_ALPHA_WINDOW) is required now for layered windows with per pixel alpha.
      • [svg] fix of dynamic change of transform DOM attribute
      • [osx,linux] System.scanFiles() support added.
      • + new property: Event.scrollAxis -> #vertical | #horizontal
      • [inspector] fix of content view update when new document is loaded
      • [css,margin collapsing] fix of margin collapsing on <body> element with overlfow:auto|scroll
      • fix of potential AVs in behavior: htmlarea | richtext
      • fix of custom scrollbars rendering
      • fix in behavior::video / multithreading issue
      • fix of outlines drawing under transformations, see:,2067,2067
      • fix of table rendering/clipping under transformations.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 23-05-2015
      • + [windows, drag-n-drop] support of IDropSource/IDataObject (dragging text out of / in Sciter window) in behaviors: edit | textarea | htmlarea | richtext;
      • Fix of popup handling in presence of moved elements: sdk/samples/ideas/tray-notifications.
      • [doc] Graphics.Text.alignment() documentation fix.
      • [API] SCN_DATA_LOADED::status field population
      • Fix of self.url() when URL hash / parameters are used.
      • [css] support of angle values in back/foreground-image-transformation:hue(300deg);
      • [css,drawing] Fix of outline displacement on transform'ed elements.
      • @font-face fix for remote fonts.
      • [osx] fix of 100% CPU load in view.doEvent();
      • fix of mouse hit test on position:fixed elements.
      • [css,drawing] fix of outline rendering under transform'ations.
      • samples/virtual-grid/ sample update, DataSource.rowData returns (rowData.rowClass)
      • flow:table-fixed fix the case when cells have different borders/paddings
      • [doc, cssmap.htm] visibility:none documented.
      • [tiscript] explicit tuple construction by new Tuple("name",[elements]);
      • [css] + flow: grid( 1 2 3, 4 5 6,  4 7 7 ); is an equivalent of obsolete now flow:"template" format flow: "1 2 3" "4 5 6" "4 7 7";
        Yet it better maps to TIS types. See: sdk/samples/css++/flow-grid.htm
      • [css] text-overflow:ellipsis can be used with text-wrap: none | suppress ( used to be only with white-space:nowrap; )
      • [http] fix of View.request{ headers:{...} } handling.
      • [packfolder] -x "path/path2/*" - folder exclusions handling
      • [API] sciter-x-window.hpp update, NOTE: on_message callback signature change.
      • [tiscript] fix of wrong line numbering when script is included by <script src=...> construct.
      • [css] fix of calc(@MENU_HEIGHT + @CLIENT_HEIGHT); issue, see :,1979,1979
      • [custom scrollbar] Fix of AV while drawing gradient parts.
      • Element.request / #post and #post-json fixes.
      • [tiscript] support of "object call notation" in new:
        class A {  function this(params) {} }
        var a = new A{param:1};
      • [doc] fix of view.dialog() alignment documentation.
      • image.toBytes() fix (demultiply of premultiplied image)
      • [svg,css] fix, emulation of initial fill:black value.
      • + Document lifecycle events, native and scriptable
        • self.on("close") / DOCUMENT_CLOSE;
        • self.on("closerequest") / DOCUMENT_CLOSE_REQUEST;
        • self.on("ready") / DOCUMENT_READY;
        • self.on("complete") / DOCUMENT_COMPLETE;
      • fix of WebSocket and other async IO ops.
      • view.on("replacement-start", f1).on("replacement-end", f2) - UI window replacement life cycle events.
      • [layout] fix of dynamic flow (layout manager) switch.
      • + Event.shortcutKey - alias of ctrlKey or commandKey states. It is true on Windows when ctrlKey is true. On Mac it is true when commandKey is true.
      • + Event.commandKey - is true on Mac when COMMAND key is pressed. On Windows it is true when "Win" key pressed.
      • fix of plain text emission - plain text DOM serialization ( clipboard copy, element.text and the like ) .
        • invisible elements does not produce text output.
      • [tiscript] Array.splice() fix when items to insert contain arrays.
      • [doc] expandable images doc, backported from wiki
      • [tiscript] bytes.toString("base64") and Bytes.fromString(str,"base64") support.
      • + view.minSize and view.maxSize
      • + view.isTopmost = true/false, move the window to the topmost layer.
      • + view.isResizeable = true/false, configures resizeability of the window. See: sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-view-sizing.htm
      • Element.move( ... , #detached-topmost-window ), see: sdk/samples/ideas/tray-notifications/
      • [http,networking] proxy parameters in view.request { proxyHost:string, proxyPort:integer, ...  };
      • fix of Node.remove() & Element.remove() when they are called on already removed element.
      • [tiscript] fix of for(;;) statement parsing.
      • [doc] flex layout specification update.
      • [tiscript] fix of GC issue in image generator.
      • [Windows 10] compatibility fix of WM_MOUSEWHEEL handling on popups.
      • [osx] fixes:
        • view.close() fix for layered windows.
        • support of SciterSetupDebugOutput
        • window level fix for dialog windows.
        • view.close() -> view.closing() generation.
        • view.doEvent() more compatible with Windows version.
      • view.aspectRatio property - window aspect constraint.
      • [sciter::css] support of hit-margin with negative values
      • [scrollbar] .corner drawing fix.
      • [win, http] + Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
      • [osx] view.close() is asynchronous now to match [win] behaviour.
      • [+vlist]
        • fix of scenario when multiple lists are looking on the same set of records or sets sharing common objects.
        • support of sets with null records ( records will be fetched on demand ).
      • [win, graphics] fix of gfx.strokeDash(#dotted) without gfx.strokeCap(#round/#square)
      • [osx] fix of "click through" issue on layered windows.
      • [windows, layered window] fix of semitransparent background on first draw.
      • [windows, a11y]
        • Element._notifyWinEvent(eventCode) -> generates call of NotifyWinEvent(eventCode,...) for the element. See:
        • adjustments for child windows,
        • get_accFocus() implementation.
      • border-radius rendering fix, second case here:,1721,1721
      • aria-describedby and aria-labelledby lookup fix.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 01-04-2015
      • [rtl, tables] fix of <td colspan=2> placement in RTL
      • fix of AV while handling ::before and ::after  in CSS
      • view.dialog/window { x,y, alignment } support
      • + behavior:swipe-touch that is behavior:swipe but without mouse handling.
      • Fix of string.replace(regexp); // stdout.println("(518) 678-7654".replace(/[\\ \\+\\(\\)\\-]/g, ""));
      • fix of text-overflow:ellipsis rendering and tooltip handling.
      • "GBK" encoding name added (Windows Codepage: 936 (Simplified Chinese GBK)),
      • fix for paths containing national characters.
      • MENU_ITEM_CLICK event fix for the case when handler is blocked by modal dialog.
      • behavior: column-resizer is made more compatible with Windows ListView header behavior.
      • fix in flow:table-fixed;
      • fix of AV in Element.owner getter
      • behavior:htmlarea, behavior:richtext - support of triple clicks to select current paragraph.
      • new media variables:  has-touch-screen, has-touch-external, has-pen-screen, has-pen-external, has-multi-touch
      • [+plus] fix for names containing index [] accessors, see:

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 25-03-2015
      • flow:stack rendering order fix, see:,1693,1693
      • scroll / animated scroll handling fix
      • [tiscript, Date class]
        • + Date.utc(y,m,d,hh,mm,ss) -> UTC date constructor.
        • + Date.local(y,m,d,hh,mm,ss) -> local date constructor.
        • Fix of new Date(y,m,d,hh,mm,ss) case, it constructs date from UTC values now.
      • behavior:date, behavior:time, behavior:calendar get/set value handling fixes (timezone).
      • Fix of margin collapsing in flex containers.
      • String.match(RE-non-global) fix.
      • behavior:date , behavior:time, behavior:output support of timezone attribute.
      • fix of AV on erroneous rowspan, see:,1690,1690
      • [tiscript] case #undefined bug fix:,1684,1684
      • Fix of view.state = View.WINDOW_SHOWN after view.state = View.WINDOW_FULL_SCREEN
      • Element.request(), support of unofficial "text/json"
      • Fix of double Event.SELECT_SELECTION_CHANGED event generation in behavior:select and derivatives.
      • [windows] modal dialogs adjustment, one more attempt to make Delphi compatible modals.
      • [tiscript] support of conditional include, so this is supported now:
        include "sm.tis";
      • [API] SciterFireEvent, post mode fix.
      • [tiscript] split namespaces and bytecode loading compatibility.
      • :owns-popup fix for the case when element owns two popups - e.g. <select|dropdown> has list and tooltip shown at the same time.
      • <select|dropdown> manages :expanded state flag. When :expanded is on it indicates that popup list is present.
      • view.caption documented.
      • behavior:video , fix of animation restart after window show/hide
      • [behavior:form] Fix of checkbox undefined value handling,1627,1627
      • Fix of min-content issue, see:,1625,1625
      • GET_VALUE/SET_VALUE struct alignment fix
      • [tiscript] gc() function returns triplet (totalHeapSize, freeHeap, usedHeap) now. For the cases when you need mem-stats.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 08-03-2015
      • behavior:frameset, less controversial on-size handling.
      • behavior:column-resizer adjustment.
      • [tiscript] fix of Length.toFloat(units).
      • [animation] fix of script/scroll animation collision.
      • [tiscript] multiple namespace declarations with the same name are allowed from now and beyond.
        So these are OK now (in either order):
        namespace Noo { function foo() {} }
        namespace Noo { function bar() {} }

        Note: second namespace declaration can only extend (so add things) former one.
      • [sdk, behavior:tabs] fix of hidden/disabled tabs handling.
      • [SDK headers] removing obsolete declarations not used in S3.
      • [api] VALUE_PARAMS fix.
      • Fix of engine hanging in animation on slow hardware.
      • CRITICAL: [tiscript] AV in GC while heap expansion. Rare but still.
      • fix of input[type=decimal] value and <option value="12.1"> handling (decimal numbers parsing in values)
      • behavior:video -> videoBox() method - returns target rect of video output.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 28-02-2015
      • [osx] final @font-face fix.
      • scroll-manner:inherit ( default value ). This allows to define scroll manner for all scrollables in the document in single place. To disable animated scroll in all scrollables inside the document use this:
        html { scroll-manner: scroll-manner(animation:false); }
      • [html/xml parser] fix of <![CDATA[...]]> parsing.
      • fix of parameters escapement in Element.request(#get).
      • fix of select[editable], its value is always value of its <caption>.  
      • behavior:video, fix of switch of frame sources on the fly.
      • stock:cross-x; image + sdk/samples/css++/stock-images.htm - list of all stock images available at the moment.
      • fix of Element.postEvent() for some types of events.
      • [tiscript] System.exec() method.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 22-02-2015
      • [windows, http client] Content-Length handling.
      • [tiscript] fix of Stream.openFile() -> null for non-existent files.
      • fix of Element.onSize() callback generation in <frameset>'s panels.
      • fix of margin collapsing in "plain HTML" markups, see:
      • Default size of script heap is changed from 32mb to just 4mb.
      • [doc] + select-dropdown.htm
      • [select|dropdown] fix of get_value() for the case when select does not contain <option selected> by default.
      • [core] fix of error in handling URL that use non default port numbers.
      • [CSS] fix of  sel { aspect: A; aspect:B } handling (multiple declaration of the same property aspect).
      • include/sciter-x-window.hpp + sciter::application::argv() - getting command line.
      • [tiscript.exe] fix of angle literals compilation.
      • [doc,tiscript] + Angle.htm.
      • [osx] view.dialog {} + Element.request compatibility.
      • [osx] @font-face handling fix.
      • packfolder.exe, -dlang compatibility.
      • fix of column calculation issue in table[fixed].

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 13-02-2015
      • view.dialog { screen: N } and view.window { screen: N } - monitor selection for window to appear.
      • [value.hpp] + sciter::vfunc( std::function<...> ) support - use of C++ lambdas as native functions.
      • DOCUMENT_COMPLETE, -> string, URL of the document being complete.
      • [osx] View/Element.request(#get,params) fix.
      • [ddm] "blackhole" fix.
      • +promise/animate compatibility fix.
      • flow: "template", fix of display:inline-block calculations.
      • + samples/css++/flow-***.
      • [html/css] fix of url() parsing in style attribute.
      • [tiscript] functional (object/array) pattern matching by using like operator and switch statement:
        switch(obj) {
        like {one:Integer} : ....; break;
        like {one:Integer, two:#any} : ....; break;

        { one:1 } like {one:Integer} -> true;
      • [XP/GDI+] fix of HFONT leak in DestroyWindow(hwndSciter).
      • [Graphics] Graphics.strokeDash(#solid | #dotted | #dashed ) method.
      • [behavior:form] form.value = undefined; is an equivalent of form.reset() now.
      • [plus.tis] fix of class="name: expr" handling (space before/after :)
      • fix of initial caret appearance in dialog/inputs.
      • fix of scroll bar handling (native scrollbar) on root document of the window.
      • fix of VM ownership handling when multiple windows used.
      • view.dialog{...} creation fix
      • [CSS, box-shadow] fix of box-shadow inset handling.
      • fix of <select type="tree"> DOM handling.
      • fix of max-width: max-content; calculation for empty elements.
      • fix of "list-item-style:disk affects Graphics rendering" issue.
      • [tiscript] debug break; support - explicit break point in source code.
      • [CSS] overflow: auto scroll-manner(animate:false) to disable animated scroll in all modes.
      • Fix in [img/picture] handling @src in invisible state.
      • behavior:plaintext -> <plaintext> - initial implementation of plain text editor that handles better large documents. Work in progress. See: /samples/plaintext-editor/ demo.
      • [packfolder utility] updates:
        • -dlang switch support - produces D ubyte[] resource = {...} literal.
        • is not touching output file if resources were not changed. This speed ups compilation of projects that use it.
      • SciterProcND returns LRESULT(-1) from WM_CREATE if runtime fails to create instance of the engine (not enough memory).
      • plain C compatibility of SDK headers.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 18-01-2015
      • Documentation: started documenting built-in behaviors. See Sciter behaviors section in sdk/doc viewer.
      • + simple markdown to HTML converter, see samples/markdown
      • [Graphics] fix of element.paintXXXXXX = function(gfx) {} under transition:blend, see:,1366,1366
      • Fix of stack overflow on ::after/::before parsing, see:,1362,1362
      • [osx] Fix of shortcut labels in built-in menus;
      • Fix of attribute expanded interpretation in <select|tree>, see,1351,1351
      • [win] Proper WM_PRINTCLIENT handling on Sciter windows.
      • [osx] fix of Sciter.launch(url) when URL contains '&' inside.
      • context menus: text in items in built-in menus is wrapped into <label>...</label>, see next.
      • + sample sdk/samples/i18n/context-menu-translation.htm
      • Fix of dynamic change of lang attribute handling. Rarely used but still.
      • behavior:form, all elements with @name defined are getting into value map of behavior:form.
      • Fix of view.window() styles.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, linux/gtk64 02-01-2015
      • [inspector] fix of master CSS retrieval.
      • fix of view.dialog { params } call.
      • [osx] View.screenBox() fixes.
      • + sdk/demos/ulayered demo - layered (transparent) window that runs on all supported platforms.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, gtk64 26-12-2014

      3.2.X.X series adds Linux/GTK port of the Sciter. Note that while Windows and OS X ports are production ready and stable Linux port is in beta phase. On Linux Sciter uses GTK for windowing and Cairo as graphics backend.

      • + ulayered demo, universal (multi-platform) layered (transparent) windows.
      • fix of popup positioning on multihead systems, + sdk/samples/tooltips++/calltip-positioning.htm
      • + behavior:sticky-scroll; set it on scrollable elements containing text elements inside. It tries to keep currently seen text element inside scrollable view. Useful when scrollable container changes width and so relayout occurs. Another use case: text contains some remote images that arrive asynchronously.
      • + DataSocket implementation - duplex communication between two sciter engine instances. prerequisite to new inspector.  See: sdk/samples/communication/data-sockets/
      • WebSocket redesign using async IO controller ( no need for explicit socket.poll() call  ), see sdk/samples/comminication/web-sockets/
      • + sdk/demos/usciter - that's paraphrase of sciter.exe but in common for all platforms fashion.
      • textarea / input|text -> caret color fix on transparent backgrounds.
      • [win] view.dialog() and view.msgbox() are app modal by default (used to be parent modal)
      • view.dialog {  ... params... }; - yet another form of calling dialogs.
      • [tiscript] promise + promise.catch() and promise.finally() methods. See: sdk/samples/+promise/promise.tis.
      • [win] support view.window { type: View.POPUP_WINDOW } - creates window with WS_EX_TOPMOST
      • [tiscript runtime] + Bytes.fromString(), + bytes.md5() and bytes.crc32() methods.
      • + @font-face demo, FontAwesome, see: sdk/samples/font-@-awesome.
      • [win] support of UX (a.k.a. "unisex") master.css theme flavor. UX theme is a generic theme that is meant to look the same on different platforms (modulo fonts). UX theme is inspired by standard W7, XP and OSX themes with some Bootstrap influence.  To select the UX theme call SciterSetOption(NULL, SCITER_SET_UX_THEMING, TRUE) at startup. Or run sciter.exe with "ux-theming" parameter.
      • Ability to style tooltips in context of their owners:
        • button#some > popup[role="tooltip"]  { background:red; }. See: sdk/samples/tooltips++/tooltip-styling.htm
        • + Element.layoutParent and Element.owner properties. E.g. tooltip.owner allows to get access to the element that owns the tooltip.
      • View.request() is documented and demoed in sdk/samples/communication/file-download.htm and sdk/samples/communication/http.tis
      • Fix of VK_LEFT handling in menus.
      • fix of icon rendering in menu.context

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64, gtk64 22-11-2014
      • support of "nullable" selects: <select|dropdown novalue="...text...">
      • [osx] behaviour:file-icon is operational on OS X too.
      • html::emit_text_range() update when markup contains <img> elements - their @alt attribute gets emitted instead of the image.  This affects: behavior:htmlarea::copy functionality and Element.text functionality.
      • [win] fix of Direct2D font handling on Korean, Arabic and Hebrew locales.
      • fix of AV that may happen on GDI+ shutdown (used on XP)
      • fix of content clipping by round corners when overflow:hidden
      • fix of view.msgbox() dialog appearance.
      • fix of marquee (horizontal)
      • sciter::vfunc( native function ) is a wrapper that produces sciter::value from native function. See uminimal sample of how to return native API (collection of functions) to be called from script.
      • + sample, sdk/samples/xml/ - use of built-in XML parser.
      • [win] View.screenBox(#device), better display name
      • fix of stack overflow in flow:vertical-wrap containers having max-height: max-content;
      • url(sciter:...) schema. get resources used by sciter.dll, e.g. sciter:master.css, url(home://...) schema is used to get relative paths from folder where sciter.dll is located.
      • overflow:scroll-indicator rendering fix.
      • [win/osx] mouse hover handling on inactive sciter windows.
      • [win/osx] CTRL+SHIFT+I combination invokes inspector. Window shall be configured for debugging by calling SciterSetOption(hwnd,SCITER_SET_DEBUG_MODE, TRUE) and inspector32/64.dll shall exist in the same folder with executable.
      • <select|list>,  fix of mouse moves with main button pressed handling. Note: behavior is using FireFox flavor rather than Windows one.
      • Event.CONTENT_CHANGED fix, NOTE it is being sent to container rather than to the added / removed element.
      • [layout, css] better handling of word-wrap:break-word;
      • [osx] fix of "layered dialog is not receiving keyboard events"
      • + sample: sdk/samples/ideas/color-chooser (ported from S1), see:
      • [API] + SciterPostCallback API
      • [OSX] inspector64,dylib is operational on OS X.
      • [API] new element::fire_event(), generalization of  element::send/post_event()
      • fix of Element.scrollToView() for the case when element width exceeds view width.
      • [inspector] scintilla is replaced by the rainbow.
      • [Windows XP, uiautomation] uiautomationcore.dll existence is optional as WinXP does not have uiautomationcore.dll by default.
      • this://app/ URL schema support in sdk/include/sciter-x-host-callback.h  ( handled by sciter::archive associated with the app ), see uminimal sample.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 06-11-2014
      • static sciter lib support, available as sciter-win-32/64.lib and sciter-osx-32/64.a. Allows to link Sciter statically with the rest of the application.
      • support of sciter::archive's. sciter::archive is produced by sdk/bin/packfolder.exe that creates C/C++ literal (blob with compressed items) that can be used by archive::open() and archive::get(name) functions to extract items from it. sciter::archive allows to use the same resource pack uniformly across different platforms.
      • uminimal sample finalization. uminimal is an application that use the same native sources on multiple platforms.
      • +vlist, better current record handling. + documentation (in vlist.tis)
      • critical: fix of AV in clipboard-put-text implementation.
      • [win] by default layered windows use warp graphics layer.
      • Fix of Element.state.clear() method

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 02-11-2014
      • New and better way of doing virtual grids, see: sdk/samples/+vlist/vgrid.htm
      • support of vlist operation on fixed tables (enabling margins on rows in fixed tables)
      • + view.on("eventname", handler) and"eventname") methods - added for symmetry with Element.on/off methods. They allow multiple handlers to be set on view related events. See: sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/view-events.htm and View documentation.
      • + samples/dialogs+windows/view-positioning-modes.htm sample
      • enabling tooltips on inactive windows. If needed tooltips can be disabled on inactive (not in focus) windows by script (handling and consuming Event.MOUSE_IDLE).
      • fix of Element.on("event","selector", func) matching in some cases.
      • [css] expandable, tiled sections rendering adjustment, see: sdk/samples/css++/expandable-tiling.htm
      • [css] new feature: foreground-color and foreground-gradient. foreground-color is a color of foreground layer. It is drawn on top of other element layers so the only reasonable color values are the ones defined by rgba() - semi-transparent colors. ATTN: "solid" rgb() foreground-colors will overdraw everything on the element making it non readable.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 25-10-2014
      • [CSS] New 'visibility:none' feature (new value of existing visibility property). Conceptually visibility:none and display:none both have exactly the same effect. The only difference is that you can safely switch 'visibility:none' <-> 'visibility:visible' in runtime. And this will not affect display model of the element (not all elements are display:block's normally!). See: samples/css++/visibility-none.htm sample.
      • [DDM] various fixes and additional sample.
      • New Event.MEDIA_CHANGED and self.on("mediachanged", function() {...}) - generated when media changes (N of screens, colors, etc.)
      • new property Element.state.screen - returns № of screen (monitor) where the element is rendered.
      • fix of mem leak when assigned! is used in CSS (legacy HTMLayout CSSS! feature)
      • New sample: Code Colorizer + Rainbow JavaScript colorizing engine written by Craig Campbell, ported to Sciter.  See: samples/code-colorizer/demo.htm
      • [tiscript] new String.splice() method, mimics Array.splice().
      • new sample: sdk/samples/tooltips++/dynamic-tooltip.htm
      • fix of Element.coulmnX(col) method against flow:vertical-wrap;, see : sdk/samples/ideas/column-dividers.htm
      • [html parser] HTML5 in HTML4 compatibility mode: spans overlapping like <em>one <b>two</em> three</b>
      • [tiscript] new RegExp.positions(index):(start,end) method.
      • [osx] better system font weight handling on OSX Yousemite.
      • fix of textarea { display:block; height:min-content; } handling (auto expanding multiline input)
      • samples/+vlist optimizations and new sample - support of live updates, see: sdk/samples/+vlist/demos/test-recordset-live-update.htm
      • view.doEvent() works now even when ::IsWindowVisible(_hwnd) -> true. Use view.state != view.WINDOW_HIDDEN in script if that condition is required.
      • New tray-notifications sample : sdk/samples/ideas/tray-notifications/demo.htm .
      • Element.animate() supports now endFun: Element.animate(stepFun[, endFun][, duration]).
      • Element.on() and are documented. These are aliases of Elment.[un]subcribe() functions.
      • Element.move() fixes/changes:
        • auto inscribe to screen box is disabled for #detached-window elements.
        • Element.popup() & tooltips & popups -  auto inscribe works as before.
      • dialogs+windows/screen.htm sample fix.
      • [html parser] support of custom HTML entities like &COMPANY-NAME; and the way of defining it using <!ENTITY name "value"> constructs. See entity samples in test-cases/parser/: e.g. test-cases/parser/good-entity-decl.htm. Together with <include> it allows to inject custom text at parse/load time.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 12-10-2014
      • new behavior sample : native external behavior:camera - capturing camera video stream. Demo of VIDEO_BIND_RQ, see: sdk/include/behaviors/behavior_camera_capture.cpp and sdk/samples/video/video-camera-behavior.htm
      • [CSS] fix of width:max-content interpretation in popups with flow:horizontal.
      • fix of calculation of inline elements.
      • [DDM] fixes and update: sdk\samples\drag-n-drop-manager\ddm.tis , before/after and ddm.remove()/ddm.cancel() methods.
      • view.doEvent(#untilMouseUp) , exits now from the loop when capture element changes.
      • fix of uxthemes double cleaning.
      • speed up of layered window updates.
      • making aniimations more smooth.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 05-10-2014
      • [win] fix of animation restart on layered windows.
      • [win,high-dpi]
        • font:system proper sizing
        • line-height handling fix
        • layered demo, high-dpi aware.   
      • additionally handles #position & #dimension now.
      • [CSS] line height calculation fix
      • [focus,scrolling] fix of click handling on display:inline elements. See: test-cases/scrolling/scroll-to-inline.htm
      • [drawing] fix of outlines drawing with opacity set.
      • background-size:cover | contain adjustment
      • [layout] flow:horizontal with position:absolute children/ fix of intrinsic calculation.
      • [layout] fix of flow:vertical-wrap | vertical-flow; intrinsic size calculations.
      • [osx] font sizing fixes.
      • [+vlist] fix of vlist.value = {new record source}; case.
      • [CSS fix] width:max-content handling with max-width: XXpx; children;  

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 28-09-2014
      • behavior:menu fixes.
      • [osx] better font-size handling.
      • [tooltips] are enabled now on disabled elements.  
      • [windows] potential memory leak in IAccessible implementation
      • [osx] on DPI change event handling.
      • [layout] AV related to empty <span>s with text-wrap: none;
      • [osx] custom frame windows, <caption> support
      • Additional parameter in Element.belongsTo(,,includingThis: true | false)
      • [windows] Fix of "WM_TIMERs suppressed by WM_ANIMATEs", test-case: test-cases/animations/animation+timer.htm, see,1204,1208
      • [layout] fix of position:relative under vertical-align.
      • fix of behaviors loading on dialogs created from other dialogs.
      • [osx] view.doEvent(#untilMouseUp) fix;
      • [SVG] <SVG> may contain arbitrary HTML elements inside. See: sdk/samples/svg/svg-embedded-html.htm. NOTE: this is non standard SVG behavior.
      • [CSS, transform] fix of transform rules ordering. NOTE: can be a breaking change if you use 'rotate' together with 'translate' in the same definition.
      • [windows] +WS_CLIPCHILDREN on dialogs and windows.
      • [windows] layered windows & popups - drawing optimization.
      • Fix of Graphics.pushLayer( Graphics.Path ) case. Thanks to Lucas

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 15-09-2014
      • [windows, themes] Fix of color:scrollbar color handling.
      • [inspector] fix of hang up on UI being permanently updated.
      • + sample: sdk/samples/animations-transitions-css/infinite.htm - infinite animation demo.
      • fix of "scroll speed degradation" introduced in
      • [+vlist] update: vlist.value = null; handling
      • Fix of possible AV related to Element.unsubscribe().
      • rect-tracker demo refactoring. It uses paintForeground handler to draw selection rect. See: samples/ideas/rect-tracker/
      • [osx] fix of MOUSE_DOWN handling on popups;

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 06-09-2014
      • + new sample: sdk/samples/ideas/graph-ed - sketch of graphics editor.
      • +vlist sample - VirtualList - list bound with recordset array using observers. See: samples/+vlist and samples/+vlist/demos
      • [tiscript] Object/observer feature optimization.
      • [Windows] fix of Event.MOUSE_DCLICK event generation on popup windows.
      • [layout, position:relative] fix of possible AV.
      • [css] fix of background gradient inheritance and declaration handling.
      • [api] Sciter_v2V and Sciter_V2v are back.
      • bin/tiscript.exe -c ( compilation ) fix, writing duration and angle literals.
      • [tscript/sciter] GC related fixes.
      • [masked-edit] Fix of <input|date> key handling
      • [websockets] fix of websockets implementation to conform autobahn tests, see samples/websockets/autobahn-test.htm
      • [Win 8.1] Fix of initial DPI settings for a window.
      • Fix of external resource reloading by using ::SciterLoadFile("http://....");
      • + [CSS] text-overflow:path-ellipsis; - path ellipsis implementation is back.
      • [moved element] zindex correction
      • <select|list> VK_LEFT/VK_RIGHT/VK_DOWN/VK_UP handling in flow: horizontal-wrap | vertical-wrap layouts.
      • fix of @readonly interpretation in compound inputs (input|number, date, time, etc.)

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 10-08-2014
      • + view.clipboard(#put, image), see sdk/samples/graphics/test-dynamic-background.htm
      • + sample: /samples/ideas/browse-folder/, custom file open dialog, check sdk/samples/ideas/browse-folder/test.htm
      • New parameter 'unrestricted' in Element.scrollTo(  ... , unrestricted: true | false).
      • [Win] better (smoother) animations.
      • [tiscript] tiscript.exe -c (compilation) fix (angle and duration literals)
      • [sciter,tiscript] CRITICAL: GC, fix of "BrokenHeart" issue on posted callbacks
      • [IME] fix in behaviors:expandable-list and collapsible-list
      • [osx] FRAME_TYPE fixes ( View.window(), view.dialog() )
      • [osx] fix of AV while tooltip handling.
      • [RTL + text-overflow:ellipsis] fix of LTR runs rendering.
      • Fix @resizeable interpretation in custom frame windows.
      • [scrollbars], overflow: ... scroll-manner() and better custom styling + examples, see: sdk/samples/scrollbars-n-scrolling
      • [osx] View.doEvent(#wait), fix
      • [tiscript] Fix of "duplicate declaration error" issue.
      • [CSS,layout] fix of position:relative inside table cells.
      • [CSS,transform] incorrect "clipping",1106,1114
      • Fix of "0px shadow" issue :,1109,1109
      • [rtl] @novalue fix
      • [rtl] caret positioning in inputs.
      • CRITICAL: Fix, on some systems (GDI+ and on some W8) test-cases/flow/long-string.htm test case may produce wrong rendering.
      • fix of focus handling in <select|list>, see,1095,1095
      • fix of "svg image loosing bits when glass applied"
      • input|text , drawing selection when the input is not in focus.
      • posted set_focus() fix. It might lead to AV if it was invoked on deleted element.
      • fix of secondary window + external resource loading.
      • "1px off width problem" in background no-repeat images.
      • +lib fix of Function.once().
      • [CSS] fix of erroneous flow:grid handling ( no left/top defined on children )
      • fix of possible AV on degenerate (having no children) flow:grid or "template" element
      • fix of Element.subscribe("change") handling, see:,1085,1085

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 19-07-2014
      • [API, sdk headers] aux-slice.h, fix of aux::const_wchars("literal") construct.  
      • fix Element.postEvent("click") and Element.postEvent("change") implementations.
      • GTK/Linux/GCC compatibility of H-SMILE core.
      • fix of "sciter hangs when it tries to get non-existent "res:menu-edit.html"
      • [API] fix of handle_timer/on_timer generation in external behaviors.
      • Rollback of "degenerate negative margins" handling.
      • Multi-head systems support: View.screen, View.screens, View.screenBox methods - screen size and multihead support from script. See: sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/screens.htm and documentation.
      • [video] fix of VIDEO_BIND_RQ event/request generation.
      • [PNG with alpha] fix of pre-multiplication formula - better color space matching. See:,1081,1081
      • [OSX] fix, changing window size by view.move(x,y,w,h), Test case: sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-view-sizing.htm

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 13-07-2014
      • [video] new sample: sdk/samples/video/video-controls.htm - small scripting behavior that provides video playback controls.
      • [video] <video> - support of arbitrary video frame sources. Host application can render custom video streams using <video> infrastructure. See sciter-x-video-api.h, note: experimental !
      • [CSS] negative margins support is back (supported by S1 and HL), see /sdk/samples/animations-transitions-css/margin-animation.htm
      • [CSS] sounds while animation support is back (supported by S1 and HL), see /sdk/samples/animations-transitions-css/margin-animation.htm
      • Fix of text-align:right rendering (1px shift issue).
      • [CSS transition] support of non-numeric properties animation, like: display, visibility, etc.
        Such properties use step morpher:
        morphed( progress, initialVal, finalVal ) { return progress > 0.0 ? finalVal : initialVal; }
        where progress is number in range 0.0 ... 1.0.
      • [OSX] support of Far East languages.
      • [textarea] fix of the empty line issue:,1063,1066
      • [OSX] fix of window screen position calculation on multi head systems.
      • Element.animation(func, duration) fix for the case when duration is a duration data type.
      • [DDM] drag-n-drop manager fixes, DDM has been moved to /sdk/samples/drag-n-drop-manager.
      • Element.request(), fix of timeout in Element.request(,#get,"res:***")  (local res: resource).
      • Element.bindImage(url [,img]) implemented and documented.
      • animated GIF/animated PNG, fix for some images.
      • [Windows] fix of window state handling (SHOWN/HIDDEN), restart animations when SHOWN.
      • [behavior:slider] API tune up, see <input|vslider>, <input|hslider> in documentation.
      • [svg] fix of visibility:hidden elements rendering.
      • [API] adjustment:  BEHAVIOR_EVENT_PARAMS::reason is declared as UINT_PTR to be able to pass pointer on it in x64 version. ATTENTION: requires rebuild of sciter host application.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 06-07-2014
      • <video> - basic video playback support. Documntation is in help browser, samples are in sdk/samples/video/ folder. On Windows Sciter uses DirectShow infrastructure to play videos windowlessly.
      • one more sample in /tooltips++/ folder. Tooltip Behavior, tooltips management.

      Builds: win32, win64 01-07-2014

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 30-06-2014
      • [CSS3] support of background-size: cover | contain. See: sdk/samples/css3/background-size.htm sample
      • [animation] fix of cpu high load in some circumstances.
      • [Windows, IME] fix of IME input issue:,1037,1037
      • [http/networking] fix of remote rsource download handling.
      • [layout] fix of <select|dropdown> and <select|list> computations when first <option></option> is empty.
      • [plus] [plus] fix of bound repeatable, item deletion sample from
        <b click="items.remove(i)">&times;</b> to
        <b click="items.removeByValue(item)">&times;</b>
      • [OSX] + some missed standard cursors.
      • [script/dom] fix, prevention of calling Behavior.attached() on unload.
      • [script/dom] Element.loadImage(url, callback) is back.
      • [CSS] fix of background-position: 50% 50% inheritance interpretation.
      • [api] SciterGetVM() API is back.
      • [richtext] psupport of plain text pasting.
      • [richtext] fix of AV when ENTER is pressed and selection spans multiple DOM elements.
      • [richtext] support images pasted from clipboard.

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 21-06-2014
      • [SVG] mouse hit testing and behaviors, see; sdk/samples/svg/inline-svg-hit-testing.htm
      • [Graphics.Text] new chars property to change text layout text after creation, see sdk/samples/graphics/digital-clock.htm
      • [Win,D2D] Fix of memory leak in Graphics.Text() constructor.
      • view.dialog() and <html custom-frame="layered | solid | solid-with-shadow"> variations. See: sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-dialog.htm
      • [SDK] making headers C++98 (VS2005/2008) friendly.
      • [OSX] fix of AV when app starts not from main screen;
      • view.doEvent(), new mode - #untilMouseUp. Spins event dispatching loop until MOUSE_UP event. Used in various mouse drag scenarios. See: sdk/samples/ideas/moveable-windows;
      • [osx] compatibility of source code with 32-bit targets;
      • [layout] flow:stack, fix of children layout calculation:,1032,1032

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 16-06-2014

        basic SVG support in Sciter:

        • the engine supports loading as HTML documents as SVG documents using SciterLoadFile.
        • SVG documents can be loaded in <frame>s.
        • Embedded <svg> "islands" are supported, access to their content by using standard Element interface.
        • SVG can be used in <img> and fore/background-image in CSS.
        • SVG fragments are supported by using named <view>s.
        • See samples in sdk/samples/svg
      • Fix of VK_SPACE and VK_RETURN handling in buttons and hyperlinks.
      • [OSX] fixes of issues with popups on multihead systems.
      • Element.move(), fix of the case when the element has paddings/borders.
      • JSONT is backported from S1. See : sdk/samples/ideas/jsont

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 05-06-2014
      • fix of custom CSS attributes side effect against CSS aspects.
      • [win,osx] platform media vars, see samples/tests/os-type.htm
      • [win,GDI+] fix of gradient background rendering with border-radius set.
      • View.msgbox - requests "res:msgbox.htm" through SC_LOAD_DATA mechanism, so message box template can be customized by the host app.
      • [DDM] fix for the case when draggables are being added dynamically. See: /samples/ideas/drag-n-drop-manager/button-list.htm
      • scroll-indicator is styleable now, see: sdk/samples/css++/scroll-indicator.htm
      • Element.move(), new modes: Element.move(..., #auto | #attached-window | #detached-window ), see documentation and /samples/moveable-windows sample.
      • [osx] Fix of setting Elment.value;

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 19-05-2014 Sciter 3.1 supports now as Windows as Mac OS X.


      • Windows version is in stable phase (I didn't change core implementation too much).
      • Mac OS X is in beta phase with following known issues so far:
        • Work on master.css (default OS theme styling) is not complete yet. Expect some abnormalities in standard input renderings.
        • HTTP/HTTPS client is not complete yet so Element.request() calls (a.k.a. AJAX) will fail on http:// urls.

      Note, API changes:

      • sciter.dll and sciter-osx.dylib expose single function SciterAPI() that returns pointer to "API interface table" - structure that contains all functions that used to be exposed directly in Sciter 3.0. Among other things this allows to use inspector.dll from statically linked Sciter code and to load Sciter DLL with greater flexibility. See SAPI() loader function.
      • All old API functions are implemented as inlines, like:
        inline LPCWSTR SCAPI SciterClassName () { return SAPI()->SciterClassName(); }
        so it is enough to recompile existing applications in order to use new API.
      • Mac OSX version does not have SciterProcND() for obvious reasosns, use SciterCreateWindow() instead, it willl create Sciter's NSView instance inside its own NSWindow.
      • SciterCreateWindow() works on Windows too. You can use it to create standalone Sciter windows.

      Fixes from latest ( version:

      • Fix of Event.x/yRoot computation
      • CSS++, mapping: left-to-right( alignment ), switches text-align:left to text-align:right and also does this for horizontal-align. It does NOT switch text-align:start | end; values.
      • Fix of text-overflow: ellipsis in GDI+ mode.
      • view.dialog() fix of custom frame, "resizeable" interpretation.
      • GDI+, rounded border rendering fix.
      • [tiscript, regexp] infinite loop on some types of REs in string.split(re).
      • [+plus] glibc++ compatibility fixes.
      • <img> fix of border rendering (default styling issue)
      • better shutdown handling (fonts)

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64 25-04-2014
      • [sample,fix] sdk\samples\ideas\drag-n-drop-manager fixes and new sample;
      • Element.capture() supports "soft" and "strict" mouse even capturing, see documentation;
      • Fix of rendering speed degradation in layered windows.
      • Fix of IAccessible support in sciter64.dll
      • <select|tree> fix of horizontal bar appearance on long items;
      • [new sample] json-viewer in /samples/custom-inputs/json-viewer;
      • Preventing AV in Element.contentPaint in some circumstances.
      • GDI+ Graphics.Text rendering
      • Fix of layered window root scrollbar issue.
      • animation, fix of WM_ANIMATE event generation image animator when image gets removed by CSS.
      • [GDI] Graphics.line() implementation.
      • [tiscript fix] const (A,B) = ...; support, in the same way as var (A,B) = ...;
      • [new sample] sdk/samples/popup/callout-bubble.htm sample
      • [S1 compatibility] view.activated event generation.
      • <img> fix of border rendering (default styling issue)
      • better shutdown handling (fonts)
      • [tiscript, regexp] fix of infinite loop on some types of REs in string.split(re).
      • [GDI] rounded border rendering fix.
      • view.dialog() fix of custom frame, "resizeable" interpretation.
      • [GDI] Fix of text-overflow: ellipsis in GDI+ mode.
      • CSS++, mapping: left-to-right( alignment ), switches text-align:left to text-align:right and also does this for horizontal-align property. It does NOT switch text-align:start | end; values.
      • Fix of Event.x/yRoot computation

      Builds: win32, win64 12-04-2014
      • [API] Fix of : SciterGetExpando returns "undefined".
      • Fix: behavior::attached() being called for DOM element being remove()'ed.
      • Fix, <select|dropdpwn> copying attributes to <caption> from selected <option>( That feature was working in HTMLayout )
      • [tiscript] fix of AV when class name is used as a function call.
      • [tiscript] Object.className, Class.className and Namespace.className properties support.
      • Fix of view.msgbox() for sdk/samples/dialogs+windows/test-msgbox.htm , dialog #4.
      • [WinXP,GDI+] Fix of non-desired border effects in GDI+ image stretching.
      • [WinXP] fix of <select type="dropdown"> rendering.
      • Fix of thread handle leak in:  sdk/include/sciter-x-threads.h -> ::CloseHandle(hThread);
      • Fix of AV that may happen on text-overflow:ellipsis in some cases.
      • [formation] fix in formation.tis implementation.
      • Fix of AV on WS_CHILD sciter window when no document is loaded.
      • Fix of text-overflow:ellipsis rendering with non-default line-height.
      • [API, new] json::value/native_functor  is callable by;
      • [tiscript] fix of test-cases/tiscript/hashmap.htm case (symbol table overflow).
      • Fix of arithmetic overflow in scrollbars (large ranges), see:
      • Fix of AV in Sciter DLL shutdown when preccess exits with no windows created.
      • Handling rules in @media sections when DPI changes. Sections like @media ( resolution <= 96 ) {... }, @media ( resolution > 96 && resolution <= 200 ) {... }  are triggered dynamically when the window receives WM_DPICHANGED message.

      Builds: win32, win64 19-05-2014 Sciter 3.1 supports now as Windows as Mac OS X.


      • Windows version is in stable phase (I didn't change core implementation too much).
      • Mac OS X is in beta phase with following known issues so far:
        • Work on master.css (default OS theme styling) is not complete yet. Expect some abnormalities in standard input renderings.
        • HTTP/HTTPS client is not complete yet so Element.request() calls (a.k.a. AJAX) will fail on http:// urls.

      Note, API changes:

      • sciter.dll and sciter-osx.dylib expose single function SciterAPI() that returns pointer to "API interface table" - structure that contains all functions that used to be exposed directly in Sciter 3.0. Among other things this allows to use inspector.dll from statically linked Sciter code and to load Sciter DLL with greater flexibility. See SAPI() loader function.
      • All old API functions are implemented as inlines, like:
        inline LPCWSTR SCAPI SciterClassName () { return SAPI()->SciterClassName(); }
        so it is enough to recompile existing applications in order to use new API.
      • Mac OSX version does not have SciterProcND() for obvious reasosns, use SciterCreateWindow() instead, it willl create Sciter's NSView instance inside its own NSWindow.
      • SciterCreateWindow() works on Windows too. You can use it to create standalone Sciter windows.

      Fixes from latest ( version:

      • Fix of Event.x/yRoot computation
      • CSS++, mapping: left-to-right( alignment ), switches text-align:left to text-align:right and also does this for horizontal-align. It does NOT switch text-align:start | end; values.
      • Fix of text-overflow: ellipsis in GDI+ mode.
      • view.dialog() fix of custom frame, "resizeable" interpretation.
      • GDI+, rounded border rendering fix.
      • [tiscript, regexp] infinite loop on some types of REs in string.split(re).
      • [+plus] glibc++ compatibility fixes.
      • <img> fix of border rendering (default styling issue)
      • better shutdown handling (fonts)

      Builds: win32, win64, osx64